HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-01-23, Page 1risolidated. Witti ASI1WOOD .-
FRIDAY IV1(3RNGmJAN 23-1914 ----_-_.---
vol. )SIV.
We announce to the public a
tremendous Bargain Sale. We
have gone over many lines of our
immense stock and reduced the
prices so greatly that they will
move out_ rapidly. If you want
to . save money w now is your*
Read the following:
Ladies Mantling
Regular $2.00 per yd. Bargain Price $1.00 per yd.
11 . 2.50 51 1. 11
1. 1.25( 1, 11
3 50 11 1 ,. 41 11 2.00
{ 1 51
1.25 " .1 11 11 75 11 U
Dress Goods
Regular $1.50 per yd Bargain Price $1.0u per yd.
11 1.25 .25 11 11i• 75 11 11
11 (1 11 11 655 1,
. [ 85 11 11
11 60 11 11
11 500 , 1
11 11
54 11
15 11
Tweeds & Worstead Suitings.
We have cut our prices in tweed suitings to half price
to clear.
Regular $2,50 pes yd. Bargain Price 1,25 per yd. •
f1 I.50 1i 11 .. 1' 75 1,•,U
t, 1.00 �� 11 1i 11 50 'At 11
Childrens' Toques
A large assortment of Children' toques at 25o each. A
full line of Ladies' and Children' hose regular 250 bargain
price 15 and 20o. A lot of tanoy ginghams and Zephr
cloths, regular 150. bargain price 10c. a yd. Men's and
Boy's saps job lot worth up to 50o bargain price at 150 ea.
Kimona cloth regular 200 bargain price 15c a yard.
Ladies Neck Furs
Regular $10 bargain price 2.50. Regular,, 9.00 bargain
price 6.00. Regular 7.50 bargain price 5, 00. Regular 4.50
Bargain price
Men's Overcoats.
Regular $9 bargain price 9.00, Regular 10. bargain
price 6.50. Regular 12 bargain price 8 50. Regular 15 00
bargain pride 10,40. Regular 18.00 bargain price 14.00.
Bov's Overcoats, all sizes at -big bargain prices.
Regular $7.00 for $4.00 Ragular $10 00 for $6.50
12. for 8.50 15. for 10.
Regular 17. for 12.00
Boy's suits from $1.00 up. The biggest bargains ever offered.
Ladies' Mantles .
Our ladies' mantles have been naoving out rapidly the last
few weeks. We still have a few left to clear out at $5.00 each
These are good quality and styles and a big bargain worth up
to $12.00
Child's Coats
Children's corduroy and blanket cloth coats from $1.50 up
Sweater Coats at greatly reduced prices.
We have in stock a -nice lot choice new fruits for Xnias
trade, new raisins, currents, the best we can buy. You should
e some of these for your Christmas cafe.
Crockery and China
A large stock of dinner setts imported direct from factory
at prices that are bargains, also a lot of,fancy china for 'Xmas.
Christmas Gifts
We have now on display a large assortment of Toys, Dolls,
etc., etc'., euitable for the children. Also many useful gifts of
all descriptions. ' Shop early.
:Peninsuilar dk Happy
hot Store
Mr" G. Thdighoffer of Dashwood
LOCAL NEWS,'Faq in town on Monday on business.
via,.,414 0, y �4 MissDonella Rub and Miss Mary
•'Veiel _visited friends in Exeter on
Miss Moll Koehler left Saturday. .�a tesdriy.
last for Tavistock and Berlin to visit #i: Owing to a delay in some mater -
relatives and friends.
, e are a day late with this
Mr. Peter Deichert jr. spent Sun �'ee1''s issue,
day last at the home of Mr. Henry . IMr . J. J. Merrier MP
M. ., . Ieft on
Roeder near Dashwood.. �ttrvv or4daay., to attend the cession at
Miss Flossie I3owald of 8eafortll; w,
t ,,fir."William Brown of' Piaster
spent Sunday with relatives aed l ' .in dept., lags invested in a Pope
friends in town . , 4,eeetorayole.
The police trustees of this ' : towlt'Mrs, D S Faust .returned from
have appointed 141r. Chris Eilber al�Lrondon, ,where; she was .on business
town constable 'for the coming year.•.6 eIC sister, Mrs. J. Snaith.
Rev. A. H. Plyley of Chesley, Onti' my England has been here on
will assist Rev. Mr. Brown next week�,clur ese, with his sister, Mrs. D.
in the revival meeting that are beim) ast.
held in the Evangelical, church. r�. a Misses Flsssie and Georgeiba
Mrs. M. Kaercher and Mrs. G. Mei::a; an of near Dashwood spent
ner have both been on the sick list aturd with Mr. and Mrtr. Alex Fos,
a number of days, but are again c
valescent. ',l` °isle Ada Brown, Goshen Line,
Mr. Henry Pfile and sister Pearl off. tvl'cr. #jvas laid up fora number of days
the 14th con. are expected to return rwith$a severe cold, and poxyism, is
this week from an extended visit to ol
te be around again.
friends and relatives in the state. oi::\� Ire ' Sade -6 Pullet, thoroughbred,
Michigan. ' art Rock, Roosters for sale. Ap-
As we have'addedabout 1800 sr .ly t' Chas. '.'itz,,Zurich.
scribers to our list by taking overt .',6" , Sale A;
Dashwood Pioneer snscribers, it wi ear• �fnimber of good
be clearly iu the businessmen's inter; " ,<' young cows, coming in Jan"
i0„re,,•ant. February: For particulars,
est to increase their advertising space
tin this paper. No other weekly coy -,ll a•
ers the territory solhoroughiy. 1 H.;.,;
'The regular meeting of South Hu-ctr"o
rou Farmers' Institute,will be held X8:1'1, i
at Grand Bend, Brenner's Hall, on a '.lE'7
Monday Jan. 26, 1914, and at Zurich
Town Hall on Tuesday, Jan. 27. in
Afternoon meetings 2 p. ne. Evening
at 8 p. ni. Speakers: A. R_ G. Snziib,
of New IIambiirg; and Miss " 3. C
Smith of Powasion. For particulars 1 oe
Dsee ,,',.b.lls.
The Zurich Agricultural meeting °'
was held in the Town Hall on Tues -
Iday. Officers elected were as follows
John Pfaft pres., W. Caldwell lst vice
pres., 0. Eilber 2nd vice pres. Dir-
ectors: C. Waiper, J Hoy Jr, John
Decher Sr, Alf Reichert, Peter Deich-
ert, Louis Schilbe, H Neeb, Ernest
Roeder, E Icl.opp. Auditors: Jacob
Haberer, John Decher Sr. The
Board of Directors stet immediately
after. D. S. Faust was ie -elected
secy-treas. The society is in good
financial shape, while they had a big
expense last year, we must congratu-
late their Board for the energetic and
1 good work.
o 113, Geo. Joyn4, Hensall.
Hoffman, our young 0,
r, played this week
with Seaforth, against
suiting in victory and
perance meeting will be held.
town'hall, Zurich, next Mon-
ning at 8 ,o'clock, 'when the
Wall PC1111ce Act w1.11 b ha-
ts rection to the abolition
bar in Huron County. Rev.
rith and Hicks of Hegsall
he principalspeakers:
The Police Trustees are circulating
a petition to annex five acres at the
north end. The property is owned,
two-fifths of an acre, by Mr. J. J.
Mercer; on which a dwelling is being
nowcompleted; thre-tenths by the
klertnonite congregation and the re-
mainder, by Mr. E. Zeller, who is
nog making plans to subdivide
divide about four acres into building
The ladies of the town met at the
home of }yrs. W, Fritz on Thursday
of last week, Mrs. Hastings of Exeter
the district organizer, organized a
"Women's Institute". Phe officers
are as follows. -President, Mrs. W.
Frit`Y; 1st. Vice. Pres. Mrs, J. Pree-
ter; 2nd. Vico. Pres. Mrs. E. Appel;
LUTHERAN CHURCH 1 Seo. Treks. Miss Kate Campbell: Dis-
The Sunday services will be at
the usual hours : German 10.50 a.m
Sunday S 2.00 o. in. English 7,00 p.
rn. The following meetings are
held during the week :
S. S. officers and teachers 7.30 p.m.
on Tuesdays. Men's Missionary
society at 8.00 p. m. on Tuesday
Young People's society at 8.00 p.m
ll'rida,y. The Ladies Aid Society
meets at $ 90 p m, Elie first Tues
day Of each month,
A cordial invitation is herewith ex-
tended to all, not worshiping else -
whore, to worsbip'with us and take
an active part in the work of the var-
tous societies of our church.
&tab!izhed 1353
trict Dirertai°, hiss Anna Hess; Press
Corresponder Miss Vera Siebert, Dir.
eetors Mrs. W. L. Siebert, Mrs. Rev,
Brown; Auditors Mrs. O'Brein, Mrs.
C. Fritz, The next meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. W. L. Sie-
bert at 7.30 o'clock. A special invi-
tation is extended to all the ladies of
the town and community.
l A special meeting of the Blake 1
Womsn'g Tiistitute Will be held at the
home of Mrs. A. T. Douglas on Tues-
day 27th at 2 p. m. Miss Snaith, the
legate sent out by the Department
will speak onT.ubercolosis, itsprevon-
tion au(' euro. All women are cordi-
ally invited. At the December meet-
ing hell at residence of Mrs. J. A
Manson.,, the institute devoted $5.00
to the Gravenhurst Sanitarium. At
the January meeting Mrs. A. McDon-
ald read a very insiructive paper on
bathing a patient in bed and a demon-
stration on slaking the bed of a help-
less person, etc, We hope to have
more valuable papers by Mrs. Mc-
Donald:-(gradiate nurse.) Tho mem-
bers wits have a privilege of a free
Librar3'for 3 months this winter
from T"pronto.
Your .il.cc)unts.. are
all ready for you to call,
for Settit;m���.
Zurich Feed
Leading Brand of
Flour,. Shorts, Bran
and Feed Corn
Produoe•f all kinds taken in
We are agents for Interna-
tional and Royal Purple
stook food.
Also a full line of Grocer-
ies on hand.
Beans primes per bus $1.85
Cook's Snowdrift Flour $2.75
Snowdrift fiour in 5 bag lots $2.50
NO flour 1.50
Bran per top $22,00
Shorts per ton $24.00
Wheat per bus. 83cts.
Barley per bus 55cts.
Oats per bus. 32cts. -
1 9 1 '.4.
We take this means o
thanking you very much. for
your -Patronage, and exten
to you our Best Wishes for -
the New Year,
F. W. Hess
G. R, Hess
You are cordially invitod to our Fall Opening of Footwear. We az
ready with one of the best new fall stocks of all the le test and bas
quality Canadian and American Footwear. We ai-n to keep the nasi
we bavo made for ourselves : "The Home of Good Shoes"
We have a full stook of the very Best Rubbers on the market.
Call and see them.
Men's and W hen's .Heavy Snoes
Just the thing for wet weather, Call and see, We have just
a ski meat
ceivedp of Boys and Girls school shoes,
Butter, Eggs and .Dutch Setts taken in exchange for shoes
L'. FRITZ. - Zurich
The Horne of Good Shoes
Yes That Is Right. Y ou can, bu.
lust what o t at theright r°
Ill".1'. D INTEREST rt,• eel„.� ' i
. r �1..'"fr •
i,+ 1