HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-04-10, Page 4ITRAL
eTtcATVo t> . ONT.
Bscorue a Specialist, in Business
It oilers more opportunities than
any other calling, p
full measure of success you must
have the best possible training.
This is Ontario's BestBusiness
School, We give individual at-
tention. You may enter our
classes at any time. Three depts..
Write at once for our free
D.At McLachlan,
flow would you answer it?
Between the lines of this short letter yon
tan read gran tragedy. If its appeal were
made to you, personally, how would you
answer it? Suppose you held the power to
receive this poor woman or to turn her
away, which would you do ?
"Will you kindly give me information
poncerning . admission . of a very needy
woman, near me. Her husband is dead,
d she is'in consumption. She has two
small children, ab present i:t an orphans'
home, as the mother isnot able to care for
them, and their only income is what an
aged. mother earns. They live in one small
It is easy to say, "Why, of. °ourve, 1
would offer relief, if ib were in my power 1"
But, think ! .Are you 'sincere when you
say that? Are you in earnest? Do you
,really want to help poor, suffering Con-
.eutriptives? Then here is your chance to
,grove your sincerity.
Contributions to the Muskoka Free Hos-
pital for Consumptives will be gratefully
Acknowledged by W. 3. Gage, Chairman
Executive Committee, 84 Spadina Averme,
or R. Dunbar, Secretary - Treasurer, 347
King Street West, Toronto.
A sad event took place at the hone
of Chas pinker, when, their beloved
daughter, A'lphine•, was taken away
from them' midst, thedsceased was a
victim. of Diphtheria; aged '`•1 years
and about one month. A private fun-
eral was held on, Monday :afternoon,
for interment 0 the Lutheran' ceme-
The Catherine Calfas was a life
Benefit Member of Klondike Hive No.
238, Dashwood, 'Ont. Her ,death
claim of $1000 dollars was promptly
responded toby the Officers of Sup-
preme Lent K.O,T.M., as the cheque
was banded to the benefi3iary Henry
L. Calfas by the Hive Record Keeper,
Sarah Turnbull, who in return gave
here $5.00, for the services in doing
the business.
Mr. Henry Welson arrived. from
the West, where he has been looking;.
for land, but does not like the West,
Mr. Green and daughters were vis-
iting in Klondike, last week.
The Ladies Aid of the Methodist
church held their meeting at Mr.
James Love on Thursday . last. The
box social they held was a grand one
they made over twenty dollars.
Sucker fishing is the order of the
day around here.
Mrs. P. Baker is on the sick list at.
present. We wish her a speedy re'
Mr. Green is on the road of , recov-
ery again.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter England of
of Greenway, were callers at her fath--
er's Mr. P. Baker.
Mr. Ezra Oestreicber left for Ber-
lin on Monday on business.
Mrs. G. Baker of London visited
in town one day last vreelc.
Mr. Godfrey "Nicholson was in
Toronto on Saturday and Sunday.
If you want a, new and un -to• date
Spring Suit we have them Feist Bros.
Miss Alma Hill was to London on
Thursday and. Friday last.
Mr. Chas. Zwicker was to Landon
on Monday on business.
Mrs. L. Eckert of Sebringsville,
visited in town on Monday.
Try Faist Bros. for your new.
Easter neckware.
Mr. hairy Beaver has secured the
position as caretaker of the Evangel-
ical church.
Mr. Robert, Stanley of Listowel,
spent a few days in town the latter
part of last week,
Rev. R. Hicks preached in Blyth'
on Sunday last.
Our Minstrels go to Zurich on the
14th of April.
The 33rd Reg. is to camp at Goder-
ich from June 15th to 26th.
A strong effort will be made to
have another horse show held herein
Mrs. D. Urquhart entertained on
Tuesday night in connection with the
organ fund.
Hensall was most fortunate in hav-
ing the finest day of the season for
her Spring fair..
A. new Government post office
building is likely to ornament the
Main street of Exeter.
Free Ladies and Gents Watches
Ruds, Bracelets and Jewelry of Every
Description, Lace Curtains, Ruds,
House Furnishind,Rifles, Moving Pic-
iaLure Machine, Skates, Printing Press-
es, Fountain Pens, in fact nearly
evorythnig-you can think of you can
get Aboslutely Free for selling our
Beautiful Fancy Drawn - and Satin
Stripped handkerchiefs at 10 cents
each. They sell rapidly 6 can gener-
ally be sold in eyery house. Don't
send us any money, but write us to
send you a lot of Handkerchiefs to
sell, that when sold you -will send us
the money and the premium selected
-Selling 24 handkerchieff entitled you.
-4o your choice of an elegant Watch,
-:gold Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc.
Write us to -day, wre trust you and
take back the goods if you cannot sell
Mr. Murray Holtzman started to
`work for Mr. Harry Heist on Thurs-
day Last for the summer months.
Messrs: W.•Bratlshaw and Daniel
Ferguson were in Exeter on Monday
Messrs. Christian, Sam and Con-
rad Voelker of Detroit are home at
present owing- to the illness of their
fatner Mr. Henry.Vbelker. .
Trevethick & Hodgins have received
a carload of buggies in the latest
styles and designs this week. Anyone
intending purchasing will make no
mistake in calling and looking them
Themany friends of Miss Marietta
Trevethick will be sorry to hear of
her being ill withpnemonia in Victoria
Hospital, London. We hope for her
a speedy recovery.
TREE often lives several hundred years. Nature
has protected the wood by covering it with bark to
shield it from the elements.
When trees are sawed into lumber, Nature's protection is lost.
Therefore, the wood used in your house must :be.paint protected to
insure it against wear and weather. -
"100% Pure" Paint is a good life insurance policy on your
house. It protects against decay—pays for itself,. over and over
again, in the repairs it saves—adds value and beauty to the building
as well as long life to the wood.
If you want a realpretty rug, visit
Walker & McKay's furniture store,
Mr J. C. Reid, of Front road, Stan
Barristers, Solicitor., Notaries Public,
etc. Gederioh, Canada W. Proudfoob.
K. D. I;-" Cr. Rays. J. L. Killoran,
W. Preudfoot Ir.
Oni Thursday etening last the
member& of the Sr. Y.P.A. of the
Evangelical church held their annual
election of ol6eera and the following
were sleeted. President Madeline
Bertrand, :Vice President Freeman
Moiloek, tiro. $ecretsey LorneBrown
Treasurer Lillie Vollmer, Corr. Bee.
Sybilla ;Morloek, Missionary BQe.
Martha Wind, Organist$ Buelah
`Smith and Essie Becker, Librarians
Melvin Brown and Edgar Wuerth.
ley, has purchased the house, now oc-
enpied by Mr. Robert McMurray.'
Mr. Samuel Cleave, of the • 8a•ubl4
line, Stanley, intends building a red
brick veneer residence, on his proper
ty, on Louisa St.
The ice on the river, which broke
up and jammed at the new bridge a
week ago, cleared out into the lake.
The ice is also is also breaking up on
the In:Ire, very fast.
I)R. E. B. BALFOUR, graduate
Western University, late of
the Military Hospital and Victoria
Hospital, London. Office in the
building formerly occupied by the late
D r.McLaughlin, • Dashwood.
B. 8.' PHIL UP8s
AuCT►O1VEBR. Exeter.
Sales conducted in all ports. Setts -
fiction gusrenteed or no pay. Terme
reasonable, Orders left at this oboe
will be promptly attludisd ta.
LL(DI W F. H83g, SU IN; LtltAN-
agent, representing the London,
£conofniest, Waterloo. Monarch, Stand-
g on and Guardian. Every.
arbel Shop
' (''Nlataksid
is what we recommend for all outside and inside painting. "100%
Pure" is genuine White Lead, Oxide of _ Zinc, purest colors,
and Linseed Oil -- ground to extreme fineness by powerful
machinery—the combination of which produces.,a
paint that is greatest in hiding, covering and
wearing qualities—and makes it the cheapest to
i7L use as well as the most satisfactory.
Let us help you in selecting colors for your
,r spring painting. i5
C : HAItTLEIE, Zurich
►1'[Y T
D. TIEVIAN, Dashwood ,ria
�1 ��')r,,(01' r i iiav ,\ 1( 11'1
A. Regular Storm Period extends
from the nth to the 17th. With the
except of the expiring influence of
Earth's vernal equinox, blended withl•
the subsiding. Jupiter period, there 1
are .few disturbing causes bearing on
this and the remaining period in April 1
This period will come to its crisis on 1
and touching the 14th, 15th and 16th 1
Look first for the change to warmer,
followed by cloudliness, falling bar•
ometer and rain, winding up with ris-
ing barometer, west wind, and cool
clearing weather. Much cooler nights
attended by possible frost over cent-
ral to northern sections, will follow
for several daos—say up to the 19th.
�R A. J. MaoKINNON late house
Surgeon, Erie County Hospital,
Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi-
dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity
Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the
House Staff, New York Palyolinic
Medical School and Hospital. Drug
store in connection. Olee, Zurich,
Mr. Samuel Reid who has ' been
very seriously ill during the winter, is
now showing signs of recovery.
Mrs. Wm Clark who has been laid
up with rheumatism is recovering.
Mr. James Belot has also been
poorly, but is now recovering.
Miss Anna Bell Foster who was op -
ended on last week in the Clinton
hospital for appendicitis, is recover-
ing nicely.
every Wednesday afternoon
and evening.
ort every'Saturdey, all day, and
evening. .
**w4 •
uction Sale
Mr. H. Bossenberry auctioneer, will. offer for Sale,
about 20 good building lots, at the north end, on
Say, gentle reader do you. buy out
of town to any extent?. If so why
do you do this? Are you helping to
build up your town? We know this
ie a free country, end that you are a
liberty to buy and sell where out
please, but have you not 'a perfect
right to consider the other fellow
little and help the home merchant to
live? The more business our merch-
ants do, the better aro they able to
complete with the city departmental
store. They pay taxes, employ labor,
help to keep up .our school .and maim
twin our roads, and by their up-to-
date methods help to give our town
e prominence it`wadi& not.otherwise
have. Do you always Maya money by
buying out of town? Are you a
booster for your town, if yon contin-
ually `do your trading in some near-
by -city? It is a -nighty poor kind of
las`ality. to say the least of it.
Tho Modern Shoe Rep
Wo have justreceived• a
shipment of Vaster Shoes and
also have all kinds of heavy
Goods. You are welcomed
to our store any tune.
Men's half soles for 55cts.
Women's " " " 45e1s.
Stnaller shoes according to size. •
Patchet according o size.
Quarterly services, will be held in
the Methodist church,here Sunday.
Mrs. George'.&lair. of the 3rd . of
of Stanley, who was ai the home of
hot daughter, Mrs. Webber?,. returned
The syrup season has not been a
favorable season,:
Mr. Tholnas Worlarism shipped a
1 1 'lid 68 l bs .dive to'Toronto
and received for it , 10.25. Who says
l ,l,d don't va r.
am r, wetg e r
Ll%ll'IPP, Proprietot.� rat ng all
Every .up to date '20th. century far -
Mors should have his name and ad-
dress neatly printed on his envelopes
and writing paper, also the name of
;his farm, espeeially since rural del-
ivery has been established. It not
arty looks business like, but prevents
correspondence from .• going . .astray.
In the event of the non-delivery of a
letter, -from whatever cause, it u1). be
certain to return to the sender, if his
name and address appears on the up -
ednesday, April 15.
. Commencing at 2 o'clock.
These lots are high and dry and
are suitable for building sitesor for
gardening. They are convenient to
the main part of the town, and shou.
Id prove a good investment.
No taxes to be paid until 1915.
Dr. de van's Peinsilk. Pills e eloft hand r of the. envelope,
The can furnish fanners with
A reliable French regulator, never faits. Then
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the minted.' writing paper 'and envelopes`
generative portion of the female system. Refueh , ; •
all cheap imitations. Dr. do V'nn s aro sold at ti rt' small COSI.
1,51: box, or three for $no Mailed to •inv aticireSo.
^' d lo,i,belf Drug Co., 04-. '1att cranes. 0u lark .46
et llnsledlate relltf trey
r. Slisop's KaAlc tllilti lent
One third cash, or satisfactory
note at 30 days, and the balance in two
and four months (without interest,)
when clear title will be give.
E. Zeller...
,: Auotione2x