The Herald, 1914-07-10, Page 1['1 lade 0'go anti .D of ate a d per om: thh ht z V s IT 'onsoliclated ith Vol. .XIV. FRIDAY: M PTSt No, 11 Published every two weeks Price grati A little paper devoted to news usually heard and seen around a General aucl Hardware Store. e rr.ra G LOCAL N1 R I\1 I I°' O p J C.i X,.Y 1 t, 1914. ea e-sra.e-seero., a :,z Mrs. Wm. Wagner Maas in London a few days this week, on bus trees. Mr: Wes Merger movedhis house- hold eflet;ts to Stratford this eg1, Miss Verde Puss is spending a few weeks with relatives and feieuris in Waterloo and Berlin. Mrs. Wm. Hess and. Rose epent a number of days in Waterloo and Ber- lin, with relatives. On Sunday, evening lass; the was no service in the Lutheran dlurch, owingto the absence of tho aa?inieter. Miss Ada Koehler of `l'.orotlto is spending the holidays with .nee par- encs l`.Ir. and Mrs. Peter Koehler, Misses Alvacda and Selnae Weseloh of London are spending their liolidays withtheir parents. Miss DeLeRee of Owen Sound former milliner at 111erner's' sore is visiting with friends here., Dont neglect your is . xi, wp.l.ch is the most impor- tant building on the Mace. Of coarse you use preina painof your house and out -buildings, and for the cr2me reason goca should use paint on your barn. Paint is not only meant to rake buildings look better but its most important use is on account of the protection it affords against the attacks of the weather. A well painted barn will keep in good repair for a century while an unpainted, neglected building will go to pieces in a quarter of that time. Come and see us today about special barn paints, •s ris Ureen We have the exclusive agency for Zurich for Berger's Pure Paris Green. This green is imported from England and will do its work more satisfactory than ordinary kinds. It is put up in half and one pound packages. Gold Medal Every farmer is acquainted with Plymouth Twines and ropes. We handle only the best made by this well known firm. Golcl Medal and Green Sheaf Twines give -satisfaction. We guarantee them in every way. Sumner Stoves We have a few gasoline stoves which we will sell at greatly reduced prices. If you want something ,good in coal oil cook stoves investigate the merits of the Detroit coal oil range. It requires no wiek, id simple and ab- solutely safe. The price' is reasonable. Summer SuitS • We have a line of men's two piece summer suits which we are clearing out at a big reduction in price, These are good quality and very ser vioable for summer wear. Gall and Iet us show you them, Cool Underwear We have hot weather underwear for ladies, misses and men at all prices You will need some of these and now is the time to buy.them when our stock is well assorted. Shirt Waists We still have all sizes of ladies' muslin and viole shut waists. Ladies corset covers regular 5.0ets. for 40cts: Trimmed hats at half. price. If you want a Dobby straw hat in any style we have it. Produce always Taken, e,1eph.:one N Z UR'ICll ltrr.'Bert Sherif wito has-been vis- itzn� at"the Ileum of Mr. and :ales. C. Either -left on, Tuesday for Berlin. Miss Lillian IIarris of=llontre visiting 'With relatives and friend tow n. • Messrs Geo. and Elgjin He se a feta clays this week camping pinery.. Mr. Oliver Elliott of Soatcrrth Visiting with Mr.' and Mks. Ce.' Det this. week., 1 is s in pent Tfie average length of life iu Sc en. is Tightly snore tktau 50. y e r. tvhrch.as very 1:zr€,�la ; ;, ,4 - M�r and ,tars.: Wett1aufet are visiting with Mr. andel ,alis •Riekbeil a few weeks.. ,!u Mr. Henry Gatineau agent' for • Hese & Son, ingested in a Saxon r a -bout auto. There will be sornetle doing now.-. the le glee eale ,,res,: s Iia Ohn ti29 An a iiio.load from the Lutheran church attended. the S. S. convention held at Auburn ori Sunday. " A nuna leer of other climbs were r:. prosentecl there, and an enjoyable ani 'instruc- tive day was spent. The coucort given under the aus- pices of Ilio Y. P. A. of the Evangelic- al church, in the Town Heil' on Wed- ne'day evening, was a eplvndid . su3� teas. 'i'lhe hall Neta fillet from the fish platform to the galleey. Tho Glen Club is was well wee.% the iron ey beyond all doubt. ' I{ tcry:bocly left the hall well pleased with •elle entu tainment. • LITZki 1ittA ' (fdtJROr. The Sunday aafeeloas will.',be nt the usual hours : Ger ran 1Qgl; e.zaa Sunday S 9.00 a. m.Englislt,7.30 p, nt. The following men tinge ere held during the week : S S. officers and teachers 7,1,5 p na. en Tuesdays, The • .Ladies Aid Society meets at &.po p. xn, the first Wednesday of eaoiinonth, A cordial invitation iq herewith ex- tended to all,, not worshiping else- where, to worship with its and take an aotiye part in the work of the var- ous societies of our church:. The Established '18153 enec Branch in Huroir Co. 1874 Saving Bank Accounts Solicited e Zurich Branch R.. T. DUNLOP, 1Vianagei' 11. a. Heinz guaranteed pickles fo reale at Wm. Wagner. A number from Cediton and .Ifen- sell took in the concert of Wedges day evening, Mrs. Casper Weber left for Buffalo for tL short visit With her daughters Mrs; George Beer. Miss Elizabeth Rennie of Regina is visiting with her mother Mrs. S. Rennie and other. friends. Mr. Wilbur Rummel of Stratford' is visiting revatives, a few day this week shade the trip on his motorcycle. Misses Emma and Anna Heideman of Detroit are visiting their parents Mr. and Airs. Rrtdolph Heideman.: Don't miss the baseball match on Tuesday, uly.l4th,'at 6.00 p, au. on the local dianion, between Dashwood and Zurich. Orders will be taken at Wagner's- confectiones'' stare. for choice rasp- berries tend thiiul3le berries. D. Smith a:ni, St.Joseph. • Ir. and Mrs, Ar:thar Stelck of Dau- phiu. Manitoba, aecoanpauiecl by Mr. and lizs Wl itney , are 'visiting in town. They cause the whole way by auto. Mr,`and Mrs.: Fred 1Iowald and family of Thai nesford ,are visiting, with relatives an 'frienclsain the r 1- cinity for a few weeks. Ofred return - a cd again to Tha,inesfoul ` oz1:' Monday, morning. • The are just two thieve e that wit l,eefi, girls straight at•Fhe ate when Okra( bee*in to think of lnn;;er diesaes One i ! pla i} ale thes , w?.4 t the utae•e is home closes. The. girls. -,vie seeanalcing fools of themselves age alniost:invariable overdreesed. There were no less than' a hrindred and fifty autonmebiles lit tarancl Bend on Smedley. How*ivanf of the pass- engers that returned hdnie in time for the evening church cer'v`ices can mill- i.* nlybo guessed. The auto is a great •cou- venince, but we holievee, it is also a bar to the prober obeereeuco of the Lord's, Day, On Friday eveuing lest an interest- ing game of baseball was played ' on the local diamond between the juniors and seniors of our town. The game proved an tutelar victory for the juin lees. than thoscore indietes, being 2* --8. Such games should be played weekly, besides the other games that Shoulei be played with neighboring towns. ,s • - ---- PRESENCE Or A PLS: A. DANGER 1i1ae ba,, ?ten tried and fgound guilty, fn spite of orate etrine that f those who maintain the ,- 4,eefu1 every creature perforni,s sons; r" purpose. Uuncloubtl'j"% e fly 4 ``' ' for where there is an abundance filth there will the flies gs b i togeth- er, there will theYaninItiply and in - mese, Their function today is noth- ng more or less than a danger signal o indicate insanitary condition, A- olishthese, and the breeding places f the fly will be eradicated. One intelligent and energetic parson calx start. a successful movement for the ovterviination of the house fly in any community if he for she is re- sourceful and patient 55 well. b 0 The Clinton Commercial College. awiied by 1Vir, G. 'W. Spotten, has been purchased by Mies B. P. Ward, forger principal., It will .hereafter be known as the Clinton school of Coniinerce, and is thoroughly renov- abecl an . equipped. Among other. improvements ' is the installation of the Bliss Practical Office System of Beekeepingand up to date filing sy stein. In addition to the usual Com- mercial and shorthand course- (balk_ Gregg etad Pitmen system of short - ban will be taught) ''there are being introduced a Farmers Course, for the winter{ months -in& a Civil ' Service course to prepare for government positions. When the Clinton: school of commerce ouens on Sept lst 1914. with a well trained and highly offi- diet star, ib will bo the; most, modern end best equipped 86001 of the kind BETTER SHOES That Is the Whole Thing in. a Nuts, Our shoes are So amen better U. is yr women, man and child to see them. l most oaretul buying, getting the very 1x sonable price. When you come here i find just what you want, because we Car great reason why you should come here. . shoe, manufactured by by Geo; A, Slate, Why not save discomfort by eremite . shoes now. tome ip and try ona pais • r than ever before, tha ;tter shoes, is the result of goods and styles at c your Spring shoes, yo oarry snch a big .varlet3 or men we have the Iz ng a pair of the best No trouble whatever to she v. the :latest Shoes.' Butter, and Rggs taken in <• ..obange for shoes F ITZ. �. The Horne of Good -S Zhnetr14 �...� Yes That Is Right. You can . just what you wa t at pkv right p .at the lo.LAKE STORE. It is easily to understand. Wo buy, right that ik we can sell right. We have a large and well ass General Stock to choose from of all seasonable Gooc Produce taken in exchange for goods. R. DOUGLAS .A li ONTARIO 'SING WHERE: -QUALITY' COUNTS we WIN Oni, Spring Models inolu.de the latest and most fasnionable of tootwear for wear, and comfort. We have the shoe that friends. There never, was a time when the Public was more about footwear, then the prosent. It will pay to call and see at will pay you still better to Wear them. Butter and eggs taken. in exchange for shoes. a�. puri Have you seen the new upenoepar r Made by the Raymond Mfg Co. of Guelph, The N' , a Manufacturers Cream $eparatr - ` W.utst in Canada. ThelEI:w N, rrctiy self -balancing and sell is warranted for 5 years against defects na.tue'al wear. Tri- one na your o'wn. lloine pd be convinced that it is Superior to al latlic ELLMOR KLOPP, Local A Sigy,. e HERE'S a cloth our Spring -Suits hard to escape, for ORED CLOTHES every judge of good The handsome new and brown mixtures skilful, perfect tai will talk for theingely There are the "stand by" Models a very smart London d Prices that hurt $5.00 $ 1.0.00