HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-03-05, Page 8AU1ill1'1tiS Ul+` WOMEN San Francisco has three women slice officers. New York city now has three wo,- lell firs inspectors. • Margaret Deland, the'novelist, is skilflul gardener. Berlin, Germany, has a financial Ey newspaper for women. Japan has 528,000 girls attending. to high schools in that country. Femral,es outnumber the males in liladelphia,. New York, Baltimore d Boston. here are not enough women play - lane graduated to take the peed. - ns open to women. rs. Anna R. Vogel of Detroit is champion woman live -bird shot the world. as, Ben Lindsey, wife of the sus juvenile judge of Denver, s as her husband's assistant. aby Deslys, the French actress, 170 gowns, 75 pairs of shoes and pers and 85 hats. rs. Sarah Purser has been ap- ,ted governor and guardian of National Art Gallery of Ire - I, ver 300,000 children die annual - trough the ignorance of•parents he knowledge of baby hygiene. 'though she is 98 years of age, s Sarah Whitmore of Gardner, s., is conversant with five len- ges. having their pet animals tatooed heir arms, '.ankles, shoulders or sts is the latest craze among lish women. iss Sarah Edmond is supervis- principal of the Cranford (N. • public schools at a yearly sal- , of $2,500. Vhen Mrs. Alice S. Wells, - pip- er policewoman of Los Angeles. es on lecture tours, she gives up r salary during the absence. In bringing action for divorce. rs. Laura B. Porter, of Carlisle, 1., claim'e'd .that her husband reed her to .draw a plow in the Ids. Saleswomen in the five-and-ten- nt stores of New York city re- .ve the lowest average wage: on.g saleswomen. Eighty-one per t. of them receive $7 per week. rau Boehm, a Dresden woman, s invented apowder which will. is said, send the enemy to sleep en the:shells are exploded, there - doing away with any bloodshed. rs. Julius S. Walsh, Jr., of nt Louis, is the largest woman der of stock in the United Rail- s of that city. She is the owner 00 shares of the preferred stock. liss Bessie Townsend, city comp- lier of Atlantic City, N.J., is the ✓ na he--cKountly. holding h a position. She has the care $3,000,000 and the sale of all ds. n r000gnition of her services in Turkish hospitals during the .kan war, Mrs. Hugh Poynter of ghamton, N.Y.,• has been decor - d by the, Sultan .of Turkey with brilla:anta�anrd Order of Sliefi- he distinetion of being the first d woman to fly upside down be- s to Lady Victoria Pery, ghter of the Earl of Lianerick, recently looped the loop five es in the air with Gustave Ha- , the aviator. 4 ear Miami, Fla,, there is an ae grove run by three girls, ie, Pinkie and Zonie Ingraham, were, when they started the ject seven years ago, thirteen, en and eight years old, respec- ly. To -clay they have a pros - sus business which is the envy nany a man who has tried his at raising 'Oranges. uple Cooking the Latest Fad. 'hat may be termed nursery -ery is all the rage in London ety circles. For the moment ty food'and French dishes are discount among smart society. country house hostess recently porridge served to her ball sts before they left in the morn - Suet puddings, for the last my years never seen on the rds of smart Londoners, now e.to,the table almost every day. ,tprs have taken to ordering m for the children and the adults e awakened to the fact that they very good. Dripping toast and sages are on all the be break- ; eak- tables and instead oftt lkin o g heir dyspepsia cures and appen- tis, as they did in Edwardian es, people now feel the correct ig:to be to profess and display. alt appetites. slkington (pleased) --- So your nd, Miss Gusher, said that I was ib, did she 1 Miss Keen—Yes, Alice is so given to exaggers,- So';n 1-sho2;ld call you merely elf -wit, V dR.ULDI f,F7 glltF.LU1JilU MORTGAGE CORPORATION Last i'eatr's Earnings Over 11 Per Cent.—Aggregate Net Earning8 ;for the Period Ending Decent-. ber 31st, 1913, $351,836.55. In another column of this paper will be, sent the annual financial statement of the Standard Reliance Mortgage Corporation. This is one of the bast statements issued by any financial corporation for the year 1913, and was highly commend- ed by the .shareholders who were present at the annual meeting held at the company's offices, 82-88 King Street East, Toronto, on Monday, March the 2nd, • The net earnings amounted to over 11 per cent. of the paid-up capital, which now amounts to the substantial sum. of $1,985,104.00. After deducting interest on deben- tures and deposits, amounting to $122,521.00, the balance available for distribution amounted to $228,- 806.00, of which sum $118,471.88 was paid out in dividends, $100,000 was added to the reserve fund, and the balance carried forward to the cre- dit of Loss and Gain account. The present corporation is an amalgamation of the Standard Loan Company and the Reliance Loan and Savings Company of On- tario, the amalgamation having taken effect on the first of May last. Tlie president, Mr. N, H. Ste- vens, :stated that the net earnings of the corporation far 1913 exceed- ed the combined net earnings of the two companies prior to the amal- gamation by over $30,000. This re- eord is well worth noting, as show- ing not only the efficiency secured by the combination of the two com- panies under one management, but 't shows also what may be accom- plished in the way of reduction of expenses of operation. It will be noted from a perusal of the statement that the total as- -lets now amount to $5,110,332.00. Phe position obtained in the finan- ^ial world by the Standard Reliance Mortgage Corporation places it z•.nongst the largest and most pros- perous financial institutions in_ the Dominion. The conservative policy pursued by this corporation is an important `eature for the consideration of those looking for substantial and safe .investments. The debentures of the corporation ere issued in sums of $100.00 or more, and inter- est at the rate of five per cent. per annum on these amounts is payable by coupon every six months. The corporation invites corres- pondence with reference to the safe investment. cf funds at remunera- tive rates. All . communications should be addressed to the head office, 82-88 King St. East, Toronto. .4 Ample Explanation. "Hello, Mike, where did you get that black eye?" "Why, O'Grady's just back from his honeymoon an"'•twas me advis- ed him t' get married." Piles Cured is 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, or Protruding Piles. First application gives relief. 50e. Overheard. "Katherine has such a taking way.""I wish she had a way of bringing back." Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen, --My daughter, 13 years old, was thrown from a sleigh and injured her elbow s0 badl-e it 'remained etiff and very painful for three years. Four bottles of 'MTNARD'S LINIMENT completely cured her, and she has not been troubled for two years. Yours truly, J. B. LIVESQUE. St. Joseph, P.0,, 181,11 Aug., 1900. Bix—Wonder why they call the game "poker" 1 Dix --Can't say, un- less that you are apt to burn your fingers when you get the wrong end of it. Olalammeam LU BY'S FOR THE HAIR ,Restores the Cotor, strength, beauty and softness to Gray Hair and is not a dye. At 011 Druirgists% x.1500. a natal:, ■•• 111.044 ®wpem1110 rwosi�il i......saerua MI...aaf Will Repeal Law Forbidding a Wo - min to Ascend Throne. Strong representations are being made to the Czaito have hinl, issue a prodla' nation 'rrvokinp, the Salic ,law and declaring the Grand.Dueh- ess Olga- hoirciuf. to the imperial throne, according to a report cur- rent in ddiploip itis circles in Paris, • It• is generally known that the Czar's ,soon is in a , deeper e .state of health and is not expected to live to reign over Russia., If an unofficial report from St. Peters- burg is true, an interesting event is expected in the imperial house- hold in the spring and the situation would remain unchanged should the newcomer prove to be a boy, but in the event of the Czarina giv. ing birth to another daughter, it is likely the Czar will revive the Salic law, which was abolished by the bloodthirsty Czar Paid IV. on the death of Catherine the Great. The Grand Duchess,,; Olga who would thus succeed to the throne, now is nineteen years old.and is re- markably clever. She has evinced a striking aptitude for taking hold of the interior affairs of the imper- ial palaces, and in' view of the semi -anarchical condition of Rus- sia, political refugees here .say, by enforcing constitutional humanitar- ian measures, she would have a su- perb opportunity of outshining Catherine the Great. Killed by Blood Poisoning Used an old razor for paring his corns. Foolish, becauee a 25c. bottle of Putnam's Corn Extractor will euro all the corns in a family for a year. Safe. because purely vegetable. Use only Putnam's Extractor, 25c. at all dealers. ,14 Reason For hostility. "What's the coolness between you and Wombat ?" "He asked me to take care of his parrot last summer." "That may have been asking a great deal. However, you agreed, so what's the trouble new?" "He hasn't called for it yet." Only One "13n0Iff0 Q17XNINE" To get the genuine, call for full name, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for signature of E, W, GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. 25c. Reverse Not True. Scott—"A man may be so effu- sively pleasant with everybody that he becomes a nuisance." Mott—"True. But a than who endeavors habitually to make him- self a nuisance never succeeds by, any accident in being pleasant." Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart --Sootb.es Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50e. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50e. Eye Books Free by Mail. Ara ago T.110 Goad ter A11 Ryas Chet Ne.d Caro Karina Eve &omeda Co.. Chicago So Why Not That One. She—"I'm afraid you- couldn't support me in the style to which I've been accustomed." He—"Well, styles are always changing, aren't they?" ittinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. The fellow who is afraid to take a chance has no business at a church fair. Minard's Liniment for sale eVorywhero. .4 QUEEN IS A REAL ECONOMIST. Fier Majesty's Children Taught to Avoid Extravagance. Queen Mary takes a great deal more interest in the servants than is usually the ease with a. Royal householder, and she is said to know the ntames of every housemaid and footman both at, York Cottage and Windsor Castle, and not a few of those at Buckingham Palace. Her mother, having but a small household, expected her daughter to know something of housekeep- ing, and the knowledge has stuck —rather to the disway of Royal cooks and housekeepers, who found, when once Queen Mary held the reins, that the amount of money allowed for food in the servants' hall was to be strictly limited. But- ter at I s. ed. a pound was abolish- ed, and When the butter from . the home farina' proved insuffieient 'it had'ato be : ordered wholesale from a 'bertain 'famous store. Messrs. Twining's Finest tea was reserved fear royalty alone, and many other economies were proposed to the de- partment rotponsible for the ar-, rangement of household expenses, ONARMS:ANB LEGS Suffered Seven Years, Itching and Burning; Did Not Sleep . Half the Night, Cured Completely by Cuticura Soap and Ointment, O$23 tongs; St., 'l`oronto, Ont>4sy ter suirerpd for:oven years wth eczema The troybio began on For armsly( and legs is water blisters and she scratched. Her clothes were rough around her Iegs and ebo suffered from itching and burning and loss of steep; she did not sleep half the night. " Wo used and. -- meat and thoy did not seem to do any good until we got Cuticura Soap and Ointment by which she was complotel' cured." (Signed) Miss Bessie McManus, May 17, 1013, s HANDS ROUGH, BADLY CRACKED Muldoon, Quo.—" During t'ao cold winter weather'I was troubled with chapped hands and Miro a rash on my face caused by sharp cold winds. My hands were very rough and were badly cracked open and if I went out In the cold air they always bled. I could pot do my regular work. I used salve, cold dream and other remedies and stili they wero soft unhealed. At lest a friond advised mo to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I sent for some and applied it to the affected parts and immediately found relief. My hands and face ' wore cured within a week." (Signed) Miss Jennie Findlay, Jan. 9, 1013. For mono than a generation Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment have afforded the most economical treatment for affections of the skin and scalp that torture, itch, burn, scale, and destroy sleep." ' Sold everywhere. Sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. 'Jiddreas post -card Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. D, Boston, U. S. A. Both the King and Queen have realized that it is incumbent upon them 'to.. keep expenses down as much as possible, as with so much Socialism and industrial discontent rampant the :allowances for their five sons are not likely to be gen- erous When provision has to be made for theta. Luckily,, Queen Mary has no extravagant tastes. She buys with discrimination, and is teaching her daughter to do like- wise. The allowance of the Prinee of Wales' is a good deal -smaller than that of several of his follow - students at Oxford, and it is whis- pered that a ,smaller princeling has several tunes availed himself of proffered loans during the autumn term at school. - Upon one extravagance Her Ma.- jeeko is particularly hard—the ex- travaganee of indiscriminate ohar- ity-a.nd the art of .saying "No" is one whish the Princes have learnt in a, hard school of necessity. Remarkable. Two Englishmen called at a ranch in the Far West during their tra- vels, and'found the old honiestead- er sitting on the stump of a tree. "How's times ?" asked one of the tourists. "Pretty tolerable, strang- er," said the old man. "I had some trees to cut down, but a cyclone levelled 'em and saved me the trouble." "That was good." "Yes; and then the lightning set fire to the brush pile and saved me the trouble of burning it." "Remark- able ; but what are you doing now ?" "Waiting for an earthquake to come along and • shake these pota- toes dut of the ground for me." Minar•d's -Liniment Cures Burne, Etc. Wliat Is It? A college professor who was al- ways ready for a joke was asked by a student oiler day if he would like a good recipe for catching rabbits. "Why, yes,"' replied the professor. "What is it 1" "Well, you crouch down behind a thick stone wall and make a noise like a turnip;" "That may be," said 'the professor with a twinkle in his eyes, "but a better way than that would be for you to go and sit quietly in a bed of cab bagaheads and look natural." Zam-Buk Dees Cure Plies•. Mrs. C. Hanson,; wife of the pro• praetor of the Commercial Hotel, Poplar, A.C., suffered froim piles for years. Went to doctor after doctor in vain. rinally went to Spokane and had an operation. Twelve Months afterwards she was as bad again. She says, "One day 1 read about Zam- Buk and thought I would try it, The first' one or two boxes gave me more ease than anything else 1 had tried, so I went on with the treatment. In a short title I began' to feel altogether different and better, and 1 saw that Zan: -Bak was going to cure ale. Well, 1 went on using it,' and by the time 1 had lased six boxes I was delighted to end myself entirely cured." If you suffer from this painful ail- linieut, or from eczema, ulcers or any gls'in disease, don't` waste tine, Try am-Buk. aGec. all dtuggistS and Store& world, and thtut is tjie body of man. —Novalis. Avarice and luxury are pests which have ever been the ruin of every great State,—L• ivy. Confidence in another man's vir- tue is no slight evidenoe of one's own.. -Montaigne. The nature of charity is to draw all things to itself, and make them partakers of itself.—Laetantius. In the love of a brave and faith- ful man there is 'always a strain of maternal tenderness.—George Ed iot.. Think of "living"! Thy life, west thou the pitifullest of all the sons of earth, is no idle dream, but a so- lemn reality.—Carlyle. If you wish to have any good work well done go to the busy, not the idle, man. The former can find time for everything; the latter for nothing.—Smiles. I regard the Bible as the world's supreme library classic, and as the greatest treasure of the higher thought, impulse -and feeling in pos- session of the race.—Professor Mar- tin. Such is Fame. A young man' returned to the country village where he was born, after having successfully worked his way 'up to a desirable Govern- mene office. "I suppose the people here, Thomas, have heard of the honor that has been conferred on Inc 1" he inquired of one of his old friends. "Yes, they have," was the gratifying reply: "And what," said the man of fame eagerly, "what do they say about it, Thom- as?" "They don't say anything," replied Thomas, "they just laugh." Joints Quit :Aching Narvilillo Drives Somas Away NO MORE STIFFNESS, PAIN OR MISERY IN YOUR BACK OR SIDE OR LIMBS! Wonderful "Nerviline" Is the Remedy. A marvellous pain reliever. Not an ordinary liniment—just about five times more powerful; more penetrating, more pain -subduing than any thick, oily or ammonia liniment. Nerviline fairly eats up the pain and stiffness in chronic rheumatic joints,, gives quick relief to those throbbing pains, and never burns or even stains the skin. "Rheumatism kept my joints swol- len and sore for ten years. My°right knee joint was often too painful to al- low me to walk. In this crippled tor- tured condition I found Nerviline • a blessing. Its warm, soothing action - brought relief I had given up hoping for. I rubbed on quantities of Nervi - line and improved steadily. I also took P errozone at mealtime in order to purify and enrich my blood. I am to- day well and can recommend nay treatment most conscientiously. (Signed) C. PARKS, Prince Albert. Not an ache or pain in the muscles or joints that Nerviiine won't cure. It's wonderful for lumbago and sciatica; for neuralgia, stiff neck, earache and toothache. Nerviline is simply a won- der. Best family liniment known and largely used for the past forty years. Sold by dealers everywhere, large family size bottle 50c., small trial size 25c. Refuse a substitute, take only "Nerviline." 44 Can't Spare the Tiine. Bix—"They say that women are hardly ever stammerers." Dix—"No ; they have so much to say, that they can't stop for it." Women Need Gin Pills FOR WEAK BACKS AND HEADACHES. Mise Ethel Balcombe, of Port Dufferin, N.S., writes: "I was troubled with Kidney disease for several years. ,My back was weak. I had terrible Headaches and was so restless that I could not sleep at night. At last a friend told me about GIN PILLS. I at once got a box, end after taking them, I felt better—after taking three boxes I was cured." 50c. a Box. 6 for $2,50. Sasnple free if you write Na. tional Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. A young woman attached to an East end (London) hospital was called upon to pay an urgent mid- night :visite at a certain house off, let us say, the Mile End road. It was asmall house, . divided up among a number of families; but although she knocked ,several times she could get no reply. At last it occurred to Iterha t t the door might t not be locked. She 1 turned dile handle .and entered. As she did so -she suddenly received a heavy blow on .the shoulder from what seemed like a club. She staggered back against the wail, preparing to sell her life as dearly as possible. No further attack was mads, however. Instead, a stout, elderly w•oinan ap- peared in the doorway carrying a broom, "Beg pardon, miss,. I'm sure," she said, confusedly, "I Ali ready baked to a nicety; whole,. niealy and full flavored. Heating only is necessary - 10 'T HOUSA of fari and horse have sa money by u Kendall's vin Cure for Spavins, Cu Splint, Bony Growths a from many other cans horses working. A $ save a horse for you. G next time you are in to\ druggists everywhere, for i,5, also ask for a co "ATreatise on the Horse Dr. 52..T. KENDALL C Enoaburil Falls, V FARMS FOR 11. W. DAWSON, Ninety Toronto. IF YOU WANT To B J. Fruit. Stock, Grain, write II. W. Dawson, Colborne St.. Toronto. H. W. DAWSON,'Colbor S ASKATCHEIVAN Ihi fully equinned with Write owner. 625 Wilton AGENTS WE . %VAN', Dominion Shade sof, Ontario. We will pay to distribute religions cominuuity. Sixty days not required. lieu o tunity for promotion: tMed. In tern 'Mon nt'B ib 182 SDP utina:Toronto. NEWSPAPERS !`I 000 WEEKLY IN VfYor1t County. Ste Business in connect' $4,000. Terms liberal, ing Compaaty, 73 Wes Toron to. NURSERY r TRAWBERRIES, RAS Varieties. Free 0 St Son, Grovesend, oat MiSCELLAN �y ANGER, TOEIIOIIS, ll internal and ex cat pain by our home no before too late. Dr ('o.. Limited. ()ollingwo Canadian Hai Before and A Restores Grey Hair to origi use from same bottle, hair o the other blond or other youth. Stops Falling Ilai Cures all Scalp Diseases, Pro Satisfaction guaranteed or m Price 75 cents or tato for One Not sold in sto Canadian Hair Restorer C Uplifting l It aught not to 1 to elevate the stag and flies. Minard's Liniment Re "Have you ever thing about blunt p is that?" "They ai generally come to 1 The best thing enemy is forgivenes ent, tolerance ; to heart; to a child, a to a father, deferen ther, conduct that proud of you ; to y to all men, charity. Dr. Morse Indian R are just the right in children. \,Vhen the —when their kidney —when over-indul favorite food gives --Dr. Morse's India quickly and surely Purely vegetable, the weaken or•gripe, like t Guard your childr always keeping a bo Indian Root P111s in Keep the Chi thought it was me 'usband." VD. 7.