HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-03-20, Page 4CENTRA.
`u 1 i A' l" S7O R i D, ONT.
Canada's best practical training
hool, Three departments COM-
:l I EGRAlHir. Courses are
orough .and practical. Indiyicl-
al instruction is given by a strong
perienoed staff. Our graduates
eceed. Students may enter at
ny time. Get our free catalogue
d see what we can do for you.
D.A. McLachlan,
Each Tuesday March 3to October :7, inclusive.
Winnipeg and Return - $35 00
Edmonton and Return - 43.00
Prom Totonto, and Stations West and
North of Toronto. Propor-.onate fares
roan Stations East of Toron to.
Return Limit two months.
Settlers travelling with live stock a: 1
effects should take SETTLERS' SPECK'
TRAINwhich leaves West Toronto ea It
Tuesday during MARCH and APR: !,
after arrival regular 10.20 p.m. train from
Toronto Union Station.
Settlers and families without live stoc is
should use REGULAR TRAINS, 'cavil g
Toronto 10.20 p:m. DAILY. Through
Colonist and Tourist Sleepers.
Through trains Toronto to Winnipeg c nd
No charge for Berths.
Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents or
tte M. G. Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto.
Free ladies and Gents Watches
uds, Bracelets and Jewelry of Every
escription, Lace Curtains, Buds,
ouse Furnishind,Rifles, Moving Pic-
ure Machine, Skates, Printing Press -
s, Fountain Pens, in fact nearly
verythnid you can think of you can
et Aboslutely Free for selling our
eautifuI Fancy Drawn and Satin
tripped handkerchiefs at 10 cents
s,ch: They sell rapidly G can gener-
lla- be sold in . every house. Don't
end us any money, but write us to
end you a lot of Handkerchiefs to
ell, that when sold you will send us
he money and the premium -selected
elling 24 handkerchieff entitled you
o your choice of an elegant Watch,
gold. Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc.
rite us to -day, we trust you and
ake back the goods if you cannot sell
.Earristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
etc. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot.
IL C. R. 0. Haps. Z. L. Killoran;
W. Proudfoob Jr.
Sales conducted in all parts. Satis-
faction guaranteed or no pay. Term v
reasonable. Orders left at this office
twill, be promptly attended to.
ce agent, representing the London,
Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand-
ard:, Wellington and Guardian. Every.
bhinzin fire insurance.
Barber Shop
pan every Wednesday afternoon
and evening.
Oben every Saturday, all day; and
o'i iii.UMPP Proprietor,
Messrs Herbert Miller, Wesley Gei-
er and Mrs. G. W. Shore spent Sat-
urday in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Sheppard of
Onpar Sask., who have been • visiting
friends in this community since
Ohristmas, have left for their western
Mr and Mrs Frank Case spent a
few days here last week atthe hone
of Mrs Wm Rothermal.
Mrs Henry Truemner of Zurich
waited on her, sister Mrs H. Caifas;
who death was announced last week.
Rev. J H Grenzebach received new
members of his congregation on Sun-
day last.
Rev Mr Beckett of Crediton occupi-
ed the pupit in the Evangelical
Church on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Renalds 'of
North Dakota are visiting for a few
days at 11Ir. Renald's brothers home
at Sarepta.
Mr. and'M:rs. Ben Shepherd, who
have been visiting in this vicinity for
some time will return to their West-
ern home in the near future.
Mrs. Rueben Goetz visited her sis-
ter Mrs. P. Humble at Sarnia last
Mr. Freeman Heist, who has been
visiting here •• for a week returned
home on Wednesday..
Miss Poll blank, who has been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark,
returned to her home in Granton on
Saturday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rivers, who
have been visiting the letters father
for some time, returned to their home
in Crandall Man.
Messrs. Godfrey Nicholson ana
Christian Trick were in Dashwood
on Monday.
Miss Dollie Dickson is visiting in
New Hamburg.
•Mrs... George Hawkins is visiting in
New Hamburg. -
Mrs. John Snell Jr., is visiting her
sister Mrs. John Newcombe in Strat-
ford, •
Mr. and Mi'a. Eli Laws.in of Credi-
ton were guests at Mrs. H. Parsons.
on Tuesday.
Mrs. Gale, with, her two children
of London are the guests of her moth-
er Mrs. Piper.
Fred Brocker ;of Stratford visited
Messrs Ed. Howald and John_ Snell
Jr. a few clays.
A Regular Storm Period is central
on the 22nd, the central day of ••.,the
Earth's Vernal equinox; and :within
two days of the center of Mercury's
equinox. The, Moon is on the equator
on the 25th and in apogee and new
on. the 26th. The time of the ,great-
est probable violence and danger will
be..on and touching the 28rc1, g4th
and 25th. 'The Moon or conjunction
of .the Moon with Earth and Sun on
the •25th, will prolong low barpmeter
high temperature and tendency to el-
ectrical storm, quite up to the react-
ionary period immediately following.
A reactionary period will come close
on the heels of the proceeding distur-
bances, causing the prolonged unsett-
led conditions to break into storms of
rain, turning to snow northward, on
the next to the 27th, 28th and 29th.
Clearing, colder weather es March
ode ollt+
The Exeter Times in referring to
the Exeter Zurich game played in
Exeter rink on March 12 states that
four towns had in he drawn on to
make up the Zu. inh team. This is
not a fact as the only -players not
from Zurich were Thompson and
Bell, and the later took the posit
Intl at goal on account of Zurich's
nal keeper not being. able to play.
Hoff inan (which the Times claims
Seafort•h player.)., is a Zurich boy
,vnrks and lives in our town As
•regards the roiigllness any speot
,tor will testifiv that Atkinson
of Exeter was the one to blame for
that portion of the game ' Fa
p;;Ine Exeter and take your defeat
nice sports.
On 'Thursday evening the Zurich
hockey team drove to Exeter and
played the best team Exeter has bad
for years, triumphing over them by
the score of 12 to 5, the half time
score was 5-8 in favor of the. home
boys. The game started off fast and
kept up a terrific pace until the last,
moment of play. Our boys certainly
played a'star game, as everyone did.
his best. One thing we must -say a-.
bout our boys,. they are as clean a
bunch of players as ever played hock-,
ey, and good winners and good losers;:
while Exeter being :good winneete.are
certainly sore losers. Shortly after,
half time there was a free-for-all
fight and we find that if- it comes
down to a scrap, we have some fel-
lows as good with the fists as '-'with-
their hockey sticks. However Exeter
played hard but whre simply outclass-
ed, for when we have a teain with
Dodda I-Ioffman, Toni Thoinpson, Geo'
Hess, and Lee Hoffman on the for-"
ward line, we have a bunch of•, for-
wards that are hard to beat, and _'we
can say the same thing of our wonder.
ful defence men Ed Siebert and Win
Brown, while Wm Bell in goal is a
perfect -stone wall.
There is only one thing lacking,.
and that is a rink, for our boys too•
practice: We have players here
would make the very best, and in a
few years Zurich would be ., playing
0. H.A. hockey.
.Following is the line up:
Wm Bell goal Pennhale
Ed Siebert - L defence Rivers •
Win Brown R defence Atkinson
Lee Hoffman rover Snell
T Thompson centre . Southcott
Geo Hess' R wing Pickard •-
C Hoffman L,wing Pickard
. Referee, Wm-. Shephard, Heusall..
Auction Sale
—OF --
Having sold my farm, I offer to
sell by Public Auction on Lot 24,
Coil. 3, Tp. of Hay,'1 aisle' `west of
Hensel' and one Mile north, on.
at ciie o'iilk c!c, the following .
1T()IISMS. —i matched gray team
.t,ir io,' 7 -yen]: old. weight 8200 lbs; I
agi ii u1,ttlral, ba y mare rising 7 years
old in €'nd I "geueralpurpose bay mare,
rising 7 yE Ii: pld,
Cry TTL i r -- 40 head of cattle con
silting of cors due to. calf at time of
sale ansl April, balance young cattle:
IMPLEMENTS—Frost and Woocl
binder 7 ft. with trucks anti -sheaf ear -
carrier.; -Frost and Wood mower,
Frdst once Wood spring -tooth Culti-
vator; Massey Harris 'bean cultivator
land harvester, Masseh Harris 13 hoe
seed drill; manure spreader, iron land
roller, Frost and Wood hay rake •for
;team. or one -horse—The . above are
; all nearly, usw.• 2 heavy waggons, 1
nearly nein; 2 sets bob sleighs with
bunks 2 bay racks, gravel box, -large
ash box, Frost and Wood band scuff -
:ley, Frost and -Wood walking • plow
nearly new, he>i,y set ' of diamond
harrows, tight' set of diaYiond harrows
,top buggy, pneuniati thea buggy, " 2
sets of,double harness, one set `nearly
new, 2 set single harness, set 61 plow
'harness; -set of ploiv .harness; set of
single harness, gasoline .engine 8 h;.p.
in good working order, choins,hoes,
grain bags and all.other articles on a
farm. '
TERMS: All sums of $10 and un-
dor, cash, over that amount 7 months
credit will be given.on furnishing. sat-
isfactory joint notes. ' A discount of
8% off for cash.= -
Proprietor ' Auctioneer
P. S. I am the owner of "Mac
Wilkes", sire "Oro Wilkes" the great-
est trotter producer in Canada. This
young stallion is seal brown; shawls
16 hands, weigh''s 1100 lbs., has he
best of feet and legs, gentle and'.-guiet
has the ,best action and believe will
be a good producer. This Stallion
will -stand for the improvement of
steok at his own stable Hensall. $10.
to insure,' GEO. JOYNT.
Parma for Sale
Lot 211, Con 7, Par `'Line 'Eay
North 50 acres, or will sell t
lot. For particulars an
Taylor, I3ensall P.
II Ii11111111i iii,
HERE are four way3 of finishing a floor --Painting,
Varnishing, Staining ; and Waxing. No rnat"ter
which method you prefer, you will. find here the
right "Spic and . Span" Finish for every purpose . --
for every surface.
r KS of .'e,1. . .
Four Best: of Their Kinds
SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT—the old reliable—it
wears, and wears, and wears.
beautiful appearance of hard wood on soft wood..
"MARBLE-17E"—the floor varnish that stands the
scuff--heel-proof, waterproof, almost
LIQUID WAX — the new and easy
method of applying wax to floors. Retains
®^' its polish and is economical.
Let us tell' you more about it.
C. HR�TF:il7'u:de `
EEL S. 3 1 ' bshwo &
% i(q/ thirr elite 1 1 ull it
kt iiiil .1i1 1 . tt l;il ;ni`' �L(E �ii'l
Heniy Bossenberry
Licensed Auctioneer
Huron, Middlesex, and paarripton. i
• Satisfaotien guaranteed • I ,
Dash wood, Ontario, .
Dates arranged, at the office
m a ottc, c:uoiers tut
'a lFt
r +e'4 ;r :,a, .ait.:ate
We are ready to figure on your
Mason Contracts
and Cement
BALFOUR; rat1i tti,
Western University, late of
the Military 'Hospital and . Victoria -
IIlospital, London. Office in, the
, building formerly occupied by the late
1 Dr. 1klcLaurblin, Dashwood.
Now Ontario Farsz�__-�_ .
�R A. J. MacEINNON late 'House
Surgeon, Erie County hospital
In the very heart of the famous 20,
000,000 acres of choice clay-bi4tland.
Nisar the village of Matheson on the
' T. & N. 0. Railway. All other surr-
ounding lots already settled and im-
provements l egrtn. • Excellent gover.
=exit roads through the entire local-
ity; school house and local P. 0. a -
corner of one. of the lots; houses erectt
ed and 8 and 5 acres cleared on each.
Two of the lots have close 'to '1,000,
000, ft of valuable timber on 'each,
(pine, birch, spruce. and Whitewood,
in almost equal amounts) and in add-
ition over 1,000 cords o£ pulpwood
on each farm, 160 acres in es,ch farm.
. A rare opportunity for quick -ret-
urns and safe investment. Price ep.-
ceptionally low, only $2.00, $4.00
and $6.00 -per acre, respectively.. It
'will pay you to investigate this unus
gal bargain. Apply to E. Zeller,
Zurich, '
Poi' next soason. No contracts -to
large and too small to receive our
careful attention.
Cl-lAS. MEYERS, Blake.
s ZU
E. keep in stock a
full line of fresh
'meats, hams, etc. etc
Our- cuts are noted
for their - tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
Give us a call.
1-UNG8LUT -tit
�:t n
I will be . operating the
Blake Chopping Mill every
Tuesday - and Friday, until
further notice. `
Have a first class grind-
er, and will guarantee good
r asults. .
Buffalo., N. Y., Late assistant resi-
dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity
Hospital N. Y. cit:-. Late' of the
House Staff; - New "York : •-Palyclinic
Medical- School and Hospital. Drug
store in connection. Office, Zurich,
Sam-•Cleve.of the Sauble Line will
build -a- new beiok dwelling here when
'Spring olieny. •
' Rev Mt IticFarlane 7s undergoing a
:short trial of illness '
The placard was retnovedfrom the
house of Ed Reid as the 4iptheria
patient is being cured. . -
George Lindsay and Jas Thompson
were'saleeted f,,r the xaidial • day
meeting at London.' Their chief re-
port being that the West' Sli.ore Rail-
way is only a reinter of time.
Mr John Watson and bride arrived
here from thea. honeymoon trip on
Saturday last. .
Our saw mill ie now running full
-time, they have 1, large stock of logs
ahead of then to saw. '
Mr. North and -family moved to
Goderich township last week, where
he -will work on the farm of Mr Mid-
dleton - . .
Geo Baird Sr took part : in the
Young People's ' meeting in Drax
church on Monday. He read a• pap.
er on Goldsmith's poem from ' The
Deserted Village" all. .who' were
present enjoyed arare treat.
A grand concert will be given under
the auspices of the "Unique Club" on
Friday eve March 20th in the school
house, 14th eon Hay, Program will
commence at 8 tui. Admission 25