HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-06-05, Page 1Coii1solidated With 7
"Vol. XIV. -
tnir0 NOW
IG1 u
No, 9 POlished every two weeks
Price grati
-4 little paper devoted to. news usually liear4
and seen around a General and. Hardware Store.-
• ;
•• ei
t ,e; re.„„e
. -
Ontr'nIP'0:1111.eiltWE!'f:n.Zr4. yot3; ottse. All
expelimentling has bsezi delta you., and the zesilt
of yr e of axperience rdnt and.o2 innu.
wactical ard eiiitosZs is MVP, SlicItan-
, Williams Paint (Prefare(1).
Thera is an exactness in ti :?e forkrula, and n thoroughness in
the mixine, and grindingc. the pure ingredients that insures
perfect painting, results. A gallon of SW.P1,7ill cover more surface
than you ever thought possible, and will wear so long and hold
its color so well that its use is genuine economy.
.i8d um inurn Ware
We have just opened np a shipment
of aluminum were all highly polished
and best quality Although it cost more
to buy thein they are cheapest in the
end as they last a lifetime. It will not
crack, chip or leak. it heat three %imes
as fast as others ware and thus saves
fuel. It is eanitery. It is easily kept
Straw Hats
We can fib your heed with any
kink of straw hat you may be looking
for. We have thein ab all prices.
See our line of Panamas. They give
best satisfaction for comfort and dur-
Keep Kool
Keep cool by wearing some of our
underwear for summer. Made for
coolness and comfort. For ladies and
men. We have a splendid variety to
choose from.
We keep en hand all kinds of good
varnishes made by Sherwin-Williams
Co. For buggies, boats, floors, wood-
work, etc.
How about fixing up ydir Hay Track
before the harvest begins. We have
a large stock of Plyneouth Royes en;
• hand. We have the heavy rope for
the carriers and the smaller sizes for
slings etc. We handle pure manilla
made of the choicest fibre
Join the. Brighten-np.Club-
Use S. W. P.
Produce always Taken,
P E IE 11:1
TilePhOtie IL? " • ZUR1C li
- • .
Au ehildren's wash Emits at cost
CAL NEWS. „ for cash. . E. Appel.
es! Read Ruby and Gasche'e add in
• this issue.
Miss Vera Siebert vieisco ted id !ed. Ruby and G h will hold
ing Sale beginning Monday, June 8th.
1.)o not miss it, •
Jr. R. T. " Dunlop moved to
St. Joseph, on Saturday, for the sum-
mer months.
ilea?, over Sunday.
Mrs. Graham. of Goderioh is Visit..
ing her daughter, Mrs. J. J. I.•ferner
for a few days this week,
Mr. Fred Hess of London is epend-
ing a few days with his parentMr.
and Mrs. Fred Hess Sr. thio :Week.
Mr. Frank Bossenberry of .Berlin
visited relatives and friends a. few
days this week.
• Mr, Orland Johnston of the -
sons Bank staff Clinton' is spending
his holidays with his parents- Lor a
few weeks.
Miss Agnes Kaereher, is ependinga
few days in Dashwood, thie week 'att-
ending the conventioe.
re. Hill who Was ruddeely eteick-
en with pti ralyeie 5I Oteditou leet
WANTED.—A good, quiet, sound
working horse, stale age. Partic-
ulars and lowest price.
Lock Box 201, Hensall.
We are glad to report that is.
Henry- Koehler, Goshen Line, who
suffered a slight stroke last Pday
morning, and was in a critical 4Qou-
(Talon for some time, is again coved-
Me. and Mrs. Richard Nicholson
of Arthur formerly residents of this
Township were in town on Monday
With their auto. They, were on their
w,ck,nms:tvQrugg 3,1coly, 41.24 `.1.V t iit the former'brother Mr.
et:twee-4 lemtt; lee:: a; • e:e 'teey Nicholeon at Crti1iton,
2:1e. :;entee Volleed. • - The .toncrete wall or the Evangel -
l; Je31C 1;i111.,-• • eintech shell Wt1,8 crated last
lenelnees oe ;VVC.1 eteeeyij ijy Jae. James speck_
More:lee nizeh[.' 011'11. earlY Bayileltl, who had the eon -
tine eights i‘lendeee '- tract, Mr. Soelenan is a genial
'Oetreiey Vretee eentwonlieg man,who with. the Men
I e'aleek. eting him Utetignt laurels unto
a a,;toaa,A riy nilthe 301) in record
ca mi...11, Lew. .41. superinteuded
tee:le:ea e; eate,1 Deme,,1;t• work 2dr. Beavetewits a the
tuffri I izt:itti oz. the ecnertc. ItliXeL attending
othor mtines t‘'»l .rthhelise;rt•oiceekestoereti‘INailt1,1:40-
:ulouittviq it iota be On I.- 3111 their work
:•i stently eufteeiteei that theta Wi.Tec... 401- will nonxp1otcd ni.c4few weeks.
who, eompleted it will be one of .the
or seven ,,Clier aseirents,
heee'te leen, the haedeee :elude in the COM-Atty.
Ileeker- wb
Witliaja 1.40. ?44..`r.•:,,.‘ f14001,.:
town, tiletton &ousel:reed her borne,
Beene n rear Tetehweical, lifter
an illeeee foe:4J veva rikontlie. She
ieet: eeehed the age' el' yent anti
etent he, end leevee eeielee lee ;or-
lekt-;:e.e.imelesied. three enall
to mourn her artily demiee.
ere!, wee P3'1d n Monley ace eeoon
to the Itronem diem, Le:ale:rim •. eme
The annual Y. P. A. Itellcy Day
will be hold in the Evangelical
Chnrch next San -day. In the teem-
ing Rev. F. 0. Berger Geneve' Secret*
ary of the Sunday School and wig
People's Alliance, Cleveland, liio
will address the Sunday' School and
preach the anneal sermon. In the
eveeing, a fine program will be ren-
dered. by -the 'Y. P. A. consistieg of
addresses, reedinge, jiwior exerises
etc. Both of these servicewill be
held in the Euglish language. Every
body cordially invited.
The Sunclay services will be eel
the usual hours German 1.0.60Aem
Sunday le 9.00 a. zn. English 7,8Qp
ne. The following meetinge
held during the week :
S. S. officers and teachers 7,15 I) in
on Tuesdays. The Ladies Aid
Society meets at 8.00 p, na, the
first Wednesday of each month.
A. cordial invitation is herewith ex-
tended to all, not worshiping else-
where, to worship with 118 and take
an aotive snare in the work of the M-
ons societies of our church.
Established 1853
Opened Branch in Huror.
Co. 1874
Saving Bank Accounts'
Zurich Branch
R. T. DUNLOP, Manager
• ' , •
Qt.) A'"" ci
•Lior tho JUL,: OtOUOS 0:
Nat e" ri. 7.1Iortimok len in „the
•Itele Of ROD and GUN 1pub-
by W. J. Taelor,
Wood- tock, in ) relates some inter-
esting and carioue facts concerning
plar ts and animals carteusted to 'Dame
'gat ar&s eau,. Among the list of
ged thiuge 1; contains, special men-
tion may be made of "A Dog, s Con-
fession," thc fascinating autobiog-
raphy af an uncomfortable dog; "One
Hundred Milee in the Guides Special'
discriptive of a canoeinti,trip in Tim-
agami Forest Reserve; A Gay Zre-
ceiver" an entertaining talk with the
Boy, the "Princess," and the big
trout as central characters.
On fie evening of June 18th., froni
1-9 o'clock a supper will be served on
the lawn ab the Lutheran parsonage
under the auspices of the Ladies Aid
Society of that Church. After the
supper a variety of very useful ar-
ticles prepared by the various mem-
bers will be sold by Auction.
Select and appropriate music will
berendered by com pi ten t musicians
throughout the evening.
Admission. — Adults 25 . Children 15.
Everybody cordially invited to attend.
A special meeting was held. The
following tenders for 6 bridges were
Joseph Lawson, $1515.00
- Peter Oorriveau, 929.50
0, F. IVIeLean; 1094,00
John 'gun ki n , 098.00
The tender of P. Corrivettu wa0 ace-
- A few telephone accounts were
Council will meet on- Saturday as
Court of Revision , and for general
Brick Dwelling
For Sale
\‘; '
I. ani offering my dwelling and
stable in Zurich for sale. For pate
ticulars apply to 0. Greb, Berlin,
Ontario. "
That Is the Who'.e Thing in a Nutsh
Our shoes are so much better tt is yr •
women, man and child to see them. I
most careful bnying, getting the very hi
sonable price. 'When you. come here I;
find jilEit what you want, because we cal
great reason why you should come here.
shoe, manufactured by by Geo, A.. Slate,
Why not save discomfort by purohe
shoes now. Come in'and try on a pai.
r than ever before, that
.tter shoes is the result o
t of goods and styles at a
r your Spring shoes; you
carry stioh a, big variety 1
or men we have the Inv
ng a pair of the best
No trouble whatever to sho'N' the latest Shoes.
Butter, and Eggs taken in i•xollange for shoes
The Home of Good Shoes
That Is Bight. !ova ca o b
list what you. wait at the right pr.1
at the BLAKE STOE.
It is easily te understand. We buy, right that is -h
we can sell right. We have a, large and well assor
General Stook to chedee from of all seasonable e.00dsi
Produoe taken in exchange for goods.
Our pring Models include the latest' and meg. fasnienAle St,
rcotwear for 'mar wad comfort. We have the shoe that ma
friendTimer never was a time when the Public wee crit
about foiet wear, then the present. It will pay to ca1Lsetitt
Will pay you still bettor to wear them, •
L'utter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes.
47'or t", ,
Have you seen the new
pular Separator
Made by the Raymond Mfg Co. of Guelph. The oldest
Manufacturers Cream Separators in Canada.
The SUPERIOR. is strictly self -balancing and self-ce
ring, and is -warranted for 6 years against defects or
natural wear. Try one in your own home .
and be convinced that it is Superior to al lothers,
8.11MOR KLOPP, Local Age'
nrHERE'S a cluth abo
our Spring Suits that
hard to escape, for TAT]
every judge of good tasi
The handsome new gra
and brown mixtures - --ti
skilful, perfect tailori:
will talk for themselves,
There are the regul
"stand by" Models and tl
very smart London design
Prices that neve
$5.00 . $10.00 $20.0