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The Herald, 1914-04-17, Page 8
Weduesday and Thursday, , March 25th, 26th. You arecordially invited to attend these Openings. WOO Thiel is again in charge', and' will be pleased to *show you alt the lastest in hate and trimming for the Spring Season, Prints and Ginghams We pride ourselves on of r•fine showing of prints and ginghams. Come and see thein. Wall . Papers We have 65 different papers to choose from, all the newest designs. Come and see our sample books. Men's Suits and Raincoats Our new Spring suits and Raincoats just arrived. Now is the time to buy your supply of sugar for the sea- son. So cheap: 'rash Groceries always kept on Mand, All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange PHONE 17 21.3 Y & OASCHO WE ARE NOW MAKING TORM DOORS AND WINDOWS if you require any, send in your orders, we can make :m At Once. Get our combination Doors, they will keep you warm Winter and cool in Summer. ALL KINDS OF SAW LOGS WANTED. c ONE 19 A ©) a FL r�ti�ic _5 ZURICH 11 Doing usi n ess at The Old Stand ve been appointed Agantg for the celebrated sey Harris Implements andle everything in that line; Implements, Manure spread - kinds of Plows, Seed Drills, arrows, Cultivators,. Been tars, etc. • rvesting hnplen ent ,• , 1'Iowe'S, Rakes, Hay Loaders, Etc. Massey -Harris Cream Separators • 1a of Plow' ••epairs, Gasoline 40 our ,t e of Cutters be- •iv, '--+` own make. Bug - •ons, Sleighs. De‘.. Our Motto t SOU Delowar, Lackawanna, Western Coal Co'. Scranton.]] Coal AH izes ALF.- RUTON Hensen. FOR SALE House For Sale. --A White Brick House erected'by Sim Ireland, and at present occupied •'by Otto Restemnayer, for particotars apply to H. Weigand Dashwood. • For Sale or To Rent. Immediately. Lot 22 L R E Hay 117 acres also South half Lot 21 L R E Hay 73 p,cres the above lots will be sold or rented together or seperate to suit parties. Thomas Turnbull 3. Now Ontario Farms In the very heartof the famous 20, 000,000 acres of choice clay -belt land. Naar the yillage-of Matheson on' the T. & N. 0. Railway. Another" surr- ounding lots urr-ounding'lots already settled and .im- provements begun. Excellent gover- nment roads through the entire local- ity; school house and local P. 0. s- corner of one of the lots; houses erectt ed and 8 and 5 acres cleared on each. Two of the lots have close to 1,000, 000 ft of valuable timber on . each, (pine, birch, spruce and whitewood, in almost equal amounts) and in add- ition over 1,000 cords of pulpwood, on each farm, 160 acres in each farm. A rare opportunity for quick -ret- urns and safe investment. Price ex- ceptionally low, only $2.00, $4.00 and $6.00 per acre, respectively. It will pay you to investigate this unus- ual bargain. ,Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich, Farm for Sale �, Lot 23. Con 7, Parr Line Hay e. k L I z U RI North 50 acres, or will sell the whole 11 met Denitration'. That -is .D ffer. YQV 9444§15. 44912941Qnstrator to sliaw you .ah : Namel Product you th,y-; lie intered in, actually :applied. For Instance --White L�'ria�n 1, tiorch'Furiture Fna Gold and Alumiunm faint; Flour Wax, 'Furniture I Colored Varnishes for staining and varnishing with orae plication. She will not merely sliow ylu the package contai these materials, but show i'tln The Brush, and applied fore your eyes—in fact; you can take the brush and app yourself. You can see the actual oolors-see how easy it is to apply—h. brush marks disappear before it hardens, This will be a demonstration worth while for any elle who is ponsible for the care and good apperanoe of the interior woodwor furniture of a home., By askaing for a demonstration of any particular Chi•N, anvil duct you will not place yourself under obligation to buy : this d titration is to acquaint to the •. public with use and econmy of the At Our Store, • Ladies especially Invited Remember the Date April 2 HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE lot. For particulars apply to Duncan Money Urgently Needed! Taylor, Hensall P. 0. Their lot was never an easy 'Otte, even under favorable conditions. They had to struggle along through sheer hard work and hand-to-mouth pinching and scraping. Then came the blow. The husband was stricken down with tuberculosis. The wife was left 'with four little ones to keep. Mit she faced the future bravely, buoyed up by the hope that some day' her husband X11 come back. In the meantime, she has to! go out washing and cleaning'every day, and then force her tiled -out body'tto do her own work at nights. Cases of this kind are nume%ous. They always can for prompt relief. For unless consumption is quickly treated its terrible effects hurt. many beyond the first. victim, At this moment money is urgently needed so that medicine, nourishment, and treat- inent may betaken to sufferers. We im- plore you to contribute something NOW. Please don't delay ; the situation is serious. Fanning .!Mill Sev-e• , I atm agent fox••the' E 1fea. ton fano. ing mill sieves, • and favi iers re- quiring any, can•procn them at nay farm, South of Zurio ; John) ) e;,jr. Come ancl get yrai lis. .A7A Beit Tai wh•, gut. re IS s run t in every x ,• .meed. SPECIALTY Hess n Hess WBLL1 RS. °STA. RTO Zuriekes Leading .;lx'op the. only- Place, • le • Newest is. always •;i rstaDasatisfaction ;ped. +try iv, Connection HOFAN ZURICH .1.011 )11 Feed Store ()f •;1h()rt , r ,ti :31 kinds taken i'• sxehoage, ,tvatz4 tor InterfnA- Royal Purplo ,i1: food. ',ne of (know?. band. Contributions to the Muskoka Preelfos pital for Consumptives will be grattfflly acknowledged by W. J. Gage,' Chairman Executive Committee, 84 Spadina Avenue, o. R. Dunbar ,• Secretary - Treasurer, . 3.47 Ming Street West, Toronto. 401 ARE YOU VERY BUSY >f I:ye-y little wbilb you read in the paper:; that so. many persons+ have died from Con. sumpbian. It ;z -all very fpr-,,cf and matter of -fact and possibly it' eca, t ter arrests your atten• tion. Doo those "'cas-n-" record??—is- a u, that behind ear hopel•.^.is days c• des pnni i. lifetim, away, grinding _• fight Ser, own who kw hun,: gone. Juan, suppose. Suppeseit were your brother, s, child„ car perhap, with tlfe hospita wringing your In: while• tile crowd their- awn affairs Buten! You don'talzear eithe, Bot: wouldn't you knew that wouldi go far t somebody's war. somebody's lips Jost sit down tbe,t in the- la3a andls,o how is eOine of all you, then Ft .suck\! Efbse• fait 0 � tSho:- cr'L e 1 of ham., t he! ft, k.•• lf�.• r an,: ra a: • ij #1: that. each one of ->+n+' in an nficial 7,13 to somebody, - f them lie., long, +ari'h nights of ..a„ must be laid •.k talcs a. w'9E•, to wages or ehil,'irsn the faS,Ciet is rff mr: trfP.111,1 your another, ;our l,.a rt,aiRe yen ,vkd•':^:.";tibia ^'d'r' vot • ,you a. bu •;. ,1i gl,`•--sl FARM FOR SALE Si 26, 50ac. 28 acres ploughed, 11 acres soeded, rest bush, Fran barn 36 x 56. Good soil partly drained, and a never failing well. For particulars, address, John U. Cochrane, R It No. 2, Hensall, P. O'r NNW Custom Sawing Wantedd at Joshua Snider, Sauble Line, IMMIONImlidts McEwen Bros. Bayfield Bush for Sale The*undersigned has for sale on Lot 3, Concession 4, Stanley, ten acres (more'or less) of standing tim- ber; mest1T, maple. For particulars apply to •ths owner. JOHN S.^ CAMERON Brucefield. BULL' FOR SERVICE Tile undersigned will hold for the Improvement of • stock this year, that pneee•bred chsito bulli "King George." E'be'animal is rising; 5 yrs and will eo ily weigh, 2300; when fat. Well •inatured sires -are the -great for thrifty etook, rates ,%!<50: Oscar Klopp. Seed , Grain For Sale "� sinal gfi �rizL'y `oot;;s at 55ets a busl tf'iva led 72 ;bush.elo 0/..1 C. Ayerage i'er.>L,;Cwas Isrh. 0,AR,C.No„ 2 r,a a9bo,3_ ite�1� fin. S tew bnsb e1,s ' 1 bEvnk the gi: n to,.: Clt.. t rild oats f`.'.it+�< `�'t1.ptt• `,:' :sffii� ! Rfl ,1,,:. ��� �'`• . ak t�'f tlaw� C' +•t�a� °,['E� `i'iU�i , 85.. xe lay k1e 4 - " Whet wont e>e.. rl, your Ills* ': ,sys :e 9 u skokr :1 e; has mt.,: het,-anrl b' ''..: 1`r , • ,r.:,,,'F17.1, r • v o1u�n lay 3 re,op feta a p r bar tl.,a. ,, , F. "1e, othob .;ion. 'trolga iSur . 11.9ra; Yea I:p7udlpr r • .anie for a« aka!:. ayes -4C 3 Y9 p7ery Twee €o neat n• Rarest cit;,, • tToronto.t IQ'. t 1. These oeats .r six, years. at. •:;th. of straw for • •.les. Also, some a.rley? at 75• cts in;paloved o.&.C. el,: (I'uararot. ether noxious oar Klopp Zurich (ht�, ll'l G ..''...L SIEVES fir.soi al buckhom:. `rotll, 0101. `•ni . so. . 1 xt,to$od e,i• ..:•in ;cif-� .3185 a.r:eh a.. icc:;3.- .., °i car I :1:34,r • =luslk, E x371 3fC, o, s.>:r .lir l 7011,8 ,{� °ntiE 1 8%. : Ore i Ccyu 0 CX0 $F'" •..,.y '•crit;h-P THE QUALITY STORE House Furnishin The place to buy your Housef nishing is at Merner's. We h in Stock Tapestry Squares, Oilclot Linoleum's; Curtain Scrims; La Curtains and anything you need the House furnishing lines. We have also have a somethii new in Dress Materials, and a ni line of white Lawn Waists. -C and see what we. have. Don't forget -to-visit our Milli ery Dept, and order your Eas Bonnet, Highest&:D:ices paid for F $;5 x Ark J. ME Farm Implements Let us know your wants. We handle everything in Farm Implements. Engine Supplies Pn1lies all sizes all 'Linda;' Belting, leather or piinvas, all sizes. Shaft boxing' and shafting. Pump sue • pump piping. • "Buggies, Waggons, Sleighs and q,rlitera. If you a, in need of Machine Be- mire No can get them for you. • We live special atten,tio# to our repair ,lenartment. .iT a gar TieCIs PI '4 x 4, ; 't 7. • t 1 G co eta or :veld ,3iaop � D n 3a+n�+a rn th 8t( thi 00) We tht RTE • tri sol •;ooc -OVE 'let lo 1 1'S WA °'doo 'reac ��a