HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-04-17, Page 111.11_.....
ori olid ted A .it
Vola XIV.
No, 6 Published every two weeks
Price gratis
�� Il.ldli'
A little paper devoted to news usually heard'
and seen around a General and Hardware B orre.
FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 27th and. 28th.
You are cordially
A New Club
invited to attend the Opening
We have decided to organize a new
'club in the village. The name of
the club i.s "The Brighten Up Club"
and we want every man, woman and
child in Zurich' and vicinity to join.
"Tae Brighten -up Club Creed"
To Brighten -up myself to be opt-
_' iristie, cheerful and good natured.
'To Brighten -up my home and
spread the Brighten -up spirit among
m.y neighbors.
To Brighten -up my business and
take pleasure as well as profit from it.
To B'righten-up my town and pro-
mote its social, industrial and com-
mercial progress.
To promote the love of Nature sun-
shine and fresh air.
Why Not
DIA I-1"V'�,�O D PON 4]
F R`l DAY,;::
RNING, APRIL, 17, 1914.
e .r+�ra•e a^�•r�►h 44*44410A 411{
/ LOCAL. N.TSa. 4
See our Sweat pads at`i�tslLr
G. Hartleil.
Mr. H troid Appel of Mvrinati WaS
home over the holidays.
Miss Ada. Siebert of Toronto' Vers
home' ever the holidays
Mrm. S, Iii Faust and Mies Ger ie
Hartleib, visitedin London Thai
day and Frida'y, . .
.Misses• Ethel Williams and Agnes,
eercher elsited. in London : on
TbursdfY Taft.
Mr. Fred Their of Ingersol visit-
ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. , H.
Thiel, over Easter.
Mr. Roy Faust of thea G. T. R.
office, Strattercii, wr s home over
the holidays;•
Mr. Orland Johnston of-
sons Bank, Clinton, spent the East-
er vection under the parental roof.
Mrs. Ed. Seim left on Monday
for Detroit, where she visit a few
Mr. George•S-luar'ks, visited for a
few days recen:tt r with his daugh•
ter, at St. Louie,. Mich,
Mr, Oliver Johnston of Clinton
spent the Easter holidays with his
uncle Mr. Thomas Johneton.'•
Mr. and Mrs. 3. Stoskopf of
M.itohell visited Ms brother Dr. E.
Stoskopf over Sunday.
The Misses Veda and Selma Wes-
eloh of London visited their par.
ents Mr.. and Mrs. Hy, Weseloh
over the holidays.
Miss Ethel Murdock of Toronto,
spent her Eater vacation with her
sister, Mrs. Dr. Campbell.
Mr, Mark Brokenshire of Dash-
wood is assisting Mr. W. H. Hoff—
man in his taller Shop at prepent.
Ladies do•not ;fai.1 to attend the
Ubt tits e1 eu nstrat n, April 2a
A. preset/VC—every lady itt Mart='
Messrs A, Archibald, former
principal of our school, and. broth
er Wallace of Seaforth, were re-
newing acquaintances in town. on,
Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Taylor of De-
troit, spent the holidays with the
latter's•parents, Mr. and Mrs H
See our Single Harness before you
buy. We have the largest assort-
ment in Huron Co. shops at Zurich
and Hensall. C. I-iartleibs.
Miss Irene Douglas of Hamilton
Normal School is spending the
Easter vacation with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. George Douglas.
Why not buy a summer cooking
stove now. You'll need one any-
way and you may as well use it at
once. W e• have a large variety in
stock now and we invite to see our
display, We have the New Per-
fection Bina Flame coal oil stove,
three and tw'o•burners, with oven
and glass door. We can reoomm--
.end these stoves in eyery way put
them out on trial. We -will have
a demonstration of these stoves in
the near future. Watch for date
We also have the Detroit winkles
coal oil stove and the Sun Gasoline
cook stoves, Come in. and see
To adopt Brighten -up as my slog -
It costs nothing to join this club,
the only condition being that all
Members when in need of good paint
must use only S. W. P. the right kind
to brighten up with.
We have a full supply of house
cleaning necessities such as carpet
sweepers, carpet whips, tack hammers
curtain stretchers, linoleum binding,
mops, etc.
A nice line of fancy buggy rugs in..
Many pretty patterns in the lot.
Silks! Silks=!
In our Dress Goods department
-will be found a splendid line of
silks, in fancy brocades and stripes
for dresses These good have just
been put into stock and are the
very newest on the market. Also
a line of plaid silks for waists and
Listen! . , .
See our three piece Parlor Suit for
,f1d., only One left. At Hartleib.
Mr. Geotgee Kibler of Berlin vis.
ltec't here over Easter.
Mr, Earl Weida spent his holi-
days with friends in London and
Miss Flossie Howald of Beaforth
spent her vocation with relatives
in ,town,
Miss Eleanor Hartleib visited
her p.arenes, Mr, wnd Mrs, CI, Hart—
over the holtelays.
Mr. and Mrs. Edt, Howald o1 Exe.
Iter, spent Easter witfh the former'a
pother, Mrs, B. Howald.
Mr Henry and Mies- Clara Pfile
were in London, andlbe lattez also
in, Blyth to spend thelholiday.
Dir and Mrs Wm Fbikbeiner of
Milverton, visited relatives in
town over Laster.
The concert on Tuesday evening.
givenin the Town Halle under our
baseball club, was a success, gate
receipts amounted to about $68•^00
T. B. Howald, U. �5,, SeS.
who spent three months:in Paris,
Franue-,, paid his mother a very
short visit on Monday, and then
left for New York, then ter other
aouthern cities,
Mr.: E. Zeller's sale of lots on
Wednesday, did not bring. many
buyers, - consequently no lots. were
sold. Anyone wanting a good
building lot, may prsoure same at
reasonable figure, by applying_ at
Mr Ulan Bender left on Wednes—
days with a car of horses, owned
by J, . Merner M. P., and -sere
shipped to the West.
If you -want the best Range buy
one from us then you have no
trouble in baking as we sell only
thehest. At Hareleibs..
1Ve want to tell the, nen,. youisg,
and old, about our .gents furnishing
department. We pride ourselves on
the large stook of suits, trousers, ties,
shirts, in fact everything that iu man
needs in wearing apparel. You will
likely need a few things in this line
this Spring and we want you to come
in and see our goads anyway. Just
now we are showing a new line of
men's neck ties and also socks, belts
and collars, they are just what you
hove been looking for. Don't forget
to look over new suits when in town.
Lace Curtains
We desire to call the ladies' atten-
tion to our stock of lace curtains.. We
have them in large varities• in white
achuin many patterns. -Our prices'
on these will interest you. We also
have a large stock of curtain niuslials.
See•our line of ready to wear house.
dresses from Gets. to. Sasol each.
• What about a,raincoat for thin hind
'of. weather, our coats -are, unsucpcsse'd
1111. 1111 _.tea c <..,r,:.,e�^ �.. �. ,mot quality axe prices:
We have just reoeived a ship—'
ment plaid Dress Goods in follow-
ing styles, McDonald plaids, Mc-
Gregor platds, etc. These are the
very newest out and used for lad—
ies`skirts. Yon will not be in style
if you do not wear a plaid skirt.
Ladies'. Waists
Many ladies have not the time to
make up the waists and drosses ,for.
immediate wear. We have real—
ized this and have bought a large
variety' of ` the ' latest designed
waists, in all popular goods and
Patterns. „These ;waists. are .well.
made. neat and stylish and' ,. cost
from $i 2$ to f3,15O; @e,.tah. Bee::dte
play in window., ,
For .a good'Y'arnieh try MO -not
Coil Wire
New SHOES rait SP�
I1 die Whole Thing in a Nutshell
N t)
Our shoes are so ninth better r than ever before, that eve
women, man and child to see thenv. It tter shoes is the result of ca
most careful buying, getting the Yery be:u of goods and styles at a re
sonable price. When you ooine here f•.r, your Spring shoes, you ee
find just what you want, because we car carry sri'oh a big variety is
great reason why you should come here, , Or men We have the Inviot
shoe, manufactured by by Geo. A; Slate} . • •
Why not save discomfort by purcb- - ng a pain of the best g
shoes now. Come in and try on a plait
No trouble whatever -to •sh: Ar the latest Shoes.
.Butner, and Eggs taken ie`hiidliangafair shoes
The Home of Goo'd ' ghcses
....4041110/11111121=11112.01,4 -
Yes That Is Right. You can bu
jest what Qa e r� ht uric
_at the
It is easily to understand, We buy, _right that is ho
we can sell right. We have a large and, well assor'te
'General Stock to choose from of all seasonable Goods.
Produoe taken in exchange: for.•goods.
We have put into stock a large
shipment of galvanized coil spring
wire, 9 gauge, best Cleveland make
Also barb wire, black wire, brace
wire, fenostaples, wire plyers,
Get our price on fencing before
yon buy. We sell only Peerless
quality. See our poultry fence,
jest the thing for your garden.
A New Tea
• Mu, J. Eckstein and Mise,Meggie
Zimmerman, both of the Bronson
ins; Were quietly united,i0, marr i
agtaon" 'hursday l .sl
A lar?y demonstrator one. Chi -
Name 1.11 be at Hartletble Store
en A .120 to show the people how
;to do Meir own graining, Every_,
holy aloome, ladies especially.
;See ad in this paper.
^'Ori Wednesday evs,..April 15th.
the Unique Club met, A School-
house ,full, was pleasingly enter•
tained by a prograde of literary
and musical members, inoluding a
Humorous Debate,, a Resolved that
a. tidy and ill—tempered woman is
preferable to a good natured sloe•
enly one". Tho judges gave decis-
ion in .avor of tb-e ntgative by a
small margin.
R. N. DO • LAS
The Sunday services will be at
the usual hours: German 10 30: a.m
Sunday S 2.00 p• in. English 7.00.p.
na.. The following meetings are
held during the week
S. S. ofdoers and teachers 7.20 p.m.
on Tuesdays. Men's Missionary
Society at 8.00 p. nn. on Tuesday
Young people's society at 8.00 p.m
Friday, The Ladies Aidfirst
- the meets at 5.00 p.
day of each month.
A cordial invitation is Herewith ex-
tended to all, not worshiping else-
where, to worship with us and take
an active part in the work of the var-
ious societies of our. church.
We have secured the -;.agency ..of
'Thomas J. Lipton's celebrates teas.
The teas are grown on vast estates in
:eylon and India and are cured and
handled by 'the most modern methodg.
or, .o; 111 . Woke better oan be yAtdf, Trx, a.ponna nrhall.:pound.
always Taken.
fre'iephone No. 9
Our Spring Models inoludteth,e latest and most . feeni ixiable ,St
of footwear for wear and:comfort. We have the shoe.that 'tl
friends. There never, was.a time when the Public was More el ti
about footwear, then the, present. It will pay to call and see the
It will pay you still better to wear them.
Butter,anyleggs talon; in exchange for shoes.
I have on hand a, small stock of
Fertilizer,, any person wishing a
couple of bags, can get them from
me any, time, John Hey jr Zurich.
Established 1853
Opened. Branch in Hannon
Co.1874 -
Saving Bank Accounts
Zurich Branch
Ry T. DUNLOP, Manager
S. E. FAUST Zuric
Have you, seen the new
Superior Separator
Made by the Raymond Mfg Co. of Guelph. The eldest
Manufacturers Cream Separators in Canada.
The SUPERIOR is strictly self -balancing and self-ce
ring, and is warranted for 5 years against defects or
natural wear. Try one in your own home
and be convinced that it is Superior to al lothers
A most terrible tragdy took place
in Hay, on Friday morning last,
when Mrs. Bieber secured on a high
shelf, a box of Paris Green, from
which who tool; i n ef_feetive dose,
. 44 A fsir
mediately took water on
moment after, the servent who was in
an adjoiningroom was attracted by the
noise, then entered the room, and
with some aid gave her a quantity of
Milk, which gave a little account of
itself, shortly after, medical aid was
summoned, but little good could
be done for her. She died in the
afternoon about six o'clock. The de-
ceased had reached the age of 41
years, d months and fi days, ere she
Waled htlafe;. and. a •member of the
Evangelical church. Funeral took
place on Monday- afternoon, interment
in Goshen Line cemetery.
Dwelling for Sale.
Good, two storey brick throning
with brick stable, all in first class
repair. Good water and large garden,
Would give possession this Spring.
For Particulars apply M encs to Er-
nest Gies, Zurich.
nu Ecet ttnneNhtt vile 't
r MU" Ar.Shooes *tic 01410"
E LLMO R ILO P P, Deal Ages
A6tw. 0 4.110 A./
The sort of Tailoring we turn out is
not the "sweat shop,"—"Tailor as you
wait" sort—the kind of men find so
Tailored Clothes
Are what w..e sell and if you'll wear
them You'll appreciate their economy
and know what it means to be Satisfied
with your apparel:'
Made -to -Order Gar rients. are built
to fit. Talk does not make them so,
but examine the work which proves
our claims.
A PP's]]