HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-06-05, Page 4CENTRAL idaiS S "1"3 ATVORD, : ONT. ecore a Specialist in Business: Begs mora, opportunities than other calling. To reap the medefre'U'l: S-116CeSs you must o the best possible training. s is Ontario's 'Best Business' ool. We give individual at - tion., You may enter our saesat anytime. `.Three' aepts: IiIi4ERCIAL SHORTHAND and TELEGRAPHY Write at once for our free catalogue. LAMcLachlan, Principal. .. ESE KERo ' X.0 URSlO.N& ANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Tuesday until October 27th, inclusive. nnipeg and Return - $35.00 oaten and Return - 43.00 om Toronto, and Stations west and th of Toronto. Proportionate fares Stations East of 'Toronto. Return Linde Boo months. lculars regarding RAIL or OCEAN tickets 'Canadian Pacific Ticket or write G. MURPHY, D.P.A„ C.P. Rye 'Toronto. ree Ladies and Gents Watches ,s,.Bracelets and Jewelry of Every cription, Lace Curtains, Rugs, se Furnishing,Rifles, Movind Pic- Machine, Skates, Printing Press- ouutain. Pens, in fact nearly ythnig you canthink of you can hoslaitely Free for selling our. tifiil Fancy Drawn and Satin ped 'handkerchiefs 'at 10 cents They sell rapidly 6 can gener- be sold in every house. Don't ns any money, but write us to you a lot of Handkerchiefs to that -when sold you will send els money and the premium selected ing 24 handkerchieff entitled you our choice of an elegant Watch, 1d.Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc. rte us to -day, we trust you and a back the goods if you cannot sell m. INOLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL LEGAL CARDS. OIfDrOOT HAYS & KILLORAN, arrisbers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, c. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. 0. R. 0. Hags. J. L. Killoran, V. Proudfoot Jr, BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. dales conducted in all parts. Satia- tion guaranteed or no pay. Terms sonable. Orders left at this office 1 be promptlyattended to. 'DREW F. HESS, FIRE INSTJRAN, e agent, representing the London, rieonomnieal, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand rd, Wellington and Guardian. Every. hing in fire insurance. Dashwood Barber Shop W ednesday every Wednesday afternoon and evening. Saturday en every Saturday, all day, and evening. THOS, zll.UM.1'P, Proprietor. r, de Var Pellrial& Piilsa► reliable French regulator; never fails. These e,orc expeedtngly' ra+verfnl, In regulating the 005 c p'n r, r 1E0,3 rcu ale system, Refust Pew uvs `i •El ,y �6N p tl . N� .vita%ia,r e1><li e�LOva BLAKE Rev. A. E. Armstrong of Toronto preached on Sabbath last his subject. being the " Bndgeb". A garden party hinder the Auspices of Blake Pres. Church will be held on !Av. : A. T. Douglas' lawn on Friday evening June 26. More .particulars will follow this announcement. We are called upon this week, to report the death of one .of Stanley's pioneers in the person of Edward Boysa Sr., who passed away on Fri- day last at•his home in E;ginonclville where he lived for a couple of years after leaving his farm here. The de- ceased was of a quiet disposition but kind and obliging. He had reached the advanced age of 77 years 1 month and 26 days. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, four sons, and one daughter; His remains .were interred in the Bayfield cemetery. Rev. Mr. Argo• took the service at the. house, while Rev. IIr, Johnston officiated at the grave, ' ' Report of. S. S. No, 11, Stephen for the month of May. Honours 75%, Pass 60°�. Sr. IV.—Honours, Eddie Grob. Sr. III,-Ecion Lafond. Pass- Otto Stephan. Sr. 1II.-- Honours, Adel Lafond Pass. Susie Adams. Jr. II.—Pass Ervin Greb, Gordon tVilleri , Lucy Greb, Wilfred Adams. Pb. IL—Honours, Ruth Willert. Sr. I.—Pass, Bruce Willert. ,Tr..I.—Honours, Pearl Lafond. L—Honours, Olinton Adams, Har- ry Greb. Pass Edna Wild, Anna Stephan. Teacher, V. GR0.:KDEIL. The following is the report of Room h Z. P. S for May. Sr. V.—IL Zeller, 84%; A. McDon- ald, 78; E. Heyrock, 78; E. Fritz, 75; P. McBride, 73; A. Aict, 70; 0. Hoff- man, 67. .. Jr. V. --G. Manson, 76%; R. Apprl, 72; L. Kalbileiseh, 79; V. Fritz, 65. Sr. I�' —G., Zettel, 80%; M. Hey- rock, 78: V;•Fuss, 74; W. Siebert 47. Jr. IV. A. -K. Hess, 67%; R. Fos- ter, 67; L. O'Brien, 65; L. Callas, 64; H. Fritz, 64; A. Hess, 63; C. Miller, 60; W. Fritz, 68; M; Fuss, 58. Jr. IV. B.—P. Ducharine, 63%; S Deichert, 62; M. Hoffman, 58; R. Hartleib, 57; J. Campbell, 55; J. Thiel, b2. DASHWOOD Dashwood was favored on Wednes- day with good weather and big crowds. The, sports were good and everyone went home satisfied. The morning started with a monster procession, followed by a ball game between Ailsa Craig and Orediton .teams in which the former were easy victors. The afternoon was taken up with three races: -green, 2.4d and free fpr all. Some of the heats were very exciting. At 5 o'clock another game of ball was put on, between the Dashwood and Zurich Juniors. This game proved very interesting and at the end of the seven innings the Zurich boys won by a score of 8.3. The line-up for the game 'was:- Zurich Dashwood F. Howald pitcher E. Neeb W. Siebert • catcher E. Graupner E._Howald' let. 0, Guenther, Clay. Hoffman. 2nd. N. Kellerman R. 1 albfl:eisch 8rd. L. Edighoffer Lee Hoffman s. s. H. Geiser R. "'Zeller i'. f. ' W. Mueser G. Langmaid • e'. f. 11. Kraft C. Hoffman 1. i. 0. 'Truer ner. W. Perkins of Hensall„ umpired both games and his decisions seemed to satisfied everybody. Coiatraoto rs We are ready to figure on your Mason Contracts andCelment Work For next ,season. No contracts ,to large and too small , to receive your careful attention.. LOUTS ,WEER, - Zurich. CI-IAS.MEYERS,R�Iake COURT OF REVISION --of the TOWNSHIP OF FIAY Notice is hereby given that the first sitting of; the court of Revision of the Assessment of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Township of Hay fer the year 1914, will be'held 'at' .the Town Hall Zurich, at 10 o'clock a. in. on Saturday the 6th. day of June, 1914. All parties,hayitig business at said Court will guide themselves accord- ingly. ccord-ingly. Dated at Zurich the 15th. day of May 1914. Fred Hess Sr. Township Clerk. Notice to Creditors In the estate of Alexander Denomme, late of the Town- ship of Hay, in the County of Huron, farmer deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant -to the revised Statues of Ontario, Ohap. 121, Sec 56. that all persons having claims against the a- bove named Alexander • Denomme, who died on 'the 27th day of April, 1914, are requested, on or before the 4th day of June 1914, to . send by post or deliver to John Laporte, R. R. No 2, Zuri3h, Ontario, one of the executors of the last will of said deceased, or to the undersigned Solicitors, full particu- lars of their claims. AND TAKE NOTICE Mat after the said 4th. day of June .m 1914 the said Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to, the claims of which they shall then have had not- ice, and that the said executors • will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof 'to anyperson of whose.91-, aim they shall not then have received nositice. Dated at Goderich the 11th day' of May 1914. PROU 00•T, HAYS & LILLORN, - .Solicitors for Executors DR. E. B. BALFOUR, graduate Western University, late of the Military Hospital and Victoria Hospital, London. Office in the building formerly occupied by the late Dr.McLaughlin, Dashwood, R A. J. MacKINNON late Eouse Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. Mack Wilkes Standard bredtrotting stallion En- rollment No. 2114. . This stallion is 4 yrs. old, Seal brown, stands 16 hands, weighs 1200 lbs., is gentle and kind, best of feet and legs and action. His sire Ora Wilks the greatest trott- er producer in Canada. Will stand at his 'own stable, $10.00 to insure. Payable March 1st. Geo, Joynt Phone 16. Hensel. Paint for the Floor That Wears— And Wears— And Fears. HERE are many kinds and many colors in Floor Paint —but the old reliable SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT is the "daddy" of them all. "Way back in your grandfather's time," SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT was standing the wear and tear of pioneer days—today, it is beautifying and protecting the floors in the finest homes of our country. It Survived—because it stands the scuff —because its beautiful colors are lasting —because it wears, and wears, arid wears. If you want sanitary floors—floors that are easily kept spic and span --come in and get a color card of Senour's Floor Paint, showing 14 attractive colors from which to make your choice. ..w.®.........ww.a,i,q.• uuwwueu. Rodiguli Jr. Percheron Stallion No. (4854) 74778. This stallion will be at Dominion House stable every Thursday after- noon till Friday at noon, at any other time will stand at his own stable, St.Joseph, Napoleon A. Canon. This horse for service at both places. For particulars, apply to manager or prop. BEN CHARETTE N. A. CANTIN manager proprietor. TENDERS For the Erection, Town Hall Hensall Sealed Tenders for the erection of a Town Hall, will be received any time after June 2nd,1914r- Tenders may be address -to A. Murdock, clerk, or T. Hudson; "reeve, by registered letter marked';`'!'ender for Town Hall" and must be in hands of above before June 16th, 1914, plans and specifica- tions will be in hands of Mr. Harry Reynolds; architect after June 2nd. Lowest nor any tender neeessarily ac- cepted. A, Murdock, - May 26, 1914. Clerk, I-IOMESEEKE RS EXCURSIONS TO Points on the TE:MISKANtING . & NORTHERN ONTARIO RAZ., Haileybury and Northern Ontario: Flom all points in Ontario and Quebec on the Grand Trunk and C. P..:Rys'., except west of Chalk River and north to Parry Sound on the C. P. R. Tiekets.at especially reduced rates, good going, June 10thand valid for return until June 20th. See . 'your nearesl railway Agent for full particulars, or apply to A ,J. Parr, .. G.F.A., T, & N.O. Rlys._ North Bay, Ont. BE ASSEEIMMIMMO FOOLISH SAVING 1 1 A penny saved is not always a penny earned, Sometimes it is two pennies lost: The merchant who spends noth- ing on advertising loses much more than he saves. The money spent for plate glass windows is not looked on as lost; norvis the money spent on bet- ter interior lighting. Anything that increases favor, that adds to sales, that inultipliss customers is very properly regar. deg as a good investment.. Advertising is a good investment—just • as plate glass windows are. Advertising sells more goods to more persons than shop -windows do. A. WORD TO THE PUBLIC Do you resent having a merchant address his message to you in the form of advertisment in our columns? On the contrary, is not your impulse to respond to his friendly overtures? Shop Where YOU are Invited to Shop. RI Vil iv he era 0,131( ul )rc the wli of bea vis to De t3p+ thi tl pa, Yl�a en fila *-Ita: sn sr, CU sq re Itl• re 6,; hi xt tv Oil pl 0 vt ti a rU, fc 1i fl a• a (.t