HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-07-24, Page 4ST CENTRA: ATTORP, 0' Pali Tenn from Sept. 1st* The best Commercial Sab:oo1 in the province. Our courses are 'thor- ough and practical while ,our iii• structors are better than you will find elsewhere. We do more, for our students than other ; similar schools do. Our rates are reason- able, Writo for our free Catalogue and see what we can do for you, D.A.. McLachlan, Princip a ANADIAN ricesIc HOMESEEKEi�it�7, EXCURSION S MANTTOSA; ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday October .270; i..1ssin. Winnipeg and Return - - $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 Prom Toronto,' read Stations Wickes., North oe Toronto. proportionate mesa Aroma Stations Sagged Toronto. )Chaos ">r.Belt eto montiuk ( from Cana ran Pacific Slim as OCEAN s writ* � cam csua$isa E'ad5e � y� «. amts L. G—. MURPHY. D.P.A.; C.P. ilA otato. Free Ladies and Gents Watches Ruts, Bracelets and Jewelry of Every escription, Lace Curtains, Riids, ouse Furnishind,Rifles, MovingI'ic- ure Machine, Skates, Printing Press - s, Fountain Pens, in fact nearly verythnid you can think of you can et Ahoslutely Free for selling . our. eautiful Fancy Drawn and Satin trippedhandkerchiefs at - 10 cents aeh. They sell rapidly 6 can goner- Ily_ be sold in every house, Don't 'end as any money, but write us to end you a Iot of Handkerchiefs to ell, that when sold you will send us he money and the premium selected telling 24 handkerchieff entitled you your choice of an elegant ' Watch, gold Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc. 'trite us to -day, we trust you and eke back the goods if you cannot sell • nem. INOLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL LEGAL CARDS. ROUDPOOT RAYS. St KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoob. K. C. R. 0. 'Hays. " J. L. Killoran, W. Proudfoot Jr. BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. ' Sittig - RetiOn guaranteed or no pay. Terms lasdnable.' Orders left at this office ill be promptly attended to. DREW P, HESS, FIRE IN,g URAN- 0o agenb, representing. the London, Economical, Waterloo, iVM'onareh, Stand ird, Wellington and Guardian. Every-' fhinl in fire insurance Dashwood II - Barber Shop Wednesday n every 'Wednesday afternoon; and evening. Saturday 1 len every Saturday, .allday; and i evening,` THOS.' ELLi.I' PP, Proprietor. t !a. de Van s Pe>tinialte . Pith teuab'o I'r ooh reeldatar. now? feiiis. theerr . e -e h,.,„_ rv. e " .Z Yrnr-ep :. c` i. . �k• 4 ''I .SHOO DASHWOOD Severalfrona here attended the Seaforth t'.acos last week. 11'Iiss Addie Brown of Thedfoxd Spent a few clays at her home last'. week. Mr,. P. Mcisaac is busy.. this week building up telephone lines. Miss Paterson is spending, her holi- days with her friend Miss E. M, Eel Lerman. Mies Lillian ilartleib attended the funeral of the late Maude Besterd at London on Saturday. Miss Besterd J. Bennewies M. P. for South formerly lived on the Goshen Line. Perth, visited at the King Geerge on Sunday. Work of constructing the cement' blocks for the town Hall will .bestart- ed shortly. HE TSALI'x Mrs, MeL Snaith is in iipoan visit ing her father Dr, gossick. Dr. S. Coulter of Toledo, Ohio ` is home visiting his parents. Mrs. Douglas, of Blake, is here , vis- icing her mother Mrs. Dick. Miss IVI. Boehler of, Hamilton, is; the guest of the Misses Carlin. Miss Leach, of Ailsa Craig, is the guest of 'her sister Mrs. Abe Case. Mrs. Cawthorpe, of , Tayistoe'k, is here visiting her mother Mrs. Dick. Three out of four pupils from the our school who wrote for the high school entrance have passed with high marks. Master Raymond Calfas had the misfortune on Monday, to fall his bicycle and break his arm. It will lay )aim up for some time. Word has been received from in- spector Tom that the eleven candidat- es who wrote on the entrance exams from Dashwood school were all suc- cessful, which speaks very highly of the teacher in charge, had in impart ing to them the necessaoy knowledge. It hoped Mr. Henry may be induc- ed for some time to come. BLAKE Mr'. W. H. Talbot sold a valuable horse to Mr. John Parka of the Gosh- en Line, last week. Misses Mayme and Myrtle Keys intend leaving for the West next Thursday. • Mr. Robt. Allan was a guest at the home of Mr. W. J. Steyenc. Sunday last:• Mr. E. Keys of Shipka spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. W. H. Talbot. Mr. W. H. Talbot, our, local thresher, has bought from Messrs IZlump and Kellerman of Dashwood, the bean threshing outfit and will thresh with it on his own route. Other farmers that want the outfit, will be run with a gasoline engine. Any one that has beens to thresh, will do well to see Mr, Talbot, The Blake Women's Institute held two very successful meetings recently The June meeting took place at the home of Mrs. R. N. Douglas; a good program: Reading by Mrs. E. Ester and Mrs. Wm. Douglas; phonograph selection by Mrs. R. N. Douglas; songs and Instrumental music by Mrs. H. Zapfe, Mrs.uJ. Parks and Mrs. G. F. Freckleton. On July 2nd, at the home of Mrs. Peter Capling; Miss E. Cowling of Toronto, the. Government Delegate, gave an interesting address on "Art in the home"' also "Dental Hygiene and its relation to health." A vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs. Wm. Douglas seconded by 11Irs. John Manson to Miss Cowling. Lunch was served by the members at the close of -hue meeting; BRUCEFIELD Miss Gertie Granger visited friends in Goderieh last week. Mrs. John Swanand daughter, Mabel, are visiting Goderich friends. Miss Jessie Akenhead has been en- gaged to teaoh at Baird's school dur- ing the coming season. Dr. Gibson, of Sault St. Marie, is visiting at the horse of Mrs. John Gibson, near town. Miss Campbell of Londesboro, has been engaged to teach in the public school west of town. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees and daughter, Helen, of 13owrnanville, re visiting friends here. VAR.NA Mrn;:Jones; of Michigan, is visiting er sister, Mrs, John Wanless, tvhorih' he ha not seen for 31 years. This isit is a happy;aoason to .both of hem, The 'Methodist congregation of the xoshen and .Varna ehurehee were .in- ited by the ICfppen Methodist ladies o a free tea that wasserved on the; hurohlawn, Kippen, on . Thursday vorling. Quit a few Visitors as they • were gassing throtigb the'village in cats lave called to seethe fox- fano of 4Ir. S. Wanless darling the last few r r a°cele, , 11i nch: r �� tnzr, t is stinrti it iar hr. iinb ,lieeinielrs, "yor'nz� anti KIPPEN Last week Mr. Wesley Harvey made a good sale of his large crop of beans held over from lasttyear. Rev. J. Richardson and wife ' wvlio have been spending a months, holi- days here have returned home. Miss Bertha McKenzie. of Toronto is spending a few days holidays ' at her parents honae. Mr. Herbert Whiteman of Toronto. is spending a few days withhis par- ents Mr. and Mrs. John Whiteman of this village. 11rr. Wm. Moore of this village with the aid of his brother James of Hen- sall is putting up a nice new barn. r- DOES IT MATTER'? Doss Ix Maw= bo you that of all the leen, women and children who die each year in Canada one in seven is a victim of (consumption ? Doss IT M&TTan that one in every three of these is out off in the full glow of life, with plans and hopes and loves that must be given up? Dons IT MATTER that a few persons have joined hands and within a few short years have eyed thousands of these unhappy aures and can save them all if only .there ih a little more help and a littlo more meney.7'' Perhaps it does.i'b matter. It is all very interesting but it is no immediate concern of yours.�) BUT O LD IT MATTER if instead of entering someboUy else's home and carry- ing off their loved ones, Consumption came into your home and laid its hand on the one you love the best in all the world WOCLD IT .MATTER then if you saw yew husband, wife, child or friend dying furlacl of-alittlo bit of the money some other fellow was throwing away ? WOULD Ir rel ATTss when Christmas cams if there were nothing for you to do but sit on the edge of the bed and stroke the white hand en the coverlet and realize that GM: was the last Christmas? This is how much ib matters in thousand; of homes in Canada this year and win con time to matter until enough people like y -u best the burden and feel how crushing it is. Ib nom matter—it is the most important ,thing in the life of some unfortunate sufferer --what you do with the attached rorm; the llMusicoka .Fres Has- onsaemptaves continue its ijasavinp work I gladly enclose t Sumo/ $. .... Noose Address Address (,0 will prvldoznanttna,ceOraweek 400 will pay for four weeks. 1330.00 will endow a bod for a year. ince the need is such a permanent t ono, .t should also like to subscribe OIy. Register my name accord, eantrlbatlon, nuy l,e trot to W, 3. nags., Et , 8d 3p»din» Awa, Taranto, of W 12, �unLnr 9ca.•Trens. Nation»I`baai. t ditna A,wcl,a .11 3f7.Bing a W., Tosntito. T ERST What if this were p i An anxious, grief•ebrieken mttp6er sp., pealed to us rec®nbly. She w> : "I haver non glftaeon has taberooiosis fn this g. the meads to give him t e its, tame, . The doctor* say that cam and att ntailn;lr ►ere fs every' ; .. , t . ab he might fully recover: I would very thankful if he couldbe admitted to the Muskoka Free Hospital if possible." &nape° that your son or your daughter -were a consumptive. Suppose that he or she were pale and waged and shaken bp a hacking, strength -sapping cough. Kap- pose that you; hadn't the money to previt e the badly' -needed medicine, nourishment, and 'skilled medical treatment. Think what a blessed relief'ib would be to yo'it °bo know that the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives stands ready to help Contributions to the Muskoka Prep Hos- pita! for Consumptives will be gratefully ucknowtedged by W. J. Gage, Chairman Executive Committee, 84 p 8 adina Avenue, or A. Dunbar, Secretary - Treasurer. 347 Ring Street West, Toronto.. R®digul Jr. Percheron Stallion No. (4354,) 74773; This stallion will be at Dominion House stable every Thursday after- noon till Friday at noon, at, any other time will stand at his , iiwn stable,. St.Joseph, Napoleon A. Cantin, This 'horse for servioe at both planes. For particulars,'apply to manager or prop. BEN CHARETTE manager • N, A. C4NTIN proprietor �R: E. 13. BALFOUR, graduate Western' University, late of the Military Hospital and Victoria Hospital, London. Office in the building formerly occupied by the late Dr.McLaughlin, Dashwood. �R A. J. MacKINNON late house Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, 1Vlanhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyclinio Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. Henry Bossenberry Licensed Auctioneer. iron, Middlesex and Lampton. Satisfaction guaranteed, Dashwood, Ontario. Dates arranged at the office Contractors We are ready to figure on your Mason Contracts and Cement Work For next season. No contracts to large and too small to receive tui careful attention. • LOUIS WEBER, Zurich CHAS. MEYERS, Blake. BLAKE CIIOPPEI I will be operating the Blake. Chopping Mill every Tuesday and Friday, until further notice. Have a first class grind- er, and will guarantee good r !sults. JACOB ZIPPER BLAKE - ONT. Farm For Bale? T am receiving numerous enquiries respecting Huron County Farm Lands. • °;--�--- if you want to sell I will assist you with an advertising campaign that will bring buyers to our favored County. • No Buyer No Charge Call, write or phone for particulars. R ZELLER, C,: nvevarra&, Real Estate. r , LIT OMESEEKE,RS ENc1RSfONs. Points on the TEMISKAIVIING & NORTHE lvf` ONTARIO RY., Haileybury and Northern Ontario: Flom all points in Ontario anduebec on the ® C -}ran d, Trunk and C. P. Rys., -except West of Chalk River and north to Parry Sound on the C. P. R. Tickets at especially reduced rates, good going June andvalid for return until June 20th.. See your - nearest railway Agent for full particulars, or apply to A. J. Parr, - G.F.A., T. & N.O. Rlys, North Bay, Ont. • WESTERN FAIR LONDON, CANADA - Ontario's • Popular Exhibition September 11 to 19, 1914 INCREASED PRIZE LIST Magnificent Programe ofAttractions. Two Speed Events Daily. New Fireworks Every Night. COME AND SEE The Dominion Experimental Farm Exhibit and The Canadian Royal Dragoons. Reduced Railway Rates Commencing Sept. 11th. Special Excursion Days, Sept. 15, 16, 17th, All Tickets good till Sept. 21st ALL INFORMATION PROM THE SECRETARY W. J. Reid, pres. A. M. H • nt. secy. The Cost of Living) ADVERTISING turns over stocks rapidly, and therefore "muntiplies pro- fits. This means that prices in a shop which advertises con be short rather than long. Of this you may be sure: Prices in a shop which adyertises are not MORE than in a shop which does not advertise. The chances are that they are oftentimes lower. - This, also, is generally true: You will find better goods, better values ann better service in those shops whiph turn over their stocks rapidly, This means, as a general thing, shops which advertise. A NOTE TO MERCHANTS Advertising costs you nothing—it is paid for by the profits on increased sales. Advertising is easy—it is simply saying in writing what you say to the customers in your shop. Turn over stocks quickly if you would make mere money. Shop Where YOU are Invited to Shop. 1 sonsimsonnimmumsmanamanommimminnamsamsmunamrina