HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-04-03, Page 7Seal hey- ;.on- ,ion np:ion Otte rid my ,id. n't • of "1 Fad 0l\* lt+i j v- OPENIN6S hursday, March 25th, 26th. invited to attend. 'these Openings.. charge, and will be pleased . ' to s t in mats and trimming for the s and Gingham; n our fine showing of prints and see them. all Papers b papers to choose from, all the newest e our sample books. nits and Raincoats nits and Raincoats just arrived. uy your supply of sugar for the sea - always 1apt O1° Ia r d cc Taken !n Exchange PHONE 17 OAH NOW MAKING AND WINDOWS COAL! COAL! Delaware, Lackawanna,, 'Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal All Sizes send in your orders, we cart make n Doom, aaey will keep you fir er. SAW Lt ,GS WANTED. • •i and elite for :cents at line, spread. - Drills, , Bean rats , Ilay 1 ALF. '. CRUT.ON Henaall FOR BALE 3 New Ontario Farms Report of Senior Room passed on test examinations during the Month.. Sr. V Class -H. Zeiler 80%,' E. Fritz 78, E Heyrock 77, A McDonald 78, P McBride 64, A Axt 6z., C ,Hoff- man 69. • Jr V Class -L Ealbfleisch 77%, G Weber, 69, G Manson 68, V Fritz 62,. R Appel. Sr IV—G Zettle.78%, M Heyrock, V Fuss 70, W Siebert 51. Jr IV A —H Hess 70%, L O'Brien -64, M Merner 60, R Foster 59, H Fritz 57, \\r Bender 56, A McCormick 55, B Weber 55, 'AI Fuss 48, (1 Miller A Iress 45, L Oalfas »9, S " hiel 08, W Fritz 8!, n Je Iii is ) ;),a=clu:srt 34),..1 Thiol 5, R Hornell) 5>;; J Cau pl- II 52,111 Hoffman ,,i ), P 3)u .lirzriie 10. G. S. Jiowtnn, pl.ucipal Dlonntly zc';iort Ironi Zurich Public School for warm Maleb. Jr.lII. 11 tl'g, , t Det b rt, Rose Hess, t'i'Ct+t'r, E I 1110 Bender, Jacob Bitterer, Lo Roy 013 then, Ar - Imina- Brenner,- Celiallilderl.:randt, Marjorie Fritz, z, Lawrence Rau. Sr. I1. i' `lsi t Zettel, Ira Kalb - Ivan 'etti',lieisch and. .Lilian 1 We'eloh same, hazel o•ter;.• Mary Mittelholtz end 'I'heode,:e "\-Vogner earl%', 1'.1r 11in. !-'1,414,14 ',:d Emma Winn)) • a3 13, i 1C`I t °ac'i lgt i G, Lennie O'Brion, Dorothy Catrin,' ell, Gordon In. the very 'heart of the famous 20, 000,000 acres of choice clay -belt land., Near the village of Matheson on the T. & N. 0. Railway. All other surr- ounding lots already settled and im- provements begun. Excellent gover• nlnent roads through the entire local- ity; school house and local P. 0. a - corner of one of the lots; houses ereett ed and 8 and 5 acres cleared on each, Two of the lots have close to 1,000, 000 ft of valuable timber on each, (pine, birch, spruce and Whitewood, in almost equal amounts) and in add- ition over 1,000 cords of pulpwood on each farm, 160 acres in each farms. A rare opportunity for quick -ret- urns and safe investment. Price ex- ceptionally low, only $2.00, $4.00 and $6.00 per acre, respectiVely. It will pay you to investigate this unus- ual bargain. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich, l+lu+ln 11 y,onth of nnhug Mill Sieves I'tnn ag..ut for the,Clinton fann- ing mill sic ec+s, and farmers re- gniring any, cart procure thein at my farm, `. nth'of Zurich. John He 7r , Gasoline titers be- im. Bug- ghs. Mond Sou get nem Z tte1, Ia,suYt i 1)ritrich. Jr. 1E -1d z. Yonnghi)i, Dorothy Frit?, Whitney' 1'ruduluc.i; Margaret Thiel, Leonard Rau, Jolla Davidson Anthony'liittellu\ltz,• Clair Merrier. Sr. Pt. Il. -- The,,tlore l)eichert, Luelhl, Now, Pearl Gailnnan, Mil- . ton )ley, ;1fin'nie ITttley. Jr. Pt. Il—Mabel Preeter, Muriel ITo\,.tutu. Sr. Pt. t. --Grit a Merrier, Eltla 'Callas, Francis Mittelholtz, Gerald Bedard, Edgar I etuler. Averagoattenclance, 45. 'Alias E. IIonGtNs, teacher. ` 'm for Sae Lob 28. Con.7, Parr :Li:lc+ I lay North 50 acres, or will stall ll:a \\ hole lot. For par tielliarfi ?111Fiy too.l'ii:'.c.111 '1':tylo: , nensal1 1'. 0. Krausi LlquIt At Zurich's Leading Tailor Shop the only Place, where the Newest is always shown first and satisfaction. guaranteed., Extract Of Smoke glade of Hickory Wood, fol rnok ng .a : E kinds of meat, such as Ham, Shoulder, Bacon, Dried beel Sausages, Balogna, Fish., etc, an( preserving meat, and keeping it fre from insects. Recommended by REV. MR. ROO For Sale by FARM Fog SALT, :28 tters Y%t 11 Y„crca st.0+:i. cis res.i, barn i6 x (it;, (rood Hril1,.li. dratirted, and a never failing For part eulare, address, 0 Cochrane, R No, 2, • P.U. CuLVA l.�o `Y,!'iiJStl cJ eW'� ii Wanted .II)s11Ct1L Snip cr, Line. McEvtren Bros. Bayfield • Blush for Sic i 't•i0t\]Er 13 Yid WJ t7i ®4' 7:13 LAR a 3' T ©t` it B l iRt cell' a C 3 t,.. (! 3 F'a r The undersigned has for sale on Lot 8, Concession 4, Stanley, ten acres (more or less) of standing tint beg, mostly maple. For ptrrticuha,, apply to the o\\ iter. JOHN S. CAMERON Brucef iela, The following is the report of room B of Zurich Public School for the month of March, based on attendrnce diligence acid general demeanour. Sr. 3rd.—Margaret Hess 99, Gra- ham Merner 91, Gladys Fisher 90, Lindsay Wurin 76, Alberta Mittel- holtz 72, Olive Zettel 70, Francis Zeller 69, Francis Zeller 69, Theo- dore Leibold 65, Mary Zettel 63, Freddie 1Veselob 59, Earl Zettel 68, Cealiea Desjardine 58, Clarence Fos- ter 56, Frank Siebert 52, . Elmore Clausius 51, Leo Mittelholtz 42. Sr. II. -=Alma tfltley 60 Euloine Geiger 50, Alphonsus Deitrieh 40, Eleanor Ducharme 30, absent. Laundry in Coiniectiou W. E. I OTTMAN Pallor - ZURICH run° every ed. p1CIALTY ess ess 11S. Zurich Feed Store Jr 1T. - Panl Miller 70, Hilda Neui- schwanger 68; Gorden Wolper 66; Ethel Deitrieh 50: Loyd Iiy 50. Sr. Pt II --Alice Zeller 65 ; Mabel Bender 60; Pearl _Leibold 68 ; Her- bert Neeb 50: Gorden Rain 30, Jr: Pb II --!cola Pang 70; Eva Ethel Eee 68; Flora Uttlev, 65; Hess 60 ; Austin Schwalm' 60 ; Ruth Brenner 50; Rusiiel Foster. 1st Class—Lulu ,Albreohtr• Ruth 8o11enit: ; Kathleen Siemon ; Gilbert Duoharme Vernon Davidson; Ar- son Keller, • Oi,a. 'M. Woons, teaol1er. BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned will hold for the improvement of stock this year, that pure bred choice bull "King George." The animal is rising 5 yrs and will easily weigh • 2800 when fat. Well )natured sires are the great for thrifty stack, rates $1.50. • ()scar Klopp. Leading Bran.: of Flour Oho tis, Eraxi and Feed Corn Produce of All kind taken _ exchange We are agents for Intieriia- tional and Royal Purple stock food. Ilse a hili line of ;€renter= ias oft hand. Seed Grain For Sale ` TH. riTT trEg )RE Ladies! Tor 2 me rag nolliby OT• f7 a b Don't ':1 o • Your frPMMt o Mad Look ook through th:d eprati V. We are going to offer our cane a"l boys Clothing' on iday ' turdG.F:.y, only at prices lower �. has ever been •4sf fered in urich° We are not considering cost of 'patella]. and ma which would be more than our prices.. By looking over list of prices below, you will know what we 'right We also have a few citizen ladies white iawn waists. Reg prices from $1.00 up to .$1. .50 going at 59ct Men Suits reg $13 60 going at 11.25, Boys snits reg $5.00 going ., ., 12.50 .. „ 7.70 „ 3 5i, ., 10,00 6 50 A few .imull hoy';i snots 6 Men's Spring over coats going at 3 95'. A. small quantity of Abundance oats at 55cts a bushel. These oats yielded 72* bushels for six years at 0. A. 0. Average length of straw for sauce term was 43 inches. Also some some 0. A. 0. No. 21 barley at 75 cts and a few bushels of improved O.A.C. No 21 at $1.20 a bushel. Guaranta- ed free of wild oats and other noxious weebs. Oscar Klopp Tel. 18 on 85 Zurich, Ont. The .following is the report of S.S. No. it, Stephen, for the month of March Only the names of those who obtained'dver 6opc are published, 75p o being; required. for honours; x I a HTddie Greb, .P Will- ie Stephan; i r TII,=S Enron Lafond, Otto Stephan. P Albert Blake. III -:_P Myrtle.Willert. Sr. 11.,-13 Susie.' Adams, Merrilla piri114ert. P Adel Lafond, Hertzel .- Jr. 11--= H Ervin ere); P " it Fred Adams, Alexander Moir.. ' Pt. II,y--H. Lucy Grob. P, Cliff ord Link Sr. 1,—a Ruth Wfllert. M I j...4:1 Bruce Willett. FANNING MILL SIEVES' Steens for separating buekhome or rib grass from clover for $1.60. All sizes perferated zine from neddle point to 5/8 inch at low pricears. Iflopls Also: a few bushels of White Cap Yellow Dent at x$1.25 per 701bs on cob. Germination test 96%. This open will mature in Huron County, as it was grown on my farm. Oscar.lilopp, Zurich P. 0. FENCERS Do 't Miss These Bargains! ,ams,-.xa,a.,._,_�.,.surc�=Awa,.:aa..r��+-a'•rrarrs�-.z'a"=� Highest Prices paid for Farm Produce J. J. ME Farm Irnp1cmcnts We are ready to take orders for building all kinds of fences, diggi>cg • cies and setting posts, woven or coiled wire. ' Satisfaction . Guranteed HENRY CLAUSIUS PETER KROPF 711RtCt4_ P.O Let us know your wants. We handle everything in Farm Implements. Engine Supplies Pullies, all sizes .and kinds, Belting, leather or canvas, all sizes. Shaftboxing and shafting. Pump and pump piping. Buggies, .Waggons,Sleighs and Cutters. If you are in need of Machitie Re- pairs we can get them for you. 'We. give special attention to our repair department. LOUIS 'RAN u UNRERTAKI Prompt Servi Moderate Cha We He HOFF Zurich, elactriC Restorer php�pl restores evmr ' � to i!e btbper t elm rtd v4la�litr. rteiubtiiredec at.! eoltittufiI avnoteMvtt1ea dant. d.uPoesseO EA i:a4ba1iSlr•