HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-05-08, Page 6PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS 'IMPORTS runts VMS t.8A0teit1 e'nAns CENTla�a;OF 434s11U0a, *Vitas et Cattle, Crain, Cheese arra t'it»ef Eellatio:I at iiorme ens alireatL ' . Eroadatuife. Toronto, May 6.---Flour--Ontario wheat flours, 00 per cent., 33.86, sea- board, and at $3.95 to, $4, Toronto. Manitobizs--k first patents, in jute bass. 33.60; do., seconds, $5,10; strong bat.- ers% in jute bags, $4, • Manitobe, wheat—Bay ports --,N0. .1 Northern, .96c and No. 2.at 9410 Ontario wheat—No. 2 at $1 to. -$1.02, outside according to freight and $1.03 to $1,04, on track, Toronto, Oats—No. 2 Ontario oats, 398 to 40e, outside. and at 43c, „on track, Toronto, 'iVestern Canada" oats, 410 for No. 2, and at 400 for No. 3, Bay ports. Peas -900. outside. Barley—Good malting barley, 56 to 58o, according to quality. Rye—No. 2 at 63 to 64c, outside, Buckwheat -808, outside. Corn—Noy 3 American, 728c, all rail, Toronto. Bran—Manitoba bran, $25 to $26 a tan, in .bags, Toronto freight. Shorts, 326 to $28. Country Produce. Butter—Choice dairy, 19 to 20c; in- ferior, n= r prints, 22 to10 o23e creamery prints, fresh, 25 to 260;; do., storage prints, 23 to 24c; solids, storage, 22 to 23c, Eggs -21 to 92o per dozen, in case lots. Honey—Extracted, in tins, 108 to 110 dozen for No. ; No. 1,and $353 to for No. 2..25 per larCheese—Newge, and 15 to 1530 for 4t v3 a 150 Thr Beans—Baud-picked, $2.15 to $2.20 per bushel; primes, 32,10 to 32.15. Poultry Fowl, 16 to 180 per lb.; chickens, 19 to 20e; ducks, 17 to 18c; geese, 15 to 16e; turkeys, 20 to•23c. Potatoes—Delawares are quoted at $1 on track, here. Seeds. Wholesale seed merchants are selling Ib, basis: seedsedeto No. trade,e $19on the to 320- 1; do., No. 2. 317.60 to $13.50; alsike, No. 1, 320.50 to 321; do., No. 2, 317 to US; 2 l 37 `25 "to 37,60: alfalfa. T3o. 1 50; � 314b to 315; do., No. 2, $13 to 313.60. Provte1oas. .Baoon Dong clear, 16 to 16c per lb., In case its. Hams—Medium. 18 to 1880; do., heavy, 17 to 180; rolls, 15 to 158c; breakfast bacon, 18 to 19c; backs, 22 to 240. Lard—Tierces, 123o; tubs, 13c; pails, Montreal Markets. Mont 'eat. May 3. -Corn, American No. 2 5•ilow. 77 to 7780. Oats, Cana- dian We..tern; No. 2, 43c; Canadian Western, No, 3, 425e. Barley, Man. feed, 00 W 51c. Flour, 1,1an., Spring wheat pa- tents, iligts, $5.60; seconds, $5.10; strong,. haters, 34.90; Winter patents, choice, $5.15 to $6:50; straight rollers, 34.70 to ..4.90; straight rollers, bags, $2.20 to, 3'_35. Rolled oats, barrels, 34.5s; bag=. 90 lbs., 32.15, Bran„ $23. Shorts, 325. Middlings, oer28. ton car Note, 333 to.33? Hay, 33.4 to 315. Cheese, finest westerns,12 to 1330;', finekt''easterns, 118 to 1130. Butted, choicest Bggs, fresh, 223 to seconds, 25c; No. 1 stock, 21c. Po - 2.,c; sele0ted, t,rtoes,„per bag, . Car lots, 85 to 95c. Winnipeg Grain. Winnipeg, May 5.—Cash—wheat-- No. 1 Northern, 9030; No. 2 Northern, 381c No. 3 Northern, 37o; No, 4, 832c; 'NO. 6, 78c; No. 6, 73c;• feed, 68c; No. 1 rejected seeds, $61e; No. 1 rejected N.seeds, 343e; NO. 2 , 868c;iNo. 2 smut y, 84eJected seeds, 3c; 1�*01 smutty, No. 3 smutty. 818c; No. 1 red Winter, 91c; No. 2 red Winter, 895c; No, 3 red Winter 872.0. Oats—No. 2 C. W., 353e. Barley—No. 3, 453e; No, 4, 443o; re- jected. 421c; feed, 418c. Frax—No. 1 N: W.C., 31.333; No. 2 C.w., 31.208; NO. 3 C:W, 31,223. United States lYtarlcets. Minneapolis, May 5: Wheat—May, 898.0; July, 903e; No. 1 hard, 948e to 948c; No. 1 Northern, 918 to 933c; No. 2 Northern, 899 to 9190. Corn—No. 3 yel- low, 63 to 6380. Oats --No. 3 white, 36 Duluth,May i5. Lour id seed,ncash, $1.54; July, l Wheat—No. 333e; No. ; 14frty, 1Northen,22c; No 2 Northern, 903c; July, 92%c. Dive Stook Markets. Toronto, May 6,--Cattle—Choice but - . m ohers', 31.75 to 33.25; good medtu, 37.40 to 37.60; common cows, $6 to $6.25; canners and cutters, $3,60 to $4; choice tat cows, 38.50 to 37.30. Stackers and feeders. -Steers, 800 to 900 lbs„ 37.25 to $7,50; ,good. 700 to 800 lbs., 37 to 37.30; light, $6,25 to 37. Calves—Good veal, 38,75, to $10.25; common, 34.75 to 37. Sheep and lambs—light ewes, 33.50 to $7; Spring •,lambs, 36 to $10; iambs,. yearlings, 39 to $9.75; but with 75c per head ogs- $8 90 to $3 ted and wck ate ed; $5.20 to 39.25, off cars; 38.60 to 38.65 f.o.b. Montreal, 3ra,y 5. --Choice steers at $8.25 to $8,50; good at 37.75 to $8; fair at $6,75 to $7,25. The lower grades sold from 35 to 36, and butchers' cows fro35.50 to 37.50, and bulls from 35 39.7 6 perper owt ,wt. weiglhed off eard s. o Spring, lambs, 33 to 3G each, as to size and quality. Yearling lambs, 38 to $9, and old sheep at 36 to $7 per cwt, Calves sold front $3 to 310 each, as to size and quality. iso rifeliat , y 4; y -„ i i) •i 111 lcomm. ^ �dfit+., nAti►t, .t 1a ttf tum !fie. m i ”�1r! 11i !1 1111M6. `111Momodi.� • !tt .i11Ui t ra One of the famous Edwardsburg Brands fV • -.\�i' Little Boy Blue come blow your horn, The sheep's in the meadow, the covr's in the corn But Little Boy Blue, die paid no heed As he sat on a haystack ha% ing a feed, Crown Brand Syrup furnished his fare. Why should he worry' 2 Why should he care? CHILDREN LOVE THESE VELVET KISSES 1 cup of Crown Brand Syrup. Put syrup, sugar, water and vinegar in 3 cups of White Sugar, granite : kettle. When boiling, . add cream tartar. Boil until it is brittle in cold water. stir frequently to keep from burning. 'When nearly done, add soda and melted butter. Turn out on buttered pans; flavor. Pull until a pale yellow.Cut with shears or scissors in small pieces and do up in oil or war papers. 1 cup of Boiling Water. Half -cup of Melted Butter. 3 Tablespoons Vinegar. Half -Teaspoon Create Tartar. Quarter=reas7oon Soda. Flavoring. Children like Crown Brand Corn Syrup because of its delicious, sweet flavor. It is a wholesome food that makes plainer foods taste nicer, Bread and butter with Crown Brand Corn Syrup is a treat for children. 1¶ It is excellent too for sweetening cakes and pastry, and for making taffy and home made candy. Try it on pancake and fritters. It costs very little. Send for our Free Recipe Book. Address Montreal Office. The Canada Starch Co. Limited Manufacturers of The Edwandsburg Brands 5 r c� REAL CARDINAL TORONTO BRANTFORD VANCOUVER -.Kim. • •\ i Upm-ksSs Y- • 7� �� �' ., '� .iiRl' •. re .� , 1:!.54 �''r�����Il� ._..,....t�'_►�1lll/111,- `. Illlll.� RAC,....rn,► 1Rt1 _nclL .� .... a.. uwc, ::w.r+r•.rsr� Nt :+s.ww,,..•.,�.... DUKE OF ARGYLL DEAD. Governor-General ofi Ca:nada From 187S to 1888. Cowes, Isle of Wight, May 3.— The Duke of Argyll, son-in-law of the lane Queen Victoria, and former Governor-General of Canada, ,died last night att East Cowes, aged 69. Ile was taken ill a week ago with double pneumonia and his condition rapidly grew alarming. COUNTERFEIT $10 BILLS. Canadian Bank of Commerce Issues Warning to the Public. John Douglas Sutherland Camp- bell, ninth Duke of Argyll, was born in 1845 in London, and in 1871 he married Princess Louise, the fourth daughter of Queen Victoria. He took a leading part in polities atter three years, experience as private secretary to his father in the Indian Office, from 1868 to 1871. He con- tested Bradford in 1892, and in 1895 he was 'elected by the Unionists of in. `which damages are avwarded are South Manchester, and he repre- far the improper seizure of, the fish - seated that constituency in the House of Commons until 1900. La- ter he was offered the Governor - Generalship of Australia, which he declined. . He came to Canada in 1878 as Governor-General, and after a suc- cessful period at Ottawa he return- ed in 1883 to England and wrote a number of volumes, including "Menlories of Can•a,d,a and So'ot- la nd" (1884), "Calvadian. Pictures" (1885), "The United States After the War," "IMperial Federation," tales and poems, and he even wrote aplay. During the Duke's stay in Canada his, name was given to a number of towns and settlements in the, differ- ent hon- orary c enat provinces, and ovary degrees from tine Ireedin,g uni- versitie•s: Counterfeit $10 notes of the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce of the issue at present i>n use are in ui,rculati.on in Hamilton, Ont. Tlle'counterfeits whi.Gh have sofar been seen are numbered 452,4'17, in red over black, whereas the genuine notes now issued by the bank are numbered in blue. The colors used are -also much deeper in tint than those of the. genuine notes, espeeial- ly tbs yellow and red an the face. On the hack there are two or three taws in the design, apparently made by blots, which appear on the word .."ba'z k" whore it occurs nt the foot of the note. The counterfeits are couittersi;ned by H, O'Reilly. Commission ab Washington, and in which judgment has just been de- livered, Edmund L. Newcombe, K. C., Deputy Minister of Justice, argued tite case for the Canadian Government. One was the Cadenhead case, where damages were claimed by the estate of Miss Cadenheaad, an inno- cent spectator, shot at Fort Brady, Mich., by a United States sentry many years ago. The sentry fired at a, deserter and the, shot acciden- tally struck the womaan. The award is $2,000. Another case is that of La Caana- dienne, a, Government boat, dam- aged by collision in the St. Law - and 'his wife, atnd as the boat was r NOTED DIVINE DROPPED DEAD Itev. C. Silve�ster 'Lorne Stricken on Niagara Boat. Toronto, May 3.—Rev. C. Silves- ter Horne, m•eanb,er of the,Ixnperial Parliament for Ipswich, and a noted social worker inl I.ondon, dropped dead aboard the steamer Corona while coming to Toronto from Nita- ga.ra Falls onSatturday night. The deceased was on his way from Bos- ton to 'Toronto', and spent Saturday at the Falls with his wife, leaving there to take the eventing boat due to arrive in Toronto about 8 O'clock. He was walking on the upper desk' snee with an American gunboat. ,enteiring theEta•s�ternl Gap sappetared The Great North-Western Tele- graaph C,onnpaany, in athird case, re- to stulmble ove.r a chair and fall to ceived damages for the caarrying the desk. Althoughmedlical. assris� away of its cable wt Quaebee by an .tianee was secured `at was' found Ira -- American gunboat, and other carets possible 4x do anything for him, as hile attack proved to be heart fail- ure. Assembled to listen to anad- dress from Rev. C. Si1•vester Horne, mg vessels Mord Nelson and Fre d - wick Getnring. yi REMAitH .BLE CASE Han Blind for TWO Years Can No'iv See Distinctly. CANADA WINS FOUR CASES. Damages A.war1'letl for the Seizure of Iwo Fishing Vessels. Otttaw,a:, May $.' Word was re-. oeived by the Department of Justice on Saturday that Canada has won four out of the five cases recently argued before they. Peseu,niary Claims A despatch from Quebec says : A remarkable naso of tb7e sudden re- covery of sight through being struck on tllie nose by a piece of wood, is that of Mr. Henri R. Germain, an employe of the local agency of the Marine and Fisheries Department, who resides at I3eauport. Mr. Ger- main has been practically blind for over two years past, following a se- vere attack of inflammatory rheu- matism, He was chopping wood at his home when apiece' flew up and struck him on the bridge of the nose. This severed .i>:• 'Min, and as. a result Mr. Germain lost "much blood, which was binek in color. Imnnedia.tely.after Mr,Germain dis- covered that he could see di,rtimtiy: Strange to, say, he felt riopain when struck by the piece of - wood, Galt Board of 'Trade tan, a one -day whirlwind campaign added two hun- dred ,,said fifty names to its member- ship roll. TIIE NEWS 1 A PM(A Elpp ; 1tit,S'F1t031 alt 1. 1'lL (I.Oi3lI 15 ► :3 UTSII a'LL. Canada, ,the Empire and the In General Iieiore Vo Lges.• Canaria. Nearly • a hundred brid Caine to Canada `by the• steamer Saturday, which do. Montreal on Wednetsdwy. • Captain R. G. Kendall, der of the Canadian .Bac Ruthenia, has been appoint twin of the Empress of I$1 Judge Charbonuneaa has the finding of the Montreal Board, which cut off the lie five cabarets, following n tests on. behalf of citiz churches. The trustees of Queen' s sity expressed their app rok the offer of Major R. W. for a, military residence, pointed a. committee to co hint regarding details. The Mayor of Maissorlaneu will compel the street rail parry to give a continuou and refrain from turning the barn before reaching the route. by ordering the all car crews who Offend. Mrs. Harriet Shunn, of Ont., received word throng of old country lawyers that joint heir to an estate in that is valued at $11,000,00 Shunn, who is about fifty y., with her husband, has bee dent of London most of They are in comfortable stances. the notead Congregattiaomal pastor and parliament erman, the congrega- tion which filled the Metropolitan Church on Sunday .afternoon was shoelr.ed to learnfrom the opening words of the chairman, Sir John Gibson, .iihaat, instead of an address from tee great ,sealed worker, they were to assist cit his mteenaria5a ser - viae.. $320,000 FOR ROAD S. Great Britain. The House of Lords Cc called Lord Murray's dei Marconi shares "errors c meat." The building trade emp London, Eng., have rejec terms of settlement offere+ masters by a vote of 23,000 though 20,000 people, mail combatants, have been loni verge of starvation. - Two suffragettes disgui ters of Charity raided the Wales' 'rooms at Oxford on the first day of the new i his Royal Highness was n dense, having gone on a the ba,ttleship Collingwe brother. United States. The Court of Customs 'INew York denied the free wood pulp from. Canada. General. 'Countess Trepolo is o Rome, ,charged with the 1 Captain .O.ggtiore, her orderly. The fortress of San . Ulna, at Vera Cruz, • not centuries as perhaps the f son on the American cont been ordered by Re Fletcher to be completed immediately. The "A B C" media the Governments 'of Fr many and Great Brittain request President Wilso draw his insistence that to be elimmnnbed from the al Presidency of Mexico tion precedent to the co peaao. The three Europ have refused: • TURNED TIDE AT; G1GT'. A System of Roads for the County of Oxford. A dsspatoh from Woodstock says : At to -day's special session of the Oxford County Council an order -in- Council was read authorizing an ex- penditure of 1320,000 on asystem of• county roads. -for Oicford, with the proviso that only $60,000 shall be spent in one year. A by-law was istroduced providing for the raisi»g• of the latter amount among the var ious munieipalifiies. NI- ugar does make the bread and butter taste good!" I. T is when you spread h out on bread or pancakes, fruit or porridge, that you notice most the sweetness and perfect purity of REDPATH Extra Granulated Sugar. Buy it in the 2'arid 5Ib. Sealed Cations, �r in the 10, 20, 50 or. 100Ib,, Cloth Bags, and you'll get the genuine .t'1..,,, it, , absolutely. clean, jug as. It left the refinery. as CAW+.61%, ;SUGAR REFINING, CO., LIMITED, g, MONTREAL. -Last of 'Great Comuuand War Dead. ,New York, May 3. -Maj Daniel E. Sickles died hie home, 23 Fifth Amin boon quite ill since Marc] suffered, a ihemb.r•rha;g+e. ward Sickles, M'ajor-Ge, .tired, was the last of the menders of the Civil Wa spomded tto Lincoln's fir, volunteers. ..,He rvaaised zit • a ▪ ter rte.gim,ent. He led the; tie, 41,1waya with minivan very and distinction. ;A he turned the tide at and earned a soldier's in ASIATIC RACES E Or'der•In.coiluei1 hlecoif ou . tiny .81. Vancouver, B, C., Apri tics of all races -will be • entry into Canada andel tsrpretattitin order -in, -t 897. The new intsrtpr made the order -in -Cote •ble to Chinese, Jaapnnec dots; and will become May 81.