HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-05-15, Page 4ENTEAL add/off /' FIATFQNO. QNT. Become a Specialist in Business it °iteta more opportunities than any other callbag, • To reap the full. measure of success you must have the best possible training. This is Ontario's Best Business School. We give individual at- tention. You may enter our classes at any time. Three depts: COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND and TELEGRAPHY Write at once for our free catalogue. LA McLachlan5 PrincipaI. enerxesistioneteareecenesamws=..--4tetar.=....----t. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCYLEWAN E..ch, Tuesday until October 2711, inclusive. Winnipeg, and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Ratner. - 63.00 Prom Toronto, and Stations West suad North of 'Toronto. Proportionate fares front Stations East of Toronto. Return Limit two months. particulars regarding RAIL or OCEAN tie:, •:ts from Canadian Peine Ticket Agents or wte M. 0.111.IRPIIY, D.P.A., C.P. Ry., Toro. to. Free Ladies and Gents Watt:nes Rads, Bracelets and Jewelryof ery Description, Lace Curtains, Pols, House Farnishini,Rifles, Mnyind ic- lure Machine, Skates, Printinni es, Fountain Pens, in fact nearly everytlutid you can flank of you can etAtosjute1y Free for sellibg our Ptnney Drawn and tiatin Stripped handlterehiefs at 10 cents each: 'They sell rapidly 6 can gener- ea'' ally be sold in every house. Don't send us any money, but writ us to SOlia you a lot of Handkerchiefs to " sell, that when sold you will send us •4•'' • the money and the premium selected 'Selling 24 handkerchieff entitled you to your choice of an elegant Watch, 8 gold Lard Rings, Lace Curtains, etc. Write us to -day, we trust you and take back the goods if you cannot sell them. INOLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL • L.EGAL. CARDS. • PROUDPOOT RAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc. Goderieb, Canada W. Proudfoob. K. C. R. O. itays. 3. L. Killoran, W. Proudfoot 3r. BUSINESS OARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AucTioNEER, Exeter. Bales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranbeed or uo pay. Terms •reasonable. Orders left at this office Will be promptly attended to. AbroprEw INSURAN- ce agent, represonf ing the, London, Economical, WarnrIon, Nfonarcb, Stand- ard, Wellingbou :uir Guardian. Every. thine in fire Insurance. Dashwood Barber Shop , jt11 t37ttV ray nVr rno,,n , Thy 1.. • de, Van 14..iab1c Frety I ; •„.0111$ at expecci:ks eit nit rt ; ',11;•t•;• • c••• ts, ;1 , 1111l1 Pratprietor,; Pill nseat fans. These in regulating"tee• vsten). Refuse • : t..: r•,:tra14 are ',tld at to in•t- • • (1;3, DASHWOOD DASIIWOOD Mr. Norm Kellerman was in Zurich on Wednesday, on business. A number of our boys spent Sun- dayevening in Zurich, some attrac- tion, boys: House-cleaning is the order of the day ,just now, and the sound of the, carpet -beater is continually heard in the lane. Every good housewife 'in this town counts on having her home immaculate condition by Victoria Day. A grand rush is therefore on. Mexico has rather sidetracked Ire- land, in the meantime, If we were talking into the ear of Mexico we'd advise a very quick and amply apolo- gy and Willingness to fire 10 times 21 guns if President Woodrow Wilson would call off the dugs of war. There can only be one end to sneh a conflict and Mexico should know whet it will be. Gut of iil,!aa J.:77,noid1es (mama hk;t; P1' 1000 of them I''.1ik1g€.(.1 f' -ti Liii witre tht..1 property of Kellic;iI rural localities.; Whou 1014 iltLytire,4 ;ire compiled the ! munlar moters driven by the farreal leg eammenity will, no doubt far in talvenee of 311ei yenis record. 'While there is much the iA pleaenrable a - van a cu., the qnestion of 'utility in' advencingbueinae IIIIeVekg weighs to! a larger degree. BASEBALL MATCH A very exthing and feat game of Ill will be played on our diamonii. to night (Friday) between our hoys and Shipka. Game called 6.15 sharp. Everybody come and, cheer! Big Celebration We are :gain planning for a Big ogehral on :Tune fird King's Birth day. Tee eouunittee is arranging for a eplendid oroeram which will C0fl- af 1tbunip+ion , parade, ball games, .thntoreyies races, foot , races and fast horse races, as the track is being put in splendid shape. Liberal prizes will be given for above sports. Be sure to soe the calithumptian par- ade. HENSALL Jack -and Orwell Taylor have gone out West as has also C. Blackwell. Ben Hoggarbh of the Western Un- iversity, is home having completed his first year in medicene. Abe Case is having cement walks put down around his residence and also cement floors in his collet. Frank Carlin Sr is slowly recover- ing from the effects of the stroke which has confined him to his bed for somatime. We are pleased to see our Council take hold of the matter of putting down a well and erecting an eleva.ed tank for street watering and fire pro- tection. —•••• BreUCEFIELD Mrs. John Swan is still very ill. Mr. Win Mc Gee has returned to Toronto afteraa brief visit at home. ' Mrs. Jones of BirtonaB. C. and two children are visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Granger of our yillage. Our villags was saddened on Friday last to hear the death of Miss Eliza- beth H. Taylor of Stanley. Her death was not unexpected as she Was eevere suffer of Cancer, from which them was no hope. • She had many friends in our conuannity who mourn her death. Sho was member of the Presby terian chinch, wassof a bright disposition and elwaya ready to do a kindness. The tweeral was; 'Monday, Frani filo 1ltail?1- 143i. 1,,...tcben. The ;,,,oti,ieefti were cimaitct ' od -by ft•A'.''Mil. TI3.6eiardn Wo'reJ nid tu h the Nati y huaiel' ehitai ileesalla •The funeral wae !a rgel y atbendtI.. • • ' • • . • . FErertLizr;n, ON HAND - 111.ave on hatml. i,eanttli stock. et nnv p:r6on witshinfx Okllide >f b•tbt,;:,, mitt Wit them froll) PA 3 al* t1110 r);ohn Hoy jr Zurich- cHAsi mt,,yols, Bloke • PENNY BAND APPROVED "To teach a child how to economlae on slender resourses how toresist tem tation to Deedless expense, and how to make reasonable provision for the future," It is the obiect of the Penny Bank in the Scbools as explain ad in a pamphlet just lamed by ,the Ontario Department of Educairen. The Minister of Education is impress- ed with the importance of the encoar- agement of thrift among sehool child- ren and has had under consideration the practial assistance given in this direction by the Penny Bank of Tor- onto. The Minister feels no hesita- tione in making a recommedation to all School Boards and and principals to establish the system in their school. anit•to enlist the interest, sympathy and co-operation of teachers. LIGHTNING RODS •••••••••••••• A bulletin advocating' the use • lightning rods on buildings has jn..1 1)-n ieseedby the • Oeterio Doper mem, of Agriculture. Prof. W. If. Day of the stair of the- Ontan.•: Agricultural College, is the author,. ..-• thia Bullet la and he demon -.:trata after a series of investigations cov,. ing thirteen years, the t lighthing re.' are the protection that. science them to be. In Onterio-in 1912 t'.‘ efficiency of rods was 941 per &al From the reports of insurance cor - panies., Prof Day found that in ever . 200 farm buildinga insured, 42 wet: rodeda which is 21 per cent, but frt: of every 200 farm buildings struck lightning only 3 were rodded. el this connection Prof Day obsera "We should have expected 42 if tl, rods were no good." HICK'S FOROASTS A Regular Storm Period coyers tbe 17th to the 2210., having its cent: e on 19th. This is about the time when a series of May thunder ana rain storms are common Ihrought ..ths tier of middle states. Thee often tome in the form of daily' les, for several days in siccession. Some times a double daily eyele, one in the forenoon, and ono in the after- noon and earl3, evening, will repeat themselves:. Them clouds .are- atten- ded by very black, thick clortds, spading eastward from a leaden bank in the west, with vicious. lighten ing, thunder e.nd heavy rain and hail. Such a spell is probable on and tena- blbe the Mb, 19th, 20th and 21st, of May, although there is no combina- tion of causes out of ordinary at this time. If the Venus is absent until June, at which time we give notice that we shall hear from her. At all events, high barometer and cooler fair weather may be expected about the 213t. to 23rd. SEALED TENDERS • — . The council of the Township of Hay, will receive sealed tenders up- to 12 o'clock noon on Saturday the 80th day of allay, 1914, for building a num ber of cement bridges. Plans and specificcations may be (Been at the undersigned. The lowest or any ten, der notilecessarily acCepted. Zurich, May 12th,1914. • . • Fred MSS, Sr. ' • •Clerk of Hay. laregnowsnomareemneellmetramem ,empaneatearreetcmo.acerx...).4 twermeammoragoomosmalteratabstof.ktur.c..,•••tr....zulet=unerstsumaratt • . 111 UtO 61 • MEAT MARKET ufn keep it stock a full line ,of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their teuderness and whol(,q,enwness. Our nni is ti:okeep nothing but the best. We make 0 -In' own 8ausages, — Give us a enJl' Yi'INOEUT 4 A, prifff e TREE often lives several hundred years. Nature has protected the wood by covering it with bark to shield it from the elements. When trees are sawed into lumber, Nature's protection, is lost. Therefore, the wood used in your house must be paint protected to insure it against wear and weather. "WO% Pure" Paint is a good life in:no-nine policy on your house. It protects against decay—pays for itself, over and over again., in the repairs it saves—adCs value and beauty to the building as well as long life to the wood. is what we reeommend for all outside and inside painting. "20035 Pure'e gennine White Lead, Oxide of Zinc, purest Colors, and Linseed Oil — ground to extreme fineness by powerful machinery—the combination of which produces a paint that is greatest in hiding, covering and wearing qualities—and makes it the cheapest to use as well as the most satisfactory. Let us help you in selecting colors for your spring painting. 15 rim rl•-•••• .17.71 ri tz-A Frao y 0.7 ,PA Ll ,LtA V 14 1 a n.t,o10 6 kitindialli Ca..WhIeweaneata..,.•••som....e....•trra.rat,cann.., "•• ••-• • • 1)11. E. 1.3„ BALFOUR, graduate Western Univer4ity, late of the Military Hospital and 'Victoria, Hospital, London. Ulu in the buildino'b formerly occupfed by the late Dr.hicLaughlin, Dashwood. ve. rm For Stale2 am receiving numerous enquiries respecting Huron County Farm Lands. If you want to sell I will assist you with an advertising campaign that will bring buyers • to our favored County. 'No Buyer - No Charge 'I..• • Call, wri be oT. phone for particulars. ZELLER3 Conveyancer, Real Estate, &c ZURICH, ONT. a .'• Ontot rp ready to figulu• on your Mason Contracts and Cenient ' Work • For next season. No Contracts tt� large and too small to receive our careful attention, , . .„LOUIS WEBER Zurich. 0 k'• .x• UMESEHMEZUMAZWER'EMEIMEMBISEVALIES ,••4' Keepin the R Out of its The bloods of a business which adver- tises regularly runs faster than the blood of a business which rarely or never opens its mouth. Men who get in ruts grow like ruts. There is a certain conatort andcontentment in routine . —which word is very close to “rutino." Advertising compels the advertiser to bestir him- self—and since he advertise to YOU, sinceAm • .wants your favor and custom, you can be pretty' sure that he is doing his best. to deserve your fav- or and custom. She rtaewass.fflawarenalvnosamalcaummlanbanzalialower—tr.r.7„,,,...,,,,,,,,a=-...,, A WORD TO THE PUBLIC Give your custom to those who soliet it—who tell you they want it, who tell you. what they are ;doing In your interests, Encourage those who serve you best and most. • here Y are kd fp, Shop. -, 1174.1,3 4.L.'Ic