HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-07-03, Page 4.Cow. a Speoialist in Basiuess oilers more opportunities than other: calling. To reap the 1 measure isure of success you must e the best possible; training, is is .Ontario's Beet Business cool. We give individual at- itiou You may enter : our sses:at any ;time. Three dents: MMERCIAL,' T' SHORTHAND and:TELEGRAPHY Write at once for our free catalogue. McLachlan,. Principal: ;ANA®IAN Fkitm c � F •C. OMESEE&ER"" XC URSIONS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Tatpaday until October 87th;; hubris*. nnipea and Return - $310.00 onton and Return - 43.00 m Toronto,Station. Weaq_d ray of Toronto- portlonat. .. Stations Bast or nto. Returs blank two months. cid= regarding TtA.% or OC $tickets Canadian Pacific : es write G. Mummy. D.P.A ; C.P. >4.: consoto. ree. Ladies and Gents Watches s, Bracelets and .Jewelry of Every cription, Lace Curtains, Rugs, se Furnishind,Rifles,Moving Pic - Machine, Skates, Printing Press- ouiitain Pens, in fact nearly ythnid you can think of you can AbosluteIy Free for selling our titiful Fancy Drawn and Satin pped handkerchiefs at 10 cents They sell rapidly" 6 can gener- be '--n .e e. y house. Don't d us any money, but us to 3 you a lot of Handkerchiefs to that when sold you will send .us money and the premium selected ling 24 handkerchieff entitled you your choice of an elegant Watch, Old Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc. liteus to -day, we trust you and e back the goods if you cannot sell m. 1NOLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL LEGAL. CARDS. 5UD3OOT HAYS & KILI.ORAN, arristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, c.. Goderieh, Canada W. Prondfoot. :. 0. R. 0. Hays. J. L. Killoran, P. Proudfoot Jr. BUSINESS OARDS. B. 8. PHILLIPS,' AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Isles condnoted in all parte. satis- tion guaranteed or no pay. Terms 'enable. Ordersleft at 'this „office 1 lOe promptly attended to. /DREW P. HESS, FIRE INSURAN agenb, representing the Londea,. ifeoaomical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand. rti, Wellington and Guardian. Every.. hing in fire insurance. iu PlOtrwood tarter Shop Wednesds, every Wednesday:.". afternoon-, and'. evening.. Saturday en eve •y Saturday, all 'day, and. evening.. :mos. IiLI)MPP, Proprietor. e Vail ; r Fetiitatlt Pll1s iLLi1"� TRC•'"., -a 1►#.1°R ate, said s' ri.eilet1ie Wy;udls�.�,n; ASHWO DASHWOOD Mrs. Philip Fessold`is visiting her sister at Ingersoll this week. lltns. Dr. J. Routledge left Tuesday for a .trip to Regina to visit her son Archie aitd others. Miss Hall of Listowel is visiting at the ho. e of Bev. J B. Grenzebach at present:`. Rev, P Gra }eller of the Lutheran church spent the hast week at Fort Wayne Ind.' ,: Mr: Tobias Guenther is on the sick list at present'. we hope he may . soon recover. • - A large number from here attend- ed the ice cream social on the 14th.. concession on Tuesday night. The .Misses Lena and Mary Schroeder of Detroit are visiting at their home for a few weeks. Messrs Milferd McIsaac and .Herb Kraft spent a•few days in London this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Qtterbein who spent the past week with friends : at Berlin returned home Monday even- ing. Rev. H. A. Kellerman oconpied the, pulpit in the Evanhelical church last Sunday evening, preaching to a full house, his subject being full consecra- tion. He will leave at, the end of this. week to take up his work on his app: ointment. WALSH-WITZEL A wedding of much interest to Dashwood people took place ` in Sas- katoon on June 17th., when Miss Letts Witzel, youngest daughter of Mrs. J. Witzel of Dashwood, became the .bride of Mr: J. M. Walsh, man- ager for J. H. Spears and Co, of Sas- katoon. The ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. A. W. McIntosh in the Knox Presbyterian church. The bride, who vas given away by her brother Mr. J. M. Witzel, was becom- ingly attired in a travelling` suit of navy blue with cream waist of bro- caded silk and hat of black shadow lace -with French flowers. The gift of the groom to the bride was ahand- sorne pendant of pearls and pbridots and to the groomsman a pair of gold cuff links. On their wedding '"tour Mr. and Mrs. Walsh will visit Ed- monton, Calgary, Banff „ and other, Western centres. Her many friends in Dashwood will join in wishing the young couple every success • in their western home, and a long, prosperous and happy wedded life. Mrs. Walsh will be at home,to her friends after July. 1st. at 1141` Avenue F, Saskat- oon, •Sask. School' Report for'U. S. S. No. 9 Hay and Stanley. The following are the results, of the Midsummer examinations total marks given in: Sr. IV. 640.—William Manson 871 Menno Oesch 810, Edgie Finlay 300, Clarence Parke 265; Gladys Douglas 204, Gladys Douglas was absent for 8 examinations. Sr. II1400.-Lydia Gingerieh 536;. John Moyer 586, Ruth Zirk 450, Lillian Meyers 881. Jr. 1II.-•Ada Meyers 418, Laura Oesch 816, Sarah Erb 281. - Sr. II 320. -John Oesch 423, Har- vie Meyer 353, Carl McClinchey 824, Josiah Steckle 820, Eva Boyse 801, Herbie Meyer, 282. Jr. II.—Alex Boyse 449, Annie. Douglas 482, Gordon Zirk 419, Ruth Schrag 358, Eleanore Meyers 339, Edmund Bechler 295, Mary'. Ging- erich 248, Maitie Kennel 154. Mattie lnnel was absent for examinations. The Hanes of those, who ha,e been. promoted, and the .lassos in which they will be after holidays are follows, 118,111es in order of merit: Jr. IL- Eliag,Steckler,-Allaa,Doug• 1a3,,Eva Zapfo, Gordon Schrag. Sr. Pt. IL—Edna Gingerich, Ev- elyn Howard, Margaret Meyers, 3r. Pb. IL—Florence Boyse,. Roger irlr,.RoyMa rians, JameeBaltet,.!-.E1 da Kennel, Harvey Gelinas. - I.—Ethel Merieni; Melvin llterian'i. LANOMATli, `teacher, p, r The following is the result of •''the promotion examination of $. S .' S,' No. 1 Hay based on. Good • Conduct, Application and Punctuality. Jr. IV. to Sr. IV,—(500 required to pass) Lawrence Denomme, 400. Jr. III to Sr, III.—(450) Napoleon. Denomme 597, Albini -• Bedard ' 5.32, Lerina Denomme 521, Theodore harp- ort. 475. (Nettie Denomme and Lucy Denomme recommended.) Sr. II to Jr. III. -(425) Adeline. Denomme 534, Beatrice Bedard 490: Jr. 1I..to Sr. II.—(425) Stella Denomme 473; Lottie Denomme .445.. Jr.,1 to Sr. I.-(200) Jule Corri- veau 352, Regina Corriveau 314, Kathleen Corriveau 314. To Jr. I. ---Victor Denomme 250, Morris Denomme 218. ; Jrr"to,, Sr. • Primary:—Irene• Corri -eau, Gerald Denomme. Jr. Primary.—Ger tie Bedard; Ray= ina Denomme, • Gordon. ' Corrire'au,. Melvin Bedard, Athonse Denomme. Teacher, MARY C. HILRGALIN, Farm For Sale:` I am receiving numerous enquiries respecting Huron County Farm Lands. If you want to sell I will assist you with an ,'advertising campaign that will bring buyers to our favored County, No Buyer - No 'Charge Call, write or phone for particulars. E. ZELLER Conveyaa cer, 'Real Estate,'&c: ZtJRICIT, ONT. Con.traot ors We are ready to figure on your Mason Contracts and Cement Work For next season. No contracts to Large and too small to receive our careful attention. LOUIS WEBER, Zurich CHAS. MEYERS, Blake. Henry Bossenberry Licensed Auctioneer, Huron, Ili ddlesex and Lampton. Satisfaotion guaranteed. Dashwood, Ontario. Dates arranged at the onto. UMW A Paint for the Floor (That Wears -- And Wears- And Wears. HERE ° are many kinds and many colors in Floor Paint —but the old r