HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-05-29, Page 1onsolidated it
cel. )CIV.
rceter's News
'To, .9
- IJ
Published every two weeks Price gratis
A little l3 tper devoted to news usually heard
and seen around a General laid Hardware Store.
46..,.-.34-20re..e-ieaiar- c -e. ce,
Wednesday next is looked foreword
to, for on enjoyable time ii i.Dayllwood
Master Teddy Wagner is laid sip
with a severeattack of pneumonia.
Mrs. Wm. Bassow is visiting her
daughter Mrs. McAdams iu London,
last week.
1\lessrs G. Holtzman and. Jacob
Weido are this week putting up 1t
number of lightning rods.
Mr, Sam llolizman of -Berlin is vis-
iting at the home of his father, lfi:
G. Holtzman.
The shed at the Evangelical church
is ;is being rapidly pushed and should be
Completed in good time.
'lr. Jacob Deichert handed in hie.
older for a new Ford car last week,
and is now waiting on the arrival.
:firs. John Ililderbrandt and Celia
were visiting in Londcu ar, few day s'
Iasi. week.
..sir. Eight and 1J= l:'I,aa a Mesa o1
Seaforth U. 1. HILlit the holidays: un
der the parental roof. •
Mr. Emanuel Pleis,thattor of Sbrat-
ford is visiting with his father Mr.
Henry Fleiscliauor.
l s
La •a
i� kE
� nab ,.,'re'zY? h�_. -.. w .,i.. Y� k..'�.^t '�i�,'�,_s<. T:7 tAti"�'C.t
has been
�('Y; ,Ny ;} a 'ot- you andthe- -result
FA4yG�,S4.�YY��gql��yU'W sr��g•'b114yy,, 1t��v Y'V'A. ��'�•LY by�Y. e� �s,.pg /}y, y /'��y
of eGCrs.: oli eXpe.L ienco 11`. iLJLndL'na.i Paint aint and of illn.11
y �
mmi able practical and scientific tests is S F, Sherwin-
her in='Willia . s Paint (Prepared).
There is a n e vactuess in the formula, a : a thoroughness in
the mixing and grinding, of the pure ingredients that insures
perfect painting, results. A gallon of SWP will cover more surface
than you ever thought possible and will wear so long and hold
its color so well that its use is genuine economy.
A ri u lautri Ware
We have just opened up a shipment
of aluminum ware all highly polished
and best quality Although it costmore
to buy them they are . cheapest in the
end as they last a lifetime. It will not
crack, chip or leak, ltheat three times
as fast as others -ware and thus saves
fuel. It is sanitary,, It is easily Icept
Straw Hats
We eau fit your head with any
kink of straw flat you may be looking
for. We have them at all prices. .
See our line of Pommies. They give
best satisfaction for comfort and dur-
Keep, Kool
Keep cool by wearing: some of our
underwear for summer. Made for
coolness and comfort. Por ladies and
leen. We have a splendid variety to
choose from.
We keep on hand all kinds of good
varnishes made by Sherwin-Williams
Co. For buggies, boats, floors, wood-
work, etc.
How about fixing up your Hay Track
before the harvest begins. We have
a large stock of Plymouth Royes on
hand. We have the heavy ropefor
the carriers and the einaller sizes for
slings etc.We handle pure manilla
made of the choicest fibre
Join . the Brighten-up.Club
Use S. W. P.
Pro4uce ah vays Taken.
erhou,e No::.
Mr. Chester Smith is hack from
Loudon Hospital, and is improved
much in health.
Jathn Gillman bias ben under'
the .Doetor's care for a number of
days, and is again slowly recovering
Master Willie Moldaani returned
holier to: London after a in,muh's visit,
wiuh his grand. parents, Mr. and ' Mrs.
The5511. of May passed away ''er•y
nietlyin town this year.
Miss M. Hiles teacher on the.Bron-
son. Linesehool, spent the holidays
el, her home in Atwood.
Mrs. Wm. Fritz and Miss Marjorieq : �.
•'iisited relatives hi Galt over Victoria
I) ay.•
Mr.lvioir. is visiting at the,
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Siebert.
this week.
Mr. Arthur Benedict of Crediton,
was seriously ill for some weeks,
is said to be slowly recovering.
A auto load from hear attended the
celebration in Mitchell on Mon-
A number from here attended the
pixtes and other sports in Exeter on
Mr. and Mrs. Theo. McAdams,
London, announce the birth of a son.
d ay 12th, Earl Milton.
iiev. Father iionclot of the Bauble
l,urcha;ed a new li'ord. 5 passen-
_r„a \ice 4i1e1! of Exeter
.li n;?.au] .4 ii of Zairich have
tz�.i tu.t .cA+Silatati nights t0 their Early
Clo,3ed nights will be Mon -
f 1. a, ale:>. Thurs. & Friday nights at
(let clock. Open. eights Wednesday
SLtur iry ni5hts. Kindly take
ifobiLe of this.
ilial, o s„s been staying;
nc.ii lew1 .. , Benedict, at1
Produce taken in exchange for
�.i l�al * •wer,'1 S�eeiiS, had. a
1T JSll:F1S .
That Is the Whole Thing in a Nutshell
Our shoes" are so much better tt is yr r than ever before, that every
women, man and child to see them, J tier shoes is the result of our
most careful buying, getting the very be of goods and styles at a rea-
sonable price, `When you onme here t•.,.• your Spring shoes, You will
find just what you want, because we cal Garry such a big variety is a
great reason why you should come here, : •.ar men we have the, Invictus
shoe, manufactured' by by Geo. A. Slates
Why not save disoomfort by purcha. lig a pair of the best good.
shoes. now. Come in and try on a pail
No trouble whatever to she N the latest Shoes.
Butter, and Eggs taken in .•xobabge for shoes
The. Home of Geod. S -(•es
That � Rig �.
c buy
jut what t��
y ,� want at tale right price
at the `` .t4 S T O
It is easily=ic understand. We buy, right Leat is how
we can'Sell right. We have a large and well assorted
General Stock to choose from of all seasonable Goods.
__ . T .A .1�`
all = a' of pal alyEde strokes, on Tues -
her recovery is doubted.
lg i.aily friends hero hope, she may
be rg;aain restored to health..
annual S. 6ohooi convention of.
the , . edition District, Evangelical
:Jar. Oliver John on of Clinton :et i, will :)Jh.eIdixi.Dashwood Ont
and sons..11arold of Toronto spent 1;1 th. and 5th, tiev:. Ji'. G. Borger,
.Sunday:.at the hone of • 'li, `.C1 :oral s ..,3. l ,Secretary of the S. School
'aaohusoin `5 ,u ”; r _ r. au,. Y . L`, j l f #v'%c tie,::i t 1!3., iA ti@.`,
Tth- present and deliver a .number of
The recent leCell t rfaiilu and s4 a11g�,, iS ekLi i?
er is dol•ing a great deal of ',aiour-es on biinday school Work,
Some one iii the neighborhood bor-
rowed from me a large sized monkey -
wrench about two weeks ago and has
lir. and Mrs. Alfred Moritz of not repalced ib. 1 ails in need of it,
(Guelph, and lii;ses• Flossie Kibler and would be much pleased if present
aa;ucl Florence Wing of Berlin were in holder would return sante without
town over the holiday, making the lelay,
trip by auto. Jacob Deichert, blacksmith.
gra s, tall wheat and spring grt iris.
The harvaist•promises to be an abund-
ant one.
Mr. W. IC. Lehman of Landon vis-
ited his mother, Mas, A Lehman over
Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Abe
Lohman of Calendonia, Mich., also
spent a few days with Mrs. Lehman.
Mrs, William Klopp of Stratford,
Mrs. J. H. Roedding of Berlin, accom-
panied by her daughter Hiss Leone
and Mrs. Annie Zoller of Detroit spent game throughout.
the holiday With their sister Mrs: E.
Appeal and other relatives: • A convention of Conservatives will
be held at liensall on June 2nd, to
nominate a candidate for the coming
•LUTHERAN G1{Ul'�Cfi Provincial elections. It is reported
bhat either John Sheritt, John Tor -
The Sunday services will be a" ranee or fienry. Horten will be the
The baseball game at Exeter on
Monday, between Crediton and Exet-
ei:, resulted in a victory for the home
br a score of 8-2. The Exeter team
bas a splendid. battery this season,
While the Crediton team is hardly up
to -former years, owing largely to
want of practice. It was an. interest -
the usual hours: German 10.80 a m
Sunday 'S 9.00 a. tn. English 7 30 p
n:. The following iueetings, are
held during the week
S. S. officers anti teachers 7.15 p ni.'
on Tuesdays. The Ladies Aid'
Society meets at 8.00 p. rn. the
first Wednesday of each inonth.
A cordial invitation is herewith ex-
tended to all, not tvorshiping., else-,
where, to worship with us and take
an active part in the .work of the var.
ous societies of our church.
.Established 1853
Opened Branch in Harm:
.Co. 1874
Saving Bank Accounts
Solicited, r
Zurich' Branch
R. T. DUNLOP, Managerwaasosammesommonansammais.
choice. The present member , Mr. H.
.Luber, who has been the South Hur-
on representative for over 15 years,
will not again be a candidate, at least
that is the report.
The Zurich Baseball Club was or-
ganized for 1914 on Friday evening
'fast at a well attended meeting. The
following officers were elected:—Hon.
Pres. J. J. 1Vlerner M. P.; Pres. R. F.
-Stade; Secy -trees. A. P. Hese; man-
ager W. H. Hoffinan; captain T. L.
,Wurin; ground eommitte G. R. Hess,
.W. Goodwin and W. F. Brown. The
.club is in good shape financially, and
prospects for a successful season's
sport are excellent. With the mater-
ial available, aflrss class team will
epresent the Zurich club.
On the evening of June 18th„ from
7.9 o'clock a supper will be served on
'theleawn at the Lutheran parsonage
under the auspices of the Ladies Aid
Society- of that Church. After the
supper a variety of very useful ar-
ticles prepared by the various' mem-
bers will be sold by Auction.
Select and appropriate muSic will
be rendered by connpitent musicians
throughout the evening,
Admission.— Adults 25' Children 15.
Everybody cordially invited toattand,
WHERE •QU:, L l ix . COQ 1'N T.S . give - wiN•
our Spring mad .,i),16i14the latest and most .t'ai?nion:able St 'eel
of footwear for wear and oonif st:' ""'G e ileus st}i •siroi Y las. _
friends, There never Was a time When the Public. was *.lore or
about footwear, then the present. It will flay to cal;land see rthe u ,
it will pay -you still better to wear them.
Butter and 'eggs taken in exchange for shoes. -
b ,teams
4,..M.4 Ur i
Have you, seen the new
erior Separator ?
Made by the Raymond Mfg Co. of Guelph. The oldest
Manufacturers Cream Separators in Canada.
The SUPERIOR is strictly self -balancing and. self -cent,
ring, and is warranted for 5 years against defects or
natural wear. Try one in your own home
and be convinced that it is Superior to al lothers,
Exp art
The sort of Tailoring we turn out is
not the "sweat shop,"—"Tailor as you
wait" sort—the kind of nen find so
"Tailored Clothes
Are what we sell and if .you'll wear
them You'll appreciate their economy
and know what it Means to be satisfied'
with your apparel.
Made -to -Order Garments are built
to fit. Talk does not make them so,
but examine the work which proves
our, claims.
.A pp31911