HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-07-03, Page 8SALE, FOR TWO WEEKS From Monday JUNE 8th to Saturday, JUNE 20th We begin Stocktaking on the 22nd as this ends our third year in business, and in order to reduce our stook as muc%. as possible and clear; out all odds and ends, we ate holding this e1earfng sale. Do not fail to cone and, ehare in these bargains, . Beme*nber when we say CLEARING SALE We mean It. Below are only a few of the many Bargain$ we are offering-- Muslins reg i5ots a yd for 10.niusliva reg 12no a yd for 8 Repps about 150 yds in different colors, reg 25ots for.20ot C ttan Voiles in white, cream, pink, light -blue, reg 30 now for 20ots yd, 0 o Mulls all shades reg 25e a yd now 1 a, mulls all s'bades reg 12no for 10 ; 1 yd wide -: flouncing embroidery reg 80o- for 50 and 27 inch wide of same50cts for 38. All 14ot ginghams at 121e a 3rd. Lace curia ns, �2 Born, reg P.50 for 17 a 5 pair ; Laoe curtains reg $1.75 for 1.25 a pair ; Curtain nett, r a 180 a y few end1 Carpyd.ets, all 500 carpets to clear of linoleuma and floor oil cloth, oheap. Men's and Boys Suits 50 2 only nien s only suits navy reg, $1 5.00 for 11 5 only men's suits reg 9.00 for 5.75 We have boys from $1.75 to $7.60 each A few pieces of Men's suiting to go regardless of post Corrie and get our, pieces on elen's Rain coats Remnants! .lents! Rernants•in Dress geodes orepe cloth.; linens, em- broideries ; leees ; gingbams ; prints ; etc. All trimmed hats, shapes and trimmings at a . Big r.eduotion. . PHONE 17 RUBY 46g. em NURI*W Follow thea crowd and go to Wagner's. ` We arca leaders in: --- Fine Confectionary Cakes and Bread Neilson's Pasteurized and Uomangenized Ice Cream constantly.kept on hand. edthe memory lingers. Once ttbSt- SQUARE DEALING Our motto • P01 BALE 3 New Ontario Farm In the very heart of the. famous 20, 000,000 acres of choice clay -belt land. Near the village of Matheson on the T. & N. 0. Railway. All other surr- ounding lots already settled and im- provements begun. Excellent gover• n hent roads through the entire local- ity; school houseand local P. O. s- corner of one of the lots; houses ereett ed and 8 and 5 acres cleared on each. Two of thelots have close to 1,000, 000 ft of valuable timber on each, (pine, birch, spruce and whitewood, in almost equal amounts) and in add- ition over 1,000 cords of pulpwood on each farm, 160 acres in each farm... A rare opportunity . for quick -ret- urns and safe investment. Price es- •ceptionally low, only $2.00, $4.00 and $0.00 per acre, respectively. In will payyou to investigate this unus nal bargain. Apply, to E. Zeller, Zurich, • W. C. WAGNER ZURICH ONT COAL! COAL! Ueleware, Lackawanna,_, _ Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal WE ARE NOW MAKING STORM DOORS AND WINDOWS if you require any, send in your orders, we can make them At Once. Get oil. combination ina tion Doors, they . twill _bleep you warm h 'Winter: r. wd pool hi Sttnniriner~. ALL KINDS OF SAW LOGS WANTED. pflON E Rep Still DoIng Business at The Old Stand KAIBFL ZURICH We yha've been appointed Agentsfor to celebrated Massey Harris Implements .' We handle everythingin that line, Seeding Implements, Manure spread- ers, all kinds of I'lowl, Seed Drills, Disc Ilarrows, n Harvesters, etc.: arvestinag implements Binders,' Mowers, Rapes, Hay Loaders, Ete. . Massey-larris Cream Separators All kinds of Plow repairs, Gasoline engines. See our line of Cutters be- fore you. bay, all oar owo make. Bug- gies, Carriages, ,1'.arorre, Sleighs. Sgttare. Dealing Our Motto g011 F.renin' Sieves All izes ALF. SCRUTON Hensel'. Farm for ',Sale Lot 28, Con 7, Pari Twine 1 -lay. North 50 acres; or will sell the .whole lot. For particulars apply tri Demean Taylor, Hansen, P. 0. Dwelling for Sale. Good, two storey brick •dwelling with brick r�epeir. Good -water and large garden, Would give possession this Suring. •1 For Particulars apply at once to Er - stable; all in first class ,we also stock New Perfection coal oil st $5.00 gold piece is just as pure ao as the gold in the $20.0010 there is less of it. So no matter whatstyle stove you May select, you cannot no as long as ib is a "Detroit Vapor Gasoline Stove," Many use the "Detroit Vapor" stoves summer and wint heat their houses with furnace or steam, and with a "Ds stove for cooking they have practically the conv'erieoe of For Sale or To Rent. Im mediately0 nest Gies, Zurich, Custom Sawing Lot 22 I, R E.Hay 111. acres also - South half Lot. 21 L J E Hay 751`Wan. acres the ebovo lots -will : be sold or: rented together o> seperate to suit parties. Thomas Turnbull • I an agent for the Clinton fann- ing mill sieves, 'and farmers re- quia inn anv, oau procure them at my farm, South of Zurich John Hey jr, If YOU giant your suit press ed or- repaired FFJIflAN sloes I'T. Glee G:lub. Conce1't: Church ,Pleases forth -Western College,Glee~Club- -is Fine Musical Organization ' Well :Received; The N. W. G. C. concern,- at the German Evangelical church last night wasrendered to a packed house and everyone enjoyed it in spite - ` of the ivarn weather. . The ' program was a specially* enertainiing.one with brilliant work on the part of the ' 12. young men who composed with the club. The printed program. was . not followed, bub the new arrangements of numbers with the reacting by. Carl Berger, the vocal solos by Mr, Attlee and the orogen numbers by Miss .Viola. Knoche, the Lady who travels with. the organization as pianist, gave sofa-. cient 'variety for anyone. The open- ing member, "The Soldier's Chorus, was received with :great, enthusiasm,. The work of the quartette was a fear, turevand the trombone solo by E. E. Tlolzgraf, followed by some humorous Souris were also enjoyed, Theeeen- cert Closed with eollege songs and yells for Cedar Falls` and North, net ern. North-Western College has.alli retie sons to be proud of its glee dull :if the sacred concert given by the, boys at the Baptist church' last. S,><inday evening if a specineu of the:eritertain meat rendered by them on, tlrofr six weeks' tour. Not only arse, the young mon a telling advertisement of the fine type of students produce, at the College, but, also of the musical ' de. pertinent of . the irusMtution. The numbers were most happily selected the rendition of them artistic and de- votional, and, the whole program of solo and .ensemble ~veru reflected great credit upon the leader and party. The'thoughtfal and inspiring address of Mr. Grote was listened too, with rapt'. attention. Theconcert fully deserved the large audience that ignored the torrid weather and canna' cul to enjoy can evening of devotional song and speech. . +Q► ,r Alarms un and ring. ;. A new lot just' in every One Gu;iranteed,.'kL1AIIIlGUtra fin1 A 'Hess fey sus s is i 11 a . 71 La•tlti.drt'y in Connection Joshne Snider, Sauble McEwwe . Bros, Bayfield Do you know that it takes about 2 mineetes to generate gasoline burner, three burners 6 mintnes, three times a d 365 days in a year would be about 1l days at ten hours per your time your these and gasoline, to stnober up' yo ur room ting your gasoline stove for cooking. Why not apply this pense toward buying a "Detroit Vapor"stoves'tlia�I lights • THINK IT OVER BULL- FOR'. SERVICE . LW'TLEI $a HURON'S LARGEST CONI1 INAT1C71 Theundereig_ned will hold for the1 inipreyement of stock this year, that pure bred choice bull'"."ling George." The animal is rising -5 yes and. will easily weigh ' 2 400 when fat; Well matured sires are the. greet for thrifty stock, rates $1.50. , Oscar Klopp. W. lies tii3OPFAN failor . ' . ZURICH Zurich More Leading Brazed. -o. Flour, Shorts,;Brax and Feed Corn -. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange, We are agents fot,Interna- tion al and Royal Purple stock f cod. Also a full line of Grocer- ies on hand..' . Q :• 4 DVQ .rig. 1W1' Feed Mack Wilkes •• 'Standard. bred. trotting stallion En- rollment Na. 2114. This stallion is, 4 yrs. old; . Seal brown, stands 10 hands, weighs 1200, iba., is gentle and kind, best of feet mien legs and action. .His sire O•ra, Wilks th•e greatest trott- er produeen'in Canada. Will stand et his own stable,. $10.00 to insure. Payable Marsch Iat... Geo. Joynt Phone 101 Hensall. F:4R SALE 1�IE TJ LIxlST • The place: to b y your O. nls ing is at Merner'se Wc in Stock Tapestry, Squares, 0 Lifauleum's, Curtain Scrims Curtains and anything you, n diet -louse furnishing lines. We have . lso have a SOIL new i11 Dress Materials, and Lie: of white Lawn Waists. goad see what we have, '-House.Por r` ale. --A White Brnk House ereeted by Sim Ireland, and,at present ocouupied by Otto Resternayes for particielars apply to n. Weigand Dashwood. GOOD BRICK DWELLING AND 2 AND:HALF ACRES S OF LAND FOR SALE Good brick -dwelling - 24.&84 .'with,) kitchen 18X.22, together wi-h large frame barn and about. 221. awes of land. Theproperty is nicely situat- ed and will be sold on reasonable terms. There is a.goon well cistern and furneee in house. Per further partienlars apply be E. Zeller, Zurich. Possession may be given about lat.. July.: C. Grab owner, Berlin Ont. Report of June Extttilinations. of Sr, tlr'to Jr, I:V._LeoPaul „Den - omens 8,56.. Jr, III .to_Sr. . I1I,.--Sarah . Dnoh' arms, Minna, Ducb.a'rfie 355. Sr, l'i .to at l .--1Vlyadel ne Cantin. Jr 1't rI to St, ?t; --Willie Duch - arm, 81.2, -tae r'renee Qverho7t, Jr -,'i ,r 1.-- ''er:sa..':Ducht n1e MUi''ER'S- Highest Prices, paid. for Farm Pro n :ICE 'CREAM PARLORS s.re now Open CONFECTIONARY Far Zmp10mentS of the purest quality- alwals on blind. Luncheons, loft Drinks and Cigars to be bad on the premises, also Feint of all kinder. Il`FE7' Let us know your wants. We handle everything in Farm Iinplernonts. Engine. `plies' Pullies, ell „sizes. and kinds, Relting,leathor or canvas, all sizes. 'Shaft boring and shafting, Punap and pump piping. ' Buggies, Waggons, Sleighs and Cutters. are noe in l 'o'" Machine T£ you ..: Re- pairs we can got them for you. ' We give special attention to our repair department. LOI nm _ UNDE TA Prompt S Mocl.erate vett and lzCaltty Preua dzart.is r heated at on, ~,,r,‘lsc yr:,c;pm ;tam !' l vialicg c mly tie..);