HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-03-05, Page 4STFtArrORo, +: N.T. Canada's beat practical training sph0o1.. Three departments COM- M'RCIAL, SHORTHAND and TELEGRAPHY. Courses are thorough and practical. Indi.yid- t al instruction is given by a strong experienced staff.. Our graduates succeed. Students may enter at any time. (±et our free catalogue and see what we can do for you. D.A. McLachlan, Principal. visa HENSALL A social evening was spent an Tues day, at the home of Ala H. Horton. Berl Hoggarth of London Medical College, spent Sunday with his par- eritit here. Fred NicDoiiel and family hays moved into Mrs. Moirs house on Queen Street. Mrs. Joe. Case of Toronto is here visitingher parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moir. Ed. McTaggart is home from the West, owing to the serious illness of his mother. Miss Irma Rennie is in Toronto at- tending the openings and visiting rel- atives. James Patterson Ieft yesterday for . Toronto where he has secured a good position. Fred. McTaggart of Michigan, who has been here visiting his parents, has returned home. Miss Dollie Dixon, of Exeter, has been spending a few days with 11Irs. Harry Arnold. Free Ladies and Gents Watches Ifuds, Bracelets and Jewelryof Every Description, Lace Curtains, Rugs, House Furnishind,Rifles, Movind Pic- ture Machine, Skates, Printing Press- es, Fountain Pens, in fact nearly everythnid you can think of you can det AbosluteTy Free for selling our Beautiful Fancy Drawn and Satin Stripped handkerchiefs at 10 cents each. They sell rapidly 6 can gener- ally be sold in every house. Don't send us any money, but write us to send you a lot of Handkerchiefs to sell, that when sold you will send us the money and the premium selected Selling 24 handkerchieff entitled you •to your choice of an elegant Watch, 3 gold Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc. Write us to -day, we trust you and take back the goods if you cannot sell them. INOLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL LEGAL CARDS. PROUDFOOT RAYS & KILLORAN, Barrister's, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Goderieh, Canada W. Proudfoot. K. 0. R. G. Trays. J. L. Killoran, W. Prou lfoot Jr. BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCT ONBER, Exeter. ' Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terme reascmab1e. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. Al'TD1e,EW P. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard. Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in Are insurance, Dashwood Barber Shop Wednesday pen every Wednesday afitrnoon and evening, Saturday :Open every Satirrday, all clay, and evening. THOS. !CLUMP?, Proprietor. CREDITON Mr. Gordon Appleton is visiting in Exeter at present. Mr. Alfred Wuerth was in Centra- lia ou Thursday last on business. Miss Hartlieb of Dashwood, was in town on Tuesday. Miss Laura Sims opened up a dressmaking shop in town this week. Mr. Earl Gaiser spent Sunday in Shipka. Miss Mary Gaiser, who has been on the sick list is improving. • Mr. John Hoffman was in town on Tuesday on business. Miss Clara Palmier spent Sunday and Monday in London. Nicholson and Regan shipped a oar load of cattle on Friday last. Messrs. Jack Mallot and Micheal Doyle of Exeter were in town on Tuesday on business. Miss Louisa Fahrner returned home, after spending last week in Exeter. Master Victor Nestle is mourning the loss of his pet : black squirrel, which departed this life last week. Lost -A. pearl cresent, on Feb. 27, in town. Finder will leave at Star Office. Miss Leah Young, wlio has been visiting her sister Mrs. Lankin of Lucan, returned home on Friday lsst. Messrs.I3arry Trick of Exeter, and Wm Goetz of Guelph, visited in town on Friday last. Born -In Stephen, on Saturday Feb. 28. To 11Ir. and Mrs. Win. Ratz, a son. Born -In Stephen, on Saturday Feb. 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Blanche Williams, a daughter. Mr. James Lawson was in town on Thursday last and had the! balance of his j ewelery moved. to Exeter. On Monday evening last an oyster supper was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davey. Mrs. Oscar Cornish and Miss. Edna Davey of London, visited Mr. and Mfrs. Jack .Cornish for a few days. Miss Ella Link, who has been at- tending -millinery openings at Toronto returned home. Miss Clifton of Streetsville, arrived here on Tuesdsy and again has charee of Feist Bros. millinery de- partment. Miss Lily Pollylauk of Granton, is visiting a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Francis Clark. 14lessrs. D. Niel and B. Young of near Centralia spent Thursday even- ing last at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Schwartz. Mr. John Brown and sister Luella of Zurich, spent last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Fah- rner. Mr. Harvey Hill of Sarnia, visited at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill for a few days last week. Rev. Jefferson spoke on the last commandment on Sunday last, next Sunday eve he will give an address on the aPiance convention which was held in Toronto last week. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church meet at the home of Mrs. Orme this Wednesday afternoon when important business will be brought up. On Friday evening Last Mr. and Mrs. E, Gaiser, of Shipka, were pleas- antly surprised by a bus load of young people of town. Everybody spent a very enjoyable evening. Mr, Henderson, who has been prin- eipal here for the past few months, left for Toronto on Friday. Miss Campbell of West Lorne arrived here on Monday and she will take the pllkee of Mr. Henderson. On Friday Evening last a dog own- ed by a party north . of CreditonYesa poisoned. This is one of the lowest trick any person coulddo to any dumb animal, probaply the person who did it will be rewarded in the same way someday. • • On Friday last, William E vans, of Woodham, in Usborne Township was fined $100 and costs for selling liquor without a license in a local option township. Evans had been supply- ing boys with wine that was stronger than was allowed, with the result that the boys became intoxicated. Mag- istrates Saunders and Hawkins pro- secuted for Inspector Torrance, while R. J. Stanbury of Exeter, defended Evau s. BLAKE Mr. R. Allan purchased a fine span of colts from Mr, C. Haugh and now can boast of having the finest team on the line. Mrs. McDonad was this week ntue sing in Dashwood: The many friends of Mr. and Mrs, J. Johnstone of New Ontario will be pleased to learn that the stork pres- ented them with a pouncing boy .of nine pounds. Miss W itwor of Zurich spent a few days visiting at the home of her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Allan. Mr. Millon Johnston has engaged for summer with Mr. R. Allan We are sorry to report the illness of J. Gelinas, but hope to hear of his early recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Esler left for the West on Tuesday. DRYSDALE (To late for last week) Miss Evangeline Laporte, who had` the misfortune to break her arm last Friday is progressing favorably. Mr. Joseph Jellinas Jr.. is very ill with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson •of Zurich were visiting at the letters home Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Masse of St. Joseph Last Sunday. Misses Maggie and Lilly Bedard left Iast week to work in Goderieh. Miss Currie teacher of S. S. No. 4 Sonth Stanley was the guest of Miss Elizabeth Jellinas last Sunday. The following is the report of U. S S No 9 Hay and Stanley. Fourth -M Oesch, E. Finlay, A. Finlay. Third Sr --L Gingerich, L. Mey- ers. Jr -A Meyers. Second Sr -J Oesch, C McClinchey Jr II -G Zirk, E Bechler. Part II Sr -E Zapfe, A Douglas. Jr Pt II M Meyers. First -J Baker, R Zirk, H Gelinas. Average attendance 29. JAMES CouTTs, teacher. New Shoe Store 11044 Our February Shoe sale is still going on as before, and every Customer that looks at our goods and our prices, buys for the simple reason that our goods are satisfactory. We guarantee every shoe to give satisfaction, if not, re- turn the shoe and we wiil give you another in place. Below are a few of .our specials: - Men's English Kip $2.75 and up " Wrns Calf 3 00 " " Gun Metal Calt 2.75 Tan Grain 2.75 ♦r it it FINE SHO ' ES REGULAR $4 00 now Men's Tan Blucher Calf $4 19 up " Gun Metal button 4.00. " " " " Blucher 2.98 " '• Pat Colt " 3.9E rr " Pat Colt button 3,98 " " Tan button 4.14 U LADIES We are giving you a special Easter Bargain. Ladies Tan Calf Blucher reg 4.00 now 3.49 e: r, •: button reg " 8.49I Pat binober reg 4.00 " 3.49 '• button " 4.00 " 8.49. Gun Met but " 4,00 r' 8,49 " Blue's 4.00 '• 3.49 We also have a great deal . of oheaper lines. either in a heavy ' or light shoe. for children at all prams. We will be pleased to, show to show you onr stook, whet. er you buy or not. rt 11 Ir t. D. PFAFF & SON DASHWOOD Farm for Sale Lot 23, Con 7, Parr Lino, Hay North 50 acres, .or will sell the whole, lot. Fier particulars apply to Duncan Taylor, Hensall P. 0._ o month of Feb, ' Marks are based on regularity, good conduet, weekly ex- ams and general proficiency, Sr IV Total 5100 --Edward Laporte 47.3; Minnie. Johnston .381; Verna Jacobs 312; Bessie Snider , Sr Ill-Marcil Laporte 424; Wal- lace Haugh 382; Gorden Johnston 373; Alice Ducharme 306; James Johnston 210. Jr III Total 400 -Anna May Haugh 333; Adela Dennomy 338; Leo Corriveau 236; Sovereign Duch- arme 157. Sr. II Total 200 -Lawrence Duch erne 148; Abel Ducharuze; 129; De - lore Ducharme 120; Tuffield Denomy 107; Dennis Denomy 81; Willie De- nomy 70; Herbert Hartman, Louis Hartman. Jr II-Treffly Laporte 183; Rich- ard Denomy 150; Dennis Ducharme 189; Leona Corriveau. Pt II -Armand Schenk 95; Edgar Schenk 93; Mary Schenk Sr. Pt I -Harold Johnston 91. Jr Pt I Donella Denomy; Dennis Corriveau, 5 absent all month. Teacher C. DURAND. GRAND BEND P. Baker was in Exeter on business. Mr. Frank Jeromette is geting bet- ter.also Mr. Ravelle's girl. Catching fish is the order of the day, there were 41 trout caught in one day last week. Mrs. James Hickey had her sale and prices went high the farm was sold for 4500 for 50 acres. Mr. Mayor Baker went through an operation for rupture on last Friday, the doctors from Zurich performod the operation, and it was performed well, Dr. Balfour of Dashwood is att- ending him at present and the patient is doing well, we hope he will soon be 'around again. Following is the report of S. S. 12 Hay. Sr. IV -Clayton Pfile, Henry Schilbe, Percy Schoch, Daniel Miller, Jr. IV,-Milfred Schilbe, Edward Meidinger. Sr, III. -Theodore Steinbach. Lorne Pfile, Norman Gusoho, Al fred Meidinger, Laura Krueger. I1I;-Rosella Sohilbe, Morley Witmore, Joel Gasoho, Anna Soh- ilbe. II Class. -Urban Pfile, Ina Liv. inggood, Gordon Witmore, Lillian Surerus, Oscar Fleiso!iaur. Sr. I -Frank Badonr, Vernon Schatz. Alvin Walters, '1heresa Meidinger, Lorne Fleisahaur, Ada Witmore. Jr. I. -Oliver Bedard. No on roll 37. Average 22. E KEYS, teacher. Contractors We are ready to figure on your Mason Contracts and Cement Work For next season. No contracts to large and too small to receive our careful attention. LOUIS WEBER, Zurich. CHAS. MEYERS, Blake. tt . ZURICH MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our outs are noted for their tenderness and . wholesomeness.. . Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We. ;make our own sausages.., Give 'us:a Gall. Y U.NGBLUT C ospi a an ' is aria Hospital, London, Office in the. building formerly occupied by the late Dr.MoLaughlin, Dashwood. Henry Bossenberry Licensed Auctioneer Huron, Middlesex and Lampton Satisfuotion guaranteed Dashwood, Ontario, Dates arranged at the office .FOR >ALE IMMOCNIMiletetttlil 3 New Ontario Farms. Lr the very heart of the famous 20, 000,000 acres of choice clay -belt land. Near the village of Matheson ou the T. Ss N. 0. Railway. All other surr- ounding lots already settled and im- provements begun. Excellent gover• nment roads through the entire local- ity; school house and local P. 0. s- corner of one of the lots; houses orectt ed and 8 and 5 acres cleared on each. Two of the lots have close to 1,000, 000 ft of valuable timber on each, (pine, birch, spruce and Whitewood, in almost equal amounts) and in add- ition over 1,000 cords of pulpwood on each farm, 160 acres in each farm. A rare opportunity for quick -ret- urns and safe investment. Price ex- ceptionally low, only .$2.00, $4.00 and $6.00 per acre, respectively. It will pay yon to investigate this unus- ual bargain. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich, SU E 1:/ EM S,, The Barrels t,-.0- and Lugs of 1., STEVENS Double_ and Single Barrel SI�,OTCAUNS. arednp.forgedInt specially selected steel / -STRONGEST where other guns aro . WEAKEST,,. Compare STEVENS with guns at any where near. the price,andnoW. els our OWWTT throughout. : -1mm11tunI mM n ' l ,�i�l�lil P- \9 / I t41tI .� �� . } ' � ! "�•%• Our Shotgun Catalog allows the famous Zine of Stevens Repeaters -Doubles -Sin. Wes. If you canna obtain STEVENSfrom your dealer -let us know. and we will ship direct oa. ,presc prepaid. upon receipt of Catalog Price"- STEVENS rice, STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANX P.O.BoK 5005. ,CHICOrEE FALLS. MASS. cxoPPER I will be operating the Blake Chopping Mill every Tuesday and Friday, until further notice, Have a first class grind- er, and will guarantee gooct r �slults. JACOB ZIPPER BLAKE - - - ONT. DIl. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS A relia- gahiting Pill for Women.bee fie. $10. Sold at all Drug Stores, aorom i ed tooeany' address on receipt of price. THE SCOEELT, Dave Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHO FOR MEN. Restores Vitality; for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey' two for $5, at drug stores, oill build r by mail onrec3 a efpg Onta of price.rio. Tun SCOBELL DnuG CO., St. Catharines.. Farm For Sales I am receiving numerous enquiries respecting Huron County Farm Lands. If your want to sell will assist you with an advertising campaign that will bring buyers to our favored County. • No Buyer - No Charge Call, write or phone for particulars. • ER ZELLER, Conveyancer, Real Estate, &o ZURICH, ONT. , DR A. J. Ma0RINNON late House Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyclinio Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection: Office, Zurich, Ont. AFFELS CLOT.IHNG STORE Why Wait? . HERE'S nbthing to be gained by waiti ng until every Man in -Town has sel- ete d his Spring Suit before choosing YOURS, I n TAILORED CLOTHES we will show you the most attractive garments. Beauti- ful in design with all the new Spring Curves worked in.. El- egant in finish, handsome in fabric, perfect in fit and al- ways at moderate prices. P30'1110L 312 ec cr h1� al eo sn G. to cru Erre aft llsl res hie nit to wlr rat tear nab era on] ea algia .i�e� a,)e