The Herald, 1914-05-08, Page 8ERRY 010 [N LA) !Best Mone e Has .Ever: Spent S i3 MAIL ABOUT JOHN LL 41,44 Hiss PlEOPLk. .renees In the Land That ins Supreme to the Com, iuercial World, nage estimated at about $100, - _•.as caused by 4 fire on Kirk - Road; Leed% onsiderajble inereasy; has been in the lumber of police on .outside Buckingham Palace. d Rosebery, Who has regained orinal health, has returned to on from Leighton -Buzzard. mission to display recruiting rs en public libraries in Lon - is being asked by the War now announced that in fu - trade union labor will be cm - d in the printing department Times. eight minutes traffic .on the slow branch of the District ay was held up recently by an g• nation of $2,500 has been by the Bank of England to. t. Paul's Cathedral Preserve- und. Lord Mayor of Manchester ceived a letter asking hips if n find a healthy male baby for tion. per made from seas -Seed has invented by an English chem - It is said to be fireproof and rproof. the Essex Education Commit - t was reported that some head ers in secondary schools did each at all. e late Sir Wm. Agnew, of bury, Agnew & Co., proprie- of "Punch," left property of gross value of $6,767,960. tree men were buried by the fall large quantity of masonry from gh building in course of erection l:lyth. Northumberland. hero of Sebastopol, Mr. John mottle aged seventy-six, was ed at Ramsbottom Cemetery full military honors. the sheep yard at the Zoo there sw to be seen a specimen of the iflen, or wild sheep, which in- .ts Corsica and Sardinia,. Le light at the Needles Light - ie, Isle of Wight, is to be alter- @rom one occultation in every ate to two in every twenty sec- ''. . le death is reported of Mrs. W. void, of Charles Hill, Elstead, :ey, in her 101st year. She had 1 in the reigns of six English Kareas. een Alexandra was among the essful exhibitors at the annual ehester Dog Show at, Bel•lewVue, ging off prizes in the ope'i dog 5. ter being married for only ten cs to agirl aged twenty, Gor- Jones, aged twenty-two, was d by a fall of roof at the Swan- : Collieries, Derbyshire. r. Wm. Laidler, an auctioneer, lunderland, and Mr. Henry. :oe, of Durham, were instantly d when their motor car collided a lamp post near Seaham. ival officers and men at the have erected a handsome oriel in the. chapel at the Naval lacks, Chatham, to the late -. Scott and his party. is announced that negotiations •roceeding for the .purchase of r 300 acres of land on Seaton k, near West Hartlepool, by a who intend putting down smelt- 'o•rks, runaway motor car dashed into op window at West Hartlepool did oonsiderable'daimage, and an and woman who were walk- o n the pavement at the time badly injured. fighton Corporation have ap- ed plans for the construottton of iw bandstand and concert hall he West Pier, while the Palace is to be widened. The whole involve an expenditure of $200, - What Ancients Ate. Le wheat -eating Carthaginians, t. no match . for the pork -eating .ans; the goat eating Greeks y overcame the herbivorous ;tans; while the beef -eaters of band and, the sausage -fed Ger- battalions have proved their 'e)y and .endurance on a shin- ! stubbornly -contested fieids. even this rule has its exoep. s, says the Fertility Doctor,. for British Army contains no better !ere than that of the Scotch and regiments, to whom meat was kuryuntil they found it in their r ration. So, atter all, what - the physiologists may rao, [fists have found than aflesh *ay not he Particularly condu- to ferocity of character. WAS w.IIA'1` C. H AN SEN PAID ]?OR DUJB»'S MONEY PILLS. Had Been Ailing for Six or Seven Years %•lien He Took a Neighbor's Advice and found a. Complete Cure. Mona,- Man., May.dth (Special) -- Mr. Cornelius Hansen, well known and 'highly respected here, is telling his friends of his simple. but nom, pike Mare from a protracted illness. The facts in frief are: He had Kid - 'ley Disease ; ire. took Dodd's Kid- ney Pills; they cured hint. But let Mr. Hansen tell his own story. "I was troubled with my Kidneys for ,six or seven years," he says. "My back was so sore I couldn't get out of bed in the mornings. I tried medicines, but they did me no good. Then I met a neighbor, and he advised me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. He said he had used them in his family for a long time and they were a great medicine. "I bought six boxes of them, and by the time I had taken three of them I was feeling • much better. Now Lam quite well, and I think the best money I ever spent in my life was what I paid for Dodd's Kidney Pills." Dodd's Kidney Pills are no cure- all. They simply cure sick Kid- neys. But they do all that is claimed for them. NEW TUBERCULOSIS CURE. Iutra.Muscular Injections of Anti. genie Solutions and Ferments. A new treatment for tuberculosis which, in the opinion of some of the principal experts in the disease, gives greater hope for a cure of the scourge than anything yet discover- ed, was described to the Academy of Medicine, Paris, at a recent sit- ting. The new method for combat- ing the disease is the discovery of a young Swiss biologist, Henry Spahlinger. The treatment, as ascribed to the academy, consists of combined in- tramuscular injections of antigenic solutions and of ferments, which are modified according to the condition of each patient. The treatment, it is claimed, causes the drying up of lung cavities and the disappearance of ba•cili and stops the fever—three results which never have been ob- tained by any previous method for the cure of tuberculosis. The ac- tion of the infections is said. to be extremely rapid en incipient eases. In several eases described to the academy the patients were said to have been able to follow their usual occupations. Of 54 persons treated seventeen were said to have virtual- ly been cured. Most of the other cases were still being treated. The report on the new treatment was read by Professor Maurice Le - tulle. It was prepared by Profes- sor Edmond Lardy of Geneva and Drs. Edmund H. Colbeek and Leo- nard L. B. Williams of London, all of then' experts -in lung diseases. Spahlinger is not a, doctor. Ori- ginally he was a lawyer, but aban- doned law for science. He spent four years in work and $100,000 of his private fortune in the research which led tonhis discovery, A Nova Scotia Case of Interest to All Women Halifax Sends Optr a Message of Help to Many People. Halifax, N.S., Dec. 15.—When in- terviewed at he hone at 194 Argyle St., Mrs. Haverstock was quite will- ing to talk of her peculiarly unfortun- ate case. "I was always `blue' and depressed, felt weak, languid and ut- terly unfit for any work. My stom- ach was so disordered that I had no appetite. What I did eat disagreed. I suffered greatly • from dizziness and sick headache and feared a nervous breakdown. Upon any druggist's re- commendation I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. "I felt better at once. Every day I improved. In six weeks I was a well woman, cured completely after differ- ent physicians had failed to help me. It is for this reason that I strongly urge sufferers with stomach or diges- tive troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills." br. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the stomach, improve digestion, strength- en the nerves and restore debilitated systems to health, By cleansing the blood of long-stapding impurities, by bringing the system to a high point of vigor, they effectually chase away weariness, depression and disease. Good for young or old, for amen, for women, for children. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton a Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. Carry the radiance of your soul in your face; let the world have the benefit of it.—Pox. You 'cannot separate ,political questions from moral and religious questions, -Professor 1'ate rscrri.: There is no oountry iin, which a man can be happier than' the "coun- try in which he is born, --John T. Rankin. It is futile to attempt to live in sections, eeperating business from religion ' and ' work from faith, Hugh Black.` I counsel thee if thou host a trustyfriend go and see him often; because a road which is seldom trod gets choked with brambles and light grass.—Confucius. The crises of life :come, like the Kingdom of Heaven, without obser- vation. Our characters, and not our deliberate actions, decide . for us.—Mary Cholmondeley. True to Mother. Harold and Ralph were walking along the street when Ralpb, with a smile, took his hat off to a lady on the other side. "Who is that lady 2" asked Har- old. "That is my mother " • "Do you always take off your hat to your mother ?" "W1hy, sof course I do. Don't you V' "I do to other ladies." "Well, my mether.'s about the nicest lady I know. I think she's worth being polite to." BABY'S OWN TABLETS GUARANTEED SAFE Baby's Own Tablets are the only medicine for little ones that are absolutely guaranteed to be strictly free from opiates, narcotics and other harmful drugs, They carry the guarantee of a government analyst to this effect, so the moth- ers whose little ones are ailing need have no fear in using the Tablets. They cannot possibly do harm, and never fail to do good. The Tablets cure all childhood ailments slioh as constipation and indigestion, cvorrins,. colds, 'colic, simple fevers, etc. Thousands of mothers through- out Canada say they would use nothing else for their babies. They are 'sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 2e cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brook- ville, Ont. .p Most Assuredly. "You keep a joint bank account: with your wife, do you not?" "Yes, I deposit the money and she draws it out." Miner/=s Liniment Lumberman's rriend Matrimonial Amenities. She—It was a great descent I made when I married you. He—Yes; everybody said I took you down from the top shelf. Try Mur1ne Eye Rernedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyos3 or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart --Soothes Eye Pain. Drug'gists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liqui25o, 50o. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tuba. 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. r„ eye Tonle Goad tar All Ryas that Need Caro Karin. Eye Iteueody Co.. Chicago The :beauty of Unselfishness. The story is told of a famous lady, who once reigned in Paris society, that she was. so very heineiy that her mother said one dray. "My poor child, you are too ugly for any. one ever to fall in love with 3rou," From that time Madame de Cin - court began to be very kind to the pauper children of the village, the servants of the household, even the birds than hopped about the garden walks. She was always distressed if she happened to be unable to render a service. This good -will toward everybody made her the idol of the city. Though her complexion was sallow, her grey eyes small and sunken, yet the held in del/notion to her the greatest men of her time. Her unselfish interest in ' others.. made her, it is said, perfectly irre- sistible. .Her life surely furnishes a valuable lesson. • She Smiled at slim. A guest, who was doing full jus- tice to an •excellent dinner, 'j- was watched by the little daughter of his host with great astonishment for a while. Finally she smiled at him and said, "Oh, I do wish you were here to dinner every day I" The guest beamed with satisfaction. "Do you, my dear? Why l" he in- quired. "Because," came the un- expected reply, "there won't be anything cold to eat •to -morrow !" T1ae Saxon word "inn," taken in its present sense, was probably inOF SCA DEO LE. use before- the Co q estn . u, , whereas clear the purely French word "hotel," ee generally applied to "an inn of style and prete•nsion,'' dates: only from 'aboutthe time when oMeese of the British army of Oocupwtior returned from Paris with enthusi- antic ,,ancouttes of I\teii ice's and a dozen other hostelries of the Rue de Riveli and the Rue St, Honore width quite threw the humbler ac- commodation offered by the aver- age British inn of that period into the . shade, At the commencement of the nineteenth century Freneh- men taught the London innkeeper, the science of hotel keeping; before the beginning of the twentieth the Englishman had begun to return the compliment, and now the most lux - sirloin and well appointed Parisian - hotels owe their origin to British enterprise. Suicide Epidemic In Naples. The number of -suicides, especially among young women, has been in- creasing to such an extent recently in Naples, Italy, that the doctors describe it as am epidemic of sui- cide. Five attempted suicides by poisoning, all of young women, the youngest being a gird of 16,` were reported in one day. The police as- certained that in the case of "two women the motive was disappoint- ment in love, in two others the re- proaches of parents, and in the fifth inability to wince a love letter. And Foot. In Rad State, inflamed and Festei'eciw'• Gould' Not 'Slee , Completely Cured by Cuticura Ointment in •Short Time, Middle La have, N. S. "My sister scalded her leg and foot very badly with a pan of boiling water. She suffered very mueh'and her leg was in a bad state. Tho akin was rcd and interned and it fostered. .Sho suffered dreadfuipain. Shescaided it in the evening and could not sleep that nightand could not bear to haye anything near it. "We tried" and acid then, some—. -,(but every- thing seemed to makeit worse and she just screamed for pain. 'I told my ;pother about Cuticura Ointment and wo got a box im- mediately and' bandaged up her foot and leg. Two applications made quite a dif- ference and we kept on using it and in a short time her leg and foot were completely cured.", (Signed) Mise L. Parks, May I:7, 1913. TO REMOVE DANDRUFF Prevent dry, thin and falling hair, allay itch- ing and irritation, and promote the growth and beauty of the Bair, frequent shampoos with Cuticura Soap, assisted by occasional dressings with Cuticura Ointment, are usu- ally elTective when other methclds fail, Cutieura Soap. and Outicura Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. A single set is often sufficient. For a liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, send post -card to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. D. Boston, U. S. A. HOW THE WORLD SLEEPS. Most people sleep on their sides, withtheir knees drawn up. Elephants always and horses com- monly sleep standing up. Birds, with the exception of owls `lilpul In no—seed 2W trcq ails} pun sleep with their heads turned tail - ward, over their back, and the beak thrust among the feathers between the wing and body. Storks, gulls, and ether long- legged birds, sleep standing on one leg. Ducks deep on open water. To avoid drifting shoreward they keep paddling with one foot, thus mak- ing them move in a circle. Sloths sleep hanging by their four feet, the head tucked in be- tween, theirfore legs. Panes s and wolves sleep curled up, their noses and the soles of their feet 'close together and blanketed by their bushy tails. Hares, snakes and' fish sleep' with their eyes wide open. Owls, in addition to their eye- lids, have a screen that they drew sideways across their eyes to shut out the light, for they sleep in the daytime. , ,T. Warts Disfigure' the Hands But can be painlessly removed in twenty-four hours by the , use of Put- nam's Wart 'and Corn Extractor, Fifty years in use and still the best, Insist on getting "Putnam's" Extractor, 25c. at all dealers. Lord Strathcona Maxims. Be content with your lot, but al - 'ways be fitting yourself for seine - thing higher. Only cheerful perse- verance will bring you to a better position; grumbling won't help you an inch, Do the work . yourself ; Don't depend upon the influence of. friends on your behalf. Opportun- ity comes to seine men mo•r•e fre- quently than to others, but 'there are -very few it does not visit at sonic 'time or another. Terrible Scalding /Bolden' zAM-BUK GAVE QUICK RELIEF. For tasting the pain out of a burn 6r .scald thero is nothing equal to 'Lani•Buk, Mrs, Eugene Demers, of Pembroke, Ont., who was the victim of a (painful scalding ascendent, proved this; . She says: " 1 was carrying a boiler of steaming water from the stove to the wash -tub, when suddenly any strength failed., As the boiler was ,Yelling in spite of hay efforts, I Leard my babies cry, and to avoid scalding them I gave the vessel e quick turn. The effect of this was that: every drop of the boiling water poured over my feet and limbs; scalding ane from my waist down. • " As : soon as 1 saw the children Siad escaped, I told my oM;eat boy to, -ksing the Zara-Buk (which we always eep in the house). I applied Zona - Reit freely, acid the pain was soon eased: I continued_ using Zara -Bak, and In a wonderfully short time the sores were comple''' ly healed." zi m-Buk is equally. ged for cuts; b s1ses,: mom* blears, piles, p lnapleg,j Std , Price rzOo. per box, at all drug-. /IWSts. qt►d atoxss, pr post free i'ram t o ;11i1 -Hull; Co., Toronto, on receil} Of ,price. �,of sse substitutes a d j tatleps. There is nothing. "Bust as athQdl'! - Rheumatism Goes Quickly Its Virus Forever Destroyed EVERY CASE IS CURABLE. Good-bye to Rheumatism! Your aching joints, your stiff, sore muscles, those sleepless nights and suffering days—good-bye forever— your day is gone. Sufferer, cheer up, and' read the good news below. "A man met me a month ago, and said, `don't stay crippled, quit com- plaining, limber up.' My answer was, 'I'm rheumatic, I can't do it.' He looked pie over in a pitying sort of way and told me to go to the nearest drug store for Nerviline and Ferro - zone. The combination had cured him. I was convinced of his sincerity and followed his instructions. I rub- bed on Nerviline three times every day -rubbed it right into my aching joints. The pain quickly lessened. and 1 became more limber and active. To draw the virus of the disease' from my blood I took two"Ferrozone Tab- lets with every meal. I am well to- day, not an ache, not a pain and no sign of stiffness at all." What Nerviline can do in a case like this it can do for you too. For nearly forty years Nerviline has been recommended for Rheumatism, Lum- bago and Sciatica and Lame Back. It is the one remedy that never dis- appoints. Our Picturesque Language. Extract from Japanese letter "Our markets do not improve yet, but as I working hard as twice than last year our business do not much decay than other person, which I am glad." We share this gentleman's joy. Piles Corea in a to 14 Pays Druggists refund money if PAZO OIN1MENT fails to cure Itching, Blind. or Protruding. Piles. First application gives relief. 60e. One Answer. Teacher (drawing two parallel lines an the blackboard)—What re- lation are these lines to each other ? Head of the 'Class—Twins! Eeep Minard's Liniment in the house. Poisoning a Lost Art. Poisoning may be regarded as a lost art. The most successful 'prac- titioner on record startled the se- venteenth oeantury with the magni- tude of her .labors. This was To - famine an Italian ;lady who gave her name to a deadly poison—aqua ito- fano,a few drops of which Were sufficient. She sold her potion' in small phials to disillusioned women who were tired of their husbiaands. In this way, as she confessed, 600 persons were accounted for. After her confession the public execu- tioner was exereuniely busy with her customers. What the drugs was no- body has ever been able. to say. The Pope described it as aquafortis distilled into arsenic --an unsatiis- factory definition, --London .Daily Chronicle. Happiness. He Do, you think that money is. necessary to happiness 2 She—Not if one has unlimited credit. It costs some people a lot to live because their neighbors are af- flicted with the borrowing habit. link for Minard'a and take ao other. Highest grade beaus, kept war and inealy-by perfect bakii retaining their, full streak Flavored with delicious sa}ic They have no equal. , PAi'!M 'FOR ft-' %v. tai WSON, Ninety Coiberne Toronto. IP YOU WANT TO BUY O$ Fruit, Stock, Gretaor Dairy write H. W. Dawson, Bram5ton. Colborne Rt., Toronto. H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Tol NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. OOD birEEKLY 1N LIVE TO1 York County..Stationery an Business in connection. Prim $4,000: Terms' liberal. ` Wilson F ing Company, 73 West Adelaide Toren to. M1SCELLAN50US.- NION GROWERS, GIST LI V ture re onion, weeders. R: G. 1 Olinda., Ont. (( ANCErt, TUMORS, LUMPS. IL) lntern•al and external. cured out pain by our home treatment. tie before too lateDr. Betiman Co.. T.imated„ Co111newnnd;`Ont, l dentinal. Howard—A fool and his are soon parted. .. , Mrs. Howard (clapping her ] —Oh, John ! How much are going to give me? Minaret's Liniment used by Phyi Appealing. Mfrs. Huggins—Does your band appeal to you as a voca. Mrs. Buggins—Not exacta; fact,it's the other way. • W begins to sing I appeal to � Minard's Liniment Co., Dear Sirs,--Your'M AIENT is our .remed3• colds and all ordinar It never fails to 1 promptly. CHARLES "W1100 Port Mulgrave. The Family Cashier, Mudge --Here's a man figu that. if all the money in the were divided equally, -each would get about thirty doll Meek—He's wrong. My would get sixty dollars. To Cure a Cold in One . D Take LAXATIVZ BRO)1ZO Q Tablets. Druggists refund mo fails to cure. E. W, GROVE', ture is on each box. 25c. Easy For ,Ilam. An Irishman who was one gaged at stone -breaking roadside, and not being use work, could not get on very friend of his who chanced by as Pat was belaboring stone with renewed vigor t show him the right way,and, the hammer from him, br stone with ease. Said Peat, now, and it be easy for you. the stone afbher I have been ing it for the lest half hour,' "NA.O11U=00 BYSP TABLETS .Proued o9 Groat Value to M .'here is only one exklanatiot numbers of enthusiastic letters. receive praising Na-Drit-Co p' Tablets, and that is that thes. certainly do cure any kited of trouble. Here Is a typical letter fro Eliza Arnisworthy, Canso, N.S. "It is with pleasure I.write t• you that your Na-Dru-Co D Tablets have proved of great v ane, 1 tried remedy after menu ofitlroup,atry lasting good. I,Iavii your tablets curing such -c RILAuey dccldrd.to give then. a f They proved satisfactory iii iti ',file remarkable success of Na Dyspepsia Tablets is such a se can only crime ter an honest',s e0111pAtt clod according to''an exi 1111 doh Srom pure die td, byexpert chemists, ' If cunei 1ltdwitli your stoivacii ' j out Druggist about Niel, yspgtepsie Tablets, oompounde atio :a1.jPrttgg gild Chen}{chs. itilite& end sold, thr. ileo Z csnstnlon a4..5oe, a bog,. IID. 7'. ISSUTI 1