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The Herald, 1914-06-12, Page 4
CENTRAL $TRATt:ORD, ONT. Become a ;Specialist in Business. afters more opportunities then y other calling. To reap the ill 11 measure of success you must ye the best possible training, is is Ontario's Best Business hoof, We give individual at. tion. You may ` enter our. Issas at any time, Three' depts MMERCIAL, SHORTHAND and TELEGRAPHY Write at once for our free catalogue. D' A. McLachlan, Principal. OMESEEKER, XC URS'ION:S TO MANITOBA; ALBERTA -SASKATCHEWAN Tugsday until October 27th; indmdre. peg and Return $33.00 onton and Return - 43.00 om Toronto; and Stations West and of Toronto. Proportionate faxes Stations East of Toronto. lletuca Liraii too months. culars regarding RAIL or OCEAN' tickets Canadian Pacific Ticket Aske or write MURPRY, D.P.A.; C.P. y.• Toronto, AIM ee Ladies and Gents Watches Bracdlets and Jewelry of Every ription, Lace Curtains, Ruds, e •Furnishind,Rifles, Moving lachine, Skates, Printing Press- ouutain Pens, in fact nearly thnid you can think of you can oslutely f tee for selling our. iful Fancy Drawn and Sal in ed, 'liandkere„l fiefs at. 10 cents They eel rapidly 6 can gener- e sold in every house. Don't ns any money, but write us to you a lot of Handkerchiefs to hat when sold you will send us oney and the premium selected g 24 handkerchieff entitled you ur choice of an elegant Watch, d Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc. e us to -day, we trust you and back the goods if you cannot sell 'NOLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL LEGAL CARDS. UDFOOT HAYS & KILLORAN, rristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ooderich, Canada W. Proudfoob. . 0. R. 0. Hays. J. L. Killoran, .'Proudfoot Jr, BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. ales conducted in all parts. Satis- ,ion ,guaranteed or no pay. Terms 'tillable. Orders left at this office be promptly attended to. )REW F. HESS, FIRE INSUR®N- agent,: representing the London, :onornical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand. d, Wallington and Guardian. Every. ing in fire insurance. Dashwood Barber Shop Wednesday every Wednesday afternoon anti evening. Saturday -- evui^y Saturday, e,l'i day, and evening. THOS. KLUMPP, Proprietor, Petnlalk Pills xrlalile I -enCh regulator; never falls. The* are skeet iltng1 Y rt�nvlerfu1 iii' regulating tits ail '8 prv' 1 r i t list relnale stistent. Refuse Ast.itasitre w4 iri.t'5 area - et, .tlrthree irt malted tau? addmas- SHIPKA A good time coaling --A garden party under the auspices of the Ship ke Methodist'; Church will be • held in the church grounds, on Thursday ev- ening June 25th, • Tea will be . served, on the lawn, and in the evening thete, will be a splendid musical' and liter- ary program. Those in charge of this affair are spacing nolittle, effort to make it both pleasant and profit able to all who attend. = In'fact 'if.the weather is favorable the success is a foregone conclusion, and all within reasonable distance , both old` and young should decidet'o come, 'Don't forget the 'date (25). Everybody , wel- come. DASHWOOD •tR PICNIC '.he Zion Lutheran Congregat• ion will hold their ennual'- Sunday School Picnic on Tuesday after- noon June 16th. on the church grounds. Meals served in the `ev ening at 25ots, and l5ots, A cor- dialinvitationextended to all. Following is the report of S. S No. 12 Hay for the month of May Names in order of merit based on exams oncl general demeanour?. .. Sr. IV. -Clayton Pfile,; 'Reim/ Schilbe.' Jr. IV. -Norman Gascho, Laura Krueger, Lorna Pfile, Theodore Stein- bach and Alfred Meidinger, absent. Sr. III. -Morley • Witmose, John Maloney. Inter.IIL—Rosella Schilbe, Joel Gascho, Annie Schilbe, absent. Jr. II. ---Gordon Witmore, Orville Steinbach, Urban Pfile, Lillian Sur- erus, • Jr. II.—Vernon Schatz, Ada Wit - more, Alvin Walters, Theresa Meid- inger, Lorne Fleischau , Frank Bad- our, ad-ou , Jermaine Masse. 1st.—Bernice Schoch, Myrtle Masse. Primer Sr.-Gertie Schilbe; Edwin Geseho, Nettie. Meidinger Eliza Bad our Albert Fieiscliauer absent. Primer Jr,—Susie 'Walters, Lillian Rose, Lambert Witmore, Lillian Rad- er, Idella Rader, Idella Schoch, Gor- don Miller. E. R. KRps, teacher. �R A. J. MacIINNON late douse Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyclinic Medical School' and Hospital. Drug store in connection. ' Office, Zurich, Ont. IMPORTANT QUESTION An important meeting of the Ex- ecutive Committee of the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alliance was held in the AIliance Offices, on Fri- day afternoon and evening June 5th. The President Rev. Canon Greene presided. There was a large attendance of members including quite a number of different parts of the Province. Reports were received from the var- ious Alliance Committees showing the status of the different department- al activities. The main interest in the meeting naturally centered in the report of the Political Action Committee. The report reccommended the adoption of the fellbwing Manifeat9 Which was as fof low`s;, MANIFESTO To the electors of the Province of Ontario. The Executive Committee' Of the Ontario board Dominion Alliance de- sires at this oritical ' juncture to place before youf". rankly and fairly,.,the Tweet rrt pos tion of the temperance question in relation to the approaching general election. The principal of prohibition as `a remedy . for the evils of the liquor traffic .. has three times been effirined by; large majorities in tIiie Province. Muni- cipal uni-cip l prohibition las served a very distinct and usual . • place in fo the revolution the reform; so that sixty-three, per cent of the municipalities are paw' Ten- der local prohibition.,. One hundred and thirteen other , municipalities, most of them incorporated; cities, towns and -villages, have given;major itis in favor of prohibition but' have ';ailed to register the necessary' •sixty Pee cent vote. Tha steady educational wont ofthe churches, the,disocussion"and 'presen- tation of facts in oonneetion'with Lo- cal Option campaigns, the 'awakening of the industrial, commercial, . and snieiitiie'world to hp economic`weste and physical dietructiyness 'of' the liquor traffic and "..the drink habit. have created a body of public sentini- ni which calls for distinct advanced in the 'natter of legislation„ The unanimous vote of many `,large non-partism Conventions and ekOrch courts, have called upon Legislature to' lessen these cruel evils be et least wipingout'the barroom, the drinking club and the.whole treating system. Ip aceordenee with this sound:. and patriotic,. policy we urge upon the friends. of our cause the duty of doing their Utmost to'secure the nomination and election of men who will fairly represent the people upon this sup- reme issue. We urge: all right thinking citizens to put their temperance principles before any Inere party preferences in the approaching contest and vote only for candidates who canbe relied upon to support the 'most advanced tem- berance measure brought before the Legislature. If as we believe, this question is the most important before the elect- ors of the Province, a question that has long pressed for solution, if it is time that wise and enlightened lead- ers in all departments of commercial industrial , and national life are be- coming anxious to destroy the des- troyer, we feel justified in asking all who love their country and care for the highest interest of the fellow men to rise, if necessary above party pre- ferences and affiliations, and inside that their representatives shall be un trammeled in their relation to this issue; ministers and members of ohrist- ian ahurohes. The people of thi s Province have read and approved of resolutions adopted from time to time by "great ecclesiastical gatherings, and they loolrto you for leadership in this great cam- paign, Electors of the Provine: You have in your own hands the remedy for the condition you deplore. This is a fight in whish an Alliance of the Christian Churches of our land can defeat the sordid and solidly united forces that support the liquor traffic. Will you act as independently for the right as the liquor interests do for their own selfish ends? If you do, the next Legislature will ABOLISH THE BAR -ROOM. Signed on behalf of the Ezecutive Committee. Ben H. Spence. Canon R. Greene. Secretary. President. Mack Wilkes Standard bred trotting stallion En- rollment No. 2114. This stallion is 4 yrs. old, Seal brown, stands 16 hands, weighs 1200 lbs., is gentle and kind, best of feet and legs and action. His sire Ora Wilks the greatest trott- er producer in Canada. Will stand at his own stable, $10.00 to insure. Payable March 1st. Geo. Joynt Phone 16. iThat Wears— And ears— And Wears. ERE are many kinds and many colors;in Floor Paint —but the old reliable SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT is the "daddy" of them all. "Way back in your grandfather's time," SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT was standing the wear and tear of pioneer days -today, it is beautifying and protecting the floors irr the finest homes of our country. It Survived -because it stands the scuff —because its beautiful colors are lasting 1 u —because it wears, and wears, and wears. If you want sanitary floors—floors that are easily kept spic and span—come in and get a color card of Senour's Floor Paint, showing 14 attractive colors from which to make your choice. 20 C. HARTLEIB, Zurich. r. g le al Rodiguil Jr, Percheron Stallion No. (4354,) 74773. This stallion will be at Dominion House stable every Thursday after- noon till Friday at noon, at any other time will stand at his own stable, St.Joseph, Napoleon A. Can tin:' This horse for service at both places. For particulars, apply to manager or prop. BEN CHARETTE N. A. CANTIN manager proprietor TENDERS For the Erection, Town Hall Hensall Sealed Tenders for the erectian of a Town Hall, will be received any time after June 2nd, 1914. Tenders may be address to A. Murdock, clerk, or T. Hudson, reeve, by registered Letter marked "Tender for Town Hall" and must be in hands of above before June 16th, 1914, plans and specifica- tions will be in hands of Mr. Harry Reynolds, archited after June 2nd. Lowest nor any tender neeessarily ac- cepted. Hensall. May 26, 1914. A. Murdock, Clerk. IIONIESEF K1RS EXCURSIONS T©--- ' Point' on the TEMISKAMING & NORTHERN ONTARIO RY., $aileybury and Northern Ontario: Flom all points in Ontario and Quebec on the Grand Trunk and C. P. Rys., except west ' of Chalk River and north to Parry Sound on the C. P. R. Tickets at especially reduced rates, good going June 10th and valid for return until ,June . 20th. See your nearesl railway Agent for full particulars, or apply to A. J. Parr, (.1+ .A., T & N.O. Rlys. North Pay, Out. !Debts and Debtors If we give a merchant our custom, we have a right to expect him to advertise —to tell us weekly in the columns of THE HERALD what he has for us. Advertising is shop news, designed to inform us, save our time, and bring to our attention desitable merchandise. Every retailer who is alive to the interests of his customers has a message—often many messages for his customers concerning new goods, special offerings, and things that we ought to know about. Customerf and non -customers will be attentive and responsive to these messages, if they are delivered in the fosm of advertisments in the WEEKLY HERALD. The way to get more business is to ask for it, A NOTE TO MERCHANTS Would you buy much or regularly from firms that never solicit your trade? Do you not ray—"The firm that warts my business must come after it?" Yet some of you say, in effeet, to your custom.re— "W.'r. hear. If you want our soods, come and get them, but don't expect well go after you. Shop Where YOU are Invited to Shop. a T ar Ln( )fit f hit ural ma oat 443 8`7 oe re gmel bin me' ing he ing liar to Tho tak the .11 'ehE ex)re itto,n 3 on bur Wel that q say di s• dHta dei wo xn�ia tat] ruin co An sir eke the lre� eor rut fie the aria, tut +(liar to loci nil Dort r+ ltad