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The Herald, 1914-05-15, Page 8
,�► C�asch4 rally invito yotl to their SP.'BCIAL SHOWING Spring and Summer dress goods, etc, .We,.ave the different crepe ' cloths, one e in payliculaa , in. plai>i colors also fancy werec1 that would line to show you, going at very low price. Our new stock of Ladies Waists have arriv- . we have them in. various material as silk, rle, silk nett lawn, etc. Have a raincoat? We carry a fine range of ladies and Gents raincoats just the t thing for piing wear at prices from 6.00 to $14.00. Remember our Millinery Department, if n need of a new spring or summer hat s' MAIM Taken in Exchange PHONE 17 • tea. H ', t'r -.WE ARE OW .AKIN szc, AND WINDOWS your orders, v.re Cara they will !keep you warm LOGS WANTED. . ............ . HURRAH HURRAH! Follow the crowd.' and go to 'Wo,grter's. We are leaders in:— yon :37 send in t.once. Got our combinativm Doors, o° h- inter and cool :3n ALL k.rompS OF SAW ONE . a c Fine Confectionary Oakes and Bread Neilson's Pasteurized,. an Homongenizecl Ice Ci earn,. constantly kept on hand. Onoe tast- ed, the memory lingers. SQUARE DEALING Our motto W. C. WAGNER ZURICH, -- ONT lly�'1,Jis' UIICIII Henry i:. ossenberlry Licensed Artotioneer Huron, Middlesex and Lampton Satisfaction guaranteed, Dashwood, Ontario. Dates arranged at the office 11 P1.4 els to 0. 1Pann.Fing Mill • Sieves.... l ant af-elnt for the Clititon ftuin m y t3 r+" i illi oleves, . and farmers re r t,gaa)airtt,r a.nr, can i)rc;otxro them air ;arrrnte,'1 Agents`for'!'nny fzarial, South of Zurich' Fl.l • .Tulin Her' jr, For Sale or To Rent. Immediately. Lot 22 L R E Hay 117 ace also South half Lot 21 L JL E Hay 75 0.,4n tho chore lots will be sold or rented together or seperate to suit partie`Y. Thomas. Turnbull. the a',--tlebrat=.d1 .'Bass ;y Hanna nS brapiements We handle everything in that line, aoditri. Implements, Manure spread- s, all 1Kindi of Plows, Seed Drills, se Harrows, Cultivator;, Dean ervesters, etc. Harvesting Implements inders, ';,lowers, Rakes, Ilay Loaders, Etc. . Massey -Harris Cream Separators All kinds of Plow repairs, Gasoline engines. See our line of Gutters" be- fore you buy, all our own make. ' Bug- , gies',-Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs. Square Dealing Our Motto Sir' New Ontario Farms In the vera' heart of the famous 20, 060,000 ,secs of choice clay -belt land. Near the village of Matheson. on the T.' & N, O. Railway. All other surr-: owiding lots already settled and ina; provehents begun. Excellent gover.. nluent roads through the entire local- ity; school house and local . P. O. a - corner of one of the lots; houses erecta ed and 8 and 5 acres cleared on each, Two of the lots have close . to 1,0.00, 000 ft of valuable timber on each, (pine, birch, spruce and Whitewood,. in almost equal amounts) and in add- ition over 1,000 cords of pulpwood. on each fa t ul, 160 acres in each farm.. A, rare opportunity for ' quick -ret- urns and ; d.fe investment. Pride ''ex- ceptiona l'Q low, only $2.00, $4.00 and $0,00 p,nr acre, respectively. It will pay to investigate this onus - cal bats:,.; ). Apply. to E. Zeller, Zuvich, 11 A.. J. ?A1acKINNON late noise•• Surgeon, E rie - Comity' Hospital, Duffel() Y,.•Late assistant resi' lent Physician , Manhattan 1llaternity Y. city. Late of the 1?rntese i,.:t, , New. :fork Polyclinic '."•i,'. iii it 1,,,:,,I amid, Ifo r)ital. Drug tore in- connocti0n. Office, Zurich, Out. • If Yt,,U want your suit press ed or repaired woll FLOWEIt CONTESTS Ail i tl'ai,ld' organ---SW@et �`r1111am. 1`ht r ilsu, of the biasine::<z world— �lrtir;'!, wing ea ly <lctvrn --Horning Calory. A biro end a riding ):,.ce sort' �,trl;•l)tar.• A pillar ..and z syllable direr thy -Ines v, ittt 'th VII -Columbine, The ilnwor between mountains— Lily of the valley. A fai'_twull tit nt';n'ient -'fi oreget•n1e- not. � • duide,arnd au Animal. -Dandelion. .The of tlretlay-.-liotir.o'el,. ok • ar, result of Cupid's arrow= -- Bleeding. What, it takes to ntal5e a kr:s,--Tu- lips. A yellow stick - Goldenrod. • A dairy product and a drinking utensil—Buttercup. What Cinderella wore --Lady's slipper. A wild animal and an animal of ap- parel---I'oi love. FEM AN does IT. in l for Sale Lot " )nl 7, Purr Line Hay North .. aero-, orwill sell the whole lot, .:' particulars apply to Duncan `1'aylr�i .. % nsall P. O, Irmo. for Sale. storey. brick dwelling with ' :able: all in first class reap,. r,oil water and largo garden Wei l .: s o possession this Spring. Per t;c Errs. apply at once to Er- nest r Zurich. Laundry in Connection 'tn L HOFFMAN `ailor s ZURICH Notice to Creepers Our Alarms run and ring. A new lot just irk every One Guaranteed.. EAIRING OCR SPECTALTY Nit, Hess \�f3. A1N "�. ess J'B WTi..rLLEitS.. Y71�1 I ,;tNTh`C 7O. \Vai Lin we also stock New Perfection coal oil stove. $5.00 gold piece is just as pure as as the gold in the ,120.00 golclxpiece, only there is less of it. So no?natter what style stove you may select, you cannot make a mistake as long as it is a "Detroit Vapor Gasoline Stove." Mary rise the "Detroit Vapor" stoves summer and winter, as they heat their houses with furnace or steam, and with a "D3troit Vapor" stove -for cooking they have practically the oonveriece of a gas stove. Do you knew that it takes about 2 minutes to generate a common gasoline burner, three burners 6 niintues, three tinges a day 'IS minutes .365 days in a year would, be about 11 days at ten hours per clay, wasting your time your time and gasoline, to smoke up your rooms, while get- tingyour gasoline stove for cooking. Why not apply this wasteful ex. pense toward buying a ''Detroit. Vapor" el•ove that lights like gas? TEFIINit IT OVER atommm Sawing d at :Joshua Snider, Sauble McEwen Bros. Bayfield In the estate of • Alexander Deuoxi uie, late of the Town- ship of I -Tay, in the County of Enron, farmer deceased. NOTICE, IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the revised Statues of 'Ontario, Ohap. 121, S.ec 56. that all persons having claims against the a bove named Alexander Denomme,,. who died on the 277th day of April, 1914, rue requested, on or before the 4th day of June 1914, .. "to" send by post or deliver to John Laporte, R. R. No 2, Zui;i3h, Ontario, one of the executors of the last will of said deceased, or to ,the undersigned Solicitors, full partici'. Jars of their claims. • AND TAKE NOTIOt that after the said Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said deceased. among the persons entitled thereto, haying regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had not- ice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or -any person 'of whose claim they shall not then have received notice, Zurin Feed Store ;Lush for Sale Pt -ION 13 p ,, p r� r�� t± ,r,� rip +n I1 L� �,+4 tin `�.�'rwp aGu1i RCEZa�'JeG C .7)ki'�9 O A b©bi G�1 OaE The ;undersigned has for sale. oil Lot5,. ('uucession 1, Stanley, ten act'cs (lucre or less) of, staiiding tiro- is x', laios;ly, wripli . IPPor particulars apply to the owner. • :. JOHN S. CAMERON Brucefield... BULL FOR SERVICE Tho undersigned will bold for the improvement of stock this year, that pure bred choice bull "King George." The animal is rising 5 yrs and ; will easily weigh 2800 when fat. Well matured ssines are the great for thrifty ,stock, ratr's $1.5Q. Oscar K,oPp. IJeading Brand of Flour, Shorts, Bran - and Feed Corn Produce of all kinds taken in exchange.. We are agents for Interna tionai and Royal. Purple stock food, Also a full line of Grocer- ies on hand. For S�e IN CEANDIBOYE—Good Brick house, two acres of orchard; stables, '-with (or without) 15 acres of land. Apply to W. A. Jones', 206 Percy St. Ottawa, Ont. - SPARKS & POITGLAS FOR SALE QIJ THE LITY STOR LOUSE') arms #� > The place to buy your tiousefur- nishing ;s Merner's. We hay ., in Stock Tapestry Squares, OHdi Linoleum "1.d's; CE.ii rain Sdr1m ; Lace Curtains and anything yarn need . tag Ilou.se furnishing lines.. House For Sale.—A White Brick House erected bj Sim Ireland, and at present occupied by Otto Restemayer, for particulars apply to E. Weigand Dashwood: Dated at Godericb the 1.1 th day of 1Jay. :1914., PROtrFOOT, HAYS & LILLORN, Solicitors for Executors If you know anything' we don't know, vhicli is worth .knowing azyd which the public ought to know, don't you know that it is your duty to ' .lel tis know, that the people may also know: You may know, but the pub- lic d°r)'t,dont know, and unless you lot us know how may We let them know the bbui g -which you know. Send in your items of news. • We have also have ;. something new hi Dress Materials, and a nice line of white Lawn Waists. Call and see what we have. Highest P -ices paid for Farm Produce I will " be .operating the Blake Chopping Mill , every Tuesday arxd Friday, until further notice. Have a first class grind- and will guarantee good r sults: Zurieh Farm °.,..xnaple.: JACOB ,. ER BLAKE - ONT; Let us know your wants. We handle everything, iii' Farm Impleinents. Engine Su'ppli&s Pullies, all gives and kinds, Belting, leather' or canvas, ,all sizes. : Shaft boxing and shafting. Pump and pump piping. Buggies, .Waggons,, Sleighs and Cutters. If you are in need of'Machine Re - ;pairs eve can get them for you. We give special attention to our repaiy. department UtDERTA iNG L :1 PRAM' G' Prompt $ 3.ivice Moderate Charges 9t HOFFMAN Zttrich Ontario. Electric Restorer for Men EFtiatisnhono1 restores every nerve in the body: to, ia'fis proper tension; restyle* siin and v taiity.' tAentatsre decay and all aG iaa1? <weakcesa aveykt at rx ce. soaphft 1 twirl ',lake vat,. a 46W,e46W,14.Egi: FA'n rier: SF .1 � �, _o�r tale for ivit,r)0 b atny address,. /Caen RAV) Vurt: la~.a� ,E�:rls•, *.roes taus.,