HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-03-27, Page 1.,on o.HHdatO pi
Vol:, XIV,
ter's Mews
No, 5 Published every two weeks P.iiee gratis
A little pm,per devoted to news usually heard
and seen around a General and Hardware' Store.
FR'.+ AY and. SATURDAY, 27th 11 28th.
Yon are eorcliully invited to `thine} the ()Telling
Oar lt' ltioc y actpAri6;eoint 1A now
ready Lor yuir i.,_pse:3en. Ladies
yon a ! b it i iTT" 1A to -Seel inepeet the
113weet 1:1 .s6Blii' i"e? ass fiira have a
most ctnni3re le I fi hA eitralekg of all
the latest and m41:3 €tt'Aing and set-
vioable'•styles thtzt.aare featured Lille
Cif eani nq t'louse
�1,ili wvlli r.' aE1El b;) in i}to mid it of
•you,r'S11rine tome cleaning. You
nee,ling new °emote, new cur-
tikiw .iinolealt1;s, in fact .a daze i
sand ono new articles around the home
Wo have prepared, for this busy, time
of theY i'nr and oil can fii.tcl., ill uitr
store suii d)lo users for nay purpose.
• Make tbis,sbore Your hoade charters for
your Spring needs.
Why Paint!
Seven reasons why you should paint.
1. To pre terve the life of the mat•
erial of which your house or buildings
are built of. Painted surfaces will
withstand the rains and dampness and
keep the wood dry.
2. To improve the looks of • your
homes. A house well painted creates
an impression of comfort and cheer-
fulness around the place.
B. To increase the value of your
property. Buildings nicely painted
will add to the appearance of your
farms and town houses and you will
receive higher prices whoa you sell
• . 4. To chow that you beton; to the
progressive class and al:ipreciato the
value of good paint.
b. To brighten up the town or
enerouteding country and, make it
more cheerful to live in.
6. To show the visitors or strung-
eee, who visit these parts that we are
ready to improve our homes in every
way possible.
7. To show your neighbor that
you know a good paint by using only
S. W. P.
Free! Free!
With every boy's suit we sell we
give absolutely free a . valuable two
blatided pocket knife, made of best
steel. Out stock of boy's suits for all
ages of boys,=is complete, and if your
boy needs new clothes we can fit hint
up in proper style. Our suits, are
Made to stand the wear usually called.
for in bay's clothes and our prices
':are right. Also remember that we
.give a knife absolutely free with every
:suit at the usual selling price.
-11-low About
A nn;, Ii fee this ,spring. You
will likely mei one to wear with that
11Gtr 3illt. -We can show- e -on iii clow•
new 14,1 it nsil't :ud soft hats. If you
are parti,au<;h:t: hi tit kind of hat you
want wo etta slow it to you. We have
all the •ppc.lsst colors in the soft hats
and the peal shapes in stiff hats.
Chkokose Crepes
A very postular line of Dress (sate
fair 4pring and anunneer wear. NI'e
tosye it in tetany colors.
Another shipment of Rival Herb
Tablets.just in. .
our tweets are going out in greet
munbers• & ttly hrilf cafe atlie '4tot?.l>4
hasbeen sold. You will have to
slurry=.if you want to secure ono of
these snake.
. We' h4411's Rsnnios', Steele Briggs'
and Fer'ke's' garden seeds.
need some.
Yo I
Our Tinshop
Our tinshop is in charge of Mr. W.
Brown, who is a skilled mechanic
in this line. lie is prepared to do all
kinds of sheet metal work and rep-
airing in a most satisfactory manner.
All work guaranteed first class. We
make home made tinware one of our
leaders. Ask to see our home made
tin pails, 4trainer pails, wash boilers,
lard can, etc. and you will buy, no
other. We are now booking our or-
ders for eavetroughitig, roofing etc.,
and we want to give you our prices
before you buy. All work guaranteed
satisfactory. Wo also specialize in
galvanized cistern tanks, Barn Vent-
ilators, and furnaces, now is the time
to look after your furnace for next.
winter, and so avoid any rush this
Fall. Plumbing work of all kinds
attended to with satisfaction.
The Climax Wall Paper Cleaner is
just the thing,to clean your wall pap-
er. You dont have to take it oil' to
clean it. It cleans it right on the
wall. Washing wall paper with a
rag causes the dirt to go into the pap-
er. Climax takes the dirt off. Makes
your wall paper look like new. Try
a box and If you are not satisfied with
the results we will refund your money.
Ventiplex sweat pads heal sore
shoulders -while the horse is working.
Buy Ventiplex and get the best.
' Let us show you our line of Carbo
Magnetic, Gold Modal and King Cut-
ter razors. Everyone gear.anteed.
Join the Brighten -Up. Club.
always Taken. -
'elephone N
27, 19 14.
t'a r. Irak ass e 1els a-rs s ern
LOCAL ' 1\1' EW .
® ser4 cre.,.row-seeeser-a.+Lesres
WANT,FaD:—>1daliii cry up 'entice
wanted at once., J J. "' cner-
Miss Eva Woods of Bayfield;v sited
friendsin town .a few days leets week,
Mr. IV H. Bender intends tweeting
a new dwelling at the ,forth end.
Mr. C. Either was in Toronto last
week, on business,
Me Dr. McI%innc,u was in route.
on Tuesday, on business.
fir. and .Mrs. Win. Hoffman .tpent
Seeettlay with relatives in Oredita:a.
R tom. reisse1,t of Goderich is 'visiting
hetlrir i' , Mr. and Mrs, Fred ,,tress
i fr
'a 18 Gertrude Weeeloh and
Ve..las rap,, vi iced in L+'.;.tie,• on
Mr. Conrad Volland's sale on.
day was well attended and good
WOW realized.
, r
20 17113.46 Lots
L Auction
T' have instructed . Mr. Harry
Doeseteleerry, Auctioneer, to sell by
Pulite Auetion, on Tuesday, April 7,
cem eteneing at •2 e'elock, about 20
good building lets. Poll particulars
of terms, att., nett week.
E. 'ZELiosi , Zurich
Spring opened on Saturday last.
Mrs. E. Zeller is Making a short
visit to her former home in Merlin.
Mr. Samson Colosky of Dashwood
was in town on Tuesday.
Mr. Sam Merrier of Hensall was in
Unu on et nest ay, on business.
Mrs. Henry Weceloh is visiting
friends and relatives in Mitchell
this week.
ics Ir, Cornell Holtzman, who has
)11"9 s.,;:1 ;neer the parental for a few
lessee, , ieft Thur. duy afternoon, for
his 'Western home near (Darcy, Sack.
Lire. `1't sii4,nll Sr. is to be congratu-
lated for having solei over 145 dozen
eggs since lust November. Such hen
are a credit to the farm they cackle
WANTED --Maid wanted for gen-
eral housework,'small family,, good
wages. Apply t) .yrs. R. A. Bayly,
801) rices dill,. y ie "London,
The clt:l =,,1110 1 �l tettawaa this week
wire Reine, .i4i+lhiseiscli; Councillors
Neee, : e *W t P,'jer and Datets, Poi -
ice trust g e -t m, bluUhl tl loess and
Mr. °. it rtlei'l . They left on Wed-
nesday afternoon and expect to ret-
urn. this (b'riday)•
savants g,
W l t
Mr..1. J. Mer;. 1 11 e s }) i t ohs; c d' ille
old Brock black ;..:rill fit)m' atir.'tY..fl'.
Mr. We: ley Marilee of Elmira iss ;n
town and is amus ;iug lfir, T Her-
ner's store. '
A number of our young pee le at-
tended the program on: the l liztr con.
on Friday evening.
Mr. Melvin Miss Mildred and D 11:1.
I Thrown of Crnyiiton, spent S.uida ,
t?Y'cqung't iE1t t*iends in ten,
Mr. and 1,ti . Norman 1'<.ell: attars
of I.)as±hwt)od t)ont,$3,11 'tg with :,d-
atives in towers.
Mr. W. J. Fee- and" Pieti
thrived to Hamali. for this
\ti 3..Pe1lan. i:. i„i,-ia ,x
sho-Fae•fitrni, field '
A number of our young peep e :a;i;-
•tend d the Seaforth•—Hensall'11oely
match at the latter place, on Tuesday
evening last., It resulted in a victory
for 1lensall by 5 to 1, each team only
playing six men.
I1Ir. Fred Thiel assistant in Mr. R.
Steak's harness shop, left on Monday
morning for Ing ersol, where he has
accepted a position. Fred will be
greatly missed by his friends, esileci-
ally by his base ball scouts.
All accounts owing Mr. Geo Brock
are to be settled with C. Fritz by
April 1st. After that date they will be
placed in other hands ftir collection.
The Sunday services will be at
the usual hours: (German 10
Sunday tl 2.00 l. m English 7.00 p,
13':. The following me Stings are
held during the week :
S. S. olfteers and teachers 7.30 p n).
ala Tuesdays. Men's Missionary
society at 8.00 p. ln, on Tuesday
Young People's society at 8.00 p.m
friday. The -Ladies Aid Society
meets at 3 OO p in. the first Tues-
day of eaoh month.
A cordial invitation ie herewith ex-
tended -to all, not worshiping , else-
where, to worship with'us and take
an active part in the work of the var-
ious societies of our church.
Established 1853 • •
Opened Branch in }furor.
Co. 1874
Saving Bank Accounts
So lcited.
Zurich Branch
R. T. DUNLOP, Managermosolozonsmonesmannotemtinleftit
ti,pe , fo:r Jul
carie railway aro so'brlg ic, the boons
in property is sure to Make place.
Zurich promises to become the Hub
of Huron. County. The next year or
two ought to bring big changes in
this section. Will you help to boost
this section?
*s. Brick Year -The buildings 'to be
erected this season iii town and vicin-
ity: cement shed, Evangelical church
Mrs. B. Ilowalld, dwelling; W. H.
Bender, dwelling; Jehn 3, Snaith,
farm dwelling; with prospeets for a
large steel skating rink. There will
no doubt be other struetures as the
season advances, It will be a busy
year for mechanics.
The concert given in the school-
house on the loth• con. Hay last Fri-
day eve, under the auspices of the
Unique Club was a marked success.
A carefully prepared and pleasingpro-
gramme consisting of ('resident's add-
ress, instrumentals, Vocal Solos, and
Duette, Violin Music, Club Choruses,
Readings and Dialogues was much
appreciated by a large audience. We
heartily congratulate the "Unique"
Tuesday, April 7th, has 'been select
eel for the special Temperance Con-
vention for Huron County, when it
is likely a "Field Secretary" will be
appointed. The meeting will be held
in Wesley Methodist church, Clinton,
commencing at 10 a. in. Delegates
from every. church and municipality
Will be expected.
Mr. Harry 13osonberry will sell by
public auction at Dashwood, on Sat-
urday 28th. ins t. in the afternoon 0
young cows and 15 yearlings,
Every up to date 20th. century far-
mers should lave his name and ad-
dress neatly printed on his envelopes
and writing paper, also the name of
his farm, especially since rural del-
ivery has been established, It not
only loin;businesslike, but prevents
cartes!) .adenco from going astray.
le i" e ent.of the non-delivery of a
l,ittur, from whatever cause, it will be
certain to return to the sender, if his
name:and address appears on the up-
per loft hand corner of the envelope.-
The Ilna.nr�a) can furnish farmerswith
printed writing Diaper and envelopes
al §111x11; Dost:
Yon are cordially invited to our k all t tpening of Footwear. We
ready with One of the best new fall stock.. of all the latest and
quality Canadian and American Foot wea r. We aim to keep the nt
r$e have made for ourselves : 'The Roo-, of Good Shoes"
,.y- RUB BE RS
We have a full stook of the Very Best Rubbers on the market.
Call and, see (Lem,
Men's and Women's', Heavy Shoe
Just the thing to wet wrather, Co and see, We have just
cei'ved a shipment of Boys anti Girls sc! .nil shoes.
Butter, Eggs and Dutch Setts talc, at in exchange for shoes
he•,y -'1 o m `Y^' of C i'• 0.. S' i
Yes That Es Right. 7,„ -rte
jts A
hat `1. vt� ,,, it y �,� , a -a •, L� -
i+ �1.�,�e
t h so.,14 !' 70 4 ''i �0Pa
It is -easily to understand. We buy, right that is h
we can sell right. ��� e have a large and well assor
General Stock to choose from of all seasonable. Goods.
Produoe taken in exchange for goods.
R. Nr
--- Ol T TI
of footwear ser.:t c , •rt UnCE .1"; is si,it
for wear and comfort . We h av'e, - talc stied " that t`
friends, 'There never was a time when the Public was .m rgeseei
about footwear, then the present. It will pay to call and see tl
It will pay you Still better to wear them.
- (;utter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes.
Have you seen the new
t 'eraSeiarator
Made by the Raymond Mfg Co. of Guelph. The oldest
Manufacturers Cream Separators in Canada.
The SUPERIOR is strictly self -balancing and self-°,
ring, and is warranted for years against defects oa:
natu,'al wear. Try one in your own home
and he convinced that it is Superior to al lother
'"she Suit Question ow
it settled very easily
for the Young Man that
sires "suit smartness.",..
Our stylish Sp • stilts yE
all the little ' 'kinks" aha
dividually to 'Young`
Clothes without being. f
The new features in
and Tailoring have all
honored by the best tailo
tailors in.our Land Who
these .8uits to our order
for our special trade„
Every new feature in o
ing and fades enables
supply Ion with as latautl
Cleats o:ct, thoi'ougi