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The Herald, 1914-04-10, Page 8
RY OPENINGS 'Thursday, March 25th, 26t1t. y invited to attend these Openings. a charge, and will be pleased to test in, hats and trimming for the .. its and' Ginghams on our'fine showing of ;prints and d see them. Wall Papers' nt papers to choose from, all the newest see our sample books. Suits and Raincoats. . sait;and Raincoats just arrived. buy your supple of sugar for the sea- COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna,. Western Coati Co's Scranton Coal always kept on, Maria )duce Taken In Exchange PHONE 17 OA S. NOW MAKING RS AND WINDOWS y, send in your orders, we can make on Doors, they will keep you warm untmer. F SAW LOGS WANTED. AH izes ALE SCRUTON Hensall. An ad time minstrel . show wi�l b3 given In the Town' Hall, 'Zurich, Tuesday, April, 14th at 7.30 o'clock, under the auspicess of the neieh baseball .Club. . The conceit will be nuder the' auspices of the Zurich Baseball Club. The concert 1,411 be rendered by the Hensall Bend and ib is well worth seeing. Plan of reser- ved seats at Preeter's store., AL /MEI- C ZURICM tand eats for ments that line, e spread - d. Drills, Lean ents rs Fanning Mill Sieves I am agent for the Clinton f ing mill sieves, ane farmers quiring env, can procure them my farm, South of Zurich. John Hey ir. 3 New Ontario uFarms The following is the school •report of U. S. S. No.. 9 Hay and Stanley, Fourth, M. Oescb, A. Zapie, W. Manson, Third Sr. L. Gingerich, J. Moyer. Third Jr- L Lesch, A Meyers. Second Sr. J Oescle, 0D'Ic0linchey, J Steckle, • Second Jr. G Zirk, E,Meyers, A P Douglas. Part 11 Sr. E Steclile, A. Douglas, E Zapfe. ..:..,: Part 11 Jr. ' Z'Meyers,, E Howard. First R Zirk, J Baler, R. Meriam Average- 29. James Coutts, Teacher. ann- re- at t r In the very heat the anions 20, 000,000 acres of choice clay -belt land. Near the village of Matheson on the T, & O. Railway. A.11 other. Burr: ounding'lote already settled and im- pxovernents begun. Excellent gover, nment'roads" through the entire local. ity; School house andlocal P. 0. a corner of one of the lots; houses ereott ed and 8 and 5 acres cleated on: each; Two of the lots have close to 1,060, 000 ft of valuable timber on each, (pine, birch, spruce and whitewood, in almost equal amounts) and in add- ition over 1,000 cords of pulpwood on each farm, 160 acreein'each farm. krare opportunity for quick -ret urns and safe investment. Price ex- ceptionally low, only $2.00, $4.00 and $6.00 per acre, respectively, It Will pay you to investigate this unus- ual bargain. .'Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich,;. Farm for Sale ame Demonstratiort That is Differe 'YOU can ask the Demonstrator to snow you any Namel product you may be intered in, actually. applied For Instance --White Enamel, Porch Furituxe En Gold,• and A:lumiiinm'Paint, Floor Wa; Furniture Pc Colored, Varnishes for staining and varnishing 'with - oiie plication.• ' She will 'not merely show you the package' contai these materials, but show it 'In. The Brush; and applied fore your eyes—in fact, you can take the brush and app your stilt. Y.ou.:eau :see the actual aoiors—see how easy itis to ap iy-h brush marks disappear .before' it hal dens, Thiswili.be a demonsttittiolkWurth while for any„eue'who, is ponsible for the care and good' apperanoe of .the interior .wogdwor furniture of a borne, By askaing for a demonstration of any.particular -Gia,i Namil duct you will not place' yourself under obligation to buy ; this ..de stration is to acquaint to the pnblie with use and eoonmy of the h At Our Store 'Ladies especially Invited Lot 23. Con 7, Parr Line May North 50 acres, or will sell the whole lot. For particulars apply to Duncan Taylor, Hensel' P. 0. The following is the report og S. S No, 11, Hay, for the month of March the names being in order of merit. Sr IV—Ruby Hendricic.. Jr. IV—Evelyn Charette. Sr. III—Paul Jeffrey. Jr. III—Simi Hendrick, Ilerbert Kalbfleisch, John Maloney, Juliette Charette, 1iaias Charette. Sr. II —John Seleade, Lloyd IIen- prick. Jr. II —Ziffie Obarette, Richard Jeffrey, Gertie Schede. Sr Pt II •si-Norman Charrette Leonard Sararies. Se Pt II n—Cllara Iialbfieisch Mel- vina Scbade. Pt II Jr—Eddie Hendriek, Pt I—Mabel Schado, Gertie De- vine. • I',Ll totui;T Pi;ek, teacher me and get your Hay liPleivr Suit Gasoline utero be- te. Bug- ighs. 1 ' g,j Zurich's Leading Tailor. Shop the only Place, where the LI ewest is always shown first and satisfaction Motto i guaranteed. LatUtdrY in Connection W. E. H0FF11v>icl Pallor rub every, ed. PECIA.LTY The following books have gust been added to the Heusall Public Library. Tales from Blackwood Vole I & II.; Heroes of the Scientific World by C. R, Gilason; The Romance of Sub- marine Engineering by Thos. Corbin The Pageant of British History by J. E, Parrott; Dairy Farming by Mich- els; Co-operation Among Fanners by Coulter; Productive Poultry Idusbandl- ry by Lewis; The Walled City, A Story of the Crimnally Insane by Williams; A Child's Guide to _Music by D. G. Mason; Willie and Bill,, Billy Tomorrow's Chorus; The Boy Editor; Sunshine Jane by A. Warner; In Far Lochaher by Wm. Blacks: Wild Bolin by Win, Black; The Crossing by Winston Churchill; The Vanishing Man by Freeman; Master- pieces of Mystery by Green; Gilespie by J. MacDougall Hay; Her Weight in Gold: by Geo. Barr McGutcheon; The Dust of the :Road, by Marjorie Patterson; Captain Black by. M Penhartoia; Grannie For Granted- by Wemyss. Remember the Date April 20 FARM FOR SALE Be 26, SOao. 28 acres ploughed, 11 aores soeded, rest bush. Fram barn 36 x 56, .Good soil partly drained, and a never failing well. For part•oulars, address, John C. Cochrane, R R No. 2, Hensall, P.O. Custom Sawing Wanted at Joshua Snider, Sanble Line. McEwen Bros. Bayfield _..t IEI1 ”. PHONE 73 •� �LJiI�IC HURON'S LARGEST COW! r'U TION STORE. Bush for Sale • The undersigned has for sale on Lot 8, Concession 4, Stanley, ten acres (snore or less) of staining tim- ber, mostly maple. For particulars apply to the owner. JOHN S. CAMERON Brucefield. BULL FOR SERVICE Themndertitzsd will hold foe the ;inaprovenien,t of stook this year, that ;pure bred ch eine bull "King George.,, :The aniinal is eini'n g 5 yrs and will easily weigh moo . when fat. Well matured sires nee, the great for thrifty .stock, rates, $1.50. °scat Kropp. Zurich Feed Store ens ess B. ;TARP) Seed Grin For Sale THE ITALITY STOR 0 F lain The place to buy your Iiousef nishing is at Me•rner's. We h in Stock Tapestry Squares, Oilclo Linoieum's; Curtain Scrims; Lei Curtains and anythi yg you need the House furnishing lines. We have also have a someth. new in Dress Materials, and a line of white Lawn Waists. and see what we have. Don't forgetto visit our Mil ery Dept, and order your Ear Bonnet. A smallquantity d Abundance' !oats a1u. 55ets a bushel. These cats ryieldedi72-i bushels for six years at G. A. C. Average length of straw f©r same term. was•4i& inches. Also same some Ot :A. C. No. 21 barley at 75• cis and a, few bushels of Unproved 0.12eO. No 03.i at $1.280% bushel. Gnartmege ed free of- wild/ eats axil other nosibue weebs. Oscar Klopp Tell 18, on, ; Zurieb, (MC THE TORONTO YOUNG Mi Uq'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. The Central Branch of the Toronto' Young Men's Christian Association is carrying on an active work ter young men who are strangers in •^'Toronto. Outstanding men secured . in • every church who make it a personal *atter' to call upon strangers whose names: ate given thein by the Y. M. C. A• One young man from Eastern Ont- ario was invited by one of Keywreen in Toronto to visit his cleuroh., rile went, avid joined the Sunday Manning Clas. He later took a definite 'stand for the Christian life and is now a member of the Church and an active worker in the Young Men's, Bible Bible Class. Another young man from a distant point wag visited by a Iiey•man and as a result'. the young titan, as well as his father and moth- er were united with the. church. Leadin Brand of. Flour, S orts, Bran and Peed Corn Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. are agents Royal Interne, Pn Purple Thousands u sands of these pa,znes are se- tional a �cured from Immigration Secretaries stook food. " i Also a. full line of 6rse.t, • sled from Roy -men in the m nzc pal- lee on hand. ties throughout the Providence from' time to time. This is a.. good work p arad one in which every tight-minded iPAFIs U►i►oU��LA Highest Prices paid for Farm, Pi.odiicei En;lenn, Zui FANNING MILL SIEVESi Shells l=ow separating buckhome. or, rib grana from clover for $,1.50e, , Aa1f isizes perferated zinc from middle ``point to S,/S inch at low prices., Oscan -411)11p Alcoa few bushels of Whits; Cap) Yellow Dent at $1.25 per 7iilbs. on eole, Germination. test SO.. This 'open will mature in Huron Cairnty, as it was grown on my farm. 1Dsear Klo'^p,Zeriola i''. 0. FENCERS s interested. instti should be We are ready to take orders for building all kinds of fetes, digging holes and settingposts, woven pr toiled. wire. Satisfaction Guranteed HENRY CLAUSIUS PETER KROPE ZURICH, P, Q. Let useleno' your wants. We, handle everything iri Implements. no1e Supplies "rallies, all sizes and; kinds, Belting, leather or vaanvas, all sines. Shaft . boxing and shafting. Pump, and pump piping. Sle/E� hi Buggies, Waggon d s and Cutters. If you are he peed. of leaa Re - et them fon u. We pairs we cast, g give specAl attention to .-Our repair depart,ent LOUI5 ► ' Prompt Servic Moderate C13.. W. •iiTFFI Zurich , "re o glINOMICOPMISIONMSOInt l tric Restorer '. ,ogpltaonol to s s evorYptoptie Otaaid vitality. Premature deet wsskneae av@vtee et rlaee Pit Iraak'a_ yetu p new man. Pritt't� efi. Ntatle any odres,,