The Herald, 1914-04-03, Page 61110 S:iI I IY.II A.L d1 V, Tr LIT.
♦'rodtlretiott foe Year Ueathee Value
ol", $52,000,000.
The mining industry .in' Ontario
made iz reliord in 191$, when the to-
tal 'output
o-tat.l'output increased over last year's
:figurer --111 'themselves a record
previously ---by 9,0 per cent.
Accoeding to a report of the leu-
xeatt of Mhies, the net value of
metaliie. production in the province
w< s $37,60S,955, the non-metallic
I'xt+ocluctiuli reaching $115,491;0613, a
"total mineral output of $52,099,057.
The preduetion of gold .: reached
20,837 'ounces, of which more than
94 per cent. •cante froze the I'orcu-
piee mines.
The output. of silver at Cobalt was
a little less than in 1912. The re-
port points out that apparently the
high-water mark in production was
e eached .in 1911,.when the yield was
31,507,791 fine ounces. Last year's
output MIS 29,081,957 ounces. The
Nature Needs Aid in Inking N%ew.
Health Giving Blond
In the Isprieg the eeistezm needs a
tonic. To be healthy you must have
new blood just as the trees must
bate new sap to renew their vital-
ity. .bi'atuee demands it, ,and wide.
out this new blood you will feel
weak and languid. You msy have
twinges of rheumatism or the sharp,
stabbing paint of neuralgia Often
there are disfiguring pixnple•s or
eruptions on the skin. In other
cases there is merely ai. feeling of
tiredness anti a variable appetite.
Any of these are signs that the
blood is out of order -that the in-
door life 'of winter has lessened your
vitality. What you need in spring
yircicess of decline is praying more is atonic medicine to put you right,
gradual than the increase, the fall- and in all the world of niedieine
leg tiff in two years 'being only 5. c there le no tonic can equal I)r.
per cert'!•. The price of silver Q_ Williams' Pink I ails.
also lower, the result being t 7
duce the return to the mining eoin-
pauies by 813,934• This new blood drives es vet the seeds
ver is pont vat yearsl since the sitbe of disease and makes easily -tired
deposits at to the began to 19133 men, women and children bright,
ttoi•kecl and up to the end of t and strong. itit Cx o
>' These Pills
:actually make new, rich, red blood
—your greate.t. need in spring.
their total yield had a value of over
$9ti, 090,440.
The e,utput of nickel was' 24,838
• Mons, valued in the matte at $5. that I could hardly .drag myself
237,477, en increase of a little under around. :I was so nervone that 1
11 per cent. was afraid to walk across the floor
z, The copper mines produced 12,941 for fear 1 would fall. Our family
tons, valued at $1,840,942, an in- dotter treated me but without sue -
crease of 16 -per rent, eves, anal finally I began taking l)r.
'•'T.L,era; were shipped from the iron Williams' Pink fills. Gradually
ruiner of the province last year 195,- they brought me back to g"
037 t{,11s .If pig iron, valued at health, and now I am as well as headed."
x;424,0 2, eveer I was ,and Bate every alone. headed."
may be right, my own
'That the producing eapaeity ed deuce in recommending these Pills guess "He is that as long buttnyc am
the iron mines cif Ontario has not to ether sufferers.•' men on the earth there will be some
kept pain= with the expansion of the These fills are sold by all 'Medi- men inlc they can foolethe some
Mast furnace industry is evident gine dealers ur can be had by mail whby
lettingtheir hair grow long on
from the fact that of 1,228,249 tons r or sit boxes for
at i0 cents a box 1; one side and slicking it across the
active. rs. + •
Burris, Albany, P.E.I., writes : "I
was terribly rim down and so weak
NOT 311: CFI OFA SkyleilT3131AT.
.S.. Taiue Of Goods That Wasn't elet nt
foa. the Table.'
For sovera:l muanrti.ex•,s, while 1 was
in high school wind college, says. as
contributor to one of the ,Sunday
magazines, I ,was employed by. a
wholesale grocery concern, Besides
Belling the lisua4 litre of eisoceries,
this flz'nilizianufeetured flavoring ex:-
tractsand toilet preparations.
Sometimes' I travelled as substi-
tute for one of the regular sales-
men While lie took les vacation.:. On
one ;such trip I entered ,a little omen
try grocery, and announced Iny
ilusines% to the proprietor,
The anan sa,ic1, `Oh, yes, I have
been looking for you. But before I
buy anything I want you to ' take
back some stuff your house puts up
that I bought from Mr: A. It's no
I told hini we were always will-
ing to stand behind anything we
sold, andasked to see the unsatis-
factory article. He brought out a
ease of petroleum jelly ',similar to
veseliue), packed in eight ounce
glass tumblers.
"There'." he said. "That's the
first thing I ever bought from your.
house .that wasn't up tothe mark.
But that stuff is no good. We were
out of preserves at•the house, •so I
took a jar of it home, but we
Couldn't do a'ny'thing with it. We
tried it on hot bread and on. Cold
bread; but not one of us could eat
As Long as Men are. Alen.
"A" German scientist says that in
3,000 years all men will be ,bald -
Kunio elpatioa Favored- By Men Of
the Better Olass Throughout
Miss r Grace Ellison, the. well;
known writer on Turkish women,'
has just returnedto • Eneland from
a second visit of several months
spent : in the household of Klamil
Pat,shees daughter • at Constanti-
nople,' where she had an opportun-
ity, perhaps never hitherto accord-
ed to any English woman, of veiw-
ing a Turkish woman's life from
the inner side. She shared the daily
life of her friends, tock, part in their
formal customs and gatherings, vis-
ited the Sultan's harem during the
feast of Bairam, met the most ad-
vanced women in the country, and
studied the one Turkish women's
paper, a weekly illustrated, which
publishes feminist articles and is
widely read by the middle classes.
Speaking df the progress accom-
plished by Turkish women in recent
years, Miss Ellison said she noticed
a great difference in the position of
women since her last visit, a differ-
ence they themselves were hardly
conscious of it, •and it seemed to her
that every day now they made a
step forward. It is a time of rapid
transition, the beginning of perfect-
Iy new conditions.
The determination arrived at by
the Government recently to admit
women to the university is of im-
mense importance, and, although it
is probable that few will at first
take advantage of the open door,
the fact that it has been opened
alters the status of Turkish women.
At first, probably, there will be no
thought of degree r examinations—
the women are nut yet ready for
that—and the courses specially ar-
ranged for women on domestic
science, hygiene, gynaecology and
the position of women will be after
the style of our extension lectures.
The position of women seems a
curious subject for a. university lec-
ture course, but Miss Ellison. ex-
plained that this would refer to the
part women should take in the na-
tional lie and the necessity for re-
moving restrictions. •
Old Traditions Die Slowly. •
of ere smelted into pig iron last year
in Ontario, only 132,709 tons, or
10.e per tent:., .were of domestic ori-
•gln," says .the report. "The re-
mainder. was imported from the
United- -Ste
The altltpnt of pip iron. continues
$2.e0 from The Dr, V`uiliianas .51e top
rine Cu., 13roekville, Ont.,
300,000 S(D i,l),IEIIM IN 1? il;S 1>ra sv, blow a Sly= a Woman
Germany Plans Monster lliliiary
to the• product of the fur- j MatiOe tvrC:i.
c tS44ti 893 Monts
worth Count Vim Moltke, a nephew of
nice, truing , ,
�8 719,'i9`3 an increase of 10 per
the emotes strategist during the
ent. hi quantity and per cent. in France -Prussian War of 1870, and
-value. the general staff of the army, are
In the i-nLetaslist there was planning the largest military man -
a general
increase. e. The larges, oeuvres the world has ever seen in
fallin> riff was Cornncltnn, quartz,
drain tile, arsenic, and mica. Port- table of peace, for next autumn. Six
land; cement, preesed brick, stone, army corps,.aud twelve divisions, rap-
' erateral leas, sewer pipe, common tele 300,000 officers axed
bric , iron pyrites, ete.. ail show d 56 040 horses will take
ed big increases, the total value of
the ,output being 1 I5,491,0022, a gain
of 1•L3 per rent.
. wilt lir I)0t"1'Ol3S STILL 11UL}.
Can Regain Health
"Por years I was thin and delicate,
I Jost color and was easily tired; a
Yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on
my face were not only mortifying to
my feelings, but because I thought my
skin would never look nice again I
grew despondent. Then my appetite
failed. • I grew very weak. "'Various
praxilixa ,
men, an ,remedies, pills, tonics and tablets
part in the manoeuvres. The Keiser visit to without
ti permanent
will be the chief umpire in the final a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. She
three days'•battle. The woods, hills placed reliance upon them and now
and valleys'af the west side of the that they have made the a well woman
Rhine will :reverberate with 1,0:56 I would not be without them whatever
field guns 'and 500 machine guns, they
ie y mPight
lay ctost.
Ieir foundu yDr. cdl-
The field of nperatiens will (ewer action very suitable to the delicate
a large area of a, triangle between character of a woman's nature. They
Frankfurt, Gu sen and Coblenz. The never once griped me, yet they estab-
pr,obl•em is evidently to cheekand lisped regularity. My appetite grew
defeat a French army. Practically keen --nay blood red and• pure—heavy
the entire military aerial fleet of rings
n ySkin, my , is as disappearedes r d: and
Zeppelins and Parsevals ..With a- rttrinkled at" When I was 'a girl, ' Dr.
passenger'fleet, , will .be 'utilized, as'°Hamilton's 1'II1s did it all."
well as "an unprecedentedly large 'rite above straightforward letter
fleet of aeroplanes. in order to give from 11Irs. S. )I. Todd, wire of a weil-
sortie 1.000 regulaan and volunteer known miller in Rogersville, is proof
military pilots practical war .experi- suflieie ttfhl Dr. Hamilton's
aman'sm l disinelis are
since 1s70xs thatll be the first German efeeerstwen no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25c.
have an opportunity to handle such obox. ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario.
numbers of mm2. ,�
Tluer ;Nagle .aloe Used as a Meane of
P, :einem' Talbot of the Nigerian
1>calitical service, Who has •traveled
much though Africa studying, the
•various tribes.say,s the Ibibios, tna-
tires 01 ec,uthern Ni, eria, who are
of such a low type that • they are
• called "mud -fish," rank among the
nxsst ancient of southern Nigerian
tribes • and speak different dialects
of •a very oid and pririitve tongue.
Witch doctors dominate the life
of the raec As a protectiob.
against farm thefts certain spells
are recited over the long hoe used
for breaking up the ground and a
„medicine" poured over it, after
which it is givenback to its .owner
to,be luting up in 'route conspicuous
r. place on the plantation. No sooner
sloes the thief creep over the bound-
ary than the magic hoe springs to
his. hand. • Unconsciously. his fingers
'tease) themselves around the haft.
• He is bent down by a power there
is no resisting and finds himself
fenced against his will to hoe and
toe, .
Not, for a moanent can he • pause
even to straighten his hark, so long
' as a single weed remains on the
far'nl, a single yam needs banking
oa' air siuxge e clod Would be the better
fcir- breaking. So long must the
evil-doee continue to work for the
plan he had intended to rob. _Only
• when the owner art ives, and should
he wish SO. earn the magic floe be
released. It is nut saidwhether
themagie has ever worked.
• Quaint burial custorne prevail.
Often Slaves are sacrificed at the
death of a chief .and buried with
i,.Tntil prohibited by the goy
er:tnent. abiefs were buried their
• ifeensea with strange ritual and sac -
i tfice. A burial chamber was pre-
pared-underrmatie one of. the reams
stand rn .this the chief's- body • was
laced. . His best loved wife r and
two of r 1:40 most r beautiful of itis
sieves entered. the room and seated
rt rt. hem eel yea ate a ,tubae opposite -their
lord. After sone •ceremonia•1 5,1l het
r. +he women withdrew, the'chamber
tray -sealed rdip and the unfortunate
'1t•1..iln:'n we,xe left to at lingering
death. •
s�.ad�}%tx.ti2W"srvw as .1a'. Ri .r •fit tees:zee,
Wre.r 4Yyi.uhSN #iem.a
Yom { rel wise `'s:fsi{ A d.
first tune entered the French and
the English Embassies.
"Even the work they did during
the war does not seem to have
brought them into, •lose touch with
European women, though in an-
other way it has greatly profited
them, for they proved to the men
how great was the service they
could render and how safely they
could be trusted with a larger mea -
sere of liberty, while it was a m'e-
lation to themselves of hitherto un-
developed powers.
`The freeing of the slaves and the
consequent gradual arrival of the
ser` ant problem will do much to de-
stroy the Charm of the Old 'World
harem life, but it will also further
arouse the women and throw them
on their own resour•ecs."
\Vhy Bronchial Catarrh 'very Old Glass Can Be Cart With
Is So Dangerous
'lt Fair of Scissors. '
It is commonly thought that glass
When Unchecked, Bronchial Catarrt). is impervious to the assaults .9f age,
Develops Rapidly --Attacks the But this is not the ease. Glass, if
Lungs Ends in. Consumption.
If you have fullness of the head, most other substances, cteeay, and
exposed to the elements, will, like
headache difficulty in hearing, stuffed in 'gout so of time become so rotten
nostrils, droppings from the throat and as ±o be worthless.
hacking cough, you ought to know you Window glass exposed to cold,
Have Catarrh. It begins as a Cold; heat, and varying winds twill, after
repeated colds inflame the air pas -
a number of years, become so brit -
sages, Ey-and-bre it extends sleeper, tie that it Can be cut with a pair `o£
far down into the lungs, then you
have bronchitis. These inflamed sur; scissors. Light and darkness, again,
Paces secrete germ -laden mucus: If have such different affects on g
swallowed it pollutes the whole sys that t the'ar n
a, • r
alternation aloe at is
tem and destroys health. Stomach
dosing always fails, so do washes,
snuffs, ointments. The remedy that
will cure quickest is Catarrhozone.
You do not take Catarrhozone inter-
nally, you simply breathe a fragrant
healing compound that destroys germs
instantly. When. you inhale Catarrh -
ozone into the lungs, little drops of
healing are carried to the remotest
harts of the breathing apparatus.
Wherever Catarrhozone goes it 'des -
trays the germs, allowing the healing
to go right' on until the tissues are
made whole. Then congestion ceases,'
the fprrnation of mucus ceases, hawk-
ing and spitting cease; and of course,
dropping' into the throat cease also.
You- got well; You see Catarrhozone
removes the cause of the . disease.
Don't you think this is tho right way
to euro Catarrh? Can yeti think of
any other way half so good? Com.
plete outfit, hard rubber inhaler with
suiiaelent liquid to last three months.
Price X1:00. Smaller size "50c, All
dealers, et' The Catarrhozone 'Co.,
S''uffal.o, X. '., and Kingston, Ont.
Concerted Attack ou Demon ltum
Prover Flat Failure.
While the men of a village named
Borhoff, in the Vitebsk Govern-
ment•, were holding a meeting
recently the doors of the room were
suddenly hung open and the women
of the village entered in a body.
' seiQRO NTO.13M�Miti
then and .there abolish the: local
vodka (liquor) shop, otherwise they,
would not let the proceedings'c'one
Above the din was• heard •a yoke.,
"They are right ! Let those who
aro for the women's resolution
conte outside !'' The women tri-
umphantly trooped .cut --•alone. The
door was then securely locked and
the meeting proceeded:
Anna: "Did Sack steal a kiss?"
Bella: "Yes; and I was the only
witness of the theft." '
Not Even a hint.,
"So you discharged your amid,
Didn't you find her honest?"
"Honest ! Why that girl wouldn't
even take an order from me.".
The Dread Circle of Adger ity.
A woman whose pastor asked af-
ter her health replied dolefully, "I
feel very well; but I always feel bad
when I feel well, because I know
I`ni going to feel worse afterward.:'
at in
n our
see th
b napery
hits an:
uy yo
a . n
Mt' la
, 13(
It's .more difficult for a man
keen a- secret after his wife diecov-
demanding that the men should ers that he has one.
• It is difficult for the Western wo-
man to realize what tiny steps eon-
stitute a great advance in that
country, where the granting of per-
mission for women to walk unveiled
will mark a greater stage in their
progress than the enfranchisement
of women will do in England. The
old customs are dying very hard,
and though Djernil. Pasha. has done
much for their liberation --be open-
ed the parks to them, and the usten-
ished Ottomans recently heard of a
woman even being allowed to as-
cend in an aeroplane --the bonds
still cling closely.
"When my friends wished to visit
me at any hotel," said Miss L+'elli-
son, "the proprietor refused to let
them enter until 1 said I should re-
fer the matter to l)jemil Pasha,
when he gave way. On another oc-
casion 1 had taken a friend one af-
ternoon to a teashop where there
were several foreign ladies, but al-
though I was in Western dress, the
proprietor •came to our table and
asked us to withdraw—tire innova-
tion of a visit (roan• a veiled Turk-
ish lady .was too startling for him.
Even in their own homes the women
are very careful riot to shock their
servants by a too daring adoption
of Western customs.
"Yes, the women have progress-
ed, but it is almost, in spite of them-
selves ; eenturies of harem life have
napped their energy and lulled most
of them into acquiescence in pre-
sent conditions. Had they shown
a more daring • spirit they, would
have gone very much further in
t , these fire yeaxs.
said, i5 enough to make tile sub-' Alien Favor Emancipation. fraggile.
Any builder or glazier will 'tell
you how much easier it is to remove
newwindows from a:'building •Uha;1i
old; in fact, if they are really old,
it is, almost inep,ossible to move them
at all tvithout•breeking soiue of the
panes.. The. reason is that glass
which has faced the weather for a
number • of years loses the elasticity'
it undoubtedly possesses -when new,
itinerant vendors of cheap cut-
lery have often been known greatly.
to impress wondering erowdc with.
the e:ccellenee of ' their wares by.
ciipping'off strips of glass with •sail-
sons and 'sheaartl. Of "course,. the
glasti they use "fcr this purpose is'
very, very old: •
Politeness is the father of white
"Their inen folk'on the whole fay
vor their emancipation --not so
ranch the men who have visited the
Westerncapitals and have been
alarmed :at the sight of 'Western li-
cense; .but the thoughtful, ardent
patriots who know only Turkish
liferbut realize that the progress of
a country depends on the part the
womentake in the national life.
"It is difficult for the Western
colony in Constantinople to realize
this Change; the ladies of the diplo-
maticcircles have not yet come into
tordeb .•while the Oetoinan women,•
and they hesitate to encours,ge thein
in emancipating themselves, fearing
to give offence to the xnen, who
would instead be grateful for their
assistance. It was as my fellow-
gaeret that a Turkish woman for the
Prevents ','Sickness
Are you ono of those thousands who,
though apparently well, catch cold eastlY
and often ? It's a dangerous condition to
tolerate, and one which you can easily
prevent Ly taking two or three bottles of
Na-Dru-Co Tasteless Preparation of Cod
Liver 00 at once—this Fall.
This pleasant -tasting food -tonic gives
tone and vigor to the whole system, and
so strengthens lungs and bronchial tubes
that they readily throvtoff the colds which
would otherwise take hold of you.
Try virtue of its remarkable combination
of curative and nutritive properties, Pla-
Drt-Co Tasteless Cod Liver 00 to one of
tate very best remedies known for chronic.
coughs and colds, bronchitis, asthma and
catarrh. It is also an excellent reconstruct- "
ave tonic after fevers, and in diseases such ,
as scrofula and rickets, which are due to_
constitutional weakness.
Prove Ito worth by getting a SOo. Or
$1.eebottre from your Druggist. 31 L I
E• dee
is put
10 Pound,
20 Pound,
50 Pound
100 Pound
Cloth Bags,
and in
2 Pound
and 5 Pound
Sealed Cartons
up at the Refiner r in
When you buy
Extra Granulated Sugar in any
of these original packages you
are sure of getting the genuine
Canada's finest
sugar, pure and clean as when
it left the Refinery.
It's worth while to insist on
the Original Packages.
111i h'Glaccs ProfIt•8harlrng Bonds, iertoa—$0004 S`vii.00, $100.0'
XNV2SiTli'I1tfi may bo' withdrawn any time aftar ono year
ou 60 clays' notice, Business at back of these BOnds ()stab '
Halted 28 ysare. Send for special folder and full .partictilara.