The Herald, 1914-03-20, Page 7p ha Le or ea NERY OPENINGS and Thursday, March 25th, 26th, ordially inviten to attend these Opening. again in charge, and will be pleased; to the lasted,t in hats and, trimming for the n,' Prints and Ginghams >urselves on our fine showing of prints and ome and see them. Wall Papers 5 different palm's to choose from, all the newest, ins and see our sample books. Men's Suits and Raincoats Spring suits and Raincoats just arrived. rinse tobuy your supple of sugar for the sea- eap -a'fgflueiS 63; �JC•� PHONE 17 �.�.� ARE N, iW MA <WO 'DORS AND. WINDOW, ire any, send in your orders, we can make mIZination Doors, they will keep you warm ool in Summer. INDS OF SAW LOGS WANTED. LB, ss Rf Id Stand( pointed Agents for ebrated s Implements thing in that Iine, ts, Manure spread - lows, Seed Drills, Cultivaatars,. Bean Implements LJUSOJc ZURICH Fanning .Mill Sieves I am agent for the Clinton Tann ing mill sieves, and farmers re. quiring any, can procure them at my farm, South of Zurich John Hey jr. Came a t your s, Rakes, Hay 's, Etc s new Suit �''�� I2lr eparators ow rebairs, Gasoline Iine of Cutters be'.. ur own make. Bug - agoras, Sleighs, mg Our Motto ISoia Vice ny farm, i offer r '' a ni0 I: cultiv:ater /tau drill, roller,hay harrow, a, agone. aarayo_ess, light bar ped, buggy, ton {eg- .ly new. "ey tea& of horses 6 t 8000, one'agrioule old, in foal,, one Mare 6 ryis, old tble and of a',, good ct cattle consisting Ives at foot and ted 3 yr olds. d beans 'g0 tons 0 bus of oat.. ng,a sato about May re up possession it 3ible to but icon one ffering the above toil tunes as the sale leo d'oynt, I eneaall, At Zurich's Leading Tailor Shop the only Place, where the ,Newest is always shown first and satisfaction• guarantee d. Laundry in Connection 17. as HOFFMAN ailor A ZURICH A.laW'A.YSEAR A'SMIL rTa There's never s, drr.csned forest That the : imligh:> don't peep in And help each building plant A beautiful' life to wi u There's never a. raging tempest That power of zntan can quell But He who rules the starter Brings peace, and all is well. There's never a day so dreary, qr fa,nightso sad, and lone, But passing life is brighter ' If we' live its Detest tone. There's never acloud so darksolne Ora shadowacrossthe way, But will vanish.. Ii1cp dew in meadows In the' Morn of a'si.'tlniner day. So fight1ife's battle bravely, Aid always wear a.smile; Compared with a lasting vietor3', "1' :q (Wit but as little While, • the LO Mr. Isaac Moritz end fathily left their home near. Cavelier" recently for Buffalo Lake, Minnesota where Mr, Moritg has bought a farm•,;. A banquet will be given bee e the Young Men's and Ladies Bible classes in the basement of the Evan gelioal church on Thursday even. Mg. A fine program will be ren. dere& Mere anon.. ' Rev, Mr•. Brown who was a del- egate to :`tire De onion. Alliance convention held in Toronto three weeks ago, gave his' report last Sunday evening to a large congre- gation, :Sorvioes in the Evangelacai ohrar- oh;next Sabbath at the usual : tine, the'pas'tor will be in ertarge. Saes- vices in the zzror ling at 10 o'oloojr ana.in:the evening at ie,'olo slt'T.he pastor intends preaching .a series of sermons on the Sabbath Question, treating -the subject from anxious .standpoints, Next Sunday evening. he will speak on "The s Sabbath of the {.old `1' e team mit''. T11r ( treat- s will ho tires t', profits ,iia and instructive. Everybody v, eugonic. To indicate to what extent ocean freight reics have advanced especially duriri , I 01and t.,ince 0; B. Watts Seeretat I're t ^sr of the Dominion Miller i A <' e i atron has, compiled stet i tics. '1'iii' folio +ina,tigl:re,4 ere the averaveraae yearly freight` leant Nov ©Sr York to London, Liverpool and Glas- gow and they show advance cal 8 cenis per 100 pounds which took place in 1912 over previons year. Free, New York per 100 pounds on wheat 1907 to 1911 inclusive: Loa dinl Li verpool GIasgow Ave. 6.08 5.84 6.42 Ave '12 14.95 12.75 18.91 A reception was given to Mz'. and Mrs. Jacob Battler Babylon line, on Monday evening, at the home of the formers parents on the re- turn from their two weeks honey. moon trip to Detroit, Pigeon, and other places in Michigan. About' nifty people were present to greet the newly married couple. After a most sumptuous dinner had been served, the young people played a number of innocent games to the amusement of all, after which a short informal programme . was rendered. Mr. and Mrs. Battler will be at home to their many frt. on the Babylon line, who join in wishing them many days of "Un- marred happiness andloy, a Dr. de Van" 3 Pemalk Pills A reliable French regulator ;never fa.ras: These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system, Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. do Vans are sold at e5 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. Thi seobeil Drug Vo., St, stat cines, Oat Auction Sale -0P----- FARM F--FARM STOCK -AN Thos. Cameron has been instructed to sell by Public Auction on Lot 24 Con. 0 Hay Tp. on Thursday March 20th. at 1 o'clock sharp the following will be sold: HORSES. ---1 inure 10 yrs general purpose; 1 Imported registered -CIyde mare 5 yrs old; 2 colts 2 years gener- al purpose; 2 colts 1•yr general IMP - 110 0 . Cad;I'TLE x cow with colfat foot; f cows due rn lllal.oll. and April; 1 cow due later; 4 heifers' 2 'yeard ° old; 4 steers 2 yr olcl;.8• yeaalings, 1 • pure bur"e Derham bull calf -'G months . old: 1 spring calf. HOGS.--1Berk sow due to litter at time ofsele; 4 sows due in May; , 1 thoraughbreci,�b0ar 0 months old. FOWL. -Some hens;: pullets' and some 1ztzre l;read i tale,birds INII':G' lti;EN'TS a -Deer"i g binder t ehl all complete, Maxwell - loin - foot cut, Frost and Wood colic- , mower, Seeders a;nd'clri11.10 hoes sulliey rake, disc; lieyt� manure dies, 2 furrow plough, arilkey 11; 2'�valkiiag laIougl s, 2 tinber oniatol> littgg-,lined' .roller•.; ,'eutt- ax, iroll'liarrowd 8 or u sections scales 20001bc,, gravel box, a,'lihy rack,'pig 'rack, ecuffier, harness, double hirrzresss a num f horse collars, ropes, pulleys, cls, sugar kettel;s, 2: large pulleys pile: belting, buggy isle, As foot r, seine. rock'and loft elf?i' '' Ium- bttnehes shingles; I''crem set)- run,by hand or ,powere waterch ;logging dullish,: whip )letrees, s, fo'tics, »l heating stover 1 new nee and other article's., rl of SaleAll sums of $5,00 An cast; over thatamount 9 s credit ;will be given do . app- oint nobs 'rdiscotint 'o0 5% rani fol cash; eservve ,,proprietor has sold. his 7foe der valet wide :speed, :Telcos„ wag ing b weigh Cil tte single ?ser o saU pa ands laude her, 5 trou oratgorh sho4el hex st Tern and. it' month rived 1 petY'ara No r" farm:. `John MeAlliSter Propriie. Pamocxe Gray Motor Gasoline En- fines; - '1* and 1•Horse Power S55. 00 " " 9 .0 ii 7.00 a $105.00 6 it n « 175, 00 8 a „ 285, 00 12 Sold by F `MESS & SON A n4 375, � FARM FOR SALE Sia 26,'toao, 28 acres ploughed, 11 acres soeded, rest bush. Frain barn 36 x 56, Good soil partly drained, and a never failing well. For particulars, address, John 0. Cochrane, R R No. 2, Hensall, F. 0. Custom 55, wing Wanted, at Joshua Snider, Sauble Line. McEwen ' Bros. Bayfield Bash for Sale The undersigned has fur sale on Lot 8, Concession t, Stanley, ten acres.(more or less) of standing tim- ber, mostly maple. Per particulars apply to the owner. JOHN S. CAMERON l&'rucefield. BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned will hold for the improvement of stock this year; that pure bred choice bull "Icing George." The animal is rising 5 yrs and will easily weigh 2800 when fat. Well matured sires are the great for thrifty stock, rates $1.50. Oscar Iilopp. fOrasliatemiNbar...kmammenc...r."471. Mamba, tottleita Seed Grain For Sale A small quantity of Abundance oats at 55ots a bushel. These oats yielded 721 bushels for six years at 0. A. 0: Average length of straw for salve term was 43 inches. Also some some 0. A. C. No. 21 barley at 75 cts and a few bushels of improved O.A.C. No 21. at $1.20 a bushel. Guarante- ed free of wild oats and other noxious weebs. Oscar Klapp Tel. 18 on 85 Zurich, Ont. FANNING MILL SIEVES Sreens for separating buckhonze or rib grass from clover for $1,50. All sizes perforated zinc from. necktie point to 5/8 inch at low "wises. Oscar Iilopp Also a few bushels of White Cap Yellow Dent at $1.25 per 701bs • on cob. Germination test 9t;",;. This open will mature in Huron ('"msec}, as it was grown on my farm. Oscar Iilopp, Zurich P. 0. HYDRO MEETING Oct Tuesday evening the Town Hail was filled .with an enthusiastic crowd and much interest has been worked up over the prospects of ,;e - curing an c:l<'utrie railway and potter - hue. The report of the dolegafes to the London meeting by Reeve Kalb- fleisch alad It.lr, C, Ilartleila was of a decidedly optimistic nature, . llr, F. W. hlese had prepared a wolf thought butaddross which fairly bubbled over with enthusiasm. After a t;eperaal discussion, it was decided to have the Townsuip C;ouuoil and the .13,rard of Police Trustees go with the big del- egation to Ottawa., next week, If the Government will grant the usual' bo- nus there scouts to ho every prospect of securing the road and that within a very short there, Mr. Fit, [fess ,Sr,, acted aachairman, and Mr. E. Zeller, as secretary of the meeting. • In the death of Mr. Edward Robin- son, of the Goshen Line, on Friday last. Stanley Township Ioses one of its most valued citizens. 'The decocts'. ed had that quiet, kindly disposition which°is admired by everyone, and was aniau of strictest integrity hi all his dealings:. 13is chrratfan life might be taken as 'a pattern, . and though a strong Liberal. • poll tically,. he was as highly thought of by his friends.: ,He was well known in town where he made frequent visits, and his many friends here express sincere regret at his death. • Mr. Robinson bad reached the age of 75 years and '7 months, and leayes besides his wid- ow, sever•a1'sbns and daughters who sincerelymourn the departure of a kind and loving husband and father, he reinains were laid to rest On Sun tufteruooc ie Bayfield cemetery, rau i LiqUit IN,act}:' f S G !°Lade • of Hickory Wood, :rnok ng a'r kinds of meat, such Ham, Shoulder, Bacot , Dried Sbi anlages, Balogna, Fish, etc, E preserving "teat, _and -keeping it f ' om. i ?sects. Recommended by Rif -N. MR. RO( For Sale by r PHONE I ZURD HURON'S LARCLEST C©tEfa'l&iilLhTi. It U tljr: before Stock Taking in all lines Goods. The barg'ians I am offeri will save you $ $ $. I invite you call, as space will only allow me mention a few of the many I ha to offer. Dress Goods Regular 85 for 65 ors. " 60 for 40 ots. ,r "" +� 40 for 25 els. 25 for 20 els. Ladies Coats Regular 26.00 for 11.00 a " 12.00 for 7.00 "" "" " 10.00 for 6.00 I only Ladies Fur lined 40 for 28 1 only Astraoheiu lined with fur Collar 17.e0 for 13.00 Ladies fur ruffs reg 10.00 for 7.00 "` 6 8.00 for 5.00 7.00 for 4.00 Muffs 9.00 for 6.00 Muffs " 8 00 for 6,00 Ladies BIack Satin Underskirts. Regular 2.00 for 1.50 REMNANTS " 2,50 for 1.15 at " 1.25 for 1,00 Bargain " 1.00 for 75 price to clear Sweater Coats Mens Ladies Childs. x.00 for 3.00 2,00 for 1 50 3.50 for 2,50 1.25 for 9 ; 85 for 600ts. Prints and Gingham 12ie for. 10 yd, Flannelette Wrapperrtte Reg 15 for 12a Reg 2o for 15. Reg 12i for 10 • Reg Ira for 10 Reg 10 for 8 Reg l2t for 10 a" C4 "a 'Black and White Rook Fast. Shirting 140. Black lentuolfy, Painting worth 30o for *.50; .;...: Mens suits Mens Overc Reg 17;00 for 13.00 Reg 12.00 f Reg 12.50 for 9.00 Reg $10 for Reg 10.00 for 6 50 Reg $8 for Reg 8 00 for 5.50 1 only Mens fur lined overcoat, 45.00for 33,0p, Boys Suit,: and Overcoats at b sin Sale prices to clear. Barg in all lines of Underwear e gloves etc'. REMNANTS ! REMNAN Of all kinds at Bargain Sale pr They must be cleared out reg less of cost. Mens Tweeds and worstead Lengths, only at half price. r is the time to get a bargain, GROCERIES ALWAYS FR 20 lb grain sugar 151.00, 61b r coffee 1. tin box biscuit 25c, 300 green tea 1. 51b 30o bI Pink Salmon l0c box, best sal. 20o box, 3 can peas 25o, 3 cans o 250. Do not Fail to attend this Big Sale. Highest Prices paid for Farm Produce F: afia a k.,:�a tww, :P 1 iliCMbt‘ Let us know yotir wants. We+ handle everythirig .in. Farm Da Implements, mine Supplies Pullies, all sizes and kinds, Belting, leather or canvas, all sizes. Shaft boxing and shafting. Pump and pump piping. Buggies, Waggons, Sleighs and Cutters. - If you are in need of Machine Re- pairs we ,can get theca for you. We give special attention to our repair department Zurlc t?Ses ., 1 l+dfli'i.; 6i V - /i•1 Prompt Service Moderate rharges Wm Ha HCFFa AN Zurich. ., Ontario wararem r.,,r •,ti.bK.,u Electric Restorer for M PJi.bsphouol restores every nerve in the b to its proper tension ; rest rim and. vitality. Premature decay and all Se �y weakness averted at once. Phopplanoti e4�.o1• nakp got a new man, Price SE a sox or two aapprrb, Mailed :o arty dmisk• Faze hair Sr'•tv'a Or.;tar a' .` i?tea