HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-05-15, Page 1V° . ?(IV. FRIDAY. MO ,.S.:.9.9. - Published every tG;ro wveeks Price rati d1 little diaper devoted to news usually heard and. sot}]i around' a General and Hardware Store. 99494. o wser •li'V`., al i6 w j1.':;d.iled :'.,ltv'Ser st if• • rel S;t. ii.? 3.", "'''•a";i _.. :+' te?l.i fit and tare :*al' , 7.11_:1 e 1 ewaerid ~Our •gas- tYiln!? r,JllYlii sued ikePt ••;:i141:):'r:1 tl'.t's.3 t)t % l'1` e'S elsteretese tltne i .e I r n3 Q V fns k 0.:10 the; piireeeser gate •esti fsy ft. o•iseser baste tee gte ....lila, • It se t celaitstA -and i::y,)red. three ":iiliets •t): f+.)re let! ltiie:; the tans; of the •ant+) i %i;11' i) )':',1Yevils s,ii p u l`l \ t ail p Premier j I'31-1s,e I.?l. at 1" 4 X1?i -.sly Far ;}.nc1 t tl, .i?., 4. We, ktlso „halals, ti ' t1•'r111't t lr: 1(i"• 0)14 L,,,1 t1n_ i s; C I'otarine • cep) ere 11 . , .:)i' iseete, else is rS )',7444: ve+ your 1 Ln17.1et'tn a eat:: t of �ta ill .u.. Ii: s.1li iii. FE:'vt� 1' .l,tit•1 •:t uj Ii rel. rt oe to ' 1, .. clisera mmer Cooking ,We were Luuoli pleased to see so 'many utteed the demonstration of •the Vee Perfeetirin Blue Flange oil atoves on Friday last It showed the people are interested in the oo)xling eoolz stoves for the hot weather' We halve sold many of these in the last few years and. we are prepared to put them out on trial, and -will guarantee themab- .solutely'.• We also handle gasoline gook stoves, wiokless coal oil stove ovens toasters, eto. Lome in and let.us:explain them to you. Swat It Get after the fly. Now is the time to look after them. We have fly swatters, tanglefoot, fly pads, screen doors, windows etc., in fact we are. ready for Mr. and 'Mrs. Fly. See:our lawn mowers. They are made' to out. We guarantee them. .Are QU ll h 1 d5' yee. are kip6.Ii ,g •Ile • repairing your et Leri ":t :OP; • i)nii'ak:i the Reeler, ;tie F ruses`? oe the ia;aC4 Wit "'e d. se .:d ark: p :r t!le ,,:111i 4'. `\r e are p.r , e e t!11. to quote - y : se %tl anything u .+;''i, .as low ae1 aay •striae, r2. i der.':1 Lot ue figure ,, t.rllt ; .1 rt a v =11•k, eaLvetrougr1• 1x1.4, to e... metal: work 1)f my lana. The Boy Wo bete) j•1r t. pLlt into stock e let of Bi.t 'e taller. in ede 131 J)lifers. •l.h ee'ti'`io•b,.rilfron1 i4) 15 pearls t? a):. a rr. t aY)t?f. Ltiy IEl�:' 1 r1i°t)tl; "v e itt :ativ13.) "+:tt 1 •) o4.4.11 early i1 ,'ou want some of these as tete number is 1iltltteJ.. frintmed hats Have gala . purchased y'erte new tee for ereetnier ear ?• ''We iivvit.4.. yt: u :.r t riln .Yt stli� , rx1111 i1�� r; citl)rarLllit;l,i. tatc'v:t�s'171t,eSea- tv Show you the claw novelties ' and trimnking$ in'so'le this season. A. PewSpecla.is a Childs Rcinper:? at 5Ootti. Ladies' Aprons at 60ots. Beauty Pius, special value, 5, 10, l..)ets li l';air. Satt'ts Pins, 2 papers for bets. Corset govern, regular 40 & 50etaa. tor ?:tuts. Japanese Mats, 42 inches wide by 45 merle's, 25cts. each. Our wall papers have neat with much -popular favor. Our stock is still large and well assorted. Varnishes Many people do not realize that a painted chair, wLalI', deer. in fact; any painted surface, will wear muoh.longer if protected with a coat of good varnish. 11 will wear .nearly twioe.as Tong and look much better. We remake a special feature of good varnishes and would ren. onlrllend Mar•not:and Ltard nil for outside and inside use. 7. hese are high class varnishes in] every re- spect. -4444-1 Join The Brighten -Up Club Use S. W. P. Produce always Taken. ��`e,h�elc,hone� N ZURICH MAY. 15, 1914, .4 0 h'm N 4 1"A. �sels s," + ° se, Thursday next will 'be Ascension ' LO CAI., NEWS.' tray• Pinapple•season is now hero, leave,l your ordefS with W. O.:Wagner, A.number of Dashwoocl; boys visit- ed our town on Sunday 'evening. Oou1•tof Revision was held in ,a the' Town Hall on Monday. 111r. Frazer Brown of Crediten, was visiting in town on Saturday. Members of the'' Evangelical Church are engaged in making pie-' peratious for building the new shell; Messrs 11. lis,lbileisch and 0: Hoff - Mau \vete iia Datshlvood Saturday evening. • itr,'t!. 1;[aartleib ILL.; 'purchased t latest uu)tlel - Studebaker tautonabikr- of the touring car type. I Bayo pasture for about i head of young cattle. Apply at once to 1f. ZelI:1,Ztteieh.'" :. 1,' 1. la #:,):_iil')'1}' i?t at, ..S iY.13iti 'LtC!'al, I1.1.1e1 .it la:f iSli ie, 11,:;,'41' t1: ik 'tine week, :•b': is _icily 111 ibe " J:i' ice, it LL tun. (3)i tlontlriy the ni' i I,et ; of tics Ilitthrgtn Church iosoahlod. ilk b i cemetery, and lieu' a eaeue.tLp dtay, which now adds i;aauf.,y to the yard. The Ulaud Picnic that Wit,; to be held at the Lyryeahtle Grove on Jnno p tstponR.11 to July let- A laig crowd le c^xp eted. The teen (,allele are '1i'eeting a number of electrit !kelt•, i11 a very s'.t.:t time, 1V1iit`ik bet'u'la great need for 11 mealier of years. Leet --In town, 011 Sunday evening c1 ! soi.sat .,i:ia viLlitable sleniee. Fin- let 'iil- 'L t revealed; phase -leave at Herald :entice, Mr. OttoSippleof Detroit and "tti 4 xisliry 1'+'Il4:11 of i'i,t'clne) mires inert its.; on Abril 11th. and have ttLI•t01 tip) housekeeping at rNsti Shady it)tlti 11131:'3 1:L4 announced in taw Jae issue, futile ae '.i'iiilrStiay ev nings atter a hortilluese in the SOth, year :;f' her age. The deceased was ono of the Early= settler; of :this Township and was well known in . blue section. ,She leaves two soils Charles at holm and William of Fexeter North. The Funeral took place on Slnday .after noou and was largely attended. ` Tho interment took plate in the Lutheran cemetery. LUTHERAN CHUIUJh. The Sunday services will be at the lib uai•honrs: German 10.30 :ten Sunday S 11.00 a. in. English 7.30 p. n:. The following meetings are held during the week : • B. 5. officers and teachers 7.15 p m, on Tuesdays. • Men's Missionary society at 8.15 1). in. on Tuesday Young People's society at B.00,p in Friday. `the .Ladies Aid Society meets at 6.00 p. m. the, first Wed- nesday of each month. A cordial invitation is herewith ex- tended to all, not worshiping else- where, to worship with us and take an active part in the work of the var- ous societies of our church. enueetzermasEssissossmOotaikessisammasi The LSO Established 1 853 Opened Branch in Huron Co. 1874 ' ` Saving :Bank Accounts Solicited..•• Zurich Eraiu h. R. T. DUNLOP, MArlager Victoria Day will be celebrated on biondnyMay 25'th, ou account of the 24th galling an a Sunday Messrs Wm. Wilson, Chas Either did George .Washington of Hensel', iserein town Monday evening, Mr.:Herbert • and Miss Luella Weranvent Sunday at the home at the home of Mr. (;on. Sohilbe. Mr. Norman Iielleriilan of Dash- w;°ood-.was in town. on Wednesday, on (it iiiess. - it Ic: Herbert 1`ahner of Crediton gats in town on Friday on business, l'aatle the trip on his Indian motor i1 eliati is in residents were bi, ;his week, Mr. E. Z:,iler moved bsek to the dwelling formerly oceu- 1 l lig nee at the.Statth end, 1Ir. G. .$ ;l•.= ha 11'.o,'t4t into hie House S' •111': \rl'. t;eeree Sparks will occupy a tat F i ct ,)y Mr. Douglas. J . : t:, . LV ::11 M. I.D. Pof ' tee a1: t:al '11-11!1= hi tele, Leg- NEW ex`^i - BETTER .SHOES That Is the thole Our shoes are so touch better this ye.women, man and child to see them, f most oaretul buyine, getting the very he sonable price. When you come here t• 1 find just what you want, because we cul:. greatreaso�n why you should come here. .: shoe, mantifaetured by by Cleo. A. Slate: Why not save, discomfort by purc•hui' shoes now. Cooke in and try on a pai: No trouble whatever to slay: the latest Shoes. Butter, and Eggs taken ilk.:change for shoes SPUINI Thing in a:. Nutshell.„ than ever before, that every^ ter shoes is the result of our of goods"and styles at a''rea- your Spring shoes, you svill carry such a big variety is a r men we have the" Ittvictus :g a pair of the best good ,.,,..L .l.l '.: 1.ai4' at tie. teitie..41s, lluf � •el i t at: ittnsail 0.l Ws:de:is:3as- ilea t1I. Ilea men 1.1 ,t, g- .,.1. 1111r4 all he sympathy with the i't1ot'lu , tlii'L;11 atter to and 11 iselile1( of the 'day airy iii '•,'.ti. - ..,r,.itin 'inner of was .'v -o c. t i...:t.'1G1 1 one ..:1'114 )I - boys sae; 1 it.it i. tai. iatl i 1t ,a: :L1:,t1 on si , .a t last, One boys ,�'2i11g pre- p>'a1t ' ii, piss a full nine. bat could snag+' 1'lr. 1 seven of the °ill: r orgy . sit amine: 111 Fbri'Y played, e' i of the eseee 1.,"4 i-, et 1 ii;tr r1t, Cllr ,1141' r+ atal.., t. '1111 L.?11414 1,.':a:a,' tttlt- e3i ,. ! 4th c, Henry) t,,:.. p)iteher, ley.;F":l St , t tch+?.. Citi; being 1' ; ily of nes elates have this attn. pry r1;!,...4 -rant i'S•i d1 : melt. 1llalt'•'. e i1111,'al.p: i' t; 12 .r .at! `+'. el heel .E,1Q1`.4' glut :tela. la �A A f 4 ?. ler elite:I:lintd illi., • menti t'rrt ,4f the Hen's 1)11.i:4:mars ciety, by provid- hoot splG11 lia3 hfltt+t,lie to i•.110nt Iu1lnbers and rdl ieeds." After the good remiss 50 abundantly proritle 1, were h sanely panne 'u of, a short but -in ,t westing p7to;''1: 111 arta reudtrel, those (king part being Pastor :Mullet', 1", I1d'ss Sr.. with a Lhlt ens solo;: by -Mes- srs Goodwin and A. 3?. Iles several s iecti0ns by the \Vober Sisters, ,:s:l,rt addresses by the officers of the 'rely,'Messr:4 A. F. -Hess T. L. V arm and. R. Static. Mr. L. Zeller r. -“sided over the social part of the 1- +;;rant. It was indeed a, 4)leasent :eel profitable evening to all present. and Mfrs Miller are splenlliti e11- trrtainers. ;i1P'PFR ON THE LAWN AT THE L'[J'TCIERc1N PARSONAGE On the evening of June 18th.. from i -J o'clock a supper will be served on the lawn at the Lutheran parsonage under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Soeiaty of that Church. After the ssp''p r a, variety of very useful at•- tides prepared by the various mem- ber; will be sold by Auction. Select and appropriate music will be ren'dered,by coinpitent musicians throughout; the evening. tit111iission. - Aclillts 25 Children 15: Everybody cordially invited to attand,.. A'LIBERAL CONVENTION I'ar the riding of South,, I-Iuron as constituted for provincial purposes Fvillbe:'lield in•the Opera 13ouse, Hen- son, on Wednesday, May-, 20th. for tide purpose of -choosing a candidate td-abnfest the:Riding. in the Liberal Interests. ' delegates will meet at 11 1., 111.; to present their credentials, afterwhich ' idjournment will be. meds until 1.80 p. in. At the close of the business Meeting the convex - lien will be addressed by prominent ,:rakers. Everyol p. in sympathy with the Liberal platform is cordially invited to be present. LIENES SMITH I. G. STA.N'I3UI Y • President. Secretary. The Horne of Good l"res 4,773 ry ;t 1.to 4 Yia ` , j.-, 4t -:a fio-vaut at the, rn �ht price F,','+ `cry 1: G i r?i , I-a'.i { � id n, E, I'a ;I s N .1 t �3 .R i r � , g. ^'. It is egsil - le 11wlerstantl. We way, 'right that is how - t �' 7� ���r >c3.11 sell �� i ��a.. ��e have, a large and 1161 assorted ier al Stock ;: ehoosn firciFit ok all seasonable +foods. f1tjdnoe taken in exchange for goods. i BLAKE: ... - ONTA RIO *13 WHERE QUA:Ulf COUNTS we WIN OurSpring ModeIe include the 1':test and nkaalt fL s ere 11ilihee: ityle:s_: of teotwear for we:saa.stzid 0000)fc)rr . We bavo the a;it.00 ti1Li i ilittliOS friends. .There 11C't 1 wait aL tine when that 18441,1',? was Th rre erit1cal 10ottt footwear, then the pLeee-nt. It will ply tit ealleii'd •:•0them. 7i' will i>)L' witvc eti1l.'better to wear them. "es--'e.e-: EL;111 egg'= L:l;tr - .0 c'lteii.:i;, , for :' /4.7471 _ r 9:.aaxr_1'B w) 1l.ave '04 ji or jr' n seen the ne;w arrator Made by the Raymond Mfg Co. at Guelph. The oldest illanufaeturt>r1 (.ream Separators in Canada, The SUPERI• R1h strictly sell-httlallt itig and ring, and .1s •.Vnr'raistE?d for 5 ve'trs ai;..alnsf defects or maul al hear. Try one i11your tad%11 home and he CUi1Vineo(1 that it is Supericr al lothers. ELLMOR KLOPP, Local Agent Expert Tailoring The sort of Tailoring we turn out is not the "sweat shop," -"Tailor ,as you '. wait" sort -the kind of men find_ so. di s appointing; Tailored Clothes Are what we sell and if you'll wear them You'll appreciate their economy and know what it means to be satisfied with your apparel. . Made -to -Order Garments are built to. fit; Talk does not make thein so, but examine the work which proves our claims. A 111F3151L