HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-03-05, Page 2i irsa1 .'I1'1'uai Report STANDARD RELIANCE MORTGAGE CORPORATION. The Standard Reliance Mortgage Corporation of Toronto held its annual Meeting of shareholders on Monday, March, 2, 1914, in the offices of the Company at 54-8& Zing Street East, Toronto. The, following report was submitted and approved:— Your Directors have much pleasure in submitting herewith the first An- nual Report and Statement for the past year accompanied by the Balance Sheet to December 31st, 1913, show- ing the result of the Company's oper- ations. The Directors are pleased to submit the First Annual Report and Balance Sheet of the Corporation for the per- iod ending 31st• of. December, 1913. 'fh-'Order-in-Council approving of the merger of the Standard Loan Com- pany oml;any and the Reliance- Loan and, Say- ings Company of Ontario was passed on the 21st day of April last, and the actual merging took place on the first day of May. It will be noted that after paying all fixed charges and expenses, in- cluding outlays consequent upon the amalgamation, the balance available for distribution has been sufficient to allow of payment of the usual divid- ends to the Shareholders, and an ad- dition of $100,000 to the Reserve Fund. which now stands at $400,000. We are pleased to be able to report a substantial increase in the Deben- tures placed by the Company, and also in the Savings Accounts. By reason of this our total Assets now stand at over $5,100.,000, or an increase of over $300,000 since the merger, and the net earnings of the Corporation are greater by over $30,000 than the com- bined net earnings of the two Com- panies prior to the amalgamation The shares held by the Corporation ' in the Dovercourt Land, Building and Savings Company, Limited, represent assets consisting of real estate slaving ,,au actual value largely in excess of the par value at which the shares are now standing on the books. To fill a vacancy in the Directorate since the amalgamation, Dr. E. Jessop, of St. Catharines, a large and influen- tial shareholder in the Company, was elected.. Since the last Annual iMleeting of the Standard Loan Company, now an integral part pf the amalgamation, the death of oneof the most distinguished Canadians, Lord Strathcona, has taken place. We feel sure that all our share- holders:deplore the great loss which the Dombiion of Canada has sustained by tills passing of one pf the most not ,Able figures in theehistory of our coun- try. He was, at the time of his death,' Director at this Corporation. We take great pleasilre in bearing, testimony to the efficiency displayed b3'..the officials and -agents of the Cor- .A1*A.R'CIIY RULES PORTUGAL. Reifwiy Tracks Torll Up and Tele- graph System Paralyzed. A despatch from Paris says : Railroad communication between Lisbon, Portugal, and the Spanish frontier has been completely stop- ped by the acts of railway men be longing to the revolutionary section ef:the socialist party who have gone on strike.According to passengers Who arrived here frons Lisbon on Thursday after a journey of 102 hours, instead of the 'usual 32, the tracks have been destroyed in many places;; a bridge has been blown up and telegraph and telephone com- munication has been interrupted al- most throughout Portugal. • CHEST CRUSHED BY. TREE. Sad Accident to Prominent Citizen NM" St. George. A despatch from Brantford says: Richard Morris, milk vendor, of St. George, was killed at that place on Wednesday, a limb of a tree which he had cut down. and which he was ttrying,to swing over, recoiling and striking him on the chest, crushing it in. He leaves four sons and two • daughters. 1VIejer,. )frank Morris, . London, and Staff Captain Arthur, of Toronto headquarters, both in the Salvation Arany, are eons of the deceased, who was a .very active Citizen of that town. NEW DESTROYER R WRECKED. 1 Rocks Runs on Clyde RO S During a y C Trial Trip. A despatch from London says: 'The new destroyer Laverock, while undergoing her trials on the Clyde on Saturday, ran on the rocks. Her plates were ripped and her propel- ler smashed, and the vessel became 'Waterlogged. Her crew were saved. . OF lot• N T O DEAD. EAItT, xT Fortier Governor-General of Can- aria Passes Away. o A dr,>spat+�h from. London says y Twin Earl • f• Minto, former Geyer - art C;•en.eal of Canada and Viceroy. of India, ,.did at 4 o'elock an Su1x� 44y. ph!i Ililil4,ry 44,zed Sixty-six. poration 1n ertorntieg their rospe0: tive duties Respectfully submitted on behalf o2 the Board. (Signed) N. II, STEVENS, President. Dated, Toronto, 13th February, 1914: Balance Sheet as on December. 31st, 1913. �. ASSETS Mortgages and Securities. against ileal Estate. $4,255,220 43 Loans 31,376 62 Stocks, Bonds and De- bentures at cost Real Estate, foreclosure Office Premises Office Furniture Accrued Rentals:.. , .... Agents' Balances Municipal Debentures, at cost Cash on Idand and i11 411,716 60 88,162 85 174,560 53 5,000 00 548 84 3,357 97 23,608 91 • 106,785 06 $5,110,332 81 LIABILITIES To the Public Debentures with Accrued Interest $2,119,989 05 Deposits with Accrued Interest 512,877 58 Mortgages Assumed ... , 13,195 53 Unclaimed Dividends 688 62 Accounts Payable 1,217 49 Dividend, No. 2, Payable January 2, 1914 .... d. 63,225 01 $2,711,193 28 To the Shareholders Capital Stock Subscribed 2,070,810 00 Less Unpaid thereon 85,705 72 $1,985,104 28 Reserve Fund Balance at Credit, Loss and Gain 400,000 00 14,035 25 $5,110,332 81 LOSS AND GAIN ACCOUNT Interest on Debentures and Deposits .. Dividends Nos. 1 and 2 Transferred to Reserve Fund Balance Carried Forward $122,521 14 118,471 88 100,000 00 14,035 25 $355,028 27 Balances, Dec. 31, 1912 $ 3,691 72 Net earnings after de- duction of expenses of management and pro- vision for all known Losses , , ..... 351,336 55 $355,023 27 CIIAS. BA13CKkIAI19, Secretary. H. 'WADDINGTON, • Managing Director. AUDITORS' CERTIFICATE. We have audited the accounts of the Standard Reliance Mortgage Corpor- ation for the year ending 31st Decem- ber, 1913. Wo have seen the Muni- cipal Debentures, received certificates from the Corporation's bankers as to the bank balances, verified the cash on hand, obtained a certificate from the Corporation's officials as to the value of the stocks, bonds,•' debentures and loans, and we certify that the above Balance Sheet is in accordance with the books of the Corporation. G. T. CLARKSON, F.C.A. A. C. NEFF, F.C.A. Chartered Accountants Toronto, 12th February, 19149 After adopting the report, the share- holders elected the following directors for the • ensuing year: • Lord Hyde, W.. S. Dinnick, Herbert Waddington, Hugh S. Brennen, E. F. 13. Johnston, K.C., John Firstbrook, Nathan H. Stev- ens, E. Jessop, M.D., J. A. McEvoy, David Rata, Jaynes Gunn, David Kemp, E. C. McNally, W. L. Horton, Rev. G. Ir. Taylor, M.A., R. H. Greene. Head Office:' 84-88 King St E., Toronto 4.4 REMARKABLE TLESl3LTS. Army Doctor Tells of Experiments With Typhoid Vaccine. A despatch from Ottawa says: Col, Sir Win, Leishman, F,R.S,; E.B:.P:, professor of pathology at the Royal Army Medical Col?ega, London, England, who is generally recognized as one of the greatest men in the medical profession in Great Britain, told a. meeting of the Association of Officers of the Medi- cal Services of Canada here on Wednesday many of the results of his experiments with typhoid vac- cine, of which he has made a spe- cial study. He claimed that the success of the vaccine has, been de- monstrated in a remarkable way, especially in tropical countries where typhoid or enteric fever is more rampant than elsewhere.. .k SAILORS' GRAVES. Grant of $250 Will Be Made to Pro- vide Grartestoues. A despatch from Goderioh says Janes Richardson, secretary of the Lakes Disaster Fund at Toronto,:: has notified Mayor Reid that a grant of $250 will bo made to pro, vide markers or gravestones over the graves of the five unidentified sailors buried in Maitland Ceme- t•ery, near here, last November. Mayor Reid has been urging this for sonle time past. Have Been: Untold Benefit New Brunswick Woman ; rtdses Dodd's Kidney She Suffered for Four Years, and the Doctor Could Not Help ;Tier,. lint Docld's •Kidney Pine have. Her a Ncw Lease of Life«>,.• Porton `Orr1e :n.-.ar, 2nd;, - (S .lac a•I : `°'I' f i e� Kidney * Pills the beat kid&kidney,�inedi- cin 1 have ever ueted. They have been of untold benefit to me." The speaker is Mrs. John S. Dickinson of this place. She is . en- thusiastic in her praises of the great Canadian kidney remedy, and not without reason-: `rI suffered from kidney trouble that started. in a cold," she contin- ues, "and for four, years T was. ne- ver free of it; I. teas treated' by 'a doctor, but he did not scorn, tri be able to do me xn,u�cll;,good. "I had rheunratisln and neural- gia, and my joints were Still'; "ony muscles 'cramped, and I' Was always tired and nervous. I perspired. free- ly with 'the slightest exertion.. I was depressed and low Spirited, my limbs swelled, and I had ,a drag ging sensation 'across the loins. "Nine boxes of D;odd's Kidney Pills made a. new woman of ole.'' Are not Mrs. Diekincon'a symp- toms those of any run-down, worn- out woman? They are also the symptoms, of kidney ; disease. I)odd's 'Kidney Pills give new life til . run-down women by curing their kidneys. SENTENCED TO HANG. Frank W. Haynes Will . Pay the Penalty for Murder. A despatch from Sydney; N.S,, says: Frank W. Haynes .has been condemned to, death for the mur- der of Benjamin Atkinson, a hotel - keeper. He will expiate tht:-crime for which the has been found guilty on Friday, May 8. Sentence was passed on the prisoner on Thursday morning,and he was at cine. taken to the county jail to await his-eice- cution. Haynes °followed Atkinson into the woods near Mira and murdered hint- i 11 over the bead with a .s'G 1 e: .Ii,ab- bery was- the motive. Haynes was seen near the snot ; where Atkin- son'•s body was found, and could not explain how he came possessed of a large sum of money f,:iund upon WAS BLOWN TO PIECES. A. Miner at the Hewitt-Gowganda Mine Killed. A despatch from Elk Lake, Ont., says: James Dunn, a minerait the Hewitt-Gowgandaproperty .at Gaow- ganda, was killed on Tuesday under circumstances which will lead to stringent inquiry. He had loaded a round of holes and was ascending in the bucket when his loading stick caught in the side of the shaft, and Dunn was tipped put, falling to the bottom of the 100-feict shaft, The explosion occurred almost imme- diately afterwards, and Dunn's body was blown to pieces. Women with Sallow Skhi Here is a Good Treatment! You Get Results Quickly. Womanly beauty Is largely the mit- ward expression of health. Every woman with pale cheeks and poor complexion needs medicine— needs a potent tonic to regulate her system. To tone up the stomach --t.1 insure good digestion --to give new life and vitality to the whole system Where is therea remedy like Dr. Hamilton's Pills? - Dr. Hanlilton's Pills enable you • te. eat what you like—they correct con- stipation—make nourishing blood— instil force and vim into a run-down system. If nervous and Gant sleep, your re- medy is Dr. Hamilton's . Pills—they search out the cause of your condition and you rise in the morning refreshed, strong,vigorous, ready for the day's work. Dr. Hamilton asks every weak and debilitated person to use his Mandrake and Butternut Pills. - They nieke old folks feel young, and weak folks feel strong. Their effects upon ipsomhia and langour is marvellous. Hundreds declare they soothe and quiet the nerves so that a good night's, rest al. ways follow their use. To lookwell, to feel well, ,to keep well, use Dr, Hamiltces Pills. They are mild, cleansing, strengthening ---good for the young or :old. Sold by all dealers in .25e. boxes,;, PONS SEPORTII VROM R'N* t:EADiNp TRAGI 'CENTRES 0P AMERICA, Prices et Cattle, Orlin, eneaMf Ana ?Otto* - traduce At Homo Ano Abroad, Breadstuffs. Toronto, Maroh 3. :Pleur, Ontario wheat flours, 90 per cent., 83.80 to 83,85, seaboard and ' at $3.80, Toronto. M --F anitobairst patents, in jute bags, 85.40. 'de.,. seconds, $4.90; strong bekclrs', in jati