HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-05-08, Page 1orison
Vol XIV.
No, 8
Published every two weeks Price grafi
11 little paper devoted. to news -i tally- heard.
and seen around a General. and Hardware Store.
\'10 have meta incl v. II altsor r9'if-
luea$ r^13 i Oa•oi.', ° .:i? tents file
prepasod et1ppe, au:'s owns n --.'e as
wellas, g:.lr iii tai. ,a, e owners
with Urge 4...a geseleao. full gas-
oline 1s Stt-1°e di • llllti et,^rcataihtg and
kept at an oven t:;!!..171p.rrCi oral of
about 57 deg;re nee; 1 a1 t , • Vlej
evaporation and the ; n :.n assn gets
all of the power trout the ;aaoline.
It its :sprained and filtered three
times before reaching, the tank of
the auto thereby ra;movine all im-
purit a s. We sell only Premier
gest...Hen made cagz teeely fire auto
mobiles falai engirli .,, W' talr'.o
handle )- Anirine t;. lsh 4' at'+: firs
urine ey,li 1 ler and. l'o :litre; ono
5•L11skis 111n.e 1 Of :L 1 11Ut 1ti l'1! y
kart afa , rl 3 _ *e.: •4 also i oases,
fort; 1neny colors.
Give your linoleum a coat of
varni.ell. 11 will preserve it and it
will be much easier to keep 0100 V-
MAY. 8, 1914.
L O C.A. 1V' ' 4
Hr. Jack Routledge ;spant;S.unday
under the parental root, ill Oesklwood:
Ms. Ed: Siebert Ietured on hriday
e-rsning, after a gist in rk'uronte,
1‘.1r. Alex Sparks slli,tllza..1 allcltlter
ear of horses out Nest, this sir/a:ea
AYni;-Thiel lnade`W,s. oy, his
mail route en Friday last.
Etnanueyi.-l'.7'arosai' of the .%,ruble
Lime, is laid up with a sora itso':.
D. wayLIl ' ,.-rata
011 `L' :i :7?a business,
11s t a , ttiluer of 4 „oi1t
abt,:,a the paarental c, -?c.`
1t ,Ja ,:2) Millet' lies r^ ;maid
fYi, i <„ with lelaa.til,t 111 r..tl 34 u:
1,.. r:2itl Mrs. Cetnllrl�eil P,, t y err .
tset of the week in. Torun!
hossel sp.1 it `,: a•' lad'
Are -You Bulid ling
1f yen aro li a l-dat c es repairing
,t Qaaa house; or any bn.i ctlrlgs
the farm, net our pricoe on the
114Li•dwsu:e lloce scary 1! r tl sae .'..
We :ere prepared. to quote wail on
anything as unites 'as lov' !` ' zany
quality orasidered, Let alga figure
on your furnace work, eaLVi tr(M1i,.�'h•
in;;, or sanest metal work of •any
�91W The ,leo
We have ;inS1 Fzut~int i itoeiz:a.let
of 13ey's t ' Liiri .1II"Lilo • 131.J?ner 4.
eto le
Lal!' u ttbe••°�, [ie);N>� Sian 1,.
let airs iii'easttQattranebrilgreles 511ec it, 11� IkI �'G'
slabs early if -yon.,. want e.n4ot In • Ot
thea Ste the number is limited;
Sailer Cooking
- We were much pleased to see so
many attend the demonstration of
the Vow Perfection Blue Flame oil
stoves on Friday last. ' It showed
the people are interested in. the
coaling cook stoves for the hot
weather We have sold warty of
these in the last few years and we
are prepared to put there out on
trial, and will guarantee them ab--
solutely. ' We also handle gasoline
• odok stoves, wickiess coal oil stove
-ovens, toasters, oto. Come in and
let us explain there to you.
Swat It
• Get after the fly. New is the time
y%o look after thele. We have fly
:'swatters, tanglefoot, fly pads, screen,
doors, windows ete., in fact we are
'ready for Mr. and Mrs. Ply.
`See our lawn mowers. They are
made to cut. We gaarantee thein.
Trimmed Hats
Have you puroluased your new
hat- for urn1'uor wear?? We invite
your inspection of our millinery
department. Always pleased to
show you the now novelties and
trimmings' in s?yle this season.
A Few Specials
with latae ilal els, Mr.
1t'. aad i(}'::. John ;7'rE etfa
apIlly, '
+.1t istei.1<1j''a itis
efrs. Sinn lirow:I, in (sred iton.._.:
'Ir J. A1''il1 i of. S•2:11,4111
spent biialclaLy 1 III hone, :;11a:.iar ;
the trigs lit his .now .f. oe'd trete.'
irs, A.:\1.oro1lz of ,liesh,vuefi+l via
i ;ttLl relatives in town, a f, ee 7 ,t:,:
lest weer
Base Elizaabeth Wolper ie =u. +,;fly
ill at present, with a s10%1I (Slimes ea,
lir, and Mrs Chas, "elite 3'., i
Childs Rompers at 50cts.
Ladies' Aprons at (loots.
Beauty Pins, special -value, 5, -10,
1.5cts. a pssir.
Safety Pins, 2 papers for Gats.
Corset ()overs, regular 40 & 50ots.
tor Hots.ots.
Japanese teats, 4i inobes wide by
45 inches, 25cts. each,
Our wall papers slave met with
touch popular. favor • Our stock is
still large and welt assorted,
Many,4lieople do not reelize that
-a painted chair, wall, daor. in fact
any painted surface, will wear
much longer if protected' with a
coat of good varnish.' It will wear
nearly twice as long and look much
better. We make a special feature
of good varnishes and would rec.
ornmend Mar -not and Hard Oil for
outside and inside use. These are
high class varnishes inj every re-
Join The Brighten -Up Club
Use S. W. P.
Produce always Taken
W. B. Wilsoia Of Hensel' was a
viol torn town on Saturday.
Miss Ella Hernia' spent Sunday
With Mr. and Mrs. Coif Sehilbe.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Wm. Siebert and
family spent Sunday in Crediton,
lir. Earl Neeb of Dashwood spent,
Saturday with his uncleMr. H. Neel_
A auto load hom hero attended the
concert. in
Bayfield Friday evening
Mrs, Jasob Eellerivan of Dashwood
spent a few days this week with Mrs.
0. Fritz.
Our base ball boys had their first
workout on Saturday, the diamond is
in fair shape,_ and 'au organization
should take' place at an early ;date. .
Rev. \1r. ,Brown will ceutinue his
tl1S U at, i, air • , ou the Sabbath Queetion
Sunday, e eniug at 7.00. His subject
will bo `'Why, Christians keep Sun-
deye?. Ifiverybubv cordially invited.
We understand that most of our
.a i.r'.r't•ing toxins are having their
_', places closed ey ery nightof.
L.: b:e•t+k, exc.)gra 'Wednesdays aid.y.)�� aat-
urtlrys. Why not be the same list.
11_lantluet will loo given at the
Leu heraan Parsonage on Tuesday ev-
eninc;, May 12th. in holier of the
son's Mi siouary Sociaty and their
;tient14. Addresses by prominent
:iailoJenr, and citizens as \Ve11 a, sel-
eret n l is will a1(1 in nuking the
e,. ecu enjoyable and profitable unto
all. Let every member and friend
N a W sir
That Is the Who',.:‘, Thing in a Nutshel
Our shoes'are so much. better this yr -
women, man and child to see them.
most oare'ial buying, getting the very 1,+
sortable price. When you Dome here
find just what you want, because we cal
great reason why you shouldaoma here.
shoe, inanufsotured by by Geo. A. Spate
Why not save disoomfort by parent:
shoes now. Come in and try on a pal
No trouble whatever to sh:
13utter, and Eggs taken iia -
.. astfclrtll a reef days [ti.sli s c;;k, Mr. `iU BE11. ON THE LAWN AT THE
P: Bidder reek.- el Grga3Of As, '' i se :•'. LUTHERAN. N. PARSONAGE."t
X511011 lay4{ . � -' ' • 'U 1h., is 't',3tiii'' -31. v" 1 t1. IS:F . 1ene`
tLa;s:1 1.1, ' 't Hwrt '0f . alit o, a. t Y
7-9:o 'clock a supper v%11 lIe'served on
Decller. the lawn at the Lutheran parsonage
under the auspices of the toadies Aid
. MissHattie McQIieetl. of i:.ensall Society of that Church. After: the
spent Sunday with ttr. end lira. .Or. supper as yariet5 of very useful ar-
C' mpbell. doles pr45pa1red by the varions mem-
Mr, Cyperien Jeffrey of the Bauble bets ~rill be sold by Auction.
Vine, Stanley is on the sick i st at Sacci and appropriate music will
present and is antler eaelitia.l. treat- be rendered by compitent naasicians
Parent. throughout the evening.
Rev. C. S. Fiukbeiner of amnia, Admission, -- Adults 2.5 t hildren 1>z
Alberta, a former pester, c1.•1U erect a Everybody cordially invited to attend.
vibe discourse in the Err t elicai
churclelast Sunday evening to a large ROD) and (3 UN for May is out with,
congregation.'.. as usual, an -attractive hal of fare for
The Women's Institute will 'meet the sportsman. The Dogs of the
for the month of May on 'L'barsdey North, A IIunting Trip to1' eeologen,
afternoon, May 14th at 2.80, at the; , 13., The Hietory of the Canoe,
home of Mrs. .3...Ababa. Ail ladles ulldinrp El ,rat anal tan [l t; T1
er than ever before, tlaateo.
Iter shoes is, the result of
of goods and styles at a
c your Spring shoes, yon
mrry such: to big variety is
men we have the Invic
ag a pair of the 'dist
.d' the latest Shoe.''
xobange for shoal
The Hoe of G.
p r..-5
C•' C i �, r I •; � , r ,y �.
Yes That Is n .
est what yon want at the Tight Ian
at the LA STORE.
It is easily tc understand. We bay, right
we can. sell right. We have a range and
General Stock to choose from of all season.
Prod.uoe taken in exchange for .
R. N.
Our Spring Models include the latest and most .£asnionable St;
of footwear for wear and comfort. We have the shoe that Mal
friends, There never was a time when the Pt/bile was more oriti
about footwear, then the present. It will pay to call aanc2 see the
It will pay you. still better to wear them..
Batter and eggs taken in c ichange for shoes.
aro requested to bring their sewing or Swamp Maiden, The Rongt-Z4ic i
fancy work. Fishing Club; Obnoxious Fishing in
Lakes and Ponds, Ideal Trout Fish-
ing in Qutarie Waters are sine of
Ithe articles worth special meetition
while the regular departments are
well maintained a d the whole of in-
terest to both Canadian and Amer-
ican sportsmen. W. J. Taylor, Lim-
ited Publisher, Woodstock, Out issues
this Canadian outdoor magazine,
Tho- Sunday services will he at
the usual hours : German 10.0o n,:i l
Sanday 5 9.00 a., ni. English 7.30 p.
1I^_. The following meetings are
held during the week
S. S. officers and teachers 7.15 p tit.
on Tuesdays. Men's Missionary.
society at 8,15 p. m, on Tuesday-
uesdayYoung People's society. at 8.00 p.m
Friday. The Ladies Aid Society
meets at 8.00 p. 1n. the first Weds.
nesday of each month.
A cardial invitation is herewith et -
tended to all, not • worshiping else=:
where, to worship with us and take
tan 'active part in the work of the war
oils societies of our church,
Established 1853
Opened Branch in Huro-
Co 1874
Saving -Bank Accounts
Zurich Branch
R. T. DUNLOP, Manage
For the riding of South Huron as
constituted for provincial purposes
will be held in the Opera House, Hen -
sail, on Wednesday, May 20th. for
the purpose of choosing a candidate
to contest the Riding in the Liberal
tliterests, Delegates will Meet at 7,i
a, m. to present their credentials,
after which adjouriiid itiIit -will be
made Alibi! 11110 ,i. in. Ab the close
of the busiiidg ifi lit ig the col ti,
lion will be adclrei6d iiy Prominent
speakers. Everyone in sympathy
with the Liberal platform is cordially
invited to be present.
President. ` Secretary.
All persons indebted to the late
Cbarlet, Witmer, for work or other-
wise are requested to settle the sante'
with me, at once.
Prank Motions.
:arieb, May t3th. 1014
t have on hand a small stook' of
Fettiliner, anyperson wishing : n
couple of Mils, cant get 'them from
the trot time. John goy- jr Zurich.
Have you seen the new
Su enor Separator
Made by the Raymond Mfg 00: of Guelph. The oldest
Manufactarere Cream Separators in Canada,
The SUPERIOR is strictly self -balancing and self-ce
ring, and is warranted for 5years against defects or
natural wear. Try one in your own home
and be convinced that it is Superior to al lathers
PP, Local Ac
The sort of Tailoring we iilraz i7iit is
not the `sweat shop," ---"Tailor as you
wait" sort -tile kind of risen Eales so
T 'ailor ed Clothes
Are what we sell and if you'll wear'
them You'll appreciate their economy.
and know what it meads to be satisfied.
with your apparel
Made -to -Order Garments are built
to fit.' Talk does not make them so
but examine the work which proves
our claims.