HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-07-24, Page 1p ;e a )it SS LY, trh 'as to Vol. XIV. FRIDAY M o UN I: X.Jfy JULY 24, 1914. el P rreeter's No, 11 -Published every two weeks Price grati A little paper devoted to news usually heard and seen around a General and Hardware Store. ,.t Don't neglect your barn, which. is the most imp'';- taut building on 'tile place. Of co13r you uso mini: on your house and out -buildings, 'and for the same reason you should use paint on your barn. Paint is not only meant to make buildings look better' it its most import nal: use is on account of the protection it affords against the attacks of the weather, A well painted barn will keep in good repair for a century while an unpainted; neglected building will go to pieces in a quarter of that time. Come and see us today about special barn paints. Paris Green We have the exclusive agency for Zurich for Berger's Pure naris Green. • This green is imported from England and will do its work more satisfactory than ordinary kinds. It is put rap in hall and one pound packages. , G Id Medal Every farmer is acquainted.. with Plyn.iouth Twines and ropes. We handle only the best made by this well known firm. Gold- Medal and Green Sheaf Twines give satisfaction. We guarantee thein in every way. Summer Stoves We have a few gasoline stoves which we will sell at .greatly reduced prices. If you want something good in coal oil cook stoves investigate the merits of the Detroit.00al nil range. Ib requires no wiclt, is simple and ab. solutely safe. The price is reasonable, Summer Suits We have a Iine of men's two piece summer suits which we are clearing out at a big reduction in price, These are good quality and very ser- vicable for summer wear. Call and let us show you thein. Cool Underwear We have hot weather underwear for ladies, misses and amen at all prices You will need some of these and now is the time to buy thein when otir stock is well 'assorted. Shift Waists We still have all sizes of ladies' muslin and viole shirt waists. Ladies corset.covors regular 50ets. Lor 4Octs. Trimmed hats at half price. If .yogi want a nobby straw hat in any style we have it. Produce : always Taken. emaseatareseatearesenzemalaanurtesansorsemnerommemenammasi J. PEET.ER TeIepho,n,e N ZURICH ®-Ar:."cAeatis4-ea-1r ; -:r 4 car Mr, "Charly" Welker of Milverton, LOCAL •NEWS. • *I was in town on Wednesday, with- his Ford auto. 8 .7 <'s ra v o r -A is. . iraor rev Misses Florence and Edith, Shemin Mr. and Mrs. Constantino of High of Detroit are visiting with Mr. and Gate, were in town on Tuesday. Mrs. Ed. Seim., for few weeks. Everybody welcomes the rain, after; . Mg W. Lehman. of London visited the hot weather of the past few days;' his mother, .Mrs. A. Lehman over Mr. Jack Routledge spent Sunday Sunday. under the parental roof in Dasliwoa1'. •Mr, and Mrs. J. Wickens of Inger- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Howald ane' sol are visiting the parents, Mr. and daughter Muriel of Exeter, spent Sun- Mrs, as Hey Sr, clay with the former's another: Mrs. Albert Steick and children of Mr. and Mrs. Norm. Kellerutan cf Loudon, are visiti.ng with Mrs. Mary Dn,sliwood, visited relatives in tav'ri Stelek, this week in town on Sunday. 14Ja, Con, Schilbe and (laughter.; Misses Gladys and Rose McNevin Nena and Emma spent a day in Lona of Goderich, and Miss Ida Sipple of. Detroit are visiting in town with rel- atives, this week. Mrs. William Parties and children_ of Nome, Alaska, and Capt. ' Frank Granville's daughter of Chatham are visiting at their gr=andfather's, Mr. George T)euomy, Drysdale. don last week. Mr. Forel Sparks left on Fades, for Biggar, Sask., with a carload horses. Miss Vera Siebert left on Saturday for Berlin, to visit with relatives east friends for a few weeks. Miss Annie Woolley and Alfons, A Lawn Social under the Wpnnen's Liebold of Stratford, are visiting instau•te, will be held €it the residence of Tis. John Keys, ' Blake, . Friday, town, with friends: July xlst. Supliez be served FOR SALE—A young cow, due to f conn 6 to S o'clock p.m. will The Hen - calf soon. Apply to D. ,Snaith, 814 4 Sall band will be in attendance, and a Joseph, Ont. short program. Everybody welcome, Mrs. Fred Hayes and children of illoosejaw, Sask., are visiting withSTRAYED—On 1onday afternoon Mr. and :ars. James Green, this week. July 20th, strayed off,;.iny " premises. A number of our ,young people at- minting cosy, partly Jersey, dark tended the reeeption given at the '''".41nvith bros%n stripe's, a lump on. home of )1r. and Mrs. Jacob_ Dr right side neer front Ies.Owner on Thursday evening of last week. '1Je, and Bias. Geo Sparks and visit- ors, Mr. and.1lrs. Geo, .Douglas ansl relatives from Drake, spenta enjoyable dier Guards Rant and Gusieppe Great; time in Payfieeld, on'm ,Monday, ter and his faettesconeert blind, . the Miss 1`leGtie Well of Detroit ^:ici ' rsa'a-ii an itional Fxhilution will` r t'‘rs year Ilres ont the tibo, greatest; a,.[nss Ida of Toronto, are spantlnna , _ = G • their holidays with their parenns k}e. rids and the two iizost°famous lead,` asses too continents, i Ei f apt .ne c., .i ase 1 .albv:ia Pins ��.x. R. J. Iiallyflerseh of the Mol-. Friday' ., "� ons Bank stafl',is holidaying, for two, ed on our diamond. on Frida3 evening: last between the locals and the Olin - 'ion Wednesday morning: team. With our "young twirler Lee Hoffman in the box and Dick - Tasker: the former Brantford. League twirler for Clinton,; the genie was n pitcher's duel; one home run was got oft Dick by Lee Hoffman, but Lee held theirheavy hatters clown to a few scattered hits. Score was 6-2 in favor of Zurich. Struck out by Hoffman 19, by'Taelrer 11.sae „.` will pay all expenses for hall particu, lais. Ed. Bedard, R, R. No, 2 Zurich, With Di. Williams and his C rens- accompanied by his brother Lloyd for Detroit. for a few days. Rev. J,:A. 'Miller of Hamilton preached an instructive sermon and sang a pleitsing solo in the Lutheran Church on Sunday evening, to an at- tentive congeogation, RAINBOW SOCIAL �1 Rainbow Social under the aus- pices of the Women's Institute, will be held on the Lawn of Mrs. Win. Fritz, on the evening of August 13ts Particulars later. " LUTHERAN CHUROI,. The Sunday services will be at the usual hours a German 10.30 a.m. Sunday S 9.00 a. in. English 730;p, .rrm, The following meetings are held during the week : S. S. offi.oers and teachers 7.15 p m, on Tuesdays. The Ladies Aid Society meets at 8.0 p, nr . the first Wednesday of each month, A cordial invitation is herewith,ex- tended to all, not worshiping else- where, to worship with us and take an active part in the work of the vac-` ons societies of our church. Incorporated 1855 Opened Branch in Huron Co. 1874 Saving Bank Accounts Solicited. Zurich Branch R. T DUNLOP, Managerleimmilimmodommeormanamoimma Should You Fall Qverbeard In reply to the question as to what one who cannot swim should do if he falls into water, when there is no as- sistance ;athancl. William. H. Daily, dhoiupion life saver of the Unite:: once said. "When one falls into the iatiSt the bei ht'of the body will force i3 uncles the'watii at first, but will rise again it the mouth is kept shut, When You are in the water, clasp your Band be- hind your back, squaring your elbows alto balance the ,floating body, and you rise ho the surface on your back and float till help reaches you or until you starve, as long as von keep your hands in that position. The Bands clasped and placed on the back of your neck is an ' equally good position." IIICK'S FORCASTS A-Regulmar storm period covers the last week in July, having its center on the 271h. A merottry period is coin- cident, with this period, being central on the 20th, and extending through the first week in August, About the 25th, cloudliness and storms of wind,. rain and thunder will organize and take up their regular march. across: the country. These storms will reach pree mature porportions, especially .m electrical intensity, on and about .26th the moon being on the celestial equa- tor that day: Moon is in perigee on the 28111, and at first :quarter the 20th which facts will increase the probabil ity of general and active storms, p.o•' greasing eastivard during the 27th, 28th and 29th, 13ythe .80th and 81st stoareas will disapp3ar off the At-', sla iutiop coasts) but cloudy, finercurial'� weather will.tingor over most parts of the country. t i sir j i SPICIN1 BETTER 51i0ES That Is the Who,e. Thing in a :Nutshell, Our shoes are so much better O. is yr women, man and child to see them. most careful buying, getting the very Is sonable price. When you Dome here t, find just what you want, because 'we cal great reason, why you should come here. shoe, manufactured by by Geo. A. Slater Why not save discomfort by purcha shoes now. Come in and try on a pe.i, ,r than ever before, that every +tter shoes is the result of otu s of goods and styles at a rem your Spring shoes, you -'i1 carry such a big variety is or men we have the Jnviotu ng a pair of the best goo. No trouble whatever to show the latest Shoes. But;er, and Eggs taken in k+xohaxlge for shoes e F tiri h The Home of Good Shoes Yes ThatIs ight You can bu just what you walit at the right at the LAKE STORE. It is easily tc understand. We touy, right that is ho we can sell right. We have a large and well assorte General Stock to choose from of all seasonable Goods. Pioduoe taken In exchange for, goods. R. N. DOUGLAS BLAKE O NTAR1 O 'FOR SPRING 1 9 1a'W HERE QUALITY COUNTS we . TIN Our Spring fivfodels include the latest and moat fasniona ble Style r f a- ,.,,,; ; {f e'- d 1 e .r..d.so i:foi t i We he vo the shoe that 'r a4t ti iends. -There, never was a ' bii s.a'tj t ' l-,1 ' about footwear, then the present. It will pay to call and see them 'It will pay you 80,11 better to wear them, • I utter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. FA UST urich Have you seen the new' uperior eparator Made by the Raymond Mfg Co. of Guelph. The oldest Manufacturers Cream Separators in Canada. The SUPERIOR is strictly self -balancing and ' self-cen- ring, and is warranted for 5 years against defects or natural wear. Try one in your own home - and be convinced that it is Superior to al lo deer s , ELLMOR KL P, Local A g el HERE'S a cloth abot out Spring Suits that hard to escape, for TAI OREO CLOTHES gii: every judge of good taste The handsome new gray and brown mixtures - --th skilful perfect tailorin will talk for themselves. There are the reglila "stand by" Models and th very smart London desgn Prices that neve hurt $10„00.;' $5.00 $20.0