HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-03-27, Page 8MILUNERY OPENINGS Weduesday and Thursday, March 25th, 26th. YOU, ire a rehial ly invited, to attend these Openings.. Miss again in charge, and will be pleased, ' to slIkotr y* 6.1 Ire lastest .in; hate and trimuling for the $priirte; Mows, Frei* and Ginghams We pride oursoIvoo •* our fine skewing of prints and ginghans. Come sal sax SIAM. Wall Papers 'ffe kave OE aielleitit ifitttigtufs to choose Svelte, all the newest destets. &Mee eee eV sample boebo. Mules Suits and Rainats O last• sits and Raincoats just arrived. Ref le Voe tide ire btu yeur supply of sugar for the sea - sea. Aimee. COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal All Sizes ,ALF. SCRUTON Hensel'. 21 gee . aye kept er mA Kinds Tibiae Taken in Exchange PHONE 17 U DY 67 GA ` C110 0 WE ARE NOW MAKING ,TosToRM DOOR& AND WINDOWS • If youaHrl any, wird b your orders, we can ,:snake them. At Once. e. . Get 0�,�r a.' ri, inat.bta Doors, cows, they will keep you warm in Winter a rid cool in SUMMO o ALL KINDS OF SAW LOGS WANTED. i PHONE r,0 a zu•g Fannoue dray Motor Gasoline En gime:— 1i' asf 11 Horse, Power 55. 00 2i „ i, 75. 00 4 „ „ $105, 00 6a 175.00 8 „ u 285.00. 12 „ a 375.00 brier 4-v F.I*S k *ON Agents. tel_ I Bu: h e6s at The Old Staid We have been appointed Agents for the celebrated Massey Harris hnplements We handle everything in that line, Seeding Implements, Maeure spread- ers, all kiade of Plows, Seed Drills, Disc Inrxows, Cultivators, Beau Harvesters, etc. Harvesting hnplements Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Hiro fs r,te rs, Etc. tt�.oxtiicis A111 1311;;inc 4. sorevo,- 'dies, Squa - E'PA', 7` 1etstirs, Gasoline f Cutters bel - 1 e1 make. Bug - . Sleighs. "'.tar Motto Eggs for 0alting: I Dave a splen- did plendid pen of dingle eogab tilt Minorcas and can reapply- a listsra number of settings (i g mss) apt ei1t' Joe Sofeekler, Zurich. After a lingering Meese the sacl death took place,.iu tfie person of Mrs. t'4'iri. Tinney .ax>:ly 'Wednesday tuorning. The deceased bad lite in this section about 77 years, and was a member of the Presbyterian church T-Ieusall. She 1e:aves to. mourn her loss, four c1aughtere and 3 eons: Canada's export tre,do luring the month of February showed 'a heavy- tell on', comparal with the correspon- ding period a year ago, of »early '7 million dollars. Most of' the decre ee was fortunately on the import, ::{pie bein *14,401,000, tts compared with a decreaee of only ,`"2,304,000 in ee- ports. This is the. i. i:?st decrease shown in the trade ;cf. the I omiilion for yearte and indicetee how the process of restsietiou has hetet carried forward into this r:U. F08 SALE 3 : New Ontario Farms Tn the very heart of the famous 20,, 000,000 acres of choice clay -belt laud. Near the village of 1VIathesoh on the T & N. 0. Railway. All other surr- ounding lots already settled and hu- provetnents:begun. Excellent gover- nment roads through the entire local- ity; school house and local P. 0. a - corner of one of the lots; houses erectt edand 8 and 5 acres cleared on each, Two of the lots have close to 1,000, 000 ft of valuable timber on each, (nine, birch, spruce and whitewood, in almost equal amounts) and in add- ition over 1,000 cords of pulpwood on each farm, 160 acres in each farm. A me ennortunity for quick -ret - erns and e&fie investment. Price ex- ceptionAp bew, only $2.00, $4.00 and $6.06 per acre, respectively. It will pay yeti to investigate this unus- ual bargain. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich, Tot ,l imports for the month were € e,.;5O,000,, while exportggre .tt- ed 7+20,558,00.O "'}.'akin; the trade for the. 12 iii:tn,ths, ending February, however, while t1ie_'o exists' finite's i - crease.ie. imports, the °epe 'the b . eves • country as well as the grand ot;i 1 aria agent for the Clinton aann ing mill sieves, and farmers re quiring any, can procure them. at my farm., South of Z.tn ioh • John Hey jr. ome and mot O� fit At Zurich's Leading '1' ilbz Sliop bhe only Place, where the Newest is always shown first and satisfaction guaarautce d Liannotedrer ill Connection f`�11�11+ trate a eubsts ttial iuerease evt r the the corresponding twelve mopthe • a year ago. Total. exports were $468, 626,000, an ia,erease. of $95,526,00,0" and imparte totalled $632,8 X1,000 a decrease of e:;27,610,000, thus leav- ing an iuc[ tee in the grant ton)), of id t,p1,1,0+1t., While it i, e.letritnent- al teat Febt no•t , s export belle litiitltl be fnllieg ol?, the decrease in ieePo is F:hould Merl:, ;: Lif)t 1:,; 1ouk,s+1 neon in the sarn, lt, ;c, 'l'Eie ; r1vii of Sir George Pai "•), Editor of the London Statist, to • tis Country, was that the time w come when this cottnbry should put Err ebeck on.: , her huge itnlloteed letgin to seenrre re- turns frog • l-, `uncut she aIr'ea<1y Farm for Sale Lot 23. Con 7, Parr Lino Hay Northe550 acres, or will sell the whole lot. For particulate apply to Nunn Taylor, Hensel]. P. 0. n ;very ,'I� IALTY ss j less • .�R7CO Lead ,tt+3,1,11 Produt".. A • '"trill.?I FOE. S.1Li; dr,, relate e + arses ploughed, 11 Acres socacti, rest lush, Frain barn 36..x 56, t oiJd soil partly drained, and a never failing well. For part malars, address, John L, Cochrane, I.3 : No. 2, Hensall, P. 0. Krausi r' Liquit xtract Of S Made of Hickory Wood, mokng a: r kinds of meat, such Ham, Shoulder, Bacon, Dried be Sausages, Balogna, Fish, etc, a preserving meat, and keeping it fr from i netts, ecommended by EV. MR, ROO For Sale by �j PHONt; t3 z U i;;i`k O R E Custom Sawfn ' g\ranted at Joshua Snider, ,Sanble "Lino. McEwen Bros. Bayfield u 1 ua1 r `t t y; yo: • brut r',�r. t1 7 :,,r k t . . pfprire, 'Cu Ontario: "For ( $0 Ila. weakened His voice strained, . far two ,. linvo her„. I hurt) ova t(rt Eula, aa, Ido had 5.: la%))n Pi: yt, t:. auyii1411, b1t 1e - bre ile, 5:5 :;-• box or three tar )u,a.,asd to ntly Etcatir,14, Flare ytt,TLB •Se£d Gr . . s,? For Sale . itte t:tt 1 ir, ush for Sale The undersigned has for sale on Lot 3, Concession 4, Manley, ten acres (more or loss) of standing tim- ber, mostly maple. For particulars apply to the owner. JOHN S. CAMERON lrucefie!d. .4.sr _,,4 T., BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned will hold for the improvement of stork this year, that pure bred choice buil "Icing George.'. The -animal is rising 6 yrs and will easily .weigh 2 300 when fat. j &1 matured sires are tilt'• ;rent for thrifty stock, reties Oscar ]Mori, ..41.11!, Int ,14, . , tt>. ., .1.140:+.7, Or -'a e by IIs.! on T•°Y!ai2Ei}'' .• ,- .c'e e 3 St Cath4ri ee 6; e Ili Stay 1111 the intensi ver' rout could : '»;•Set's lurked. "1 h:n'e.t..: asci,” he wYi,,: :v.i�a�utzlir� ,• iai+.: 3e A Hniil,ll .J.tltLlit oats apt €i acts a yielded 72 btu -1%, 0. fi .•C. A , ortf. }�tttTieWein tvnv =. sono 0. A. 0. N 'few • �T081 ), 1,o the •: SI) 21 at q)1.20 ..t free of•wild wftEbs. 1'„l, lt1 on. "tis f Abend ane .11 .le s, These oat: of etray.: tc . Alio .'ern, tl saran e .111f.ei, .noxa),v.. vn; 1;let)1) .t illi, 0: THE' QUAL1TY- F h: I AY wad MARC oalin 27th and 2Sth One of the things a Women preciaten at this time of the Year a nice smart Hat-, and to sati that craving a woman usually gc which is commonly called Spri Fever, It would be necessary see what is shown in Merner's N Sreene tor set . 'vise from . !rul 'will melee it was groe Ave • Ildireg all Li SiEVe WTiite r 101 hs woyon . • Highest Prices pr 'NC Farm Pir.r-emittie al, :Air .44ternr ens tor Ne6,4•4,04rtr Ws. warns • 3,1,TA ,3r,10 mo azz .Let us know your wants, , handle everything in Far ppliea Rallies, all sizes aed 1)elting, leather or eativas, ehatting. Pump and pea and Clutters. ei bre in need of Ittehrile attentioe to our rept • 7 r neien