The Herald, 1914-06-05, Page 8TOOK -TAKING CL A IN ► LE FOR TWO WEEKS From Monday JUNE 8th to Saturdayy. JUNE 20th We begin Stocktaking on the 22nd as this ends our d year in business, and in order to reduce our stook tbs minala ash possible and trlear out all odds and ends, we trate holding: this oleering ;sale, Do not fail to come and share in these bargains, Remember when we say CLEARING{ SALE We Mean It. Below are only a few.of the many Bargains we are offering— Musiins reg 15ats a yd for 10 nnisiins reg 12 o a yd for 8 Repps about 150 yds in different colors, reg 25ots for 20ot Cotton Voiles in white, dream, pink, light blue, reg 30' now for 20ots a yd, Mtz11i3 all shades reg 250 a yd now 18 malls all shades reg 12o for 10; 1 yd wide Rounding embroidery reg 80o for 50 and 27 inch wide of same'50ots for 38. All 14et ginghams at 12k4 a yd. Lace curtains, Ecru, reg $2.50 for 1,75 a pair ; Lace curtains, Eoru, reg $1.75 for 1.25 a pair ; Curtain nett, reg 180 e. yd now 12* Carpets, all 500 carpets to clear at 350 a yd. A few ends of lino]eums and floor oil cloth, cheap. Men's and Boys Suits 2 only men's only suits navy reg, $15.00 for 11 50 5 only men's suits reg 9.00 for 5..75 We have boys from $1.75 to $7.50 each A few pieces of Men's suiting bo go regardless of cost Come and get our pieces on Men's Rain coats Remnants! Remants! RRemants in Dress goods : crepe cloth; linens, ' em. br oideries ; laces ; ginghauis ; prints ; etc. -.iIHHnery All triinrned hats, shapes and trimmings at a Big rednetion. yer PHONE 17 HURRAH h`01loty the crowd . and go ' -to Wagner's. We are leaders in:— Fine Confectionary Cakes and. Bread. Neilson's . Pasie ,irizec ' and. Hamongenized, Tee Cream constantly kept on hand. Onoo test- ed, the memory lingers. 'SQUARE= DEALING' cur • motto` E ZURICH, W. C: WAG-NE� ONT COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, & Western Coal Co's- Scranton Coal All izes ALF SCRUTON Hensel WE A. NOW MAKIN STORM DOORS ANI WINDOWS If you require any, sena in your orders, we can snake them At Once. Get oar co .ezinal on Doou s, they keep you we= in Winter and cool in Suraayaer. KINDS OF SAW :,OGS. WANTED. Stell Doing Business at The Old Stand' I aur agent for the Clinton faun Fanning Mill ll Sieves We have been appointed Agents for the celebrated Massey Harris Implements We handle everything in that line, 'Seeding Itnpleneuts, Maumee spread - ers, all kinds of Plows, Seed Drills, Disc Harrows, Cultivators, Bean Harvesters, etc. w Harvesting Implements .Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Hay Loaders, Eta, Massey -Harris Cream Separators All kinds of Plow repairs, Gasoline engines. See our line of Cutters be- fore you buy, all Darr Own make. Bug- gies, Carriages, \Vagoirs, Sleighs. Square Dealing Our Motto ePs Sc 1 ing mill sieves, and fanners , re. quiring any,' ean procure them at my farm, South of Zurich John Hey jr, It YOTJ want your slut press ed- or repaired FT4AN does IT. Laundry in Connection W. H. HOFFMA' failor .. ZURICH rtc� Zurich Feed Store r Alarms run and. ring. A, new lot just in every One Guaranteed. REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY F. W. Itess G. R. Hess J WELLBRS. TJ1EtTon ONr2ARr0 Leading Brand of Flour, Shorts, Bran and Feed Corn Prtrduce of all kinds taken in exchange. We are agents for Interna - tion al and Royal .Purple stock food. Also a full line of Grocer- ies on hand. SPA UKS & DOUGLAS to For Sale or To Rent. Immediately. 3 New Ontario Farms In the very heart of the fent 20, 000,000 dares of choice clay-belt•land. Near the village of Matheson on the T, N:, 0. Railway. 'All other st'trr- ounding'lots already settled ":and. in- nrovemeittabegun : xGellont..govsr. nnrent rgads.through ;thekentire local- ity, so tgol lioiiae and°1;pesl l' . p,, ; a. corner of 011e of .the lots,lio nes"erectt ed a+nd°8 and 5 at:r:es'cleaxed:on each. TvVo.`oiy'the lots'ave erose to ,].,000, 000 "ft of valuable trrlaber •b each, (prne,eb:ir eb., speiide slid wliitewood, in almost egttalitinoetiets} -nd':in add- itieeeever 4000 cords:;'ofl pulpwood on each farrn, 160 acres ,tn<each. farm. A rare opporrtunrty: :for} quick -ret- urns arid: Safe investment.: Brice e& ceptionally le o; pally. $2.00;.e :$4,00. and $k00 .Per, p,ere,'respeetively. It will pay ytQou investigate thii.tinus7, eat bargain. '• ;Apply 'to,:P+a.' Zeller, Zurroh,; Farm for .Sale Lot •23 Con 7, Parr ' Line Ilay North 50 acres,' or will sell the whole lot. Por particulars apply to Duncan Taylor, Hensall P..0. we also stock New Perfection coal oil stove. $5.00 gold piece is ju'stas pure as as the olcl in t 2. ' there is less of it. g h� 0,00 gold piece,, So no matter what style stove you may .select, you cahoot make a mi as long as it is a "Detroit Vapor Gasoline Stove. Many use the "Detroit Vapor" stoves mummer and winter, as heat their houses with furnace or steam, and with a "Detroit Va stove for cooking they have practically the ebnversiece of a gas st Do you know that it takes about 2 minutes to generate a cone gasoline burner, three burners 6 mintues, three times a day 18 milli 365 days in a year would be about 11 days at ten hours per day, wall your time your time and gasoline, to smote up your rooms, while ting your gasoline stove for cooking. :Why not apply this wasteful pease toward buying a "Detroit Vapor" stove that lights like gas? THINE IT OVER' Lot 22 L iti E flay 117 acre=, South half Lot 21 L -E Hay acres the above lots will be rented together or operate tv parties,. Thomas Tuenh4; Dwelling- for Sale. Good, two storey brick dwelling with brick stable; all in first, class repair. Good water and large garden Would give possession this Suring. For peetienlars apply at once to Er - not .71e5,, Zurich. ART ; *d p PHoree 13 ZURI.0 HURON'S LAi CI aS >l' CerelEllisiATION felTORZ Cxstom' Sawing THE CAMPAIGN IN Wanted at Joshua Snider, Sauble SOUTH HURrgl Line. Iti lest melee issue rat the Clinton "ews•Record; Editor, chejl tries to make political cap LI by attacking the for the aurid T ()k 'teethe recent Canada Temperance Ait campaign. In my then capacity es a priv;at'' citizen n l" cls rr to have hc,ci a perfect right to refrain from advocat- ing a measure which :f 'Considered at beet, a temporary exl',,tlicnt, antl'oiily a preliminary skirmish to the reel bat- tle which is now 'on, not only it'r Her- on, but throughout the province, for the advanced legislation as advocated by N. W. Rowell and the progressive temperance element throughout Oirt- ario, I supported the 0. T. A. with niy vote, but not with the idea that it was to be the last wont in temperance legislation in this Province. if Editor Mitchell is as good,a tem- perance man as he pretends to be, .:he. should help to strengthen the faith of his readers and picture to them the possibility of a barless Province, such as the majority of his readers have prayed for these many years, and which condition is manifestly only made possible' by a ignited stand of.the temperance forces, irrespective of past party affiliqtions. With:such unity the Province -wide curse of the open bar and drinking club would be speedily banished from' the land. The time seems to have gone by when a few'men in any party can dictate what And the rank and file should take on an important question such as the one now agitating the public, and serious men are beginn- ing to think and act for themselves. It is encouraging when this independ- once of thought and action is show- ing itself so strongly at the present time. I sincerely believe that the coalition of the progressive forces 'in both parties will make themselves heard in no uhcertain way, on the; 29th. of this month. ' 1 trust that all, who want more ad, vanced temperance legislation than the Hanna -Snider brand; will array themselves' openly on the right side of this great issue, and forget mere party names for the time 'being. , Hidebound party Journals of the News -Record type may try to draw a.borxing across the trail, 'but' the is- sue as between Rowell and Hanna is so clear-cut, thatit is impossible for the elector to be misled, by irrelevaet arguments. !confidently and coir. scion tiously sol icit the support of all. the elector of S. Huron, who have the welfare of our £air Province,,ser. ashy at heart, McEwen Bros. Bayfield Bush for Sale. CI • 0 1,!he uta{lorsignod bvs for sale on Let 3, Concession . 1, Stanley, ten acre (more or less) of standing titu- lar, mostly maple. For particulars rprprly'to tpieowner. JOHN S. CAMERON ��jj i ss ucefiield, BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned will hold- for the improvement of Stock this year, that pure bred choice bull "King George." The•auiuial is rising 5 yrs and will easily Weigh 2300 when fat. Well matured sires are the great for thrifty stock, rates $1.50. Oscar lflopp. For Sae it he place to buy ,your efn Eishiiiliig its at Merne "iso We hay n Stock Tapestry Sq ire,s;'0itd Linoleum's; Curtain Cw tahns rind anything- ng you geed 11 the douse furnishing lines. We have also have a somethin new in Dress Materials, and a nic .fine of White Lawn Waists. Cal and see what we have.... IN CEANDEBOYE—Good Brick house, two acres of orchard, stables, with (or without) 15 acres of land. Apply to W. A. Jones, 206 Percy St. Ottawa, Ont. FOR SALE House For Sale.—A White Brick House erected by Sim Ireland, and at present occupied by Otto Restemayer,. for particulars apply to H. Weigand, D yshwood. BLAKE CIIOPPER I will be operating the Blake Chopping Mill every Tuesday ancl Friday, until further notice,. Have a _first class grind- er, and will guarantee good r as lts. JACOB ZIPPER BLAKE ONT. .Highest Prices paid for Farm Produce .._ .., .r ic Farm Implements Let us know your wants. We handle everything in Farm Implements. Engine Supplies Pullies, all sizes and kinds, Belting, leather or canvas, all' sizes Shaft boxing and. shafting. Punmp and nunrp piping. - Buggies, Waggons, aggons, Sleighs and Cutters. • If you are in need of Machine ' Re- pairs'we can get them for you. We. give special attention to our repair depea`trnent. LOUIS PRANG. UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate C harges W. H. HOFFMAN Zurich, Ontario essonneinaelsmisseess Electric Restorer for Me PhasFption1 restores every nerve in the bod ——. to its proper tension; restore rim and vitality. Premature deQccay and all sere Weakdes* averted at cite, Thoophockol tv9 e a now mart Pds AR s� boil or tt a: fo Cz, a Pqgdr� a anya id,c4*41°.I°401: