HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-05-29, Page 4"NAL TRATVORD, ONT. ��.. Beams a Specialist in Business It afters more opportunities than any other .calling.. To reap the full measure of success you must haye the best possible training, This is Ontario's Best Business School. We give' individual at- tention, You may enter our classes at any time. Three depts: COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND and TELEGRAPHY Write at once for our free catalogue. D.A. McLachlan, Principal. CANADIAN PAIC.I 1FAIIIC HOMESEEKERh EXCURSIONS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 27th, lndsalve. Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 From Toronto; and Stations West and North of Toronto. Proportionate fares from, Stations East of Toronto. Return Limit two months. Particulars regarding RAIL or OCEAN tickets from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents or write M. G. MURPHY, D.P.A., C.P. Ryy.; Toronto. Fru Ladies and Gents Watches Rugs, Bracelets and Jewelryof Every Description, Lace Curtains, Ruds, *House Furnishing,Rifles, Moving .Pia lure Machine, Skates, Frintind Press- es, Fountain Pens, in fact nearly everythnid you can think of you can get Aboslutely Free for selling our Beautiful Fancy Drawn and Satin Stripped handkerchiefs at 10 cents •, 'hsy sell rapidly 6 can: genera `eold .in ,. every - house, Don't a 's as-atiy money, but write us to send you a lot of Handkerchiefs to sell, that when sold you will send us 'the money and the premium selected Selling 24 handkerchieff entitled you it) your choice of an elegant Watch, 8 gold Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc. Write us to -day, we trust you and take back the goods if you cannot sell them. INOLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL LEGAL CARDS. PROUDFOOT HAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K. C. R. 0. Hays. 3. L. Killoran, W. Proudfoot Jr. BUSINESS CARDS. 0, S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders left at this office Will be promptly attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSUR.A,N- ce agent, representing the London, Econotnical, Waterloo, Monareb, Stand- sxd, Wellington and Guardian. Every. t1 ins in fire insurance. Dashwood Barber Shop Wednesday pea every Wedue aday afternoon and evening. Saturday err every Saturday, all day, and even i o gp THOSS.' fiLUMr'P, Proprietor. 0 r. de V*n u3 Pemalk Pills reliable french regulator; never faits. These ills are'exoecdtngly hewer el in regulatirg the et eynti e. portion of tl G:ei sir, system Refuse F w,K tY it :asap -n � t' �r Y _Drut, •;!. ,latilirs41,4toth, Oat IC 1�ASHW00 DASriWQOD Come to Dashwood on June 3rd. Mr. Rueben Goetz is building a verandah to his dwelling. Mr. Geo. Kellerman made a busi- ness trip to Pt, franks on Tuesday.. lllessrs Seeder Brothers of 'Med- ford spent. Sunday at the home of 112r. Jacob Schroeder. Mr. John Eidt has built a substan- tial fence between his and the ad- joining property. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Southcott of Zurich are spending the Week at the home of Mrs. Henry Guenther. Mrs. W. Tait of Parkhill spent a few days during the week at the home of Mr. Charles Steinhagen. Mrs. Frank of Detroit is visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baumgarten. The game of baseball to be in the afternoon on the 3rd, will be played between the Zurich Jrs. and ours boys This will be a fast 'game as both teams are strong, game called at 5 p. m. Several from here attended the Liberal convention at Hensall Wed- nesday. The village is all ablaze with bills and posters announcing the big cele- bration on the 3rd. of June, which promises to be better than ever this -ear. The boys are planning the monster Calithumpian parade which will be the beginning of the days sports. Big Celebration We are again planning for a Big Celebration on June 3rd King's Birth day. The committee is arranging for a splendid program which will con- sist of calithumption parade, ball games, motorcyles races, foot races and fast horse races, as the track is being put in splendid shape. Liberal prizes will be given for above sports. Be sure to soe the calithumptian par- ade. GRAND BEND .:Wal,d,of:.,ondon'was' in 'our burg'on Monday. Mr. Walker of Winghaln was here Saturday. Mr. Geo. Oliver moved into his father's house last week. Mr. Samuel Pedlar and sister Mrs. Phair of Ailsa Craig visited a few days, around here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Beesenberry of Dashwood visited at the home of their son Bruce on Sunday. Mrs. Bert Holt is on the sick list, Mr. Jos Gill is also sick. Mrs. Bert Statten of Dashwood visited at J. W. Holt's for a few days last week. KIPPEN Mr. William Day, of Sault Ste Marie, Mich., is spending a few days with his wife and fancily here. Mr. Earl Vanegmond of Egmond- ville, aecarnpanied by Mr. Archie Scott of Seaforth, rendered some beautiful pieces on the new organ in the Meth- odist church on Sunday. Rev" Mr. Smith, of Hensall, preach ed in St. Andrew's Church on Sun- day evening and delivered a fine message to the congregation. Mrs, Daniel Bell, of Hensall, is spending a few days with her daugh- ter Mrs, William Oooper" Mrs. James McGuan, of the 2nd. con. of Tuokersmith, who has been in poor health for some time is not improving as fast of her many friends would like to see. COURT OF REVISION —of the TOWNSHIP OF HAY Notice is hereby given that the first sitting of the court of Revision of the Assessment of the Municipality of th° Municipality of the Township of Hay. for the year 1914, will be held at the Town Hall Zurich, at 10 .o'clock a, n7. on Saturday the 6611. day of June. 1914. - All parties haying business at said Court will guide themselves accord- ingly. Dated at Zurich the 15th. clay of May 1914. Fred Hess Sr. .i.OWIi.1 Prevent the Bugs Now that Spring is here and trees in full bloom and the destroyers Kaye also come and are also doing their work rapidly. It is high time for everybody to get busk and kill them A cheap remedy is to place a tub - of water under a fruit tree and hang ; s, lit lanternabove it, which attracts the bugs, and thousand soon will fall in their grave. In the morning "place a cover over the t .ib preyenting ". them to escape, by, evening thev will be - dead. Everybody should do this and save the fruit.greatly, this remedy will reduce tlie. June bugs and other grubs innumerably. HICK'S FORCASTS A Regular Storm Period is central on the 30th, extending from the 28th three or four days into June. As may be seen by the storm diagram; the Venus disturbance, which is cen- tral in June, comes on at the close of May and will begin to make itself felt' during this period. A - very decided fall of the barometer will be noted in western parts by the 29th and 301h, other storm conditions will follow in due order, so that as we pass from May into June, wide and active storm areas will be in transit from west to east across the country. These storms will reach their highest culmination in the central Mississippi valley, on and touching June lst and 2nd. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The council of the corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the council chamber, in the town of Goderich, .on Tuesday the 2nd. day of June next, at the hour of 3 o'clock. W. Lane Dated at Goderich May 18. CIerk. SEALED TENDERS The council of. the Township 'Hay, will receive of sealed to 12 o'clock noon on Saurday the up day of Slay, 1914, for building a num ber of cement bridges. Plans and specificcations may be seen at the undersigned. The lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. Znich, May 12th, 1914. Fred Iless, Sr. Clerk of Hay' Notice to Creditors In the estate of Alexander Denomme, late of the Town- ship of Hay, in the County of Huron, farmer deceased. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the revised Statues of Ontario, Chap. 121, Sec 56. that all persons having claims against the a- bove named Alexander Denomnae, who died on the 27th day of April, 1914, are requested, on or before the 4th day of June ' 1914, to send by post or deliver to John Laporte, R. R. No 2, Zurich,' Ontario, one of the executors of the last will of said deceased, or to the undersigned Solicitors, full particu- lars of their claims. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said 4th. day of June 1914 the said Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had not- ice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose cl- aim they shall not then have received notice. Dated at Goderich the : l l tb day of Nay 1914. PROUr OOT, HAYS & LILLORIQ,' Solicitors for Executors EIR A. J. MacKINNON late House Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city.. Late of the House Staff, New. Stork Polyclinic lifedical School and Hospital. Drug store. in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. I1 t That Wears— And Wears AndWears. HERE are man kinds and many colors in Floor Paint —but the old reliable SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT is the "daddy" of them all. "Way back in your grandfather's time," SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT was standing the wear and tear of pioneer days—today, it is beautifying and protecting the floors in the finest homes of our country. It Survived—because it stands the scuff —because its beautiful colors are lasting —because it wears, and wears, and 'wears. If you want sanitary floors—floors that are easily kept spic and span—come in and get a color card of Senour's Floor Paint, showing 14 attractive colors from which to make your choice. , 20 PAINT 8t VARNISHES gip' " % , [i Ir.. R. E. B. .,BALFOUR,' graduateI Western University, la`te•of r. the Military Hospital and Victoria Hospital, London. Office ` in the l building formerly occupied by the late Dr.McLaughlin, Dashwood. TENDERS For the Erection, Town Hall Hensall Sealed Tenders for the erection of a Town Hall, will be received any time after June 2nd, 1914. Tenders may be address to A. Murdock, clerk, or T. Hudson, reeve, by registered . letter marked "Tender for Town Hall" and must be in hands of above before June 16th, 1914, plans and specifica- tions will be in hands of Mr. Harry Reynolds, archited after June 2nd. Lowest nor any tender neeessarily ac- cepted. A. Murdock, May 26, 1914, Clerk. If railway -trains run more than a Mile a -minute its need be no surprise if disaster.follows such foolhardy pro- cedure. Why do railway 'companies permituuch speedP Because, we sup pose, the.publi'c..ie.in` such a hurry, 80'ore40 minutes an :hour isconsider- ed "loafing". 'When fl inile a-Minutd train' starts 'bumping over the ties or climbing, a. barbed wire fence to get into an 'adjacent field. it would be as well for the passengers to say . their prayers in,• all possible baste,- The law should call a•halt on what might= be call:ed suicidal or perhaps. murder in the first degree. Some trains we ;now of Will never bo charged with tl 11..:1 .:11g.. ASSURING YOUR' BUSINESS A policy of advertising is a policy of life assurance, and the protection thus secured is Well worth its - annual cost. Old customers die or move away—they must be replaced. Old customers are subject to the influence of temptation—they may be induced to divide their oustoln—to do some of their shopping at a com- petitor's New. comers to this community will shop with you—become regular customers—if they are in- vited to do so. Your competitor's advertising is an influence . which must be offset if you are to maintain your trade. • Not to advertise regularly to the readers . of the WEEKLY HERALD is to leave your business unprotected. A WORD TO THE PUBLIC It is no sign of weekness to follow the lead of adver- tissng. You owe it to yourself to get the most for your money, the best goods and the best service; And it you find that your inclination is to shop where you are invited to shop rather than to continue to be a customer of the shop which: never solicits your good- will,you need` have no compunctions of conscience:. Shop"Where you e, , are Invited to Shop.