HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-01-23, Page 8r� ory .40 Cure Sleeplessness.. ep is to w anan's greatest aid e preservation of leer health eauty. When she has had sui- t rest she. feels %resle and re - abed; when. she ,suffers:, from: of it she loses her vitality, s sallow of complexion,, irrit- of temper, and is generally down. me women's nerves .are more ly ,excited than others, and for e the average hours of the day too long. They go to bed tired tally and physically, and thus p will not come. They lie e the whole night through, ening to the chiming of the k, until the striking of each ✓ becomes a torture. When y are thoroughly worn out sleep es, perhaps. at fitful intera"afa, when dawn is beginning to alt. Otherwise they may be °b- ed to rise without having rested brain at all. This state may tinue into the next night and the ht after that, until their nerves on the verge of a breakdown. he beat remedy to provoke ep, when it will not come natur- y, is to take more physical exer- e and do less brain work. Beaaty ep could be cultivated. The pa- ent should lie down and sleep for few minutes` every afternoon. erhaps it will not come at first, d then the only thing to be done to sit upright with the elbows sting upon the table and the ands supporting the chin. The useles should be relaxed and the incl allowed to wander at will ithout any definite effort, and with rseverance and practice this will e found to bring sleep. Many people think that afternoon leep is injurious to the health and beauty, but in the case of insomnia it can only do good. Care, however, should be taken to cheek the mid- day nap from becoming a sound sleep, as this will arouse a ten- dency to drop off into slumber at any minute of the day, which event- ually tends to duly the brain faculs ties. A warm bath will often bring sleep, especially if the sufferer from insomnia feels the cold. In that event down slippers- or sleeping socks should also be worn. The fol- lowing. . exercise, too, may be prac- tised just before getting into bed. The hands should be pressed on the neck so that the blood flows from the brain. The trunk is bent at the waist and gently swayed from right to left and then round in- a circle. This practice should be continu- ed for a few minutes before getting into bed, and in many cases will immediate) se be followed by a sound and refreshing slumber. A glass of hot milk last thing at night, gentle massage of the tem- ples, or a hop pillow are all aids to induce slumber which have been found to produce good results. UNIQUE GOLD COIN. Recently Purchased by the British Museum. • Women with Sallow Skits Here Is GOA Trreattnent! You Get Results Quickly. Womanly beauty is largely the out ward expression of health. livery women with pale cheeks and poor •complexion needs medicine— needs a potent tonic to -regulate her system, , • To tone up:the stolnaoh—th insure good digestion --to give new life and vitality to the whole system—where is there a remedy like Dr. Hamilton's Pills? Dr. Hamiltoli's Pills enable you to eat what you like—they correct con- stipation—make nourishing blood- instil force and vim_.into a run-down system. If nervous and can't sleep your -re- medy is Dr. Hamilton's Pills—they search out the cause.of your condition and you rise -in. the 'horning refreshed strong, vigorous, ready for the -day's work. • Dr. Hamilton'rflska °very weak and debilitated person to nee hie Mandrake and Butternut Pills. They make old folks • feel young, and weak folks feel strong. Their effects upon insomnia and langour is marvellous. Hundreds declare they soothe and quiet the nerves so that a good night's rest al- ways follow their use. To look well, to feel well, to keep well, use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They are mild, cleansing, strengthening—good for the young or old. • Sold by all dealers in 25o. boxes. BEAUTIFUL WORK OF NATURE Wonderful Falls of Kaieteur in South America. Dr. H. E. Crampton of the Am- erican Museum of Natural History, writing in Harper's Magazine of his visit to the falls of Kaieteur in South America, and which rank among the greatest in the world, says : "Then came the first close view of Kaieteur. Leaving my colleague, Dr. Lutz„ to look after affairs at Tukeit, and taking provisions and equipment for a field base on the Potaro above the falls, on July 19, I climbed the steep walk of the gorge to the high plateau above. The path debouched from the forest on to a rocky plain bearing very little soil, and, guided by the roar of troubled waters, I proceeded to the brink and looked out upon a work of nature whose beauty is un- surpassed. "Like a vast curtain nearly 800 feet high, a sheet of water over 200 feet in breadth poured downward from the firm, rocky brim into the depths of the gorge. The setting is superb .; all is primitive, untrou- bled nature, unmoved by signs of man or his works. And the scale is so grand that its full compre- hension is difficult if not impossi- ble. "Without taking into account the broken waters et its foot, Kaieteur is 741 feet in .the clear, nearly five times as high as Niagara, or it is higher than the Metropoltian build- ing at Madison_ Square, in New York, while at the time I saw it it exceeded a city block in breadth. "Many falls are higher, Niagara and Victoria are far wider, but Kaieteur is matchless for symmetry and beauty of setting." Occasionally a man gets up with the lark so that he can take a swal- low before breakfast. A unique gold coin has just been purchased by the trustees of the British Museum with the assist- ance of some private subscribers. It is the ,only known example of the gold coinage of the Anglo-Saxon King Offa, (A. D. 757-79$), the most celebrated of all the Mercian prin- ces, the friend of Charlmagne. and the recipient of many presents from that Emperor. The coin is remarkable not only on account of its uniqueness and of the fact that it is the earliest gold coin that ca:n be definitely .as- cribed to any English king, but also because, although it was struck by a'Christian king, it bears a Mohan- . m•edan inscription in Arabic. At the .time of the issuing of the coin the Arabic dinar formed a large part -of the gold currency of Eu- rope and it is believed that it was for this reason that Offa caused an exact imitation of an existing Ara- bic ooin to bo tirade for... his own • use. The coin is in a very fine state of preservation. The existence of this tnpecimen has been known since 1841. It was obtained in Rome by tial :ate Due de Blacas, but from 18.r till 1007 nothing was known of its whereabouts. " Jlllia'S nerd Leek. er " vo you heard :about Julia's hard luck " "No. What is its' "'She took Billie's engagement ring back to the jeweller's to be valued. Oh, floor 3'ulia!" "Well, , that's Teething. I always do that." "Yes; but the jeweller refused to give it back to her. He said itilli.e i1, d n'tpaid for it,"' enelaraemumelmal Let the reakfa st Call mean a dish of crisp, golden -brown ost Toasties served with a. sprinkling of sugar and some rich cream. This delightful food made of ohoioe Indian Corn— flaked and toasted—is ready to serve direct from the package. Just the thing for break- fast, lunch or supper, winter or eusnmer. 4 try tells why 1 Toasties, are sold by grovels --everywhere. Canadian Posture Cereal Co., Ltd, Windsor, Ontario. A CENTilltY OF PEA,CE." CTOULDNOT PUT HANOSIN WATER Sait: Rheum Began with Itchingand Burning, Watery Pimples, Cutl'� curs Soap, and.'Ointment,. Cured in Two, Weeks, L'Anse t Briltant, Que,••-e"I fluttered with Salt rheum for nlnis months. it began .by itching and burning sad my bands braise out in watery pimples and I could not sleep, only scratch . my hands and. they would bleed. The pimples were email and white, about tho else �s I t . of pin beads filled with � �`�' ' ' venter. I could not put nil' hands in waterat• all "I tried and but found no reline until 1 used Outioura Soap and Oineaent. I put the Cutdcune :Oint• went on my bands after washing them with tho Outwore Soap and in two weekn they wore perfectly cured." (Signed) Mies Bridget Brland, May 17.1913. • FOR PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS The following is a most effective and eco- nomical treatment:. Gently smear the ef- fected parte with Outicura Ointment, on the end of the finger, but do not rub. Wash oft the Fluticure. Ointment In Ave minutes with Cuticura soap and hot water and continue bathing for some minutes. This, treatment is best on "*lug- and retiring. .M other times. use Outlaw's Soap freely for the toilet and Wed, to assist in preventing inflamma- tion, =frritatton and clogging of the pores. Cuticura soap and Ointment sold every- where. Forliberalfree sample of each, with 82-p. book, send post -card to Potter Drug &Chem- Corp., Dept. D, Boston. 4.. John. A. Stewart, executive chairman and chief or- ganizer of the American movement for celebrating a hundred years of peace between Great Britain and the United States. His home is in New York. Why Net. Teacher -Now, who can tell what political economy is? Mike (embryo statesman)—Git- tin' the most votes for the least, money. COINS ARE LIKE KNOTS. Year by year they grow harder and in- cidentally more painful. Why suffer when you can bo cured for 25c. spent on Put- nam's Corn Extractor? Fifty years in use and guaranteed to cure. Use Putnam's Extractor, 250, at all dealers. Breaking it Gently. "I hev come to tell yuz, Mrs. Ma- lone, that yer husband met with an accident." "An' what was it, now 1" wailed Mrs. Malone. "He was overcome by the heat, mum." "Overcome by the heat, wasehe. An' how did it happen 1" "He fell into the furnace over at the foundry, mum," me da Helpless From Rheumatism Gin Pills Give Prompt Relief By Curing The Kidneys. Mr. Samuel Longmore, of Montreal, Says: "Just a word of praise for GIIT PILLS. rkb,ut fifteen months ago I could not walls a'r,.sei my room, suVering severely with Rh,.umatIem. I took GIN PILLS and be- came quite well. Two months ago, I had ltlteumatio Pains with Neuralgia. I re- sorted to GIN PILLS again for one week and became quite well." 60e. a Box, 6 for 82.60. Sample free if you write National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited,114 Toronto. A. Valuable Tip. When you have saved up enough money to invest in doubtful mining stocks—buy an overcoat. Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn',t Smart —Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sots Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c, Eye Books Free by Mail. An !rye Tonle Stood for Al! t:yoa Ova Ned Cara Mariano Eye Remedy Co., Chicago C .RGO aS OF MML. Ilnulense Postal Traffic Between Great Britain and Canada. Some idea of the tremendous postal trade between Great Britain and Canada is given in the figures secured from the General Post - office and published in a London paper. During the week before Christmas, 8,500,000 letters for Can- ado were sent out. The figures are : Parcels. Letters. Australia 19,500 2,500,000 China. & Far East 10,000 — India and Ceylon. 48,000 India and the whole of the Far East — New Zealand 19,000 South' Africa 30,000 Canada . -- China,' India, all the Far East, with either Australia, or South Africa thrown in. There has, in fact, been a tre- mendous increase in the mail busi- ness between Canada and Great Britain 'hi the past fifteen years. Anybody who has seen the Cana- dian mail put off the ship at the other side of the pond, or the American mail put off such a boat as the `Lusitania, never forgets the sense of., unlimited bulk thee com- munication between this continent and Great Britain assumes. He sees thousands and thousands of fat mail bags shooting down the sides into the waiting mail boat. He is aware that from. unseen and • unexpected nooks in the ship he has traveled en,, eagairgo of mail is being put fere-the ship of a century ago would scarcely hays had space to aecornmoslate. Mrs. 11. was an extremely careful mother, and had repeatedly eau- tione-1 her six-year-old daughter against handling any object that might contain germs. One day the little girl came in and said •:—` `Mo- ther, I am never going to play with my bitty any more, because she has gems on her." "Oh, no," replied her mother; "there are no germs on yslur kitten." "Yes, there are," Inge 'd the child. "I saw one hop.' 5,000,000 620,000 3,125,000 8,500,000 The figures concerning the par- cels sent to Canada were not pro- curable, along with the- rest, be- cause such parcels were sent en- tirely from Liverpool, Altogether,, the G. P. O. reported that 60,000,- 000 letters went out during the. Christmas rush and ten thousaract extra empldyees were engaged to London alone to handle the +work, and twenty-one buildings were pressed into service, ineluding drill halls, public baths, and ,auction rooms, It will be noted froxil the above figures that more letters were for Canada than for South. Africa, Aus- tralia, and New Zealand combined,, and more for Calada 'than for "ED. 7. Wanted. • QWRENS 'COULD EARN LIVING'. Host of Them Are Experts in Sciences or Arts. Interesting ' information concern- ing the queens of different goon-; tries is given by the Nene- Freie 1?reese, showing that if the occa.- sioet arose many of them cetild eas- ily earn :their livelihood. • Queen Elizabeth of Belgium pos- sesses a doctor's diploma' of the University, of Leipzig. Besides, .she, is an exoellemt' musician and plays the- piano and violin with great skill, Queen Mary of England paints, sings and is extremely clever with her needle. Queen Victoria Augus to of Germany: is a specialist with the camera and produces a special kind of art photo. Queen " Wilbel mina of Holland paints • miniatures and porcelain, while Queen . Mobil of Norway is a distinguished' p14ye-, weight, using' the psuedenlym off' Graham Irving. She is al ee a com- petent bookbinder, dressmaker and painter. Carmen Sylva (Queen Elizabeth of Rumania) is aworld famous. poet- ess and novelist. Helena, Queen of Italy, has jokingly remarked that in. case of need she could easily earn a high salary in the music halls of London or New York as an expert swimmer and rifiewoman. Seeking Distraction.. "Why do you suppose it is,". she asked, "that nearly all the great men of this world have been mar- ried?" "I suppose," replied .the old bachelor, "it'•s because they had to do something to get their minds off the troubles they had ab home." Wanted — Twelve well-educated, eOnr:'ientious young women as pupil nurses in City Hospital, Cleveland, to fill vacancies caused by v.:equation. Unusual variety of experience. New Nurses' Home soots to be completed. Finest con- tagie us disease building in the State. Children's Ward and Ma- ternity Department. Two months' Visiting Nurses' work. Monthly allowance from time of acceptance. Address Miss i3'rederika K. Geiser, Principal, It frequently rains on the just because the unjust has swipedhis umbrella. Minard's Liniment Cures' Diphtheria, A String to the Job. Office Seeker—"Is there anything else in the 'job' you speak of besides the salaryl" Political Bogs—"There's a little Werk on the sidei" Office Seeker—"Ah 1 I knew there wits some string to it." Good -Byre, old Backache 1JeI' ilime Will Fix You! Gee whiz—think of it! No more stomach dosing necessary to cure your lame back. very trace of lameness, every bit of stiffness, every sign of weakness in the back's muscles can be rubbed away for all time to come by good old "Nerviline." No other liniment can do the work so quickly, can penetrate so deeply, can bring ease and comfort to the back -weary sufferer as Nerviline in- variably does. Backache isn't the only malady Nerviline Is quick to cure. For lum- bago or sciatica you would go far to find relief so speedy as Nerviline gives. For chronic rheumatism there are pain -destroying properties in Ner- viline that give it first rank. The way it limbers up a stiff joint and takes soreness out of strained or rheumatic muscles is simply a wonder. If you havo an ache or pain any- where, if you have a sore back, a stiff neck, a stiff joint, a strained muscle—if you have lumbago, con- gested chest or sore throat, just try Nerviline. Rub it on plentifully—it won't blister, it can't do anything but cure you quickly. The large 50q. family size bottle is the mostecon- omical, of course, but you can, from any dealer, also get the 25e. small size of Nerviline, the king of all pain - relieving remedies. The Exception. "Patience is a virtue," quoted the Wise Guy. "Yes, especially it the people we owe money to," amended the Sim- ple Mug. ler All ready baked to a nicety; whole, mealy and full `', i;a'vored. Heating only is necessary. tar liinard'e Liniment Co., .Limited. Sire,—I have used your MINARD'S I,I1VI- MENT for the ,past 26 years and whilst I have occasionally used other liniments I can safely say that I have never used any equal to yours. If rubbed between the hande and in- haled frequently, it will never fall to cure cold in the, headin twenty-four hours. It is also the Beat for bruises, sprains, etc. Yours truly, J. G. LESLIE. .Dartmouth. A horse in the field is worth two In thebarn. You can't prevent Spavin, Ringbone, Splint, or Curb from., putting your horse in the baric but you can prevent these troubles from keeping horsesiu.the barn very long. You cangett KEN . L 'S SPAVIN CURE at anq druggistsat$lnbottic,(afor:$6,and Tie ndall's. will cure. Thousands of farmera and hor• etnen will sly so. On hook "Treatieeon the ltutyc free. e4 Dr. 11.3.1{ENDLLL CO., Seashore Falls, Vt. FARMS FOR EAt.O. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto, TF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL a, Fruit, Stock, Grain. or Dairy ParMs. write R. W. Dawson, Brampten. or • eif Colborne 8t,. Toronto. H. W. DAWSON, ,OolborneSt., Toronto NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE; t NrITE HAVE, SEVERAL GOOD NEWS' ii paper properties for Salo in On. tario towns at right prices. Apply quickly as subscription renewal time is just open- ing. Wilson Publishing Company, 71 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. NURSERY STOCK. TRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, FIFTY Varieties. Free Catalog. McConnell & Son, Grovesend, Ontario, Conceit (Limited). Post—Thinks he's the whole thing, does he 1 Parker—Well, I'd hardly go, it,s far as that abut he certainly con- siders himself a quorum. Mlnard's Liniment Ctrres Colds,.: Etc. Pat's Character. Courtesy to the geptle sex is a feature in Pat's cbnracter,'and. he is 'an adept at courting. "It's . a great pleasure entirely to be alone, especially when your sweetheart is wid ye," observed one reflective. swain. "Al," said a sweet Kerry maid to her lover, "if you wereme, Tim, and I were you, I . would be married long ago." "Do you dream of me, Mike'?" asked a girl of her young man. "Dream of you, my darling? Why, I can't get any sloop for 'teeming of you l" `uWhy, do people speak of the humanraee1" Because men and woman- are. always running- after each other," mISCELLANECU3. s•"t ANGER. TUMORS.. LUMPS, ETO„ r. J .internal and external. oared with. out pain by our home treatment.' Write us before too late. Dr. Bpttman Mei/teal Co.. Limited. Collingwond. Ont. The Soul,. el' a Plants IS the Action. insist on the ' 'OTTO IGEL" Piano Actiare YHM ivaY The otoso Inttmaoles of cid eg seem to consist in oomparin gouts and rho- mttt'z• (IT' Is NOT A Vhnorr HLe,C,NG) is 47 per cent. 'pure tu!phuri liquefied by a few other itsitre- diente just, as pure and h^ult ful. You can use it safely ants profitably as on ANTISEPTIC: Try it on that cold sore, or anti other sore you may have. Leading nursed-. recommend it. Price. 60 cents a bottle. Poi me Fale by all druggists. NEW WAY If your druggist does not carry it remit direct •to SUL- - P1IUR PRODUCTS, Taman, 158 Bay street, Toronto, and send ns his name. ULPUUR piagpm r During th4 Tilt She—Before we were married you used to catch me in your alms. He --Yes, and now I catch you; in my pockets. Mineral's Liniment Cures Qarget In Cowl, "There's a great art," an I±ish- man once declared, "in knowing what not te." know whin yez ;don't want to know it." Minard's Liniment Cures Dlstdniper. i11c11 Worse. "What's the matter l" "My wife found a letter in Inv pocket. ' . "I see. One you had forgotte;li mail." "No; one I had forgotten t burin" COrasica pat is an enemy within the camp. it *ill 'undermine the strongest constitution; and ruin the most vigorous health.,, It- leads to indigestion, billowiness, 'impure blood, bad completion, eick`'. headaches, and is one of the most;: frequent causes of appendicitis. -To neglectit is slow suicide, Dr. Morse' Indian Root Pills positively cur 'Constipation. They are entirely vegetabie in composition and do not sicken, weaken or gripe. Presert e your health by taking Dr. Horse's In n Root el