HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-06-12, Page 8TOOK A II : CLEARING ALE FOR WO ' EK From MondayJUNE 8th' to Saturday JUNE 20th We begin Stocktaking on 'the 22nd as this endsoars third year in business, and in order to reduce aur stook as much as possible and calear out all odds and ends, we,, tare holding this clearing sale. Do not fail to come and,, share in these bargains. Renumber when we say CLEARING SALE We mean It: Below are only a few -of the many Bargains we are offering-- Mttslins reg i5ots a, y.d for i0 muslins reg 12io a yd for 8 Repps about 15o yds in different colors, reg 25ots for 20ot Cotton Voiles in white, dream, pink, light blue, reg. 30 now for 20ots a yd, Mulls all shades reg 250 a yd now 18 mulls all shades rag 12o for 10; 1 yd�'tde flouncing embroidery reg 800 for 50 and 27 inoh,wide `of same 50ots for 38. A11 14ot gingliams at 12io a yd. Lace ourtainee Ecru, reg $2.50 for 1.75 a pair ; Lace curtains, Ecru, reg $1,75 for 1.25 a.pair ; Curtain nett, reg 18o a yd now 12t Carpets, all 500 carpets to clear at 35c a yd. A few ends of linoleums and floor oil cloth, cheap. Men's and Bays Suits 2 only men's only suits navy reg, $15.00 for 11 50 5 only men's suits reg 9.00 for 5.75 We have boys from $1.75 to $.7.50 each A few pieces of Men's suiting to go regardless of Dost Come and get our pieces on Men's Rain coats. Remnants! Remants! Remants in Dress goods : crepe cloth ; linens, em- broideries ; laces ; ginghams., prints ; etc. Millinery All trimmed hats, shapes and trimmings at. a Big reduction. PHONE 17 UBY GASCHO WE ARF NOW MAKING ORM DOORS AND WINDOWS f you require any, send in your orders, we can make At Once. et ouarcailnhination Doors, they will keep you warm inter arid cool in Summer. -ALL KINDS OF SAW LOGS WANTED. • KALBFLEISO E 19 _ ZURICH 1 Doing . usiness at The Old Stand ve been appointed Agents for the celebrated sey Harris Implements andle everything in that line, Implements, Manure spread - kinds of Plows, Seed Drills, arrows, Cultivators, Bean ters, etc. rvesting Implement" s, Mowers, Ritkes, Hay Massey -Harris 'Cream Separators kinds of Plow repairs, Gasoline )s. See our line of Cutters be- ou buy, all on r own make. Bug. larriages, Wagons, Sleighs. are Dealing Our Motto Hcs Son Fanning Mill Sieves I am agent for the Clinton faun, ing mill sieves, and farmers re- quiring any, can procure them, at my farm, South. of Zurich John Hey Ir. destimm100.1111•1110snameo...0111.BNOMM, C,1116411. If YOU want your suit press ed or repaired W. IIOFFMAN does IT. Laundry in Connection w. H }lomat railor ZURICH LOCkSturicZStore h Alarms run and. ring. fewInt .just m every + ne Guaranteed. 'SING O , gt'ECIALTY '•'�j Le`i�ss I1 WELLER,S.. OXTATxO Feed Leading Brand of Flour, Shorts, Bran and' Feed Corn.. Produce of all kinds.taken in exchange. We are agents for Interna- tional and Royal Purple,. stock fold. Alsoa full line of Groner- ies on hand. HURRAH HURRAH! Follow the oi,'owd Ana go to Wagner's. We are leaders in; - Fine Confectionary ry Cakes and Bread Neilson's Pasteurized 4aud Hd nongenized ; Ice Cream donstantly kept .on . hand. 0nee tast- ed, the memory lingers. SQUARE DEALING Our_ motto W. C. WAGNER' ZURICH, ONT 411111111.111. COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, & Western Coal Co's Scranton • Coal. All izes ALF. SCRUTON Hensall. For Sale or To Rent. Immediately. Lot 22 L It E Hay 117 acres also South half Lot 21 L, R E Hay 75 acres the above lots will be sold or rented together or seperaute to suit parties. Thomas Turnbull KIPF MRS S ICE OREAM PPiRLQRS are now Open CONFECTIONARY of the purest quality alwalcient hand.. Luncheons, Soft Drinks anal Cigars, to be had on the prerises;,also Fruit of all kinds. S. >Kt PFER ZURICH - Qtfi7G`F GOOD BRICK DWELLING AND 2 AND HALF ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE. Good brick -dwelling 24X84: with kitchen 18X22, together wi-b• large frame barn and about 2;-1 aoi;es of land. The property is nicely situat- ed and will be sold on reasonable terms. There is a good well cistern, and furnace in house. Fon further particulars apply to E. Zeller:, Zurich, • Possession may be given about 1t: July. 0. Greb owner, Berlin: Ont. FOR 3 New,, Ontario Favus In the very 13eart of the futner,ci 20,? 000,000 acres of choice:clay-belt land, Near the village of Matheson on the T. & N. 0. Railway. All other surr- ounding Ibts already settled and lin- .. proveinen JO' begi.i '..Ex0o11ent gover- nment roads through the entire local, ity; school hpuse. and look • P. 'O •a corner of one of ',the lois; Brutes eroclt. ed and 8 and 5 aeras cleared on. each,: Two of the lots have close to ' 1;.000, 000 ft of valuable timber on each, (pine, birch, Spruce and' Whitewood, in almost equal amorists) and in add- ition over 1,000'cords of pulpwood oneach farm, 160 acres in each farm. rare opportunity for quick -ret- urns and safe investment. Price ex- ceptionally low, only $2.00, $4.00 and $6.00 per acre, respectively. It will pay you. to investigate this unus- ual bargain. Apply 'to E. Zeller, Zurich, Farm for Sale Lot 23. Con 7, Parr Line Hay North 50 acres, or will sell the whole lot. For partieuiars apply to Duncan Taylor, Hensall P. 0. Dwelling for Sale. Good, two storey...L-•?ibk cdwo•1ling with brick stable; all in' fi1rst eiass repair. Gond water and'large garden. Would give• possession this• Seeing, For Particulars apply at enoe to Er- nest Gies, Zurich. - Custom Sa'win, Wanted at Joshua Snidee5. Saubl'e Line. McEvgeri.. Bros, Bayfieici BULL FOR: SERVICE The undersigned,will hold {bio the irnproyement of stook this yew that pure bred choice bn1i "King Georgy,'.' The animal is risiu t5•yrs• ands will easily weigh 2800e when fat... Well matured sires are the great for thrifty stock, rates $1,501. Oscar :fopp. HAY 06.YTJNCIL ,At Court of Revision the asscesnaent� af' Chas. Beaver was reduced $200 ' 'John Brown `i300uand Henry Ilipp hardt $50, HenryReichert hacl struck 5 off one dog, D. Teuternner one, bitoh; struck off. After a.few transfers. oft' !assessment the Oottrt of Revia onewee- closed. After Court de Revision cauneili `.inet Wni. G. Mass was a;,ayointedl manager andolertator of Zurich, can- stral. He has tc-„attend to all i install• 'ations of new telephones ane?„ de. alai repairs in cent.,'u,l and to the lines, 3e• also has to famish oflicerocna„free, of charges, his salary to be $4200 pee Annum. Frank Mousseau, Sion, Pass and Isaiah Witmer were a,ppoiniet3 Road commissioners for Znrieh,Itiali, After a fevt accounts were passed aec1 council acdj e'urned until Jelly,- Wee. at 2 o'clock., we also stock New Perfection cad` ell stove.. '.$5.00 gold:piece is just as pure gee as the gold in the $20).00.'gold piece,' there is less of it. So no matter what style stove Yeti may select, you canndt+h?alse a mi • as long as it is a "Detroit Vapor. Gasoline Stove." Many use the 'Detroit Vapor" stoves summer and wintie",• as I heat their houses with •furnace or beam, and With a "Detilatf• Val stove for cooking they have practicteily the 0onveniece of a gt s Do you know that it takes about 2'minutes to generate a' o0 gasoline burner, three burners 6 Inintues, three times a day 3S' ffii 365 days in a year would be about 11 db,ys at ten hours per day, *a your time your time and gasoline, to sinobe up your rooms, while` ting your gasoline stove for cooking, Why not apply this wastefh pense toward buying a 'Detroit Vapor"'. stove that lights like gats THINK IT OVER e. III4RTLJ3JB,. zJHVRO'S LARGEST COMBINATIN STORE THE QJJ: ITY STORE House Furnishing The:placeto buy your Housefu nishing irs,at. Merner'sr We ha in Stock Tapestry Squares, Oilclot Linoleum's; Curtain Scrims; La Curtains and anything you need the Mouse: furnishing lines. BIG GRAIN C0MPE,TITION New Feature of Prize List, of Canad- ian National Exhrbiiticn A Grain and Sheaf Competition open to the world is an. added feature of this year's Prize List of the Canad- ian National Exhibition, which is now being distributed. The prizes in this competition are '.100 and Medal each for Spring Wheat, Fall wheat, barley, oats, Flint comae Dent corn, beans and peas. All exhibits must be the product of the crop of 1918 or 1,914 and must be sent through the Minister of Agriculture, Commissioner or Sec- retary of the Province or state, or Officer in Charge of an Agricultur, ,l' Department. The exhibit shall bon, sist of two bushels of grain in seek, accompanied by one sheaf of the same grain. Sheaves are not requir- ed for entries of beans and peas. The other departments of the Drize List haye been carefully revised, Lind the total amount to be .awarded for Live Stock and other products of the farm and home is $55,00o, The list has been specially framed to prefect the interests of the small` exhibitor.' The Grenadier Guards' Band - frons 'England will feature the music, while two concerts daily will also be given by Oreatar's Band, the most famous concert band on the American Con- tinent. The spectacle, "13abylon, is on a more magnificent scale than. ever before, and the other special, atf racoons promise to show marked im- provement. The foliti;ving is the edeeoet, s the second room of Zurich iublie; School for the.month of Mey,,baseclien alt- endanee4.diligence and, gone of dom- eanoue.. St I:IiL-11Iargaretr,IBIess 99, Gra- ham; Merner 77, Gladiya Fisher 68, Lindsay Warm 57,Otiiye ,Zettel 53,, Prowls Zeller 48, Passel Preget, 46,, Mary Zettel 46, Fran,lt: Siebert 45;, ,Elmore Clausius 82‘ Alberta MHO - 'bolts 85, Fred Weseloh 82, 'Theodore Leibold 30, Ear. Zettel 25, Clarence Foster 22, Leo IOfi;ttelholiz and Ulla Desjardine absent. Jr. III. -Res° gess 88, Margaret Deichert 85,, Marjorie Fritz ,'70, Ar - mina Bremer 60, Jacob 'letterer 60, Celia Hildebrandt 50, Peer1 Walper 45, EarnieBernder 40, Leroy O'Brien 30, Clarenoe Brenner 20, Lawrence Ran .10.. Sr. UI -Edna Zettel . 70, Lillian Weseloh 70, Ivan Kalbfleisch - 08, Dorothy Campbell a8, tva T ntbfldsch' 05; Inez Yungblut 63;. Bert Siebert 62, Teddy,Wagner 6Q,'noirothy .Hilt 60,,Mary Ilittelholtz' 60, Emus Wurm 58, Hazel;Foster 58, Whitney Trueiisner 55, Lennie O'Brien.. 55, Etiloine Geiger n5, Laura Deitrieh 53, Alia 'Wiley, 53, Gordon Zettel 85, Irvin Fisher. 35, Margaret Thiel '30, A1plionsus ncitrich 30, Anthony Mittelhaltr 2O. Oz.s iL woos, toacber'. We have also have a sonnethin ;new in Dress Material:s, and a ni, 'line of white Lawn Waists. Ca and..see what we have.. Highest Prices paid for Farm Produce J. MEIt1ER, - Zu :s I arras. lernen UNDERTAKING Iaet us, know your wants;, We handle everything in, Farm Implements, Engine Supplies I allies, all sizes; and kinds, Belting, leather oa canvas, all sizes. Shaft, boxing and shafting. °Pump and . pump 111.1:a piping, 8giesj.:'Waggons, . Sleighs and' Cutters. If you arein need of Machine . Re- pairs we can get them for yeti, We give special attention to go repair department, Louis A , kG Electric Restorer #Or`' plaosyiha nol restoredeveryNerveicy h to its ttbpde teAS g 11 and vitality, Prematuto decay read ell weakness averted at eine, PAai*Vhnno 'Ya ko vote now lnan, Pace 915 p ajt or t 15,,:. �ailed it dt e: arts, address, li:'l a eriei, en