HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-07-03, Page 1onsolidated
DASH- - w cot
3, '1914_,
fB!1tBf'S Nei
No, 10
Pu.blislied every two weeks Price grat i
A little p;aper devoted to news usually heard
and seen itrouiid a (xeuerta andHardware Store.
Now is the time to do a little fixing up around the
A little paint or var><iisla will work wonders. The old worn
floors con bo I mo:4o cc() loo: bright clad with Sbcrwis-n-
Williaa s Inside Floor Paint, or Sherwin 6'� ii!iat'`3s Floorlac.
Don't throw away the old furniture tut mak0 it look bright
and new by giving it a coat of Sherwin-Williams 'Varnish Stain.
Do away with the dust and germ collecting wall paper' by
using the new sanitary wall finish, Sherwin-Williams Flat -tone,
a durable oil paint that drieswith a soft velvety surface --can
be washed with soap and water.
There is a Sherwin-Williams paint or varnish to give you
every kind of finish. Come and see us about your painting.
Hat Bargains
All our trimmed hats to go at
greatlyreduced. prices. From now
until the end of the season we are
offering all our ready to wear lord ,
les' Bats at surprisingly low prio-
es. Do nt5t miss this opportunity.
House Dresses
Five dozen ladies' house dresses
just" in With and without dust-
ing caps, Very nicely made .of
,durable goods. Regular price $1.25
:selling for $1.
Boy's Blouses
Ready-niacinboy's blouses in
light and dark colors, A very nine
dine and a good variety to choose
A line of ladies and ohildren's
white lace stockings to clear at
Mr. 1 ofd Sparks of Bigger Sask.
returned home for a tow weeks.
Mr. Wes. Merner spent . the latter
part of'last week in, Eliniria.
Mr. Leonard Klopp of Stratford is
visiting with relatives over his holi-
New 2 Gasoline Engine for • sale
at a bargain. Louis Prang,
11lr. Dan Livingood of Dctrpit was
visiting relatives and friends over
Rev, Roy Geiger is visiting his par-
ents Mr, and 2dts Mose:if Geiger,
this week,
11Iiss 'Nem, Soh. ilbe who:. 'spent the'
Past few months ,in Broatrangon, is
home at present.
Mrs. Dan Iioehler:i4 visiting her
parents MM'lr. and M:rs, Frei} Witmer at
Exeter, this week.
Tier, and Mrs. 1, 1+ink1QYiner of
Milverton visited relatives, here a few
days this week, Lola wits anatenpa:niecl
by Mrs, :l m.. Huffman e,iid.: Mildred.
Dr. and Mrs. Schellig and the for -
owes parents .11r. and M .J. (George
Seheliig all of Detroit are visiting
relatives and friends in flax; section,
• Lost --On July 1st, en •: 1;-onsc,ii,
Lhints, north of Illal`ie, a lady s Intuit
uir, e or a leddi:shbrhwtr c.`i t'i to ether
Frifler please leave at ii tata.ii. 1'tic e
'or Nalco Store:
.grist Thiirsclay Civic 1i"tIi:i <:; and
Picnic was. celebrated at talc i)end
with. a large crowd. The ilea- .t ,rand
out to be v great sueccs u,e p•nis
dere erllayect•b till, ai.•i t.1 x, etatil
latch between IIy. X or is a` : is c §i le
seven innings".in favor of thr 'formers
side of n -t . hoot 9 o`block, beth
busses, a number of rinds, and other
ri ;s left for honso well satisfied, and
will a.lavays Ise looking foreward for
next year's "day out.'
A. sad. event occurred on ;Welles.
clay afternoon through the death of
an old resident pioneer, in the person
of Mrs. Henry Zimmerman. The de-
ceased was of a bright and ,'ehristian
disposition, loved by all who knew her;
she reached the age of 71 yrs., 2 mos.
18 days, a consistant member of the
Lutheran church. Her husband pre -
predeceased tier about two years ago.
The funeral took place on Thursday
afternoon, interment in the Lutheran
cemetery. She leaves to mote n hor
loss two daughters, and One Son.
Children's Cotit5
We, have put into stock a big
shipment of children's coats for
summer wear, made of reply, .
clifl'eren't colors, Just the thing
for wartn weather: Re,. $2 for $1.60
M 1151 11. S
We are showing a special line of
muslins, Thee are just quality
goodsatnd are sold regularly at
i2ic. to 15ots, per ,yard, while they
will sell them at loots. per. yard.
Frost Fence
Have just received another ship.
went of Trost woven fence, Gnat.,
ern teed full No. 9 gauger wire and
considered one of the best woven
wire fenoes on the market.
Silo Cement
Are YOU. building a silo? We can
supply you with Portland cement
at close prices.
Produce always Taken.
ll n e No.`
e TR RA ' esuatiri.
The Sunday services will be at
the usual hours : GerTnan 10.30 a:ni
Sunday S 0.00 a. rn. English 730 p,
tn. The following meeting -$.1 are
held during the week
S. 5, officers and teaohers 7,15 p m,
on Tuesdays. The • Ladies Aid
Society' meets at 6,00' p. iii. the'
first . Wednesday of each month.
.A. cordial invitation is herewith ex --
tended to an, not worshiping else-
where, to worship with ns and- take
an aetiye Tart iii -the work of•:the. trig-
ous. societies of our church,
Established 185
Opened Branch in Huron,
Co. 1874
Saving Bank Accounts
Zurich Branch
R. T. DUNLOP, Man ger
Mr. and Mrs. John Sienzon spent a
few days in Tavistock this week
Mr. Albert McCormick of Ottawa
is home for his holidays.
The Ladies Aid of the Evangelical
Church will hold their monthly meet-
ing on Monday the Fath. July at 7.30
p. ni.
Mr. and Mrs.. Jacob Smith and
Mrs. Henry Maugel of Detroit are vis-
iting friends in town.
Dominion Day passed away quietly
in town,' while some went to Drysdale,
Grand Bend and Bayfield,
The grand picnic held on the Drys-
dale on Grove on July lst was a great
success and the coanmittes are to be
congratulated for the different sports
and the good meals that were served.
The North Western College Glee
Club at Naperville 111. consisting of
12 young men, will give a musical en-
tertainment, in the Town Hall on
July 8th. at 8 p. in. under .the aus-
pices of the Y. P. A, of ;the. Evangel-
ic.al c,hc,taeh. Tbis.'will ..be a great
acinic:il treat Let. everybody . eget
ready and secure their tickets. Ad-
mission, Adults 27 cents, Children
nets. Reserved seats 35cts.' Plan of
hall 1 Mr: F :Mess's jewelry store
See press notices'of.this Club...
The contest in South Huron on
,lionclay passed of very quietly :.aiad.
proved an easy victory for 11, Silber
the former member. Nearly .' a hiiz-
tlretd liberals alone in this Township
alone did not vote, and quite a num-
ber of others; who were., against the
Rowell temperance platform voted
with the Conservatives. 'he•Conser
vi ives, temper voce. Snit othsrs voted
w for p'riyu'I.vitb Ste,11 c�inrlii ,!
irizfs it isawonde' that tie majority'.
was not a great deal larger. The
.temperance yote"was disappointing td°
-the Liberals and unless the Liber al
leader conies out. on a straight pro
hibition platform it is - evident that
the bar will never be abolished. i n
Ontario.' The vote in detail will be
published in next issus. TLid Liberals
have won 2t seats, Conservatives $8,
Indepenclants 2.
That Is the Whole Thing in a .zutsh
Our shoes are so much better ti is yes r than ever before, that's
women, man and child to see them: 1;iotter shoes is the result
most careful buying; getting the very bt of goods and styleS at a•
sonable price. When you come here t e your Spring shoes, y'
find just•what you want, because we cat- oe.rry such a big variety;
great reason why you, should come here. rorrisen we have the ,In'
shoe, manufactured by by Geo, A, Slater
Why not save discomfort by pnrohr.-, ng a lair of the best
shoes now. Come in and try on a pair
No trouble whatever to show' the latest Shoes:
Butter, and Eggs' taken in 4:sohange for shoes
The Home of Good Shc es
Yes That is Right, You can;
just what you want at the right pic
at theB STORE.
rt is easily tc understand. We buy, right that is
we can sell fight. We have a large and well asso
General: Stock to choose from of all seasonable Good;
Produoe• taken. in. exchange for goods.
ROD and GUN for July, published
by'W. J. Taylor, Limited, Woodstock
Ont.} is out with a very striking cover
design, an Indian. shootae in full re-
galia, to the ordinary reader sugges-
tive of a vanished race, to the trap-
shooter a reminder of the aminal
;`Clanacli.an-Indians' Tournament" at
j Niagara -on -the .Lake Within the
II magazine is contained an account of
the recent Graticl International Tour.
nstlicn1t at St, Thomas, Ont. For the I
sportsmaiii tourist and lover of the
ottt-of-doors, there is an interesting
bill of fare which includes: A. Canoe
Tri if'o'ia'ii Lake Teiniscaining to Lake
A it lir, arf.Article on Newfoundland
the sportnian's paradise; the story of
"An Off Week on the outskirts of.
Jasper Park, Alta; Reminiscences of
Fishing in Rideau. Lakes; two good
stories, Canadian Camp Life. and
Cupid Alias •Uncle. Zeh White Goin'
Fishing; The value of the Birds, a
plea for an international treaty of
protection; Skunks and how to take
them; and a host of other material of
the kind that readers of out -doom lit-
erature enjoy.
During the vacation season of 1913
This Men's Glee Club of N. W. C.
made a' most successful tour, The
ilia -levy took them through sections,.of
Illinois, Iowa and. southern Minnieso
to At each of - the twenty seven
places visited they were enthusiastic-
ally received by the people; and the
press, and everywhere left new
friends for the.College. `
A" large program usually consists of
songs by. the Chub, reading, quartet,
vocal and instrumental :solos—infant
everything g;i,ig to mako up a first
class entertainment. The personal
for thin seaeon will lie -slightly chane-
Gil, but the, tcf‘ high standard will
be niaintain1;c9,. Giyon at Naperville,
. , 711 4014.
'Oar Spring Models include the latent and most ° fasnionable.
of footwear for wear and comfort. We have the shoe that 11
friends, There never was ti time when the Public was nU,Xrt
about footwear, then the present. It will pay to call and see t
xt will pay you still better to wear them.
Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes.
Have yon seen the new
rior erara
Made by the Raymond Mfg Co. of C�'�elph. the "oldest
Manufacturers C:reain
, ,separators in Canszcla.
The . SUPERIOR is v
ring, aa�'1 . �eilctly self-l�al�,la.cil�g tina�
g, « as wari{tLiated 3nr 5 years ag lIl t (..11Yfeeta o3
.natural -wear. Try one u'1 your own home
and be convinced that it is Superior to al lo
y Local.�
HERE'S a cloth a
our Spring Suits t
hard to escape, for T
every judge of good
The handsome new
and brown mixtures
skilful, perfect tail
will talk for. themseive
There are the re
"stand by" Models ani
very smart London de
Prices that ne
5.00 sio.00