HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-05-15, Page 7The Queen's Bracelet Gayly the young queen, r aria and 'eased acmes the a favorite lady -sic -waiting did so, her t, nkling bracele a little;,plasli of sweet muni llai'rorw•band 'of-flnely wrou became' unclasped and fel ground! ' The queen tripped aware of her loss, but the in attendance, a ener`e lad teen, reached hungrily for tering circlet and hastily c it beneath his scarlet livery. hours later the queen ma bracelet, but being unjewe cif no palrieul.ar value, the ' was soon forgotten. A ,day and a night piasis again the queen discovered this time a serious one—a je'w'el ! After vain inquiry quietly ordered the royal he searched, and Franz, the footman, was unaware of th until the searchers were upo Instantly u. palish overspre features, at sight of which the searchers gave a laugh umph. "I think we have the my friends.," he said to hi panions.. Hastily the coat w from the boy's resisting she and the burly searcher, th his hand into the lad's shirt an exul'tta.nt cry and drew fo bracelet. "The queen's !" cried in unison. • No trace, however, of the jewel could be found. But f sure that Franz knew its, abouts, in view of the trinket upon him, he was taiken befo king. Fiercely the lad denied knowledge of the jewel, but the braeelet his lips remained c even to his sovereign. The eyes turned to the entrance o room. The queen stood in the way. Slowly she came forward. " may I ask to be alone with Era. s;he said. And when the boy lo up again there was no one bu queen and. himself in the vast r and the queen's eyes were Franz had been a. favorite. As though goaded beyond en once, the boy threw himself art feet, crying out his innoc ''But the bracelet, Franz, bracelet," said the queen, Ea. "You knew it was mine and ye The queen was loth to complete the sentence, .and a. brief silence filled the roam. And frost the still- ness the youth seemed. to. gather strength, .for when he again met the ttneen's .eyes his own were aglow with an inner fire, and his soul looked forth unconscious of class or station--ngked and unafraid. Yes sny queen,°' he said, reverently, "i,t was next my heart. I kept it there because it once had touched your dear- arm—because I love you. I could not bear to give it back—to part with it." Swift anger filled the heart of the queen at this presumption of a men- ial. The boy, seeing it was so, kiss- ed the hem of her garment, the light and eagerness of martyrdom upon his face. Punishment art her handl Ah, that were ecstasy ! As in a dream the boy felt the queen's light -fingers on his hair and heard the tremor in her voice. "Tbou shalt still attend tie., Franz. The bracelet is thine --,s, gift from me! May it bring thee—happi- ness." Arid when the searchers returned, i�lle said sternly: "The boy stole not the jewel. Search further!" BREAD IN COLD STORAGE. Good For It, Says Professor—Crust Becomes Crisp. Cold storage is good for bread, according to the report of Professor J. R. Katz of the physlco-clleinioal laboratory of Amsterdam. Under ordinary conditions of temperature bread begins at once to lose its freshness, and in consequence is not so palatable to the consumer. For this reason for ages the bakers have worked at night in. order that the customers may have fresh bread in the morning. Mr.- Katz demonstrates the possibility of keep= ing the bread absolutely fresh for several diays. Curiously enough it is at the .ordinary temperatures that bread grows stale, and at both high' and low temperatures it. can e preserved, At 140. de reesa +tthr. read has been kept for tort h�our�s unchanged, while • shale bread ex- poeed to degrees below freeziiiig be- comes fresh -ante mare Cold stor- age moans for bread are suggested by this investigatto:r. A proper de- gree of Humidity in the rooms will ensure the crispy crust which every- one religshres: awed her green to As she is nlad�e c, and a g'ht'gold 1 to the d on un - footman of. eigh- the glit- onoealed A few ssed her pled and incident ed, and a-loss— crown the king usehold young e order n him. gad his one of of tri - thief, 5 com- as torn alders, rusting , gave i'th the they grown eeling where - found re the any about losed n all f the door - Sire, nz7" eked t the oom, sad. du r - her ence. the tee, ECZEMA ITCHED ,1.N A.MERICAN AND'BURNED Rash on Legs and Back.: Scratching Irritated Breaking Out. Used Col - cora Ointment. DiseaseVanished. tcentvine: N. S.—" For about Live years X was bothered with a light rash which Would appear most heavily on my legs and,' back. This troubled me most theapringofthe year. They said it was .°Seemti. The eczema itched and burned and my scratching irritated tho breaking out. After it broke out I could not obtain more than theehours' sloop each, night it pained me so. My legs and back were a • solid mass of itching sores. "I was given some salve and, after using this preparation about a week the disease became worse and I could not obtain any rest at night. X used en the patent prepa- rations on the market but they only seemed to increase the suffering and afforded me no relief wha£ever. About this time a friend recommended Cuticura Ointment to me. However, I bad lost faith in all remedies and told him so, but ho insisted that I try Cuti- cula Ointment so I purchased a box. The first application gave relief and in about a week the soros were healing and I was able to obtain a good night's rest, the first 1 bad enioyed for many months. „I continued the treatment for another month and by that time all signs of the disease had vanished." (Signed) Willard P. Allen, May 10, 3913. --For more than a generation Cuticura Soap and Cuticura. Ointment have afforded the most economical treatment for affections of the skin and scalp that torture, itch, burn, scale, and destroy sleep. Sold everywhere. Sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post -card Potter Drug Chem. Corp., Dept. D, Boston, U. S. A. GRAINS OF GOLD. The world is a wheel, and it will come round aright.—Beaconsfield. It were endless to dispute upon everything that were disputable.— William Penn. However mean your life is meet it and live it; da not shun it and call it hard names.—Thoreou. Riches are the baggage of virtue ; they cannot be spared and left be- hind, but they hinder the march.— Bacen. Worship is transoendanit wonder ; wonder for which there is now no limit or measure ; that is worship.— Carlyle. To avoid an occasion for our vir- tues is a worse degree of failure than to push forward pluckily and make a fall. R, L. Stevenson. Disappointment falls aleavlly upon elderly people; they may submit better than the young, but they do not so easily revive.—Mrs. Ewing. Man's highest merit always is, as much as possible,. -to rule external cirounlstanees, and as little as pos- sible to let himself be ruled by them.—Goethe. Nature, purity, perspicuity, sim- plicity never walk in the clouds. They are obvious to all capacities, and where they are not evident they don't exist.—Voltaire. Many a good sailor has been wrecked on the sea of matrimony. • Simplified Breakfasts Make for good days From a package of fresh, crisp Post Toasties fill a bowl and add cream or milk. Then, with some fruit, a cup of Instant Postuni, and a poached egg or two if you like, you have a simple breakfast that is wholesome and satisfying. Toasties are bits of corn carefully cooked, delicately si3asoned, and toasted to an appetizing "brown" without being • touched by hand. They look good, taste good, and . "The - Memory. Lingers" tigers Sold by Grocers-- . Everywhere ! Canadian Possum Cereal Oo., Ltd. Windsor, Ontario. PEE: IESS, Lady' Newborough. She was Miss. Carr, of Kentucky, and married Lord Newborough thir- teen years ago. A smart dresser and a lavish entertainer. LaImme hack Strengthened, Stiffness Taken Right Ont Was Relieved in an Hour, and Cured Over Night. • A lame back? Quite unnecessary. All you have to do is to rub on Nervi - line. It's simply a wonder for back- ache—relieves after one rubbing. "No- thing possibly could cure an aching back faster than Nerviline,"• writes Mrs. Arthur Kober, of Lower Chel- sea, N. S. "I caught cold and was so prostrated with pain I could not bend over. We always have Nerviline at home, and I had the painful region rubbed thoroughly with this grand liniment. At once the pain departed. The lameness was rapidly reduced and in an hour I was able -to be about my housework. I was rubbed again just: before retiring, and awoke as usual in the morning without a sign of . my back trouble." w There is no sort of muscular pain that Nerviline won't cure quickly. Thousands swear by it for rheuma- tism, neuralgia, sciatica and lumbago. It sinks to the core of the pain—right through muscle, tissue and nerve—it penetrates. where no oily, greasy lini- ment can go and invariably cures quickly. If you have an ache or a pain anywhere—use Nerviline—it will cure you. Family size bottle, very large 50c.; trial size 25c. at all dealers. R.AIL1,AY EARNINGS. And Value of the Land Owned By the C.P.R. The earnings on our Canadian railways during 1913 amounted, broadly, to $200,000,000. These figures include all ' the subsidiary lines, and other aflilsa,tiOns of who ever nature; but the figures ar remarkable. Thirty years ago th which 'now shows gross an nual earnings of $140,000,0000 could hardly buy axle grease. Its 25,000,000 acres of land were worth- less. The land now sells at tlie rate of from $5 to' $35 per acre. That worthless land in its totality repre- sents a cash value of nearly $350,- 000,000. The lands still to be sold will realize $200,000,000. The com- missi,oner, whish the London paper of Lord Noi'thclaffe's called Answers sent out to investigate conditions in the' Dominion, regrets in one, of his letters that the C.P.R. should have sold its land—any para of it— to speculators in the early days. The company regrets that policy to- day itself; but at the moment there did not seean any alternative. The people could not be coaxedat the time ' to nettle in the • ce ilderness ; and the company needed money ; and the big parcels were parted with—.parsers which in their .unoc- cupied state. are the wonder if the incoming settler, who has to go further , bask . while the splendid lands •lie idle dose to the railway. Of course, not an a •ere isa sold now except to the genuine settler, but the point of value is that in the course of acomparatively few years our Canadian railways, which be- gan in feebleness and doubit, with- out' great faith in .the future, and molted art bycritics, c.an show the enormous earnings, in a twelve- month, of $200,000,000, Postmistress is Quite. Well Again FOUND COM.PLEPE " CURE IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Mrs.., Gray, Who Was Nervous and ,Run »owIll for two Years, Tells Ilory She Found New Health. ' Tiehborne, Fronbenao Co., Ont„ May 11 (Special).—Mas. "H. Gray, the popular postmistress here, is telling her. friends of the great benefit the -has received .£roan taking Dodd's Kidney Pills.. "For about two years," Mrs. Gray says, "I was all run down. My sleep was broken and unrefresh- ing, and I suffered from shortness of breath 'and heart fluttemngs. I finally decided that the Kidneys were the cause of my trouble and decided to try Dodd'"s Kidney Pills. I took four boxes in all, and I feel quite strong and like myself again. I certainly think Dodd's Kidney Pills arc a good medicine." The experience of'the postmistress is similar to that of thousands of_ other Canadian women. They were weak, run down, nervous and in bad health generally. They took Dodd's Kidney Pills and are strong and well again. The reason is that when the Kid- neys get out of order they fail to strain the impurities out of time blood, and general lassitude and weakness ensues. The natural cure is to cure the Kidneys. 4'The experi- ence of thousands of others tells you that Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the Kidneys. • Intense Cold Is healthful. Without having gone anywhere near either Pole, writes a corres- pondent of the London Chronicle, I have had my experience of the fact that intense cold outside stops the cold in the head. We were six men, essaying the ascent of the Grand Combin, in the Alps (over 14,000 feet).: From our first attempt we were driven back by a thunder- storm, and astay of some hours to dry in the hut with the ;stove going woke up .old the microbes. When we returned to the hub next day from the valley there were at least four severe colds among us with sneezing, sore throats, etc. On the third day we traversed our peak, slowly cutting snow and dee steps in weather memorably bitter even for that height. On the other side it suddenly .00czrred to me that ]: hacl no "cold" left, and the others made the same discovery. d4 Ladies' First. iIother, pointing to an engaged couple—"Sarah, they do be sayin' that him an' her is going to be mar- ried. " Daughter—"Don't say 'him an' her,' ma; say `her an' him.' Its etiquette to put ladies first." Good Prospect for Corn Crop Every one with corns will be pleased to know that Putnam's Corn Extractor is guaranteed to cure hard, soft or bleeding corns in twenty-four hours. Painless and sure is Putnam's Ex- tractor, 25c. at all dealers. ' But a girl who is an expert at de- l' ::.imaking angel cake may have a de - disposition. e ...Only One "i31a01120 QUININE" - To get the genuine, call for full name, fors gnataraBof013.OW.QQROV1r. ores a Cold in One Day. 25c. An ordinary cold is one of the very few ailments the modern physi- cian has been willing to undertake to cure without a surgical opera- tion. Ileinard'. Liniment Lumberman's' Friend Maligned. - She—I hear 'that your friend. Mr. Drinklcigh's habits are very irre- gular, He :Nonsense ! . Regular as a clock—he's never sober after din- ner. The way to success is not a chute, but is ladder. e � hirit� of the bowels is an absolute recce ®sty for good health. Unless the waste matter from the food which collects these is got rid of at least once a day, itdecays and poisons the whole body, causing biliousness, indi- gestion and sick headaches. Salts and other harsh nt feral purgatives irritate the delicate lining of the bowels, Dr. Morse's ,Indian Root 15i11s—entirely vegetable --• regulate the bowels effectivelywithout weak- ening, sickening or griping. Use Dr. Morse's! ' tt Indian Root Pills GLOW N'ORM'S OLInhii1Ej, fifty Times aS Strong as J118101' uilalt8.or Mankind. The efficiency of a firefly's light is fifty times that of ,our ordinary illu- Mineets, °This..do•es not mean that it is fifty tlinieis brighter, but that for the space it oecupies ib gives fifty tinges the light. Herbert 1;. Ives and O. W. Jo; clan relate ie. the Lighting Jotmrnal how they m:easti,red the light of a firefly. They held glowworrms, which are the Iarvae of fireflies and give a steady, unwinking light, against a disk of white blotting pa- per under an illumination of '190 metre candles, and by an equation, into which it is unnecessary to go here, calculated that the glow- worm's light was egnivalexlt to .043 candlepower per square centdnnetre. Their conclusions are as follows: "This calculation is made- on the basis of the light furnished by the glow worm under natural condi- tions. By various kinds of stimula- tion its brightness may be much in- creased. The flash of the firefly is• probably many fold, perhaps fifty or one hundred fold, as bright as the steady glow of the larva. Such conclusions as have been drawn with respect to the adequacy of the intrinsic brilliancy which we mea- sured hold of course for the same insect under more intense exertion. "It appeal's, then, that the lumi- nous material of the glow worm, could it be reproduced, would also be ahappy mean in intrinsic bright- ness, far lower than the artificial light sources with which we- now try our eyes, yet high enough to permit its use without pre-empting more wall space than we now give to windows." Pain In. Back All Gone Gin Pills Completely Cured. Mr. B. C. David, of Cornwallis, N.S., says: "About a year ago, I was suffering so much with a dreadful Lame Back and Hips, that I could not stand up straight. I was informed by a friend about GIN PILLS, I got a box. It helped me immediately. I have taken about twelve boxes and the pains in my back and hips are alI gone. I cannot speak too highly of your GIN PILLS." 50c. a Box, 6 for $2.60. Sample free if you write National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. A Good Judge of Woineit. Mistress—Would. you like to come on trial for a week. Applicant for Cook's Position— Sure Qi can tell whether Oi will loike yez in 24:'hours. I cured a horse of the Mange with MINARD'S LINIMENT. CHRISTOPHER SAUNDERS. Dalhousie. I cured a horse. badly torn by a pitch fork, with MINARD'S LINIMENT, Cyt. Peter's. C, 13. EDW. LINLIElr. I cured a horse of a. bad swelling by MINARD'S LINIMENT. THOS. iv. PAYNE. Bathurst, N.13. • Peddler Posted. She—If you don't go away at once I shall call my husband. Peddler—I called on him first and he threatened me with you. Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes' or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart --Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists . Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50e. Marine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubefl, 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An c$® TOMO Goon for Art 5yes that wow Were !Marla. imp° ,leRaedie Co., Cblaaxe A Fanatic.. `They say that Briggs is a tem- perance crank of the extremist kind." "I should say he is. He wouldn't even buy stocks because they fre- quently take a drop. Keep Ninard'ef Liniment in the house. Rubbing It In. "My dear," remarked Jones, who ad just finished reading a book on `The Wonders of Nature," "this eally is a •remarkable work, Na - tire is marvellous! Stupendous! hen I read a work like this it ekes me think how puerile, how. nsignifieant is man." "Huh!" sniffed his better half. A. woman doesn't have to wade through four hultdred pages to find ut the same thing." The Consolation. "There is one`eonsoiation in be-. g homely," she said. ".And what's that h" "Nearly all the other women are cling to concede that I am sen- ble and will make a good wife for me man." h r t 0 in wi si SO £ak for lltRivard's and tek* Iso other, All ready baked to a nicety; whole, mealy and full flavored, Heating only is necessary; so It's cheaper to raise colts the buy horses. But it's costly if yeti the colts. ICeep abottle of ICend- Spavin Cure handy. For thirty- years has proved it the safe', rets. remedy for spavin, splint, curb, xi bone, bony growths and larncn from many causes. is sold by drugg ,ts everywhere at .51 bottle, bot`s t ire teoor bok A ase r on the lo' a druggist's or write us. I Dr. 5..D. KENDALL CO., Enosbarq Faits, FARMS FOR SAL@. H w, tAWSON, Ninety Colborne stra Toronto. TP YOU WANT TO BUY Olt . SELL. write I ruit Dawson, Brampton, Par Colborne St., Toronto ly. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Taranto NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. GOOD WEEKLY LN LIVE TOWN I York County. Stationery tinct 13 Business in connection. Price on $4,000. Terms liberal. 'Wilson Publls. Ing Company, 73 SVest Adelaide Stree Toronto. .AGENTS WANTED. ESIDENT AGENTS IN EVER' town to introduce strictly 1e,^iti mate, guaranteed investment propos!' tion. You can make 35 daily or more in spare time in your own home town. One salesman is actually averaging over 3100 each week. We guarantee satisfactionto you and your cusp:ste Address:--The j . Canadian Magazine Pre- mium Department, Room 302, '33 Yong St., Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. ®NION GROWERS,. GET LITTERA- ture re onion weeders. R. G. Bruner, Olinda. Ont. CANCER, TUSi013s. LUhIPS. ems internal and external. pared with.' out pain by our home treatment. Write se before too late. De. Beltran Medica/ Co.. Limited. CoTltnrwond. Ont. ATETS>a .c OF INVEENTEO;miu PIGEON, PIGEON 31 DAYI^z, 71a St. Eames St., Montreal Write for Information. The Star Attraction. Hostess—I am glad you children decided to come for dinner. Little Josie—We didn't tum for dinner -eve tum to hear Willie's. grandp at his soup. Minard's Liniment used by Flowing It.. "When old. Richleigh died he 1e,ft. a request that his dust be scattered to the winds." "Well, his spendthrift son is tending to that all right," Phireicians.. Piles Cared in a to 14 Dale Druggists refund money Lf I'AZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching, Blind. or Protruding Plies. Yrirat apulicaiion gives relief. 60e. ' i7nfortnnate Illustration. Figg—Do you believe in metem- psychosis `i. Fogg—Come again, please! Figg—It;'s like this. Aecording to that doctrine, my soul, after I get through with it, may inhabit the body of a jackass. Fogg—Well, I don't know any place where it would feel more et home. You will find relief in Zam-Bilk I It eases the burning,' stinging pain, slops bleeding and bt'inge ease, Perseverance, with Zeal., Buk, means cure; Why,!not prove thin 7 .dli ,D'iodidi altd S'Eores. ' - ,KOs lit,x, ,