The Herald, 1914-07-10, Page 8miner Goods Warm is now coming on, and you .. will want thee coolest and, most comfortable wearing apparel for the next few months. We are ready to supply you such. as dress materials, in crepe 'cloths, cotton voiles, silk riills; muslins, etc. Ladies's Underwear Etc, In porous and plain knitt vests, combina- tions, corset covers, white voile and lawn waists lisle stockings in white and; colors, parasols, fans, belts, etc. d'Or Men.andBoys We have a large 3 misty straw hats going at reduced prices, suits, shirts, ties collars, Come and inspeet our various lines. No rouble to show goods; PHONE 17 RUBY ten CHO WE ARE NOW MAKING STORM DOORS AND WINDOWS If you require any, send in your orders, we can make them At Once. Get our combination Doors, they will keep you warm in Winter and cool in Summer. ALL KINDS OF SAW LOGS WANTED. PHONE ti; LLBYL St ll 4 h > c Lfii'y rit �t�fj Stand We whave been gpi^.l:nted Agents "for the eel. braced Massey Harris. Implements We handle everything in that line, ttodingImplements, l4lantrre spread- ers, all kinds of l:"&r.ws, Seed Drills, ZURICH Fanning YlI Sieve. I Gain 'k rent for the Olintt u Tann. ing mill ;,roves, and faar•nierst re- quiring any, can procure them at my farm, Soutth of Zurich ,john Hey jr, Disc Harrows. Cultivators, Bean Harvesters, oic.. Harvesting Implements Binders, Mowe, r. Rakes, IIs; Loaders, Etc. Massey-lslarris Cream. Separators Ali kinds of Plow repairs, Gasoline engines, Se;'. our lisle of Cutters be, fore you buy, all our own Make. Bttg! gies, Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs. Square Dealing Our Motto YOiJ want your sup toren ed or repaired 110F41 N does IT. Laundry in Connection $UUR U! Follow the t o'ivd ancl. go t0 .Wagner's. We " are leaders Fine Confectionary Cakes and Bread Neilson's Pasteurized and Homonge iized Ice cream constantly kept on hand. Once tast- ed, the memory lingers. SQUARE DEALING Our motto W. C. WAGNER ZURICH, ONT COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, & Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal M1 izes ALF. SCRUTON Hensall. For Sale or To Rent. Immediately. Lot 22 L 1 E IIay 117 acre. also South half Lot 21 L. R E Illy 75 acres the above.lots will be 44)1d or rented together or seperate to suit parties, Thomas'T—nbnll DRYSDALE PICNIC The St.Peter's church picnic on Wednesday was <a splendid success and was attended by a large crowd. The following were the pri<:c 'winners (those entitled to prizes are to eorres pond with the secretary, Mr. Marry Rau and produce their ticket number. Prise Wm. Johnston, Zurich rug 00910 J.T. Metter, Zurich gold watch 01000 Sam. Cleave, Dayiield gold pig ce00470 J. Cantin, St.Joseph toilet set • ."51082 l4lrs John Poster, Zurich) • carving, sot 00091 Mr. F. I1oricltli Saginaw s1ie t quilt 0017`2 Teddy Rau cushion 00001 r. hillier table cloth 00514 Mrs. I', Lauawy, Caseviiie 111.211 Water .;ott 00700 Mr.,:k W. J. Rau tett set 1Dr. Sipple, London plush rug V. 00737 00253 Tau, contra table 00200 Mrs J. Gelinas pair shoes 00201 Dolt 3 apha, gold cross " 00251 ire Ch. S. 13eclard gold pieee . 00414 Irene Ran soup tureen J. uerner musical cloak 00.}43 1. 7. uerner floor rug / 08320 . 00318 Simon Bedard silver spoon 23 14 A. Dennomme cushion 51 Mrs.N. :n. Canain cushion 18 Frank ze0'rey fancy piece 21 Alphonse Papineau white bed spread 14 maxituri. Denotnmie child dress 0 Tvillim• Plicate pipe 26. W. A. Oantin bracelet 24 Results of Races and Prizes given: let prizes Men's Race Arthur Sreenan tripe qq��� �q Women's " liars. A Bedard china dish Vtin■ m ' OF MA1 Ladies `'` PercilliaDueharine h'clk'hief railer ZURICHUnder 15 Caroline Bedard necklace 8 legged John Dueharme-Dolf Bedard 1 doz. cigars, boys 8 legged Rich Etua-P. Denomine^ 1 doz oranges ;Egg race Richard Laporte 12 oranes Free-for-all Louis Durand 12 cigars:' The Bost office department has, is- sued a cireural letter to postmasters throughout the Dominion ' notifying them that the rural mail carriers are prohibited from receiving and deliver-: ing'parcels under 11 pounds unless prepaid at the regular rate of parcel postage stamps at 6 cents 'to'a parcel,' exee1 tion is made to this rule, in the cases` of medicine froln the local doct- ors and bread; Rural box holders. have in the past been in the habit of placing money for stamps with the letters for the mail gatherer, when lick{ of stamps. The department are notifying all box holclors not to do so, nor leave money in the boxes for any purpose. Dit 004000414 1010404 Our A larias run and r1..» A. new lot gust ,in every One Guaranteed., I EI'A> I IID Otii 'BPIDGIALTt , 4 W. Hess . Hess ' r1: 5C1 C .7."N 1A.RIO Zurioh Feed Stare Leading BrarLd of Flour, Shorts, Bran and Peed Corn Produce of all kinds taken in exchange, -.• We are agents for Interna- tional and . Royal Purple stook food. Also a full line of Grocer - les on hard. SPARES & D O1 -GLA S FOR SALE 3 New Ontario Farms. In the very heat of the famous 20, 000,000 acres of choice clay -belt land. Near the Tillage of Matheson on the T. O. Railway, All other surr- ounding lots already settled and im- provements begun. Excellent goner. nment roads through the entire local- ity; schoolhouse and local P. O. a- cori er of one of the. lots; houses ereotb sd and 8 and 5 acres cleared on each. Two of the lots have close to 1,000, 000 ft of valuable timber on each, (pine, birch, Spruce and whitewood, in almost equal amounts) ana in'aad ition over 1,000. cords of pulpwood on each farm, 160 acres in each farm.. A rare opportunity for quick -ret- urns and safe investment. Price ex- ceptionally low, only $2.00, $4.00 and $6;00 per acre, respectively. It will pay you to investigate this unus- ual bargain. Apply to E. .Zeller, Zurich, Farm for Sale Lot 28. Con 7, Parr Line ' HIay North 50 acres, or will sell the whole lot. -For particniars apply to Duncan Taylor•,"Hensall P. 0. Dwelling for Sale. Good, two storey brick dwelling with brick stable; all in first class repair. Good water and large garden, Would. give possession this Spring. For Particulars apply at once to Er- nest Gies, Zurich. Custom Sawing Wanted' at Joshua Snider, Sanble Line. ' McEwen Bros. Bayfield BULL FO. SERVICE, The undersigned will "hold... for the improvement of stock this year, that .pure bred choice bt 11 "King George." The animal is rising 5 yrs and will easily weigh 2800 when fat. Well matured sires are the creat for thrifty stock, rates $1.50. Oscar Iaopp. Mack Wilkes Standard bred trotting stallion En- rollment No. 2114. This stallion is 44 yrs. old, Seal brown, stands 16 lands, weighs 1200 lbs„ is gentle and kind, best of feet aucl legs and action. His sire Ora Wilke tire greatest trott- er producer in Canada. IVill stand at his own stable, 810.00 to insure. Payable March ist. Geo. Joynt Phone 16. Hetrsall. FOR SALE Ilouse For Sale.—A White, B'sick Iloaue erected by Sini Ireland, and at present occupied by Otto Restenayer, forparticnlars apply to H. Weigand Dashwood. GOOD BRICK DWELLING AND 2 AND HALF ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE, Good brick -dwelling 24;134 with kitchen 18X22, together wz,-h large frame barn and about 2: acres of land. The property is cicely situat- ed and will .be sold on' reasonable terms. There is a good well cistern and furnace in house. For further particulars apply to E. Z:aller,, Zurich. Possession may be given about lst. July. C. Grob ownem,, Berlin Ont, IIP ER'S ICE CREAIVI PARLORS are now Open :CONFECTIONARY of bbhe purest quality alwals.on hand. Luncheons,; Soft Drinks and Cigars to' he had on the promises, also Pruit of all kinds. S. KLPFER ZURICIf ONT.. Noel r we also stock New Perfecliore ceit4 mil stove - $5;00 gold piece is just as jiiire tts CO the gold in: the $20.003gc?ldpi there is less of it. So no matter what style stove you may select, you cannot make as long as it is a "Detroit Vapor Gasoline- Stove." Many use the "Detroit Vapor" stoves summer and winter, a heat their houses with furnace or steam, and'with a "'D3troit stove for cooking they have practically the oonveniece of a ga • Do you know that it takes about 2 minutes to generate a gasoline burner, three burners 6 inintues, three times a day 3 8 565 days in a year would be about 11 days at ten hours per day, your time your time and gasoline. to smoke up your rooms, wh ting your gasoline stove for cooking, Why not apply this was penes toward buying a 'Detroit Vapor" stove that lights like THINK IT OVER I-IARTLEI?r • PHON z HURON'S LARCEST C;C"M EMNIATNOt 3TOR THE QUALITY BTOR Roue s Tile place to buy + your 'Molise r�i. halr g is at erneH' . P V li in Stock Tapesfry Sq ares, 'Oilci Lrncleu Cs; CalritE1111 SCIrfl m; Curtain and anyt1 Lng y the nouse furnishing, lines. We have also have a soniett new in Dress Materials, ;. nd line of white Law i Waists.., and see what we have. Highest Prices paid for Farm reduce Farm Im le onto Let: as know your wants. We handle everything in Farm tnplements, Engine _ Supplies Fillies, all sizes and kinds, Belting,leather dr canvas, all sizes. Shaft • boxing and shafting. :Pump and bump piping. Buggies, Waggons, Sleighs and Cutters, • If you are in need of Machine Re- pairs we can get them for you. We give special attention to our repair department. LOUIS PEA Zul 44;1r. ,41,., !T1KIN Prompt Servic Moderate Char W. H. HOFF Zurich, - Out Electric Restorer f 'Na Dsfsforleb) restores every hes, to its proper toast vita and v;tolity Premature decay at weakness averted at, ghee, n'rdna G,3iake yon a slaw roan. .Price SP,U bo t. e oui&1 io'Any fid,Irosh, ,')Izg:3° v d� a• PJ: ,t'F dF . sn��. -