HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-04-10, Page 6HEALTF1
to.es as e= trl9�4 iif"r4'
It is difficult .to exaggerate
141:a:•tanee of 'teaching children
eat slowly. Although it is
ntrictly •true to say that every ch
who 'eats rapidly -is in poor thea
it is- true that a child who is in
habit of cheating each mouth
thoroughly is rarely in poor heal
In children imperfect . masticat
is frequently the cause of re,stl
sleep and overwrought nery
Many a; child is blamed for bei
naughty when he is really sufferi
from indigestion brought. about
haste in eating.
The fault is not always with the
Child. Most children naturally eat
slowly. Any one who has ever fed a
bowl of bread and milk to a young
child knows that it takes a long
time to finish the meal. The ehild
'takes a spoonful, and then pounds
on the table, or laughs and plays.
Be is in no hurry for the next
mouthful. It is the nurse or mother
who' is in a hurry, and who 'hold's the
spoon before the child's mouth and
urges him to eat.
A.iittle later the child comes to
the table with ,the family. At many
bre akfast=tables the important
thing is to finish the meal, and get
father out of the house in time . to
catch his train or reach his work on
time. There is an atmosphere of
hurry and. confusion that is . con-
-The evening meal should be
peaceful and eheerfial occasion, bu
it ometimes happens'that•one o
the parents"takes the opportunit
to criticize a, child for some 'trifling
fault. When that is the case the
pleasure of the meal is quite lost,
the child hurries through his dinner
or supper, and leaves •the table as
soon as, possible. Unpleasant
thoughts,. grief, or anger, check di-
gestion. Make the child happy at
meal -time if you can. He will repay
you by a more elceerflil disposition,
a stronger body, and a better stand-
ing at school.
Do not' permit a child to. wash
down his food with swallows of wa-
ter, coffee, or even milk. Let him
drink all the water he wants before
he begins the meal and between
meals, but Jet it be used sparingly
during meals.
A child who eats - slowly will sel-
clo.nl- overeat:' Moreover, -eating
slowly ,enco'ifrages v'desire for aim=
gr,le. foods. In order to eat much of
a highly seasoned or very rich food;
you. must bola it. If you try to eat
a very rich pudding, and masticate
slowly and thoroughly, you will find
that it becomes distasteful before
you have eaten very much.
The exercise of chewing has a
good effect upon the bones and mus-
cles of the. face, and improves the
facial contour just as surely as ex-
ercising the arm improves that or-
gan. M•astication keeps the teeth
well nourished and well polished ;
and strong, healthy teeth, kept
clean by mastication ,and the pro-
per use of the tooth -brush, exert
an important influence on the
child's health. — Youth's Com-
Just now you are feeling "out of
sorts"—not your usual self. Quite
the exhausted at times, and cannot de -
to vote real energy .to your work.
not Sleep does not rest you and .you
ild wake up feeling "all tired • out."'°
1eh, Perhaps rheumatism is. flying
the through your muscles and joints, or
ful may be your skin is disfigured. by
•til: rashes, boils or pimples, Head,.
ion aches, twinges of neuralgia, fits 'of
ess nervousness, irritability of temper
es, and a disordered stomach often in -
ng crease your discomfort in the.
ng spring.
by The cause—winter has left its
mark on you. These troubles are
signs that your blood is poor and
watery, that your nerves are ex-
hausted. You must renew and en-
rich your blood at once and restore
tone to your tired nerves, or there
may be a complete breakdown. The
most powerful remedy • for these
spring ailments in men, women and
children is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People, because these Pills
cleanse bad blood .and strengthen
weak nerves.
New, riot), red blood—your great-
est need in spring—is plentifully
created by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
and with this new, pure blood in
your veins you quickly regain
health and increase your strength.
Then your skin becomes clear, your
eyes bright, your nerves strong,
and you feel better, eat better,
sleep better, and are able to do
a your work.
t Begin your spring tonic treat -
f ment to -clay for the blood and
y I nerves with Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills—the Pills that strengthen.
These pills are sold by most deal-
ers, but do not be persuaded to
take "something just the same."
If you can't get the genuine Pills
from your dealer they will be sent
you by mail, post paid, at 50 cents
a, box or six boxes for $2.50 by
writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
His Reply.
Health Non's.
Any one with a delicate chest
will find great benefit in wearing a
piece of new wash -leather on bhe
chest and between the shoulders.
Have the leather cut like a deep
blouse yoke, and button it on to
the shoulders.
To cure: hiccoughs fill a glass tllm-
bier with clear, . cold water, and
place on a 'table. Then have the
patient stand where he or she can
look directly into the glass, .and
fix .the: attention about the centre
of ihebotbom of the glass for about
a minute, when the patient will find
the hiccoughs have entirely clisap-
'.elrc(1. This has been known to
'lure the met violent cases of 'the
disorder,when all other remedies
have failed.
Here is an old fashioned cough
syrup which is always good : Take
one-half package of dry horehound
and one-half package of hops . (5
cent packages). Pour over this
one quart of water and boil to-
gether. Then strain, add one cake
of honey, strained, and enough
sugar to ,sweeten. Boil down to one
pint, A teaspoonful every two hours-.
will cure a cough in a;' short time,
,This syrup may be •put into large,
:x'nou•thecl•. bottles and will . keep .. in-.
4efinitely, It has been kept •.from:
one winter to. another. •.° The hore
hound is; good fox'' hoaxrsene,s5, the
,bio s' are :soothin • and the hone
p. gy.
healing. '
J• ","you're kinder to dumb animals
,than you are to me, your wife."
+r`teell, you. 'try being dumb and see
,, ow kind I''ll be."
A small boy, who was sitting next•
to a. very haughty lady in a crowd-
ed omnibus, kept on sniffling in a
most annoying manner. Ab last the.
lady could no longer. stand it, and
turned to the lad. "Boy, :have you
got a handkerchief ?" • she demand-
ed. ' The- small boy. looked at her
'fair a few seconds,• and then,'in"' a'
very dignified 'tone,' Came •his. an -
ewer: 'Yds, I• 'eve; but I don't
lend'it' to strangers !" • "
About 60 per cent. of the popula-
tion of Germany lives in cities.
Smell violets?
—then smell
this soap
Fresh, sweet violets
—the first thingyouthinrc
of when you smell this
As soon as you use it you will
delight in the sweet elusive per-
fume that is left clinging to your
face, your hands and hair, and
in the softening, whitening effect
of the glycerine on your skin.
Get a cake today.
Olycerinc Sop.
10e aware. 3 cakes for 25c
For sale by Canadian druggists front oast to
coast, including Newfoundland
Per a aampie cake, send 2c stamp to lite 'Andrew
Jargons CO.•i.61, d Sherbrooke Street, Perth, Ontario.
Surgery'ii I',atest lo neat
Replacing tujureil toel'v'es.
The' latest achievement of sup.
gery is the restoration of paralyzed
muscles by repair :elect replacement
of injured nerves, Stmie time ago
modern surgery, triumphant 'after
many successes, essayed the• prob-
lem• and proved that if a cut nerve
were immediately reunited loss of
function did not take place.
It has now been demonstrated
that in eas'as where for any'1easou
union of the divided nerve is impos-
sible, a junction.may:be effected b'e-
tween its degenerated portion and
any other convenient nerve. This
"nerve grafting" is fonnd:'to give
ultimately results almost .as good as
those obtained by the older method
of nerve union.
The remarkable feature -of the
new operation is that it.proves con-
elusively that a brain cell may' be
taught to perform two separate
functions. Each nerve communi-
cates with a, particular net of brain
cells which control its activities.-
It was supposed that these cells
were of a highly specialized charac-
ter and could perform only the
function allotted to them by • na-
ture. The idea that they alight be
taught to control in addition an' en-
tirely opposite, even .a different.
series of actions, was regarded as expenditure on "defence." "This
absurd. 'increases the .expenditure," says
Prof. Robert Kennedy, of Glas- the note, "from 25s. 6d. to 30s. 6d.
gos , '.haps the most brill' .. ' per. head
Many are Emigrating ilb'alt Aikstr:a,..
Be to Escape L.
People have begun: to • emigrate
for fear of conscription in Austra-
lia, 111 the' November issue of the
bulletin of the Australian Freedom
League, which has for its Object to
combat the- spread of'inilitarismri'in
the .Commonwealth, a case -is 'v
� given
of the three sons of a well-known
Melbourne merchant -w-ho re•cantly
sailed for :England, and whose 'ex-
ample is`being followed' by others.
A lady' Writes to the editor of the
bulletin as follows 'I have been
trying for months to obtain exemp-
tion from .compulsory' military
training for my only son and :child,
but without success, my plea of wi-
dowhood failing to arouse any syin-
pathy,' If, when, my son attains the
ago when camp life will be forced
upon him, my request is ungranted,
I shall leave Australia, and 41431making my plans with this end in
The seine, bulletin quotes from a
loer.l paper the fact that the Gov-
ernment' of the Commonwealth is
confronted at present with a deficit
of $5,000,000 due to the increase of
rant of the population, making
worker in this field, has recertify it the highest per head of the popu-
made a series of experiments con- 1. •
ducted on the foreleg of a..dog with ' mak111g it the highest pet
a view to throwing further light.on dead ,of any country in the warld. "
It is also pointed out that at the
present rate the military expendi-
ture, when the system is fully de -
developed, will amount to $50,000,-
000 per annum. Yet the militarists
assured the people of the Common-
wealth four years ago that the
scheme when in full swing would
only cost $15,000,000.
When a mother uses only one.
medicine as long as there are little
ones in the home it certainly bears
grand testimony to the value of that
particular . remedy. Thousands of
mothers use nothing else but Baby's
Own Tablets. Concerning them
this question.
The possible applications of the
discovery are very wide: For ex-
ample, the nerves of .a withered or
useless limb, the function of which
has been lost through some injury
to or disease of the brain—e.g., by
apoplexy—if connected to a. nerve
trunk leading to a healthy part of
that organ, might again receive and
convey stimuli. In that case the
degenerated and flabby muscles
would regain their power and the
deformity be cured.
:No Relief.
•The cynical person was standing
in front of a part of an exhibition
of local art talent labeled "Art Ob-
jects." • Mrs. M. LeBlanc, Memramcook
"Well, I suppose Art dees ob- West,. N.B,, writes : "I have used
jest, and I can't. blame- her, but Baby's Own Tablets for my little
here doesn't seem to be any help
for it," he finally said.•
11c Still Had It.
"Look here, you 'sw'indler !" roar..'
ed • the owner of the suburban'
property to the real estate man,
"When you sold me this house, did
nit you say that in three months I
wouldn't part with it for $10.000 'l"
"Certainly," said the real estate
dealer calmly, "and you haven't,
have you?"
Will Quickly Cure
Any Sour Stomach
Relieves Fullness After Meals.
"When I was wonting around the
farm last whiter I had an attack of in-
flammation," writes Mr. E. P. Dawkins,
of Port Richmond. I was weak for a
long time, but well enough to work
until spring. But 'something went
wrong with my bowels for I had to use
salts or physic all the time. My
stomach kept- sour, and always after
eating there was pain and fulness and
all the symptoms of intestinal indi-
gestion. Nothing helped me until I
used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of
hurting, like other pills, they acted
very mildly, and seemed to heal the
bowels. T did not require large doses
to get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills,
and feel so glad that I have found a
mild yet certain remedy. To -day I am
well—no pain, no sour stomach, a
good appetite, able to digest anything.
This is a whole lot of good for One
medihine to do, and I can say Dr.
Tllnaiiton's Pills are the best pi11s, and
my letter•, I am sure, proves it.
Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hardt-
ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut,
sold in yellow boxes, 25c. All dealers,
or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston,
Shunting Him Off.
"By the wa, old
y, ohm) I need
little money."
"You may consider yourself for-
tunate.' e.
I need
wi ole
Not Why•
If your money earns less than 2% write to us to -day We
aro 'offering! y
. tho Bonds at a attcoosst~ul,. wc,il-:or,gsnised com-
ppa.ny Which yield 7% interest , and halve a.; profit "shp,ririg
feature as: well. Four investment: may be witlxhe : h
after onc.yesr,.at30•.diVe-.notice. Send for specialfolder' and full particulars,
00rrPlax+al S TxoN La1'al, istrx7G><1llito To*Oii"Y , CANADA.
ones -fer the past ten years' and
Ilcnow of nothing 'to equal them dur-
ing teething time or for colic, con-
stipation and indigestion. All my
neighbors who have used them
think as I do." The Tablets are
sold by Medicine dealers or by mail
at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Humor of the Past Is the humor
of To -day in New Dregs.
A jokfle knows no birthplace and
no date of birth. Jests are are sup-
posed' to be of modern Irish, or
French, or German origin can be
found in the writingsof the an-
cient Greeks, who, perhaps, had
them from still earlier jesters. In
the Chinese "Hsiao-Lin-Kuang-
Chi," or Laughing Book, are jokes
that even in their Oriental garb are
'much like jokes we have heard in
Western tongues.
Two men, Chung and Kung, were
warming themselves before an open
dove. -Chinn, who was remarkable
for his coolness and loquacity, said.
to Kung, who was exceedingly
"My dear Kung, there is some-
thing' that I •should like very much
to, say to you. It relates to a, cir-
cumstance I have observed for a
little' time past. But, bearing in
mind your somewhat fiery and quac-
rel.some disposition, I have hesitat-
ed to mention it to you. However,
I have cit last decided that, if I do
not mention the matter to• you, I
shall do wrong, and I have conse-
quently determined to ask your per-
mission to speak to you about it."
' `Weil, what is it?" . "
"Your coat, my dear Kong," said
Chung, quietly, "is''on fire."
"For • pity's sake !" exclaimed
I{'.ung, angrily, jumping up and find-
ing his coat nearly burned' off.
"Why in .the world didn't you tell
me before?"
"There it::goes !• What a:frightful
temper !" Chu ng anurniured, as he
moved away.: No wonder you are
'called hot-headed.!"`
Site Irilew.^
.Mrs.' Shore: ',Those new ..neigh-
bore of ettre'are very'ahhiftless::
Short : "How do you know ?'
•Mrs. Short: "Whenever I want
to borrow anything they never have
Marartiew iitiata
That Worrying Chap!
The Bail of Aberdeen, lord lieu-
tenant of Ireland is one of the
mildest -mannered and most kindly
of men.
He takes a great interest in agri-
culture, and one evening, while tak-
ing a walk in a country district, he
pa'u'sed to watch 'a laboring man at
work in his little garden.
Leaning over the fence his lord-
ship asked "Is this good soil Z"
"Aye," said the laborer dryly.
Several other questions were an-
swered in the same laconic way, th
laborer digging busily all the tim
Finally, Lord .Aberdeen asked
"What is your next crop to be?'
The laborer paused in his wort
and looked ab his questione
"See here, my mannie," he re
marked. "I dinna suppose you kelp,
onytihing aboot crops. Just you-ge!
a bit garden yersel' an' start wort:
on't, an' then ,t'e'll :.ha,e something,
better tae dae than come bobherin"
busy folk !"
A Tnnr Roney
Gin Pilll..n it
at Bed Time GIPtt:.do
'twill not only prevent any form of Kidney trouble _- not en*..
but will assist the Kidneys in their work of filtering
the impurities from the blood. Kidneys working
properly mean a good complexion, bright eyes,
a clear -brain, in fact a condition of general
good health.
Gin Pills are sold by all druggists, at soc. per
box, 6 for $2.50, or direct from
National Drag and Chemical Co., of Canada Limited, Toronto..
Incorporated a„ Ii. 11151
SYNOPSIS o1* ANSI/ILIA STATE3<IENT for Year Ending Dec. 31, 1913.
Total Fire • and Marine Premiums (including Interest) $3,185,$53.10
Total Losses and Expenses (including Taxes and Com-
• missions 2 947,487.49
PROFIT FOR YEAR 1913 $238,365.61
Total Assets at 31st December' 1913 , ... , ...:.. l ...., $ a,50� 7,346,82
• Losses Haid since organization, over 57,000,000.00
BO ata :.o>-sECTo$g.
W. R. Brock. President D. B. Hanna Augustus Myers
tt'.• B. Meikle, Vico-Pres. Alex. Laird Frederic Nicholls
Robert Bickerdike, M.P. G. A. Lash,' ICC.,.LI.,D, Janle's Kerr Osborne
15. W. Cox Geo. 4. Morrow E. R. Wood
H. C. Cox Col. SirHenry Pellatt, C,V,O. John Hoskin, K.C., LL.D.
General Manager. Asst General Manager, Secretary.
% to 2%
The following Canadian Municipal, Debentures constitute
attractive group to select from.
1—They are of Municipalities extending from the far East
far West.
2—They mature at practically all periods from one to fifty
3—They are offered to yield from 43% to 63% interest.
an unusually
to the
Town of Sudbury. Ont..... 5,38%
Town of St. Laurent, Quo. 5.38%
City of 2 eleon, 13,6.. , , . , , 5.40 %
Township of Riohmond,
S. C. 5.40 %
Town of Streotevine, Ont5.50%
District of North Vancou-
ver, $.C, or
Town of Sudbury Separate &.50 ,o
Schools. Ont. , . , . 5.75%
Town of Tranaoona. Man8.00%
Town of Estevan, Sask. , 6.00 %
Town of Watrous, Sask6.50%
Ontario Government (An,) 4.50%
Town of Owen Sound, Ont. 4.90%
City of Woodstock, Ont.... 5.00%
Town of Brookville, Ont.. 5.00%
Town of 3espelor, Ont.. , . , 5.00%
City of Brandon, Man.. , , . 5.10%
Township of Bruce, Ont.... 5.13 %
City of Sydney, N.IS 5.20%
5.25 %
Town of Burlington, Ont5.20%
Town of Milton, Ont
Town of North Bay, Ont, , 5.25%
Town of Blmira, , Ont. . , . 5.25%
Town of Grimttby, 'Ont.: —5.25%
, 5.25%
Prices still greatly favor the investor. On the average the yields 10
respect to the above issues are 1.3% greater than they were between
two and three .years ago. •
Write for Our Coinpiete April Bond List.
Orders may be telegraphed or telephoned at our expense,
A. E. AMES & CO.
Union Bank Building, Toronto.
1J /-i)Jr
BRUCE'S GIANT FEEDING BEETS—The most valuable Field .Roots on the
market, combine the rich qualities of the Sugar Beet with the long keeping, large size
and heavy cropping qualities of the 1llangel. , We offer in two, colors, White and Rose,
lb. 12c, X lb. 20a, 1 1b. 35c, 10 lbs. $3.00.
best of a1I field Carrots. v, lb. 40e, 35 ab, 70c, 1 Ib. $1.20, 3 lbs. $3.00.
to our Giant white.Feeding Beet, and egtially easy to harvest, (1l .12; .f Ib. 20c; 3Ib.liSe,
lO .
BRUCk'S NEW CENTURY S.WBDE :TURNIP—The best shipping 'variety, Its `
well as the best for cooking: handsome shape, uniform growth, purple • top, g Ib. 12e,•
X ib. 20e, 1 lb. 35e, 61bs. $1.50.
Ele`haatSwede, talikard:shn ed lary?}prlder, improvement on odtkee or
p large„ good.,quality,'teavy yielder, and good keeper,
1 '12c, ), lb. 20c, 1 1b. 35c; G,lpbs: $1.50 .- ...
Prices are here Add for Postage, if to be mailed, •5c for X• pound 1 e a pound..
Bruce's Giant White Beet, Brace's :Mammoth Intermediate Carrot arid nruce :