HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-04-10, Page 1choices✓(
Vol. XIV.
No, 6 Published every two weeks P'ice gratis
A little'pper devoted to news usually heard
and seen around a General and Hardware Store.
FRIDAY and SATURDAY, ,MARCH 27th and 28th.
You are cordially invited to attend the Opening
A New Club
We have decided to organize a new
club in the village. The name of
the club is "The Brighten Up Club"
and we want every man, woman and
child in Zurich and vicinity to join.
"Tae Brighten -up Club Creed"
To Brighten -up myself to be, opt-
imistic, cheerful and good natured.
-To Brighten -up my home and
spread the Brighten -up spirit among
my neighbors.
To 13riglten•up my business and
take pleasure as well as profit from it.
To Brighten -up tray town and pro-
mote its social, industrial and com-
mercial progress.
To promote the love of Nature sun-
shine and fresh air.
,: To adopt Brighten -up as my slog-
• It costs nothingto join, ,this club,
the only 'condition being dial; fill'
Members when in need of good„ paint
' must use only S. W. P. the right kind
to brighten up with.
We have a full supply of house
cleaning necessities such as carpet
sweepers, carpet whips, tack hammers
curtain stretchers, linoleum binding,
mops, etc.
• A nice line of fancy buggy rugs in.
Many pretty patterns in the lot. .•
Why Not
r-e..ra. rr ra. l► es:411,
(4• 4 4 r o
Don't forget the rabbit Oa,' E factor
Mr. Benjamine Geiger; of • Sa+lcat-
chewan is visiting in this section.
Mr. John Trilemner left on:T:luts='
for Detroit, where be intends to 'teak,
Mr.- Arnold.. Hildebrandt = lett,,- on
Thursday for a"visit with relst;tiyes in
Number of otir young peopleatr'mcl
ed the reception given at the house of
iUlr. and Mrs: Henry Braun onTtani.zay
A.'number of f riends -- and vela cities'
attended•:the funeral. of Mrs: A.l«to.k.
iMlonclay afternoon.:
Miss Ethel Ilodgins., teacher
Rooth 11 has 'resigned and leavai
bbrelay, for llineardine.
This week the pupils of the " eblic
school rooms are trying thier p, ao
tion exams
Why not buy e. summer cooking
stove now. You'll need one any-
way and you may as well use it at
once. We have a large variety in
stock now and we invite to see our
display, We have the New Per-.
taction Blue Flame coal oil stove,
three and two burners, with oven
end glass door. We oan recomm-
end these stoves in every way put
them out on trial. We will have
a demonstration of these stoves in.
the near future. Watch for date
We also have the Detroit wiokles'
coal oil stove and the Sun Gasoline
cook stoves, Como in and see
Silks! Silks!
We carry the largest stook of fur
nitu e in the county, prices rigor. A.t
20 VillageLots
By , ,ucta
1 have instructed Mr.; Harry.
Bossenberry, Anctioneer, to- sell by
Eublie Auction„ Wednesday, April L5,
oommeneing at'' 2 • o'clook,-azbout 20'
good building. lots, Full partieularsi
on page 5, -this issue.
E. 7r1314flaRR, Zurich
Mr. Sam Keener of Iensall was in,
town a few days this week.
W. 0. Wagner will have Neilson's:
:Ice Cream Bricks of TorontoforEaster.
Schaal closed on Thursday after-
noon for the Easter holidays with a
splendid program
Mrs. Jantzi of Baden is visiting
her parents, Mi. and Mrs. John: *wee -
Geseho of the Bronson Line.
Mr. Fred Bess Sr: delivered on,
T aesday a ntunber of loads of irople-
inents, from the B.ensall stat' .
We have a big stsck of McKenz e
home made horse collars best on
earth. i .t Hartleibra.
Mrs. Herbert ilii slid children of
Exeter spent last week with Mrs. EZ.
Easter is almost here,. butbefeee,
call in and look over my supply of
Easter Shoes, and. be well dressed for
Baster. O. Fritz,
Mies Sadie Watson, teacher onthe
Bronson Line„ has resigned that, sch-
ool, and left for her home in Bay
field ou Thursday. '
Froan.nbw .on. we will have en hand QUALITY COUNTS. we WINa fresh supply of lettuiae and bananas. W RERE. Q
Call,in see for yourselves
14r Wm wagnex O gang it odels include the latest and most fashionable
comfort. We
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Boys . and Girl
T have 33,o v.'iiiix sure' a fain.. 'ie of stylish aired all
latest outs in East'er•slsioeg. A. i l A.ssortineixtto oho
• olzz;
:Boys! 'espoeiall'y you; eaf at ry store,- and see the 1
est slippers., g '1s.. How for a E;, Ater Gift. -
No trouble.wh:atr to 'shwa tine latest Shoes.
Butter, Eggs and Dutch Setts taken in exchange for shoes
Mr. Oliver °entire third son `o` Mr.
and Mrs. N. M. _Centile died recd 1 tly
at Toronto, at the age of taw- 18
A number of our geed horse men
attended the Seaforth and Clinton
fairs last week, and brought' Motile
fair Prizes.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Randall, who have
been residing at London for , solus
time, have returned and are hying'
with their daughter Mrs. A. Zattel.
Mrs. 'Adana Faust entertaiuedlite
Sunday school. class on Satiu'day after
noon and evenig, it being Mrs, Faust's;
birthday. The young girls had a very:
enjoyable ttme.
Mt. Arnold Stumpf, of Milda.,za~~�„,
'' rfrom
] v
Y .
I. S
Mr. 11 p
is a son of the
formerly of Zurich. : '
Our harness department, was
never butter equipped then Just
now, you will find here. up to date
harness and Harness goods of
all descriptions, •prises right; At
Hartleibs. .
Services in Che Evangelical church
will hencefoe .�h until further notice
given, be hell as follows: Sunday
school at 5.45 a. m. Evening service
at 7.30 o'f;lock. Next Sunday ewen-
ing a Ear"lter program will be given by
the Sur,day School assisted by the
choir. Everybody cordially invited
tQ atf.end.
We want to tell the men, young.
.inn h`n
fti s
and old, about crit �et'� �,, n ..
defArtinait;''-re pride ourselves `on
the large stock of suits, trousers, ties,
;shirts, in fact everything that a man
needs in 'sv'earing apparel. You will
likely need a few things in this line
this Spring and we want you to come
in and see ourgoods anyway. Just
now we are showing a new. line of
men's neck ties and also socks, belts
and collars, they are just what you
hove been looking for. Don't forget
to look oyer new suits when in town.
In our Dress Goods department
will be found a splendid line of
silks, in fancy brocades and stripes
for dresses These good have just
been put into stook and are the
very newest on the market. Also
a line of plaid silks for waists and
Plaid Goods
Lace Curtains
We desire to call the ladies' atten-
tion to our stock of lace curtains. We
have them in large verities in white
achu in many patterns. Our prices
on those will interest you. We also
have a large stock of curtain muslins.
See our line of ready to wear bons{ e
dresses from G0cts. to $3.50 each.
What about a raincoat for this h' tnd
of weather, our coats are unsurpr ,seed
or quality and prices.
We have just received a ship—
ment plaid Dress Goods in follow-
ing styles, McDonald plaids,. Me -
Gregor plaids, etc: These are. the
'Very newest out and used- for lad—
ies skirts. You win not beta style
if you do not wear wplaid skirt
Ladies.. ',
Herne of Good Shoes
Yes That Is: Right. You cart b
just what you want at the right pri
} � at the BLAKE STORE.
Itis e-is`ily- � M tared. We buy, right that is
cam.sell right;. o a�d of well assn
we t+
General Stock Uoe taken. in exchangeo choose for goods.
1 9
14-r.Wm ti
-A catecasn rehersal.was. given ofof footwearfor veer andhave the shoe that
the .c_ onfirivation era's iii the Lathfriends.. Thee never was a time whenthePublic oa 1 p see
i re cn Sunday,., the Church 9 shunt fc>>st vtea ;; then.317;2.9,ent.. p y;
Gh t h.
*pre c
eatan em
� �t, . �.
was filled to:its
Dont forget the big minstrel show
in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening
Apr, loth. Its just one great big
Coil Wire
We .have put into stem' i a large
Eihiprent of galvanized . coil spring
wire, 9 gauge, beat fi1r ,veland make
Also barb wire,, table , wire, brace
wire, feekeetaples, , wire plyers,
Get caul.- pazieee'on fencing before
You tin. We Neil only Peerless
fai$V. Bee: our poultry fence,
j uittkbte thine; for your garden.
Many ladies have not the time to
make up the waists and dresses for
immediate wear. We have real—
ized this and have bought a large
'variety of the latest designed
waists, in all popular goods and
patterns. These waists are well
made, neat and stylish and cost
from $1 25 to $3.50 each. See dis—
play in window.
For a good Varnish try Mar -not
Dr aapab ,none'better can be .exude
A New Tea
If you want building lot, comae to
the sale on Wednesday 15th. Should
Zurich get the railway, a lot or two
in this subivision will double: in value
in a short time. E. Zelleu;, Zurich.
A lady deiuonstratox on Ohl
•Hamel will be at Hartleib's Store
on April 20 to show the people how
to do their own graining. Every-
body welcome, ladies especially.
See ad in this paper .
The Sunday services will be at
the usuiil hours: German
e Fmn Iish 3 a.m
Sunday S 2.00 a• g . are
n:. The following meetings
held during the 'eek :
S. S. officers and teachers 7.30 pan,
on Tuesdays. Men's Missionary
society at 8°.00 p. in. on Tuesday
Young People's society at 8.00 p.m
Friday. The Ladies Aid Society
meets at 3 00 p. in. the first Tues-
day of each month.
A cordial invitation is herewith ex-
tended to all, not worshiping else-
where, to worship with us and take
an active part in the work of the var-
ious societies of our church.
We have secured the agency of
Thomas J. Lipton's celebrates teas.
The teas are grown on vast estates in
Ceylon and India and are cared and
handled by the most modern methods.
Try a pounder Half pound.
Produce always Taken.
T61ephot.e No.
I have the agency of Ladies tailor-
ed made suits, all ladies that wish to
have suits made, coxae to my store
and choose your sample, and gat your
measure taken, Prices right. E.
The annual Conference sepsion of
the Evangelical church, will convene
in the city of Berlin next week, April
16th, under the.ohaimanship of Bish-
op Bowman of Reading, Penn. This
being the 50th year of its organization
will make this conference, a jubilee
session. Some of the leading officers
of the church will be present to part-
ticiptUti in the exercise.
On Thursday eve last, the Unique
Club met and were pleasingly enter-
tained by a musical and literary pro-
gram including the debate, "Resolved
that the growning .of beans is more
profitable than the growing of corn."
The debate was full of enthusiasm
brighs and instructive.. The judges
gave decision in favor of the Negative
they `winning by one point;
Z U R 1 C 'ti
Established 1853
Opened Branch in Harm-.
Co. 1874
Saving Bank Accounts
Zurich Branch'
R. T. DUNLOP, Manager
Bitter and eggs taken in exchange foie shoes.
F7AusT Zuri
Have you seen the new
Made by the Raymond Mfg Co. of Guelph. The, oldest
11lanufacturers Cream Separators in Canada.
The SUPERIOR is strictly self -balancing and self
ring, and is warranted for 5 years against defects
natural wear. Try one in your own home
and be convinced that it is Superior to al lot
` The Board of the Ilerisall Public
Library extend the privileges of their
large library, comprising nearly fif-
teen lb:tared
f"teenhiintired volumes to the resi-
dents of Zurich and vicinity.
reading of good books is recognized ae
being one of the main up -builders of
character, just as bad literature is a
Lure destroyer of morals. Te have
free acme to this fine library is no
small favor and our citizens should
feel thankful for the privilege of its
•use. The charge is a mere nominal
one, being v" cents for a card and
which entitles the holder to 26 books
A Mr. D. W. Toss, is the Librarian and
Rev. E. F. MeL. Snaith the chairman
,f the board. The library is open
'.Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
the hours being from 1 to 6 p. in. fund.
from 7 to 0 aa. an.
*the Suit Question
A settled very easil
for the Young Main tl
sires "suit smartness.'
Our stylish Sp suit
all the little "liiaIcs"
dividt`�'a11y is Yonttg
. . _444..1 h,sin„t,.
Clothes bv.�v.s.,.... - -
The new feattnng
a>1d Tailoring Have aj
honored by the best tl
tailors in our Land cal
these Suits to our ord
for our special trade.
Every new feature..
ing and fabries enablE
supply you with„a be
clean - cut, 't .00