HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-06-12, Page 1Consolidated With
Vo►. XIV.
No, 10 Published every two weeks Price gratis
A'little'paper devoted to news usually heard
and seen around a General and Hardware Store.
Now is the time to do a little fixing up around the
A little paint or varnish will work wonders. The old worn
floors can be made to look bright and fresh: with Sherwin-
Williams Inside Floor Paint, or Sherwin-Williams Floorlac.
Don't throw away the old furniture but make it look bright
and new by giving it a coat -of Sherwin-Williams Varnish Stain.
Do away with the dust and germ collecting wallpaper by
lasing the new sanitary wall finish, Sherwin-Williams Flat►tone,..
a durable oil paint that dries with a soft velvety surface— can -
be washed with soap and water.
There is a Sherwin-Williams paint or varnish to give you
every kind of finish. Come and see us about your painting.
Hat Bargains
All our trimmed hats to go at
greatly reduced prices. .From now
until the end of the season we are
offering all our ready to wear lad
res' hats at surprisingly low pric-
es. Do not miss this opportunity.
House Dresses
Five dozen ladies' house dresses
just in Vyitli and without dust.
ing caps. Very nicely made of
durable goods. Regular pride $1.25
selling for $1.
Boy's Blouses
Ready-made boy's blouses in
light and dark colors, A very nice
line and a good variety to choose
A line of ladies and children's
white lace stockings to clear . at
Children's Coats
We have put into stock a big
shipment of children's coats for
summer wear, made of repp, in
different colors. Just the thing
for warm weather. ReU. $2 for $1.50
We are showing a special line of
muslin's, These are just quality
goods and are- sold regularly at
120. to 15ots. per yard, while they
will sell them at loots. per. yard,
Frost Fence
Have just received another ship.
rnent of Frost .woven fence, Gnar-
anteed full No. 9 gauge wire and
considered one of the, best woven
wire fences on the market.
Silo Cement
Are you building a silo? We can
supply you with, Portland oement
at Close pr:oes.
Produce always Taken.
T'e: l e p` h o n e No.
• Miss Gertrude Weselohvisited:� in
London last week.
Mr. Douglas Sparks was i11 London
on Monday on business.
Mise Pearl Wirtz is visiting relat-
ives at Guelph for a few weeks.
See our long handled shovels ; at
50cts. each, only afew left:'
At 'lartlebs.
Mr. Hubert Klopp of .. Stratford is
visiting bis brothers, a few clays this
week. s
Anybody wanting fresh: tomato
plants' please call at 'Sirs : , Uon,
Sohllbe .
See our Single Harness r.eglar
$16 for $14-, call and see them only
2 set left at that price- ACHartle%b's.
Mr. C Fritz is having• -his.. shoe
store re ,painted which ; iidds - . greatly
to, its appearance.
GVe itr'e sorry to repoit%fiat, Mr.
Justi',e I17eliek isnot; rallying Warn
his ;severe illyess asritpidly as fits
mithy friends would like to see.
We make a Specialty of building
heavy'galvanizecl cistern.:. tanks' tit
lowest pries call and get; prices. ..
0. Ilartleib,
Mr. Robert. Douglas of Sasi L-
oon arrived in town on Saturday
coining by auto from Windsor. Ile
intends visiting with his mother at
Blake for a while.
Mr: and Mrs. Morris Rau of the
Comjuercial"returnod on•Satuaday ev-
ening from a short visit in : Detroit.
'The letters sister returnedwith then
for a short visit; ti }
Mr. John Foster is busily engaged
in making steelrings for- an• up -toy
date silo building outfit, Be has al-
lread ' erected a number of silos and
has the contract for a number of dill-
The local bowling green_ has been
put into splendid -shape by the care-
taker Mr. 3. F. Sickbeil, and impro-
ved electric lighting has also'been iu-
etalled. ,
Mr. Thomas Snowden. is erecting
a fine modern dwelling on his farm
al the Salable Line Stanley. gr.
C. Ifalbfleisch of this town has the
contract for the wood work.
Rev. F. C. Berger of Cleveland
Ohio. 'delivered an inspi ing add
ress last Sunday morning an S. S.
work in the Evangelical church.
In connection with the evening
service three excellent papers were
given on. Y. P: A. and Missionary.
work by Henry Pfile, Olive O'Brien
and Miss Keys,
The Sunday services will be at
the usual hours: German 10.30 a.m
Sunday S 9.00 a. m. English 7.30 p.
m. The following meetings are
held during the week':
S. S. of6.cers and teachers 7.15 p w,
on Tuesdays. The Ladies Aid
Society meets at 8.00 p. in. the
first Wednesday of each month.
A cordial invitation is herewith ex
tended to all, not worshiping else-
where, to worship with us and take
an active part in the work of the war-,
otts societies of our church.
Established 1853
Opened Branch in Hure»
Co. 1874
Saving, Bank Accounts
Zurich Branch
R. T. DUNLOP, Mama
N C3
Aft. Johnston of Tfiiakarciine spenis NEW
�TE9 ,
Sunday with his sister Mrs. Juli.
The Misses Ethel and Eva Wil
irnts and Agnes Kaereher visited in
London, on Monday.
See our large stock of Furniture
prices just a little oheaper than or-
dinary. At Hartleibs.
Mr. Jacob Deiohert has invested in
a Ford auto purchased . from Wes.
Schnell, the. Ford agent ' at Exeter.
We have another car of Sangun
cement on the way. Phone for special
prices F. 0. B. Hensel station.'
Mr. Justice Melick has been very.
poorly the past few weeks and is un-
able to leave his bed without assist-
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Merrier and
Lily Merrier all of Hespler formerly
residents here are visising relatives
and friends in town..
Martin Senour's ready mixed. paint
is the only paint that has been endor-
sect by the Goveriiment`•as a 100%
pure paint. C Hartleib sells it.
Mrs. Dave Stndoa, who has -been
visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs
Henry Koehler returned to her hone
at Tavistock on Saturday last.
WANTED, -A good, quiet, sound
working horse, stale age. Partic-
ulars and lowest price.
Look Box 201, Hensall
As previously mentioned in these
columns the business men of Zur-
ioh will close their plitoes of busi-
ness every evening except Wednes-
day and Saturday of each week be-
ginning the coming week. People
will kindly govern themselves ac-
The North.. Western Glee Club
coneistiug of twelve y i; Atl',eA
will visit .Zurich on •,J y. 8th,
This is a• musical organization of
renoun which will give one of their.
delightful and inspiring concerts
on the above date. Keep this date
open for yourself and friends,
hook; for announcements and ad.
vertisments in Tao! BERARD.
The framework of the Evangelical
church sheds was raised on Thursday
afternoon. Seven large and strong
trusses were raised to their proper
pssition by about 40 or 50 men. The
work was in charge of Mr. Sam Deitz
one of the most capable men in the
community. All honors is due to
him and hi_s able men for getting the
work ready in so short a time. What
Sate eannpt accomplish, there is no
need of any trying,
Quarterly and communion services
will be held in the Evangelical
church 'next Sunday. The Lord's
supper will be dispended in connection
with the . morning service. Rev. J.
11. Grenzebach of Dashwood will
preach both morning and evening.
The preparatory service will be held
on Friday evening. At the close of
which the Quarterly Board will meet
for the transaction of business. Rey.
S. R. linetchel P. E. of Berlin will
have charge of this,meeting.
On the evening of June 18th.. from
7-9 o'clock a supper will be served on
the lawn ab the Lutheran parsonage
under the auspices of the Ladies Aid
Society of that Church. After the
supper a variety of very useful ar-
tielesprepared by the various mem-
bers will be sold by Auction.
Select and appropriate music will'.
be rendered:'by co.tnpitent musicians
throughout the evening
Admission Adults 25 Children 15.
Everybody cordially invited to attend.
Exact from The Detroit Tinges
May 26, 1914
The Huron and Bruce Old Boys.
and Girl's Association of Detroit in a
meeting held JVlonday evening; in St.
Anclretv's hall, decided to attend a
homecoming celebration in Seaforth,
Ont. August. 1st. to 5th. P. G. Neelin
and 1\f- Broderick, of Seaforth, ad-
dressed the meeting. The following
cotnruitte will make .. arrangements
for the outing and special train; R.
Dawson, John Robb, Dr. Atkinson,
A. J. Willson, Dr. G. M. McMann
and George
the Whole Thing in a Nubile
'Our Wanes are so much better tl is yet r than ever before, that e
women, Yvan and child to see them. I:. Iter shoes is the result of
most careful buying, getting the very by: •. of goods and styles at a
sonable price. When you come here tr r your Spring .shoes, you
find, just what you want, because we can :•arry such a big variety i
great reason why you should come here, i.,r men we have the Invi
shoe, manufactured by by Geo. A. Slater.
Why not save discomfort' by puroha, ing a pair of the best
shoes now. Come in and try on a paii ,
No trouble whatever to she ;•r the latest Shoes.,
Butter, and Eggs takenin exchange for shoes
es FRITZ. Ar Zuric
The Horne of Good Shoes
Yes That Is Right. You can
just what you want at the right pr
It is easily to understand, .We buy, right that .is l
We can sell right.11-rz1ta.�rr ar.1�n A nrid vcrQll asSf
General Stock to choose iron. of all seasonable. Goods
Produoe taken in exchange for goods.
R. N. ! LAS
..x k .lid:.. r•' ..
;;+_COUNTS.,.;: we fir
Our Spring Models include the latest and most fanionable S
of tootwear for wear and comfort. We have the shoe that n:
friends. There never was a time when the Public was more cri
about footwear, then the present. It will pay to call and see t
/t will pay you still better to wear them.
Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes.
:S. EL FAUST Zuric
Have you seen the new
Su ;.erior Separator
Made by the Raymond Mfg Co. of Guelph. The oldest
Manufacturers (ream Separators in Canada.
The SUPERIOR is strictly self -balancing and self -cc
ring, and is warranted for 5 years against defects or
natural wear. Try one in your own home
and be convinced that it is Superior to al 'others
'THERE'S a cloth ab
our Spring Suits th
hard to escape, for TA
every judge of good to
The handsome new gr
and brown mixtures ---
skilful, perfect tailor
will talk for themselves.
There are the reg.(
"stand by, Models and
very smart London desi
Prices that ne
$5:00 $10.00
A 7X2)F