HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-03-20, Page 6vAz,ente0-612-sms.v.--""N" RHEUMATISM I EALTi Dian MARCH VictimsCanCure Themselves alremoedwith ConsumptionWith Dr,. Williams' Pink pills : . 'Physicians no longer speak tuberculosis as "inherited," foi :they know that what is inherited not the disease, but a lowered pew O of resietanee. When' .a chile comee into the world with a histore afearee sort af physical weakness "41 hisimmediate family, he does no aftea have the particular form o disease that his parents or grand- parents had; but ho usually has a co•nstitution favorable to the growth of disease germs. The germ of tuberculosis is every- where about us, ready to take ad- vantage of any opportunity, and eeetecially of the opportunity that is flared by the naturally diminished rasiesance of rapidly growing young people. Given a family history of susceptibility to disease in a lad of fourbeen years of age, who is grow- ing fast, who over works at school, Off indulges to excess in athletics, who has the cheerful disregard of the laws of health so natural in a boy of that age, and no farmer could prepare his land for a partic- ular crop more scientifically than 'that lad is being prepared foe his fate. It is in such cases that the mod- ern ."preventeirium" does 'se much good. Every homeahould be a pri- vate' preventerium, and in families where there is a tendency to deli- cate health, the rules should be rig- idly enforced. The preventive treat- ment aims to• build up a constitu- tion strong enough to resist the mi- crobe of tuberculosis. The corner stone of the treatment fresh air, and the most import- ant single thing is sleeping in the open air. However difficult and ho - them -some that may be, it is simply. eesential to the end in view: 4.m. upper perch can be built at small cost, and with warm bedolothiag, hot-water bottles, and shelter from driving storms for the sleeper, it must be need 365 nights each year. The question of diet is sometimes a troublesome one, for such pmsons often show a strong dislike or the very foods they need, But the im- reance of taking plenty of oil and butter and milk and cream and eggs Must be insisted on; that is almost s essential fresh air, The boy must engage very moderately in' athletic sports, and•must not think f participating in c,empeti.tive able- etiees.—Youth's Companion. --a— If You Haire a Cold. Breathe plenty of fresh air. Don't tay in a close, overheated room. zees warmly and then stay in corn full of fresh air. Don't allow yourself to become hilly. If you do get chilled, get arm immediately, even if you do eed help ;to , do ..so. A neglected c Id often: bringe serious results. Don't eat foolishly just because rerneinber the adage about' earving a fever and feeding a cold. let liberally, but eat 'eensiblere leenever the system is handicap- b by any illness, it should be re- t leved from any extra burden of t • ork in the way of digestion. Near- t shing but easily digested foods T hould form the diet of the person r uffering from a cold. a Never indulge in any sweating process unless you can stay in bed during it. When the pores of the skin are relaxed and open as a. re- sult of steaming or sweating they are especially susceptible to d draughts and shocks of cold air. Don'tedowe yourself. If you have a. card: af • a, sort'you have- heed bee fore and if you know the treatment f the physician administered to cure that cold, you may safely 'repeat :t. b But don't try patent cough instil - cines and troches and the p•reserip- r 'tion that. lute done wonders for your 0 next door neighbor. If the cold 'troublesome put yourself in the hands of a competent physician. .11he is not worried about it, don't let it worry you. Do what he tells you to. If he tells yen to go home and do nothing but let the cold wear it- self out, dd that Lots of colds are disagreeable that are not really dangeieeas. •Several women have passed the eaarninathet for the bar in Georgia, but have nut been allowed to Prac- tice. Hub (during a.. (penal 'You C talk like an idiot Wile ; vs ti wt to, talk so that you can under- T Mend :me se In a. ee.vtain literary • dub years ewe one of the members, iii previa- lit ug time :name of e ..candidate f611. itle,RIbership Meatiened denting his w atialffleatioles that he-ea:Mel speak .Te 10Veffiti dead langtiageS. To this an an Ipponene replied that he never Ta marcs the gentleman in question or peak but one dead language. and Th le murdered that as he went along. 1.1 f During the mouth of March peo- ple who are afflictedwith rheuma- s tism begin to have- unpleasant minders of their trouble. The wee,- titer it changeable — balmy and ' springlike one day.; eole,. raw and piercing the next. such and: t5 den changes of weather that start f the pangs and tortures of rheum), tism, lumbago and sciatica. going. But it must be borne in mind that although weather conditions start the pains, the trouble is rooted in the blood, and can only be mired through the blood. All the ale me•nts:and lotions in the world cure.. rheumatism, Rubbiag mate seem to ease the pain while you aie rubbing, but there its value ends. Only by treating the disease through the blood can you cure rheumatism. That is why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured so many thousands of oases of this trouble. Th's new, rich blood 'those pills actually make drives out the poisonous acid and rheumatism, lumbago and kindred troubles are banished. Among the many suffer- ers. from rheumatism cured by this; medicine is Mr. R. J. Sinclair, of GloseneN,S.,, who eays: "About two years age I was laid up • with rhea matism. For two months I could not walk and had tee -stay in an in valid's chair. My feet were badly swollen said my arias teemed to be paralyzed. I lead been using doc- tor's medicine for a long time., but it did not seem. to help me, and the doctor Really told me that; the only thing that would cure me would a change of climate. At this time I decided to 'give Dr. Williams' -Pink Pills a' trial, and gat i'eupply.. ter I had taken them for a While I found they were helping me, and got a further supply, and they com- pletely cured me, and I have not been sick one day since. I strongly recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for thi a trouble." If you suffer from rheumatism, or any other disease of the blood or nerves, begin to cure ‚yourself to- day with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which under. a fair trial will do for you what they have done for thou'. sande of others.' 'Sold by all medi- cine deadeye or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont, CATACOMBS OF DRUIDS. Over Fifty Niles of Chambers Cut In Chalk Cliffs. Eleven miles southeast of London. n Kent, a few years ago, were die- overed the catacombs of the an- ient Druids; which are now inuc)m visited by sighlieere and are lighe- cal, for a part at- least, by. electric lights. • Over fifty miles of chaembeas. ut in the 'a Vaelkeliffei leaeie alread eon explored. : The'Druida lived in these catacombs when attacked by heir northern enemies, and here hey berried many of their dead, he atone on which the human sac- ifiees were made is still to be seen, nd also the well, from which water s drawn to this day. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. And may a toothless person in- ulges in biting sarcasm. ek mean nian always measures the orld by his own standard.' When anien pitts foot in It he eels like kicking hiniself. And many a selfanade man has eon unmade by kicking himself. When a couple are divorced the cal reason doesn't always show on me botks. Every women should let her hue - and have his own way once in a bile—just for a. change. One touch of nature may make the whole world kin—but., just the same, your next, door neighbor may not stand for a touch. BABY'S OWN TABLETS- • BANISH CASTOR OM Once a mother uses Baby's Own ablets 's -hew 'will never again use actor oil, that barbarous oiergae f ye which all children loath. The ablets are e. 'gentle laxative; plea.- , ant to take and are absolutely the be Medicine a mother can give. ber, r tic one -c. Concerning them Mrs. c actor Blandiebte, Wee .s rites ; "I have used Beby's ,On s .blets in. pleee,ef castor oil-, tenet e I well .SatiSflO with thenn" ,;The Wets are sold by medicine dealers by mall .at 25 emits a box .from B e Dr. Williams' Medicine: Co roCkville, Oat. • GREY IS, A , The enliven cement tha ward Grey, the Foreign Seeretery will accompany the King- amid -Queen on their forthcoming' visit to. Paris recalls the oft -stated fact that Sir Edward has never set foot on for. sign soil. It has been said that he visited Madrid in 1908 and Berlin last year. it is annouriced now that Sir Ertward Grey, neither of these visits Was made. A few years ago Sir Edward said in a speech : • "For twenty-eight years, my life has been a continual struggle to live at home." It is generally, reportedathat Six Ed -Ward speaks no German and very bad French. Mr. Venizeloe, the Greek Premier, said some time ago that he. had the greatest difficulty in understanding 'Sir' Edwatd.Grey''s French. Hints for the Home. If a little Salt is put on the dishes in which eggs are served the egg will wash off easily. If floors of a closet are wiped with gasoline or benzine, after being scrubbed insects will be kepaaway. To brown pies and cakes quickly just:before removing them from the oven throw a handful of mo*angar on the 'hottest part of the overtaxed close the door quickly.' The cakes .will be brown in a 'few minutes. New iron' saucepans ' should be rubbed inside and -out with grease, left for 48 hours; and then.Washed in *Caccia and water before being put into use. This tempers the iron, and renders it less liable to track and rust. To keep moths out of yentrolosets and chests without giving, the clothes an unpleasant odor sprinkle oil of cedar freely in -side .on the wood in ,the -comers.- Be careft.41 .that itedoes, nbt to.uoh..the clothing, Or it may leaye a stain. DON'T HAVE RHEUMATISM GET GIN PILLS NOW, and be free of pain all winter. Mr. Robert Wilson of Ran:Meld, N.B., says: "It affords me great pleasure to convey not only to you but also to all sufferers from Backache and lielzeuroatism, the great relief I have obtained from the use of Gin Rine. 'I feel thankful so you. I recommend GIN BILLS to anyone suffer- ing as I did." •sse. a -)Itox, for $2.60. Sample free if you write Nationaa Dreg .4 Chemical Co. Of Canada; Limited, 'Toronto. , . E CEA MING. WASTE le,AND . • Farms Are Built Out of River Slit In a Peet of England. curious method Of rhelaiming waste land for agricultaeal . pur- poses prevails in mi. limited district of England along the Trent, Ouse, Don and other rivers that flow into the great estuary of the Humber iii nerthern Lincolnshire and south- east Yer4adro. The water of the tides, that come up these rivers ,is exceedingly ,imid- dy. In 'slimmer a 'cylindrieal glass filled with this water to 4:4:61)0 of twelve or fifteen inches will Present - y, depesit an inch far more. of Mud, known locally AS -"war." . No one SnOws where the 'weep comes from; me to quote aidEnglieh description of this locality, "The Hum -umber at its mouth is clear :water; andeaO.fleeele n the countries washed by theee ivers bring in the warp, but onthe ontrery they do -welch .by pciling ite 'In the Very deieitt:Seda ere and•longest it -is best t14- meet , , 0 345incialyi the tidewAt6t. ugt,a to "Tom: the -rivet' ba -mike, 'and peead a' deposit of: airt&,:oirer the u surrounding contry; • When the' there w ere , • becames de fertile treats of land quarter to half a Mile Wide et either, • and were greatly esteemed, as thew were. well drained and 'produced good crops in all eeasons. Behind these tracts, however, there are ex tensive tracts of lower' lands that were wa-berloggeel, since thea were below the level of the river, The system Of "warping," or building up these waste lands into fertile farms by the use of the rivee silt, dates back, to about 17:30, A ,piece of land is first inclosed with a -hank, ,and connected with the'river by means: of a. "warping ehannel," provided with eluiee gates. • Twice a day during the high tides of the summer months the richly charged tide water is let in, allowed to de- posit its load of silt on the land, and flow out again at ebb. As each flooding may result in the deposit of an eighth of an inch of soil,, in two or three. years the surface is, raised as manyfeet. They flood the land no longe,' but theyesow. it to White' clover, and drain it by means of ditches that discharge into the warping channel, which now serves as the main drain. Later, the land is cut up into farms of one hundred and fifty to two hundred acres. Wheat and potatoes are the princi- pal crops of warp farms. • When a Viroman Suers W' 44.5TRzyytwarliTig5I GUARD AGAINST ALUM Fee'' Cei IN BAKING POWDER SEE THAT ALL INGREDIENTS ARE PLAINLY PRINTED ON THE LABEL.ANDTHAT ALUM OR SULPHATE OF ALUMINA OR SODIC ALUMINIC SUL- PHATE IS NOT ONE OF THEM: THE WORDS "NO ALUM" WITHOUT THE' IN- GREDIENTS IS NOT SUFFL- OMNI, MAGIC BAKING POWDER COSTS NO MORE THAN THE ORDINArlY KINDS.FORECONOMY, BUY. THE ONE POUND TINS. THIS. NAXINOPOWDE 13COMPOROOFT RIMMING lees '8ANDA141W201 HI 'MATE WA' DNATE or SODA SWAM. E. W. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED WINNIPEG TORONTO. ONT, MONTREA _11010, tiOXit 4#00. ;Off lifftikkl01001/0000.0 I changed into. the cart where -he .was; db -was a strange sensation to feel his sleek hide brush against my hand anal his tail curl around my neck now and then. At last we got within about thirty yards of the herd; they took the hood from the cheetah's eyes, the leash was slip- ped, and he was off, clearing the ground with easy, swinging, noise- less bounds. Ae soon as, the bucks were aware of his approach, they made off at a great speed, but the cheetah was too swift for 'them. Going like light - With Chronic Backache ning, he.picked out the biggest buck in the herd, and soon oveitook him. There is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their feet, attending to the wants of a large and exacting family, women often break down with nervous exhaustion. In the stores, factories, and on a farm are weak, ailing women, dragged down with torturing backache and bearing down pains. .SuCh suffering isn't natural, but it's •dangerous, because due to diseased kidneys. The dizziness, insomnia, deranged menses and othbr symptoms of kidney complaint can't ,cure .themselves„thek require' the assistance of Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills which go direct to the seat of the trouble. To give vitality and power to the kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and liver, to free the blood of poisons, probably there is no remedy so suc- cessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. For all womanly irregularities their merit is well known. Because of their mild, soothing and healing effect, Dr.,Hamilton's Pills are safe, and are recommended for girls and women of all ages. 25 cents per box at all dealers. Refuse any sub- stitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man- drake and Butternut. ' HUNTING WITH A CHEETAH. An English Clergyman's Experience In India. During a year's stay in India as the guest of the Maharaja Gaekwar of Baroda, one of the three premier princes of India.'Mr. Weeden, a young English clergyman, had a great many strange and interesting experiences. He •writes -thns Of :4 hunlming,'expedition. that. Was I .ranged',for . him. -The cheetah, of dWhich he speaks, is-aspotted, long 'legged animal that seems almost like an ' intermediate species be- tween the cat and the dog families. When we reached Makarpura, we exchanged our carriage for a tongs. with a pair of horses, and drove through the country lanes to a vil- lage some five miles farther on. Here the cheetah was waiting for we pacing ' impatiently about at the end of his tether. He was so tame that I went up and patted him:, and he licked tuy hand with a. tongue as, rough as a file. • Three hullock.earts were one.fer us, one for the cheetah, and one for "drink -water and all that,' as Sampatrao put it. They put a hood over the 'cheetah's head, and we 'set off; I eat 'next to the driver, with my legs swinging in front, and almost touching the bullocks. Sam- patrao called out, "Don't get too close; or they will kick you !" which was not reassuring; however, they seemed quiet enough. A great camel cattle stalking -along behind us to ;Carry the "bag," and three men on horseback' felleveed • the camel. There were several herds of black buck about, and when we had cho- sen one, we followed them slowly over the fields.. As I wanted to see as much of the cheetah as possible, hebreyotzrtrne? time ? By uoini-T. HAIR FIESTOftEll Your Gray flair can be re- stored to its Natural Color. THOUSANDS flaYE IREFIEVITTED DT ITS USE Atoll Druggloto OOo. a Got. With a. mi ht ri the h g y see ng, e c eeta-h caught the buck a. tremendous blow on the flank, and knocked him over. Then the cheetah sprung on his prey, fixed his teeth in the buck's thioat, and soon finished him. We all ran up, and the huntsman hauled the cheetah off with some difficulty, for he . had became very 'fierce. When they had at last' se' - cured 'him, we set off again after an- other herd, -and the same perform- ance was repeated. On the way back we 'hunted with a kind -'of lynX., which they called by.ts Persian name of Shiah Gosh; a funny -look- ing little chap with long -pointed ears. It is very clever at catching a large bird 'something like a crow. It walks very quietly up to the bird, and then leaps quickly upon it just as it spreads its wings to fly away. .14 THE MOST PERFECT PUMP. One of Nature's Diminutive Pieces of Machinery. , .The most perfect pump .in the world, the most perfect ever made, is also the oldest—how old, no one knows, for it is as old as man him- self. This pump is so small and s that it might be carried in a' coat pocket. 'Yet it ruts d night, without a step, with tention, drawing in. and a forth two and a half ounces of 79 times a minute. In one it pumps 05 ounces; in one 656X pounds; in one year, 5, pounds. Its normal life is a, years, in which time it pump 412,500 pounds, `or more the 206 tons. To transport this immense of liquid that it pumps..wom quire. MOO :freight ears of or capacity. This would *Mee trains of 30 cars each, and a engines to haul them, Sera in one line, with no intery tween each train, they would a distance of 47 miles. -- This diminutive piece of- ery has been known to keep work without a single stop to than 100 years. It pulsates 4;200 times an 100,800 times a day, 36,792,00 a year. It has no journals o jogs to oil, no bolts to tigh slack to be taken up. It is s strutted that its parts are at tically repaired as it goes But, with all of this, there very serious characteristic. rably connected with this which is, that once it stops not he started up again, unl mediate steps be taken to do an expert. Even this get fails. So the owner should u and judgment in its upkeep. is no other machine that w any, knowledge of of whit above can .be said. How thi accomplished is known only Inyentor, ° This pump is the human In Cleave to the good and use ver on the rest. Mgr The Wonderful Spr ing Tonic If you have had a hard winter, Na-Dru-Co Tasteless Preparation of Cod Liver Oil will help you to recuperate quickly and avoid the coughs and colds so prevalent during the changeable spring weather. In this preparation the nutritive and curative properties of the best. Norweglin Cod Liver Oil are combined with .Hypophosphttes, Cherry Bark' and Malt 'Extract you have probably the 'finest foe tonic ktiown. • in a form that is really pleasant to take andedatelife/yated.tgested • even by the ' 'Get a'eoc,. or $i.00 bOttlel fro meet your Druggist. 3 NATIOkAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED, Thus the great objection to C Liver 011 is removed and every o who Is run down or suffering fro throat or lung tr'oubles can to advantage of its unique medial and strengthening qualities. Add to this the Tonic Hypopho phites, the healing Cherry Bark a the Invigorating Malt Extract; at mi 0 IN pa abs I ,t12 i low ts, Cu] hr rs, ow lin( nv c rage ing TRADE MARK • For piles and all soreness and irritation of the skin "Vaseline" js the best; Safest -and quickest remedy. Relieves chapped hands, helps "cuts and sore places to heal quickly. Illustrated booklet all about the different "Vaseline" prepsrationsfree on requbst. Needed in• every. home. Write today. CHESEBROUGH MANZJPACTURI-NG COMPANY (Consolidated) 1880 Chabot Avenue Montreal / to Nigh cisme 'Profit -Shot -Ina Bands: Serl9s—$03.0 $500, sI INVES'I'MENT ' may'. be, withdrawn any time aStei one year on 60 days' natio& Easiness at back of those Bonds estab, lisped 28 years, Bend for Spacial folder and full particulars. NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, !MITE 4...themeensisenta. CONFEDERATION LIFE IIUILOINO TORONTO, CANADA warMerlas.A . Jeff1=4=1".1.1, zos-afix..,11..•ranwt.elmeerrFarn,,,,,,era. srmeclesoalailimensrunmatSmonamaellostrauvamoms...me Pea hasny ft mb rc y:b mi t 0810 s ( M it icllbleovdf" a‘ be 0 be g.a Ible Ifferi I