HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-01-30, Page 4ENTRAL oi /ij Aff /Jiff IRA 1), ONT. i Oanap's best praotical training school. Three departments 001VI- MFROAL, SHORTHAND and TELEGRAPHY. Courses are thorenglhand practical. Indiyid- , . nal istruchon ie given by a strong r .experienced staff. Our graduates succee& - Students may enter at AnY th4e, Get our, free catalogue and seewhat we Can do for you, . A filottrilsati- - - .., Principal. . , ,.,-. -,,,..y ,-- ... ve-*-) ;ARu"16- Y1-1.-- 1111181 CIIIIISTIVIAS situi NEW ita ' SINGLE.FARE' Dec. 24,25 -good for return until Des, 26, rase Dec 31 ' 1913, and Jan. 1, 1914, good for return until jars 2nd 1914. Between all Stations east of Port Arthur, Port Huron,Illnah., Buffalo, Niagara Falis and Suspension Tickets now on sale --Ticket Offices. •-,-,,,. . -..,,,.: -, z,.,-,,, Comada's 1) a, 0l 0-li6,0-k L ne, TEAR T 4 Ek FARE AND ONE THIRD Dec 22, 23 24, 25 valid and re turn until Dec. 27, also Dec -29:30, 31, 1913, anis Jan 1st 1914, valid for return until Jan. 3,1914. in Canada. also to neiroit and Black Rock, Bridge N.Y. at Grand Trunk Free Ladies and Gents Watches 114s, Bracelets and Jewelryof Every Description, Lace Curtains, Ruds, House Furnishind,Rifies, Moving Pic- ture Machine, Skates, Printing Press- es, Fountain Pens, in fact nearly everythni¢ you can think of you can det Abosluteiy Free for selling our Beaoiful Fancy Drawn and Satin •Stripped handkerchiefs at 10 cents each. They sell rapidly 6 can gener- ally be sold in every house. Don't send us any money, but write us to send you a lot of Handkerchiefs to sell, that when sold you will send us the money and the premium selected Selling 24 hanakerchieff entitled you to your choice of 4n elegant Watch, 8 gold Laid Rings,' Lace Curtains, etc. Write us to -day, we trust you and take back the goods if you cannot sell thein. INOLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL LEGAL. CARDS. PROUDFOOT HAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Gederieh, Canada W. Proudfoob. K. C. R. 0. Hays. J. L. Killoran, W. Proudfoot Jr. . - BUSINESS OARD*. . ___ B, S. PHILLIPS, AucT) °NEWEL-, Exetet. . Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- 1 !getter' gttaranteed or no pay. Terms "I 'assemble. Orders left at this offiee .] Fill be promptly attended to. AR-Ditil;# •DASHWO OD DRY SDALE The friends of Mrs. William Carter (ne Miss Annie Aubin) formerly of Drysdale will be pleased to hear that she has safely arrived in Chatham after a flye years sojurn in the far north of Alaska. Mise Miry Ann Papineau of Det- roit istvisiting her parents for a few days this week. Miss Emily Denomie has returned from London where she had been un- dergoing treatment for her eyes. Mrs. Dan Bedard and children who ad -been yisiting friends and relati- ves dnriiiithe-lidays left last Sat- urday for their home in Courtright. Mr. Regis Denoxnmie and Mr. Marcil Corriveali are spending a few days in Port Huron this week. HENSALL Miss Mary Hagan left for Sarnia last week. Jack McDonell of St. Marys was in town last week. A. Murdock is moving into his ter- race, on Brock Street this week. Mrs. Cluff of Toronto has' returned home after visiting relatives here. Mrs. 0. Geiger has returned from Berlin, where she has been visiting her sons for some weeks. Mrs. Herb Brooks and'daughter of Ottawa are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks of town. Mrs. Detean has returned from the St. joseph's Hospital, London, where she underwent a successful operation. Mrs, Dave Gerommette, who has been so ill for a couple of days that her life was despaired of, is now much better. BLAKE The roads this week are in a very icy con d ti on which caused our black- smith to be kept busy. Mr. Jas. Pollock of Melita Manitoba and Miss Pollock of Brook, Ont. spent a few days visiting at the home of Mr. Wm. Fee. STELCK--On the 26th. inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. C. Stelck a son. Mr. R. Johnston disposed of his driver to Mr. J. J. Merner and has since replaced it by one purchased from Mr. G. S. Howard. Several of our farmers attended the Farmers Institute Meeting held in Zurich on Tuesday afternoon. The same afternoon the Women's Instit- utemet met at the home of Mrs. A. T. Douglas and listened to an interesting address delivered by a Miss Smith a visiting representative of the Govern- ment. On Monday evening a meeting was held in the Presbyterian Church in behalf of the Canada Temperance Act and the building was packed to the doors. In absense of the Presi- dent Mr. T. Wiley the chair was filled by the vice-president Mr. G. Howard. Mr. W. H. . Johnston, of Kippen, discussed the Aet in its different pha- ses showing its points of strengtb and of weekness, and how it worked out wherever tried to satisfaction of all in terested. Mr.Miller of. Zurich was the noxt speaker, and he held the aua- ence, spell bound, while he depicted tho evils of the liquor trafl,3 and rel- ated some of his experiences and ob- ervations. Mr. Miller is a forceful nd eloquent speaker and won the warty applause of all present. ev. Mr. Johnston, pastor of the church, followed and further discuss- , ed the subject. He concluded by de agent, representing the London,' Ecenornical, Watortoo, Monareh, Stand-, a ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- t thinit in, fire insuranoe. lea,ding with the people to turn out nd record their votes for the aboli- ion of the traffic in Huron County. The choir. of Goshen Methodist hurch, rendered several appropriate selections which tended to enliven the evanings " entertainment. , Miss Ruby Erratt also rendered a solo. Mr. and Mrs. Zapfe and Mrs. Stevens con ta•ibitted a's) -to the musical part of the progvannne. 1 IC .Dashwood Barber Shop Wednesday every Wednesancv afternoon and evening. Saturday Open every Saturdayall day, and evening. IILIIMPP, Proprietor. Dr. de Van a Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These. pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system.. Refuse all cheap imitations, .Dr. de Van's are gold at box, or I hrs.,: for $10 Mailed to Inv address. "hs 3,,!,4 twv14 116.. 34; latUartaieti, that • • • ' • t• CREDITON Messrs. Lyod Edighoffer andHarry Guenther of Dashwood, visited Mr. Lorne Brown on Sunday. • • On Friday:evening last Mr. Thom- as Chambers entertained a number of his friends to a fowl supper. Curtis Glanville, has been visiting here and places for the past weeks, returned to his home in Ver- milion, Alta. On Saturday evening last Mrs. Mary Beaver was pleasantly surprised on her birthday by her Sunday School Glass. A very enjoyable evening was spent by all. On Wednesday evening last a friendly game hockey was played be- tween Dashwood and Crediton juniors which resulted in a score of 10 to 1 in favor Crecliton. Mr. Wellington Rau, left for Lon- don last week for a few weeks, after which he will go to Berlin where be has secured a position4ith the .1 Kalif - man Rubber Co. Great preparations are being made by the young people of the Evange- ical Church,for the Anniversary •• r - vices on Sunday and Monday 8th and 9th: The chorus of 60 Ap -are in training under the lead4spp ofAlbert Morlock and Miss Martha Oestreicher vocal instructor. She All also give several choice selectios. You will want to hear the Rev. C. Berger who is a powerful sprit..;- His addresses linger many years the memory of those that have bear it. him. He will address a mass iieteetY ing on Sunday afternoon on Feb. aith, at three o'cloa, everybody welcome. No charges at any of the serviceS, Come and enjoy a great treat. Look. for a fullerprogram next week. EXE TER Miss Lottie Hyndman of Tororitn; is visiting her grandmother, Hyndman. Miss Lille ,Tohns is visiting in Orillia. Mrs. C. Adams who has spent.the past sin months herewith her 'neth- er, Mrs. D. johns, left for her home in Calgary lest week, Mrs. Johns accompanied her as far as Sarnia, where she will visit for a time. • Mr. Walter Connor who was injur- e& in a runaway last week is able to be otit again. The news of the death of Mrs. 3. G. Stanbury on Tuesday last came as a very sacl surprise to her many friends here. Mrs. Stanbury had only been ill since Wedne'Sday last with pneumonia, but her case from the first seemed of a seriousnature. The deceased having the care of one of her family during an attack of scarlet fever, her health was some- what taxed to :the utmost. - Mrs. Stanbury came here from Whitby as a bride some ten years ago find had won many friends by her genial and amiable disposition *woman be- loved by all who kne*. her. Her death is the more sad as he leaves an infant daughter only three days old, besides two sons and a sorrOwing. husband to whom is extended the sympathy of friends far and near. POST OFFICE POINTERT Don't mail parcels in the middle of the day, when everyone is busy. Don't send valuables withont regis- tration. Fee is only 6c. Don't tie parcels with thread — it cuts the wrapper. Use good twine. Don't send very small articles as parcels; bettor put them in envelopes and send theta as lettere. Don't write the address with lead pencil; use pen and ink, andwrite dis- ti nctly. Don't seal parcels addressed to the United' States. They cannot go, seal. Don't try to register ' anything. ilt,o Great Britain; you can't. • Don't send money any other w'ay than by P. 0; order or Postal Note the best an cheapest, • Don't spend all your money. Pdt some in the P. O. Savings Bank. Doss IT Marrss to you that of all the usen„ women, aid children who die each • year in Canada QM in seven is a vintim of Consumption Doss IT MATTER that one in every three of these is out off in the full glow of life, with plans and hopes and loves "that must be given up ? Dors IT MATTER that a few persons have joined hands and within a few short years have saved thousands of tLcso unhappy ones and can save them all if only there is a little more help and a Mao mere naoney ? Perhaps it doesn't matter. lb i.3 all very interesting bub it is no immediate concern of yours. BUT WOULD IT MATTER if instead of entering somebody else's home and carry- ing off their loved ones, Consumption Came into your home and laid its hand on the one you love the best in 011 the werld? Wortio IT MATTER then if you saw your husband, wife, child or friend dying fur lack of a little bit of the money some other fellow was throwing away ? WOULD IT MATTER when Christmas came if there were nothing for you to do hub sit on the edge of the bed and stroke the white hand on the coverlet and realize that this was the last Christmas? This is how much it matters in thousands of homes in Canada this year and will con- tinue to matter until enough people like you test the burden and feel how crushing it is. It DOES matter—it is the most important •thing in the life of some unfortunate sufferer—what you do with the attached form. tital?f7cveoinsheumpti*Telsconi gne ulToi, L.' 1 basuard $work, Ze gladly enclose Name .Address 5.001mill provide maintenance for a week 20.00 will pay for four weeks. .00 will endow a bed for a year. pr. Since the need is such a permanent one, I should also like to subscribe 111911h Register my namecc aord- 'Contributions may be sent to W. J. Gage, mg.. at gracium Ave., Toronto, or to R. Dunbar, Soc.4reas....Ational tart= Association. 347 King St, W.. Toronto. whimisimoamilamommmoli. IAnyWallt of lite our Classified Want Ads., swill half. vou: a a. yo9soyant a posttionrsyou_ can reach the hest employers. If you ,mnt help.you..can:zet -the most efficjerittt loneyto Inammtio row Want Ads..ceyerthantlii 10.11Mtb/olum a. wauciits Contractors We are ready to figure on your Mason Contracts and Cement Work For next season. No contracts to large and too small to receive our careful attention. LOUIS WEBER, Zurich. • CHAS. MEYERS, Blake. .II.ZURIOH . MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a " full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. YUNGBLUT •• •• .•.:•:•_.orm4tEgt ,Pris.'"VreVwwwwlisvO.WailislimssolwerIlierweineimeiswelew E. B. BALFOUR, graduate Western University, late of the Military Hospital and Victoria, Hospital, London. Office in the building formerly occupied by thelate Dr.1VIcLaughlin, Dashwood. IMMINIMMINOMMI, •1•1911•11114/1111•1101111111••111•1.010 Henry Bossenberry Incensed Auctioneer Huron, Middlesex and Larripton. Sa,tisfitetion guaranteed, • Dash wood, Ontario. Dates arranged at the office O......MIMVO•••NNMIQ•Cteve.umrsaaoags......Us. FOR SA E 3 New Ontario Farms .In the very heart of the famous 20, 000,000 acres of choice clay -belt land. Near the village of Matheson on the T. (K3 N. Q. Railway. All other surr- ounding lots already settled and ilia:. provements begun. Excellent gover- nment roads through the entire local - AY; school house and local P. 0. a - corner of one of the lots; houses erectt ed and 8 and 5 -acres cleared on each. Two of the lots have close to 1,000, 000 ft of valuable timber on each, (pine, birch, spruce and whitewood, in almost equal amounts) and ia add- ition over 1,000 cords of pulpwood on each farm, 160 acres in each farm. A rare opportunity for quick -ret- urns and safe investment. Price ex- ceptionally low, only $12.00, $4.00 and $6.00 per acre, respectively. It will pay you to investigate thii nuns - nal bargain. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich, STEVER'S The Barrels and Lugs of ' STEVENS 74.; Double and Single" Barrel SH.OTDUNS - . arc drop.foored //.one piece. Made of specialty selected steel. "—STRONGEST where other guns aro WEAKEST,, Compare STEVENS with.gunsat any where near, the price,antinoto. our QUAKY throughout., .be AilPt 0 f \\I, • • Our Shotgun Catalog shows the famous line of Stevens Repeaters—Doubles—Sin. Mos. If you cannot obtain STEVENS from. tour dealer—tot us know, and we will ship direct. press prepaid. upon receipt st Catalog Price, 'Li STEVENS ARMS gig TOOL COMPANY P.O. Box 5005, CHICOPEE FALLS. MASS. I will be operating the Blake Chopping Mill every Tuesday and, Friday, until further notic,e. Have a first class grind- er, and will guarantee good r !sults. JACOB ZIPPER. BLAKE - ONT. - DI DRAWS FRENCH PILLS A relia- ble Ite gulating Pill for Women, $0 a box or three for $10. Sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any address on receipt of price. Trig SCOBIMI, DnUOi CO., St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. irtrn,z,ri Vitality; for Nerve and Brain; increases "gmy Matter"; a Tonic—will build you up. $3 a box,or- two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of price. Tun SCOB,ELL DRUG CO.; St, CatharitieS, Ontario. Farm For Sale? I am receiving numerous enquiries respecting Huron County Farm Lands. If you want to sell will assist you with an advertising campaign that wilrbring buyers ' to our favored County. - No Buyer - No Charge Call, write or phone ' for particulars. E, ZELLER 3 Conveyancer, .Real Estate, &o ZURICH, ONT. 1)R A. J. MacKINNON late House Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital. N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyclinie Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. APPEL LOTHINGSTORE The fundernental policy of this business is to give bet- ter service and better value than is . expected, we make a- distinct bip for the very best trade. The custom look which markes garments is due to the manner o ftheir production, and the infinite skill and care de- voted to their manufacture. The style and fit show for themselves at a glance, and we give the most positive assur— ance of satisfaction or, no sale. The ,,simple fact is that we have the finest range of Cloth— ing possible to produce and at right prices,, ORDERED CLOTHES -A SPECIALTY Butter and Eggs taken in exch- ange. Gent's F taisi)3r. • 1' 0,