HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-01-23, Page 7npua1 Clearing
Watch this space for
particulars of our an-
nual :Oleanng.&ue to be
held :in thenear future.
When we say clear-
ing sale, , we mean it,
Our remaining stock of
winter goods must go, if
low prices will do it.
Big reductions along
the line beginning
Monday, ela� 2n
for 20 Days Oniy:
The Teinperauce question
The Views of two Local Clergymen can the Question, to be
decided at dime Polls; on Thursday Newt..
T believe that wine is a , Blocker,
strong drink is raging and vliosoever
is deceived thereby is not Vie.;
I believe it is good neither to eat
flesh nor to drink wine nordo any-
thing, whereby thy brother sttianbleth
or is offended, or is made weak, for
when we so sin against the brethren
we sin against Christ.
T believe that the bible , "'Correctly
translated and interpreted both in
letter and in spirit forbids thntse' of
or traffic in alcoholic beverages.
I believe that the church, which., is
not making war upon the liquor tra-
ffic is untrue to Jesus Christ
I believe that the minister of the
Gospel, who fails by precent and ex-
ample, to take an open stand against
the drink evil is not living upl,to his
privileges and is violating the ; vows
of his sacred office.
I believe that every child has a
right to be well born physically, men-,
tally, morally and that. is impossible
for alcoholic parents to bequeath their
children'an uniinpared birthright.
I believe that the licensing ,of the
liquor traffic with or without :. jiurean
consent, is unscriptural, unethical, un
social, unpatriotic, illogical, immoral,
and indefensible.
I believe that those who from in-
difference, selfishness, cowardice, app-
etite, prejudice or pride, as nothing
against this evil, will share the curse
pronounced upon Meroz, which same
not up to the help of the Lord against
the mighty.
I believe that the drink evil is the
enemy of the home, the chui'ca, the
school and the ballot box and the fri-
end of impurity, irreligion, ignorance
avarice , appetite and anarchy.
I believe that anything while is
the acknowledged. cause of so -much
want and waste and woe and social
disorder and civic . corr-
Fresh Groceries always kept 0211 -land option, should be destroyed root and
branch and that without debate or
All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange deI believe that the moral sense of
If you require any, send in your orders, we can make
them At Once.
Get our combination Doors, they will keep you warm
in Winter and cool in Summer.
Still Doing
Business at
The Old Stand
W;o'zhavo been appointed Agents for
the celebrated
Massey Harris implements
We handle evorytliia,' in that line,
Seeding Implements, Marline spread-
ers, all kinds of Plows, Seed Drills,
Disc Harrows, Oultivators, Bran
Harvesters, etc.
Harvesting Implemepts
Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Hay
Loaders, Etc.
Massey -Harris
Cream ° Separators
yll-kinds of Plow,repairs, .Gasoliuo
atiginot ; our line of 0itilei s
WIT t -own.tirsiko �'.I;
S 14
Fanning Mill
I am agent for the Clinton fano.
ing hill sieves, and farmers re-
quiring anV, can procure them at
my farm, South of Zurich
John Hey jr,
get your
nieVr Suit
mankind will eutlaw the liquor traff-
ic as it has outlawed gambiitalaga ell-
ing, slavery and vice. - Selected:
Apply this creed on Jan. 29th. and
vote for the abolition of the 'bear in
Huron County.
opio. BAR
I am against the open bar, be,aiuse
it takes all I have and gives' me no
equivalent. 1 step inte a shoe store
andpurchase a pair of shoes; result
my feet are kept warm,. I step into a
clothing store and purchase a silit of
clothes; result my body, is protected
from heat -or cold.
I step into a grocery store and pur-
chase bread, meat„ potatoes, as a re-
sult my body is fed and made strong.
I step into a book store and pur-
chase a good book, result my mind is
fed and enriched.
1 step into a saloon and , take a
drink, as I wish to be r'egarde'd as a
good fellow; I take another. Soon`my
brain is less -clear my hand less steady
and my walk less fins. Soon : my
value as a doctor, lawyer, mechanic,
is lessened, by and by I cease to have
any economic or social value. Fin-
ally I am an outcast and a wandorer
My opposition to the saloon and
the liclnot traffic is simply a matter
of decency and manhood, It is'sinaply
saying that I prefer prosperity to
poverty, sobriety to drtinkeness, and
honesty to dishonesty. It is but an
expression of a preference 'to remain
clean, strong, and manly, •rather than
to become a•brutish bleareyed,. strag-
gling outcast and wreck.
The Auietharst.
Tan reasons why I will vote for
the Abolition of the bar on Jan. 29th.
in Huron County
1. I can do without intoxicating
liquor for beverage purposes.
2. I am willing to observe the con-
ditions of the Canada Temperance
9. I do not want my children heat
At Zurich's Leading ed to 4trcror'' drink in •a bar room nor
Tailor Shop the only Place, fri71. t, l;,,
r, 10,c 4 r t
t �7i31€,z,i ir'�r'T ,r.�, is r a r irl' 1 ,t! ,
lett ' t.it
Le'?1.1 .-Cr E. -";i Kchli {.1 it?,}i . 1 ,.l x..
8. 1 do not carp to have tthe :man
who buys strong drink pay .for my
government expenses nor for part of
my accomodation at hotels.
9. I do not: want to support peo-
ple who personally or through relat-
ives spend their means of subsistence
for strong drink.
10. I wish to be no longer respon-
sible for the presence of the bar room
in the County of Huron.
Ray. G. F. 13ROwN.
� iiV:
wtt.H✓� nowontM.;•. h,,A.. .fie .nc..,.,iwi.,r
mute you. ever considered �'Painting"_from the standpoint of ,a
?rance polirf' t
'Pge,premium represented by the colt of painting is fr proportion ba,
'the importance of the security afforded; no higher than other barman*
In fact Itis coneiderably smaller, and boon becomes a whit= gttantfty
Why Fire Insurance 'rornadb Innurnnce-Light ;rads ?
pet , pintect whenthn whk>gou wr to aoetL jittppens]
l0Uun SeuotwJPaint
ords� the uteiQproteMidn� l=aurel gnarl Property 6eg[Onlo
lto appiicanon ae
ft words oft tfir Boit dogs of Old Sol, the nips of Old4rck Frost -the,
Magee of Old Pother Time 4.-:411,4 r f
l e-' Prfvente drf-rot+-cbecks deter1Orailo0. Na safer,TtiPe
Itliablgit=uranc dank!be offer-• riRt4 ^'r •^
Editor Herald:
Since a number of people have
been asking me, myvlews on "The
Canada Temperance Act", I beg leave
very briefly to set forth a few of them
on this, and kindred phases of this
work, such as "Local Option," etc. In
hefirst place I hold, with the church,
that taking a pledge is unnecessary,
but that a Christian should be temper-
ate in all things.
Secondly, that in my opinion even
no prohibitionist considers that Local
Option or The Canada Temperance
Aet is all that is necessary to eradi-
cate the drink evil or drunkenness,
but that it is a step nearer the final
goal, a move in the right direction
'thirdly -That a better and more
satisfactory solution of this problem
would be for our government to enact
a law prohibiting the manufacture
and sale of all alcoholic intoxicants,
excepting such portion and quality as
may be necessary for medical purpos-
es. In which event, parties having'
purchased hotels should not bo made
to suffer financial loss, but justly and
satisfactorily dealt with.
Fourthly, that in case the Canada
Temperance Act carries in Huron
County, as it appears it surely will,
then this con ,unity should purchase
at a fair price, our large hotel and,
under the direction of a competent
leader and his associates, make of it,
what every successful rural communi t y
needs, a centre for our social,' literary
educational and economic needs. That
is, use a part of it for a music and
en'ertainment hali',.farmer's institute
assembly room, library and reading
rooms, gs mnasium, etc; something to
keep our younger generation in our
own locality, and cause thein even-
tually to see the beauty, purity and
strength of an ideal rural community.
Finally, I am convinced that as
far as saloon work and influence is
concerned,(I refer not to orderly holel
work, the only regrettable feature of
which is the bar connected with) that
it causes the spread of disease, social
and private immorality, ruined
homes, pauperized labor, lawlessness
and crime, as well as political corrup-
tion. In view of these sad consequen
ces and facts, it is my moral and civic
duty to doall in my power to help my
weaker and more severely tempted +,
fellow -citizen and brother, to have all
stumbling -blocks and rocks of offence
removed from his pathway, and earn-
estly join with the great apostlePanl,
who said: "If meat make my brother
to offend, I will eat no flesh while the
world standeth, least' I make my bro-
ther to offend" and, "it is good neith-
er to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor
anything whereby „thy brother
stumble&h, or is offended, or is made
weak. For I would nob wish to fall
under the condemnation of my bless-
ed Sat antes words; "whoso shall of-
fend one of these
ones which believe on me; it were bet
ter ft:t i=gin, that a millstone were
hanged about his neck, and that he
were drowned in the depth of the
Riw. W. O. MILLER, B. A..
Zurich, :lar.. 22, 1914.
On Sunday morning and evening,
the pastor will, D. v. speak on tem-
perance as sot forth in God's Word.
cordial invitation is extended to all
not worshipping elsewhere.
before Stock Taking in all lines o
Goods. The bargians 1 am offerin
will save you $ $ $. 1 invite you t
call, as space will only allow me t
mention a few of the many 1 have
to offer.
Dress Goods Regular 85 for 65 ots.
" 6'0 for 40 ots.
40 -for 25 ats,
25 for 20 Cts.
Ladies -Coats Regular 16.00 for 11.00
" 12.00 for 7.00
" 10.00 for 6.00
1 only Ladies Fur lined 40 for 28
I only Astraeheiu lined]
with fur Collar 17.00 for 13.00
Ladies fur ruffs reg 10 00 for 7.00
' I s 8.00 for 5.00
`; '7.00 for 4.00
" Muffs' " 9.00 for 6.00
" Muffs 8 00 for 6,00
Ladies Black Satin Underskirts.
Regular 2 00 for 1 50 REMNANTS
" 1.50 for 1.15 at
" 1.25 for 1.00
" 1.00 for 75
Sweater Coats Mens
4.00 for•3.00
3.50 for 2,50
85 for 60o
price to clear
Ladies Childs.
2,00 for 1 50
1,25 for 9;
Prints and Gingham 12to for 10 yd.
Flannelette Wrapperrtte
Reg 15 for 12t Reg 20 for 15
Reg 12i for 10 Reg]s for 10
Reg 10 for 8 Reg 12i for 10
Blank and White Rock Fast Drill
Shirting 14c. BIack Kentucky jean
Painting worth 30c for 250.
Mens Suits Mens Overooatq
Reg 17.00 for 13.00 Reg 12.00 for SS
Reg 12.50 for 9.00 Reg $10 for 6.00
Reg 10.00 for 6 50 Reg $tir for 5,50
Reg 8 00 for 5.50
1 only Mens fur lined ove--coats reg
45.00 for 33,00.
Boys Suits and Overcoats at barg•
ain Sale prices to clear. Bargains
in all lines of Underwear caps.
gloves eto.
Of all kinds at,Bargain Sulo prices
They must be cleared out' regard-
less of cost.
Mens Tweeds and worstead Snit
Lengths, only at half price.. Now
is the time to get a bargain.
20 lb gran sugar $1.00, 61b- roast
coffee 1, tin box biscuit 25e,., 51b
80c green tea 1. 51b 30c black,
Pink Salmon loo box, best salmon
20c box, 3 can peas 25o, 3 cans corn
Do not Fail to attend. this Big Sale.
Highest:Prices paid for Farm Produce
J. ME1U'
- Zurich
Let us know your wants. We
handle everything in Farm
Puilies, all sizes and kinds,
Belting, leather or canvke, all
lltH. `71ra.fi• boxing and
l ., ,. .'iis•.p and mop9
Prompt Service