HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-03-20, Page 1a '3ee an fr ing 1 t t av D y jea rcoats for $ or 6.0 n• 5.5 ats re barg trgain caps AN £S price regard cl. ui No PRES rolls 1, 51 blao Balm() is 00T 1 G. es t,io that) ; rage all se); mica tw ;Tee to PIONE -44 Vol. XIV. FRIDAY IVIORING. MAR 20, I914,, . • No, 4 Puldishea every tacks \reeks pr clevo!.A.;1 tt, arid ti 6, r -a ... 1,(w. s Our 511PRIIM MILLINERY OP2N11.1\IGS March 27th 28th. ere cordially invited to e.tetel tho Opening i1ow to Paint . • Overallis 'Many people, ia lad the majority oE People-tle not noderstand the pro- per application of ready -mixed. palate. In the present tine of mixed pain it may not'be amiss to discuss the ne- cessary conditions' and methods of acquieing a first chisel job with the! material on baud. Very often the, paint gets the blame -when the work is unsatisfactory, and if the real truth were known the trouble would be found in applying it or on the condit- ion of the surface to which it is app- lied. In this short article we want to tell you a few thiugs what to. do • and what not to do when you use • ready mixed paints. The first im- - „portant thing to remember is to thin your paint to thin than to put on • thick coats of heavy paint which may look better for a short tinae, but very • soon peel, crack, etc., and will spoil :the surface ever after unless the heavy • undee-coating is first burned off or • otherwise removed. Therefore thin your paint.with pure linseed. oll, raw - for outside use and boileci for inside ;use,'or spirits of turpentine ,aud; yon will have taken theitest .step in se- • enring a good paint job. Next see •the surface to be painted is clean dry • and smooth. This is very important :as vary often if paint is applied on greasy, wet or rough surfaces ib is apt:to peal and then the paint is blain • ed. Do not wait too long to apply the second coat. Tho paint will not bind together if the coat dries too hard. Do,not use yellow ochre, von- etarian red etc., as primers. They do not combine readily with linseed oil and lead colours and are often the elapse of peeling and flaking. There -are many more important things to remainder but space will not permit us to discuss them, only one more— brush out your paint thoroughlY., 13'se.only S. W. Going Out We are,going out of tweeds, owing to the -fact that we have two March, ant•tailors in Zurich, wbo carry fine line of tweed etc. We have decided to discontinue ;booking twee .serges, etc., suitable for suits, trousere', etc. We have decided to sell oft the bal- ance of these goods at greatly roam - •ed prices. Every piece has been marked down red must. be sold bo - for spring. ,Be sure you get,. your share as this opportunity does nob of- ten occur. The -stock consists of suit lengths,. trouser 'lengths and are suit- . able for many purposes. •We handle. all the good, kind of wire stretchers, for plain and barb wi re. Fresh and Pure Sustto reining you that, our groc- ery department is always. stockifeT with the freshest and purest goods ob:. tainable. .We turn over our grocery stock in -a, week or so, thus Permitting (us to keep our stock fresh and clean (Our cleaks are always :pleased to Make you feel at • born& when you wisit .our grocrry department. A ceunaon sultieet to write an ate tiele about but we cannot help men- tioning that we are agents for Pea- 1)1y's Uilion Made Oval -ails. They wear like a pig's nose. High grade_ :.,nctran teed overalls, good for ten cents a batten and 25cts. a rip and will be replaced free of change if not entirely satisfactory, within thirty days; Compare them with other makes and yen can *easilY see the superiority of the • Peabody. They are sold at prices as low as any, qual- ity consideren. How about your fencing? We are in a position to meet all fair compet- petition in woven fence, quality con- sidered. We sell Peerless farm . and poultry fence. Also best coil wire, barb wire, etc. • Prints eeA:re --;10474 Mr. Melvin Talbot left on Tues. L 0 oAL 1,4 day for Edmonton, Alto.. A large crowd attended Mr. Menne .4%; A -a r -....."01r"0;, 1%001,10.es sale on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Ilerie‘rt i1 eh is Li itith WAN'rED.—Millinery •approutieu sex,Cre attack or. rlian1Ua1tsut.:.. wanted at; once. . J. J.Meraer. Aefew bushels; of clean ,..X4-iike I Air. Jack „Liouidedge spent Sunday at his Wane in Dashwood. and YIrs. Maurice T-iau of Detroit are visiting at the former's parent, Mr. end lit.rs. J. P. Rau. Mrs. Robert Miller of the 14th oon. htteinoved to town and is oc suppying moans With Mro itau Aliss Lillian benotny of nett,: Mahe spent •, few clays with Arts. .1.)(tu11iti Bedard. clover seed Lor sale. Oscar aoopp; NI... E1 Axt of lanelan. jeree ' :• lew'clw,,s with !Ili fa' may. Mr. .1. eller M. P- efe0C'Sun- clay an'I 111o.l.ci,ry in town, ' 21r. ;6; k vs, t'.. j tan i A(t•\tL'. vlict At e-. ilturiee Rannt, with retatiVOS 011 the All relatives of Mrs. Ilonry who was hurried i 1)w °ed. on Saturday, atterided her funeral,. Mr.Elgin. and :Ai i. lot A ilk uf the Seaforth le 10,5( it at''• Sunday with theie parentg, and Mrs. Fred Hess sr. • , Mr. Fred Kalbtleiscli has tij.::•..p ed of one team to Mr. A le o.tf;%0:13-.s, who intends to , ship thee,J...'' nub west. Aleo Sparks returned :!t•otlf tho West on Alon,lay night Cl4".41 i. tegds returning West on It'Oatay, with. another car or horses. We pride ourselves very much on our fine and. large stock of prints. We have made special efforts to buy only• the best on the marketfor our • trade and we are pleased with the resnits. We call particular attention to our Gemarter prints of which. we have the sole agency. There are no better prints sold anywhere. We guarantee these in everp way. Also -carry Ash - ton's a very nice line. We invite you to call and look over our large stock. • A big supply of sap buckets, spiles, augers, pens, etc. on hand. We also have the syrup thermometers, a very necessary article. Builders' Supplies 1! 6'u intend -to build.a new house barn, shed, or do any improving on any of your brddings on the farm„ it •will benefit you financially to see 'us about yomehardware supplies for the work. Wo have a large stock of nails hinges, glees, barn door hangers, cem- ent, etc.., always ob. hand. The .best is none to good and we always buy the best.Let us give you prices.any- For dusting and cleat,* minted. and varnished woodwork• ,and ilool- nrns try the. 0 -Cedar mdps. • .We have 1110111, also the 0-Cedats oiL , - . , Wo aro now ',repairing for Our Spring millinery opening. -We have, secured the serVices of Miss .0. -Hess to look after this dopartnient tbisea- son he has recently,returned from a: visit to the openinas at Toronto and is in et position to show you the lat.; est in trimmed hats, etc. You • aro -cordially invited to visit his depart - Mont and inspect the.noW.styles. A skating rink for next w nter is one of the possibilites Wi Ires are being obtained for an alt steel rink 52 x 150. Further and deg -alto particulars will he annonneed shortly. School had a half -holiday One of the junior rooms at .the nesday, the teacher Miss Woods being- - Mr. Homy Irayter, who }1a been laid up with. steettelatee for A feW .4oWly 34.r.• 0.1ot Mie. Arnold \V sarin and Mr. Norman Eitel, and daughter of Detrult spent a few days with their parents this week. • WANTED—Maid wanted for gen- eral housework,sm.' family, good wieTea. Apply to Mrs. R. A. Dayly, .800 Piccadilly street, London. Mr. Chester Smith underwent an operation for appendicitis on Tuesday afternoon and • is do- ing as well as can be expected.. Mr. P. Farwell of Dunnville arriv- ed on Monday evening, and will shortly take possession of the farm • he recently purchased from Mr. Men- • no Baechler. • • W. Wm. Bassett of PortHur on, absent to attend her brothers wedding. was visiting with Mr. Dennis Bedard Eggs for Sebbing.—I a' splen. and relatives of the Bauble Line a did. pen of single comb black Ailirearcas few days last week. and2can supply a limited numberof settings (13 eggs) at one dollar. John Geiger, Znrich. nide Store Leading Brod oft Flour, Shorts,Brafi • and Feed Coin; VoKeasom. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. We are agents for Interna- tional and Royal Purple - stook food. Also a full line of Grocer-, joss. on Aland . SPARKS & DOUGLAS LUTHERAN- CHURCH The Sunday services will be .ttti the usual hours: German to 3o a.rn Sunday S 2.00 I). in. English 7 00 p. me' The following .meotings are held during the Week S. S. lof6.cers,and•teachers 7.30 p on Tuesdays.. ..Men's Missionary societY at 8.00 p. ',rn, on Tnesday Yoting People's society at 8.00-p m Friday. The Ladies, Aid Society meets at 3 00 p. in; the first Tues- day.' of each month. ' • . cordial invitation is herewi thex- tended to all, not worshiping' else- where, to worship with us and take 11.0 active part' in the work of the var- ious.. sodieties of 0111' church. • . Afr. Wm. r. Braui, 'forenian 'of Preeter's:tinshop, will sport a, dandy • Motor cycle•Pope model. We would advise Bill to; trade it•off for one that carry two persens.• ' Produce always Taken. tseeS, SiS4tas • The teaming • Mr, William Thiel secured the mail contract from Zurich to Sa,repta and. South. The tender was for $390.00. There are about 60 pat- rons on his route. •,.Peeevincisi-seereteey. Tpara skitad in the Legislature on Monday that Huron County hotelkeepers would get three months extension from 1st of May to dispose of their stock. Miss Ethel Snider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua • Snider Snider, of Stanley was united in marriage on Wednesday afternoon to Mr. Mathew Woods, a prosperous farmer of Saskatchewan. • Mr Jacob Kennel and wife 'who who have been residing at New Hamburg since last fall, have re turned and will again make their home at Blake. There ' many friends are pleased to see them back &gain. , Arrangements are being complete by E. Zeller bo sell a number of building lots by auction at the North end. Frederick street will be exten- ded North between the Catholic chur- ch property and Mr. C. Thiel, the necessary property being now secur- ed to open this street. The sale will likely take place about the middle of April. Mr. Charles Grennan formerly a busipesnLfl qf Zurich passed away at .Concrete North Dakota, on the 7th inst. at, the age of 87yrs. •Mr..ureiman left here for the West in 1875 first going to Minnesota d, anlat.ei to Manitoba. In 1E19 he took up land in Dakota and re. Matted until his death, He leaves three sons, Frederick, John and (eeorf.es and two danghters, Mrs, R. ff. Baulig and Mrs. John lhookson. all of whom are living at Concrete. The deceased was a Master Mason since 1870 and his remains were laid to rest with Masonic honors: Yon are cordially invitod to Our 1'1411 ready witn on of tho best new fall stoc; quality Ocinailien :cal American Footwet: e havo made tut ourselve:, : “The Hou Vie leave a full :,,look of the very D• e . Call and eve I NI,. afitid Viromell. Just the thing fo Nrt A: rtt, ;•her • ceivecl a f.bil,lnent arid Girls ;. )pening of Foot. wear. Vcre. of all the irtest nr.O• • We tkill to keep 11 Good 1'hoe9" as Rubbers on t he ti *et . ...1m. • HetIVY 6110.CS end se5, 11 ol Pdifies. 'But r, its ur 1 Dutch Setts 'lee'.11 in exchange for shoes:, Q.) {7.22' L1-1 t 7Ld''-fC3' 911,9 tr-41orr v, z",hoe's." of • Yes That Is Right. fou caa just what you want at the right pi at the BLAKE STORE. -• It is easily tc understand. We nuy, right that is we can sell right. We have a large and well • assort General Stock to choose from of all seasonable Goods.; Produoe taken hi exchange for goods. R. N. DOUGLAS BLAKE ONTARIO NOW FOR SPRING 19 1 WHERE QUALITY COUNTS we WIN Our Spring Models include the latest and most fasnionable Sty of ±ootwear for wear and comfort. • We laave the shoe, that me friends. Theme 'never was a time when Public, was 315;gre crtAi• about footwear, 'then the present. It will pay to call and see the; It will pay you still better to wear them. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. S. E. FAUST Zurict Have you seen the new Superior Separator Made by the Raymond Mfg Co. of Guelph. The oldest Manufacturers Cream Separators in Canada. The SUPERIOR is strictly self -balancing and self-cei,,, ring, and is warranted.' for 5 years- .against defeots or nate rale wear. Try one in your own home and b e, convinced that it is Superior to al 1Others. angsamam. ELLN1OR KLOPP, Local Ager SPRING I SU1Tc! "Vile Suit Question •can settled very easily ii 'for the Young Mall that el' sires "suit smartness." Our styli)th Sp snits • all the little "kinks" that dividnally to Young Mei Clothes without being freat ish, • tstablished 1853 Opened Branch in Huron CO. 1874 Saving Bank Accounts Solicited. Zurich Branch c T. DUNLOP, tV-- TeleTb011O ZURIC Oar, 'Alarms .run and ring. • A new lot just in every: One Guaranteed. REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY F. W. Hess G. R. Hess JE WELLMI S. . •• • ONTAVIO The new features in Cl and. Tailoring have all honored by .the best tpilorsi tailors iu our Land who 14 these. Suits to our order Et.ti for our special trade, Every new feature in ooi' ing and fabries enables us supply Oa with a ilandsC.1„ dean -. cut, thoroug11b:1 SPRING SUITS.