HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-01-16, Page 7. 11100
-reply, in
rred to Dr.
lea that all of
moon, if true, d
of the moon, sin
light from the s
polarized. Pola
the scholars s
the quality of po
of naving its ray
the zenith or
sort of turning
of light similar
of a clock make
o'clock. Twelve
and the rays
such a point
If reflected li
a physicist with
ed the polari
found to conta
light. The bol
glass made of
lar material,
out and shows
tions in which
the poles.
polarized, its r
one way or o.
light has its e
planes ca dire
It so happen
and substance.
rays of light t
as these rays
To all other r
the crystal or
Thus, as 1
through such
or selects •.onl
pond to its pr
only one of m
is used in a
light of the m
it is found to
.Now, it is n
that the moo
fleeted. But
the authoritie
one who had
ins polarized
any possible
gen his •expe
that such eff
A few of his e
with a; 200
lamp. Later
with 32 sand
menu lamps.
electric help
means of a p
plate 'glass,
Mirror. In '
light of thea
duplicated in
powerful be
used will onl
' He obtains
results with'
of fish and
before the
tethers frons
fleeted orMe •
'fish in ;the p
long ''before
''before. ;Elie
• greed lower
Ther. tests
a t)A�
Paid .the
ti of "thy moor
'an u aids is too:
tamen j , • 3(+ ollee/
work of Profen
ti , thM''moon-
ealiar . influence
'oras, coimes Pro -
British scientist,
`;the man in .the
,any region on
equator to the
exit of the aretic
�tely discovered
there is not a
,e powerful and
•f moonlight on
ted seeds and to
eat which is to
and related_be-
h dangers to per -
to sleep out of
he full glare: of
fly a` tropical
in the face of
unnecessary to
a tropical effect,
ext farmer you
will tell you of
soniight to newly
w a sheet must
oting bulbs at
his laboratory, it
Bryant to test the
hese effects of the
epended upon the
fact that the light
ee it is a reflected
un, is more or less
rized light, or, as
ay, polarization, is
wer that light has
s turned away from
North Pole. It is a
around of the waves
to what the hands
when they leave 1
o'clock is the pole,
re repelled from
when light is polar-
ght is examined by
an instrument call -
scope, it is always
'n some polarized
risoope is merely a
quartz or some simi-
which•• easily filters
the different direo-
light is turned from
When light is fully
ays are all turned in
e plane. Ordinary
ayes going in all
ctions at the same
s that some minerals
will only permit
pass through them
come in one plane.
ys of the same light
mineral is opaque.
ight is transmitted
a substance it shows
those which eorros-
eference. Quartz is
any such things. It
polariscope. If the
oon is thus analyzed
be polarized.
o new thing to learn
n's light is thus de -
Bryant searched all
s, but could find no
ver thought to exams
light with regard to
chemical effect from
he British savant be-
riments with the hope
ects would be found.
xperimentsekere made
-candlepower Osram
tests were carried out
lepower carbon fila -
The light: from these
-was' polari;tedt - by
ile of semen sheets of
backed with a silver
this way ;the reflected
loon from; the sun was
the laboratory. More
ams of light than those
y servo to confirm Dr.
d the ni b surprising
fish. He;eut up slices
ung some "of them up
direct rays of light, and
She same fish in the re-
olarized beams. The
olarized light decayed
the other slices, al
heat was ;several de=
hon in. the :direct light.
were made, with seeds;.
jtsztil, I2dtl~;ar soifr-
'bee tlrintse, . n :. eveii*
Tilaxl r sat
••tx�tn, ti, °�
case the pi)'
tided , effect
erized light Haida, de -
upon the k3rganic sub
Of the two kinds of blowers the
-..old-fashioned bellows is less an-
noying. '
Frequent shampoos with Cuticura
Soap, assisted when necessary by
gentle anointinga with Cuticura
Ointment, afford the purest, sweet-
est and Inost economical method
of freeing the scalp of infants and
children from minor eruptions,
itchings and scalings and of es-
tablishing permanent hair health.
Cutteura Soap and Ointment are .old erouchout
the world. A lteeral Simple of each. with 32 -pace
booklet on the oar° and treatment of the akin and
scalp. sent poet -free. Address Potter Drug &Chem.
Corp., Dept. 8K. Boston. J. 5. A.
And the Kingdom of Heaven is of
the child -like, of those who are easy
to please, who love and who give
pleasure. R. L. Stevenson.
Many in this world run after feli-
city like , the absent-minded man
hunting 'for his hat, while all the
time it is on hi's head or in his hand.
—Sydney Smith.
Wealth is honorable, and may be
used most blessedly when men re-
gard themselves as being what in-
deed they are—stewards of it, and
not the owners.—Farrer.
Money is the last enemy that
shall never be subdued. While there
is flesh there is money ----or the want
of money ; but money is always on
the brain so long as there is a
brain in reasonable order.—Samuel
Clergymen and gardeners have,
on the whole, the longest and most
healthy lives. It is due in each
case to the fact that both clergy-
man and gardeners live the most
perfect mental,, moral and physical
lives.—John Burns.
The greatest vocation of all for
women must ever be the home, and
to recognize that home depends on
woman, and that the cultivated wo-
man exalts its influence was to put
our value of women's education on
the right lines.—Sir A. Hopkinson.
By Simple ,Change in Food.
It has been said by .a physician
that most diseases are the result
of indigestion.
There's undoubtedly nnueh truth
in the statement, even to the cause
of many unsightly eruptions, which
manysuppose cavi be removed by
applying some remedy on the out-
13y ehangnig her food a Western
girl was relieved of an eczema
which' was -a great annoyance to
her. She writes:
"For five months I was suffering
with an eruption on my face and
hands which our doctor' called ec-
zema and which caused me •a great
deal of inconvenience. The suffer-
ing was almost unbearable.
"The medicine I took only gave
me temporary relief. One day I
happened to read somewhere that
eczema was caused by indigestion.
Then I read that many persons had
been relieved of indigestion by eat-
ing Grape -Nuts.
"I decided to 'try it. I liked the
taste of the food and was particu-
larly pleased to notice that my di-
gestion was improving and that the
eruption was disappearing as if by
magic. ' I had at last found, in this
great food, something that, reached
my trouble:
"When I find a victim of this
efl3fttion I remember my own for-
mer suffering and advise a trial of
Grape-Nuts,•food instead of Medi-
• Naan6 given by • Canadian Postuni
Co;; Windsor, Out. Read "The
Road to Wellville," in pkgs.
('There's a Reason,"
Etter read the shove. hotter? a untie
ane appears front time to time. They
Sirs genuine, Una. • staid iCt*U of Unman
S1.111,111E1) O'V 7R {7Ti4.1R'V4".tf`,A: T',L.
Private bi French Array PrMiletf
• War With Germany.
Military circles in Paris, and
move particularly in Versailles,
are much interested in 411116 0tion
which has been made by priviste
in the .Versailles aviation >:ps
named Dumanet. The man.'; s a.
Breton, and . both his officers and
his comrades are firmly `•convinced
that he has the gift of clairvoyenee,
or "second sight." Reiently Du-
mtunet said to a sergeant: "You
will be reduced to the ranks in a
couple of days." The sergeant
laughed, and then became angry,
but two days later he insulted one
of his officers and lost his stripes.
There was a scandal in the bar-
racks at Versailles over the loss of
postal orders worth between $15
and • $20, and suspicion fell .on m
non-commissioned efixeer.
An officer thought'' of calling. in
Duncanet's ,help to clear up the
mystery. He hypnotized the roan,
who, without a moment's hesita-
tion and in the presence of several
witnesses, took the officer by the
hand, led him across the, barrack
yard and up a flieht'of•stairs, and
discovered the stolen postal orders
in the bed of a lihan, .• who broke
down under examination and con-
fessed that he was the guilty per-
son, though no suspicion whatever
had attached to him before.
Dumanet declares that France
and Germany will be at war in less
than a month, and his officers con-
sidered the prophecy worthy of
mention to the War Office.
is Nature's own remedy for RHEU-
MATISM, ECZEMA and kindred
troubles, arising from impure
blood. It has no equal as a blood.
purifier. Price 50 Cents a bottle.
All druggists, or SULPHUR PRO-
DUCTS LIMITED, 158 Bay Street,
The Main Point.
Helter—"Holmes gets a gigantic
salary from that mining corpora-
Skelter—"Able to locate gold
mines, is he?"
Helter—"Not much. Able to lo-
cate stock purchasers."
Try Murine Eye Remedy
l{f you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes
or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart
—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell
Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25e, 50e.
Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes,
25c, See. Eye Books Free by Mail.
An Eye Tonto Coati for Ail ew.o MA Need Cara
Marine Eye Ibemody Co.. Chicuget
It Is the privilege of few to have
their faces on coins. Most people
are content to get their hands on
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
11:r. Hitchens Says It Is In Truth
a City of Dreams.
Damascus, with its ancient sac-
red associations, its 48 mosques,
the tomb of Saladin, and its clus-
ters of houses, hidden in its world-
famous roses and jasmine, is in
truth a city of dreams,-
reams,"Why is it so fascinating?" asks
Mr. Hitchens. "Why will it be for
ever a delicious memory in my
mind? I can scarcely tell. Two
young, Arab boys lean, on the edge
of the basin dreamily listening to
the fountain, and casting sprays of
jasmine upon the surface of the wa-
ter. The guardian draws slowly at
his narghile, as he squats on the
sofa with his legs tucked under him.
A blue pigeon flits under the white
"The noise of the city, in the
heart of which we are, does not
penetrate to this place. We hear
only the fountain. Who dwells in
those shuttered houses, behind the
fretwork of wood, behind.the climb-
ing flowers? I shall never know.
No voice drops down from them, no
eyes peep out. We are in a 'hermit-
age, deep surely in old Damascus,
where the feet of Abraham trod,"
Love's Torments.
Neighbor—What's Massie cryin'
Mother—That fortune-teller told
her tli•at• she's goin' ter misery
tall, handsome, dark nobleman.
Neighbor—Well, ain't that a
good fortune?
Mother—Yer'd think so but now
she's broken-hearted at the thought
of givin' up the ugly, little, sawed-
eff sandy -haired bricklayer she's in
love with l
good- Old Ziac&aeJie,
Nerviline Will Fix Yo u!
Dittie4s 'ie Rubbed Right Outs !very
• Sign of Pain Dleap,eare,
gee 'vhire7think'of iii
No • more stomach, closing neeeseary to
titre your lame book,
', Everytrace of lameness, every bit :of
i+tiifnees,• every sign of weakncee in the
back's muselos tan bo rubbed away for
all time to .cen}e ;by good old "Nerviline : "'
No other liniment can do the work so
gniekly, can penetrate se deeply, can
bring ease and comfort to the back -weary
sufferer as Nerviline invariably does.
Baekaohe "isn't the only analady Nervi -
line is quick to cure, For. lumbago: or
sciatica you would go far to End :relic:
aro speedy as Nerviline gives. For chronic
rheumatiem there are pain -destroying pro.
parties in Nerviline that give it first
rank. Thi way it livabere up a' stiff Joint,
and takes soreness out ef': strained or
rheumatic muscled is simply a wonder.
If you have an ache ora pain anywhere,
if ,you have a sore back, a et'-ff neck, a
etif .joint, a strained 1n/heeler-if yon have
congested chest or sore throat,
just try Nerviline. Bab it on plenti-
fully -it wont biiater, it can't do any-
thing but Faure you quickly. The large
50c. family size bottle is the most economi-
cal, of course, .. but yon can, from any
dealer, also' get the 25c. small size of
Nerviline, the king of all pain -relieving
Highly Ingenious.
"Is your boy a good student?"
"Yes," replied Mr. Wealthy.
`'To a certain extent. The way he
gets his mother and me to put up
with his expense accounts shows
that he's a wonderful student of
human nature."
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
• Gentlemen,—Last winter I received a
great benefit from the use of MINARD'S
ATIMENT in a severe attack of La
e!fzippe, and I have freqrently proved it
to, be very effective In eases of Inflamma-
Heaven Below.
Suitor—I have no bad habits. I
don't smoke or drink.
Father—Neither has my daugh-
ter: She doesn't play or sing.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc.
Washed From Boat and Vanished
in Shark -Infested Waters.
A tragic story was told at Ply-
mouth by the passengers who land-
ed from the West African mail
steamer Appam, concerning the
death of a former Plymeuthian,
Lieut. Gerald Arthur Edwin Denny,
of the Connaught Rangers. He was
coming home on sick leave, and
would have been married during
his stay in England.
He was a passenger on the Ap-
pam from Forcados, and on arrival
at Lagos Roads, C. Partridge, a dis-
trict commander, decided to go
ashore to pay his respects to the
Governor. Lieut. Denny availed
himself of the opportunity of go-
ing ashore as well.
The Government steam lifeboat
came off to the liner, but on her
way to the shore was swamped on
the bar. Capt. Wilcox, who was
in charge of the boat, was washed
in and out of the lifeboat twice,
and Mr. Partridge was rescued in
an almost unconscious condition by
a native.
Mr. Denny was .seen about twenty
yards away struggling in the water,
but he disappeared before anyone
could reach him. It is feared that
a .shark seized him, as the waters
are infested with -them. The body
was not recovered.
Those ,laps
Mr. Newrich (reading a newspa-
pet heading)—Japanese Turn Ag-
Mrs. Newrich---Isn't it -wonder-
ful what those Japanese acrobats
can do
Powder %lab Explodee *bee
Trodden Upon.
Hero is a most ingenuous method
of making a house burglar-proof,
It is the idea of a French chemist,
Who subxnitted,it to the laboratory
of La Nature, ;where it was tested
and found to work according to
specification. It consists in sprink-
ling Upon the 'floor of the . Fall or
vestibule pgwdt Sar
plode as soon as xt,i
even if the inti`
felt. '
A very little powders& **:
dusted over tiae'los r ." W Ammonia, is
oneinkled over it in quantity aiim-
eient to moisten .the powder.' • This
evaporates quickly' and leaves a
new substance, iodine' nitrate,
which will -explode or detonate at
the slightest touch. A rat running
across • the floor will set up a,. series
of tiny explosions that will scare it
into seven fits. A burglar treading
on it will think he is walking over
bunches of firecrackers. The noise
will arouse the 'house.
This novel burglar pieventativc
should not be used on parquet
floors, as it may injure them, but
it is ideal for use upon stone, con-
crete or tiled floors.
A sore corn, he said, vac bad enough.
but to have it etepped on was the limit.
He invested in a bottle of Pntnam'e
Painless Corn Extractor. and now wears
a happy smile. Corn is goner -enough Bald.
Try Putnam's 'Extractor, 25e, at all deal-
Bad for Dentists.
"How are those two young men
who went into partnership as den-
tists getting on ?"
"Rather badly. Somehow they
don't seem to pull together."
bilnard'e• Liniment Cures Carget In Cowa,
A Tall One.
Laborer—And they have tall
buildings in America, Pat?
Pat—Tall buildings hay' they—
faith, Mike, the last one I worked
on we had to lay on our stomachs
to let the moon pass.
Isis Fate.
"What became of that fellow
Tweedley ?" "Oh, he opened a
shop." "Doing well?", "No—do-
ing time. He was caught in the
Cannington Manor, Sask.,
Writes :—"My brother suf-
fered severely from eczema.
The sores were very exten-
sive, and burned like coals
into his flesh, Zam-Buk took
out all the fire, and quickly
gave hint case. Within three
weeks of commencing with
Zam-Buk treatment, every
sore had been cured."
This is but one of the many
letters we are constantly receiving
from people who have proved the
healing powers of Zam-Buk. For
eczema; piles, sores, burns, cuts
and all skin troubles there is
nothing like this wonderful balm.
No skin disease should be con-
sidered incurable until Zam-Buk
has been tried,
Alt Dru'gfats, 50c. per Box.
Refuse Substitutes.
O. Tor�VWSON, Ninety Colbarpr fftr*
IF'U ' Y •il; +81tJLD
FruitTO, StocWANTk, GrainTO,Buor DOair9 J'
W. newsier:. Bra r
mptotl, tt
Colborne At., Toronto.
IN. W. OAWSON, Colborne St., Tdrantu
Ono and Fisher. W. D. Bates. Risigetowtr,?
HAVE SEVERAL,. •n.0:t2 l?izvro,
0 paper opertiea' tozr-IP/ %
tario ••towrs at right prices. Applyuie
ns aubs'riation rt3swa, time is just•olieli-
ing. Wilson P,,hlishinq Company, Th
W rist Adelaide Street. 'Toronto.
1•77 Varieties. Free Catalog. McOonne
w* Son, Grovesend, Ontario,
We will -pay you $12t.00
to distribute religious literataro in your
community. Sixty days' work. Hauer -mice
not required. Man or woman. Oplhortvn,
ity for promotion. Spare time may la used. International Bible Dross,
Spadlna Street, Toronto.
Internal and external. cured with.
ant pain by our home treatment. Write
ue before too late. 11r. Hellman Medied
rn • Ti.' +.4 ren:nawev,,. Tint
PRODUCERS—By ahippingyour
secure t'ae BEST RESULTS.
One trial shipment reeomsw-ndwd,
from washing and hurt your
make old stockings feel and
wear like new, relieve tired
feet, ease carre and nave darn-
ing. Two elan, adult and cbild-
ren'e. 50e. a pair by mail. 1. E.
YORK .a CO., Waterford, Ont.
Restores Gray Hair to original color. Two might
use from same bottle, hairof cue becomes blacks
the other blond or other color as they were in
youth. Stops railing Hair, Dandruff, itching.
Cures all Scalp Diseases, produces New GrowthO
Satisfaction guaranteed or money back.
Price 75 cents er two for One Dollar (postage
psld,y Not Sold In Starve,
Better be
on the sate aide and place your order
now, Instead of risking disappoint-
ment during the March rush. Write
for free booklet giving particulars
and prices of our Champion Evapor-
ator and all up-to-date supplies for
which we are headquarters, Write'
for free catalogue and tell us how
many trees you tap.
THE annum sasses. co., ri1srz 5n
58 Wo111ngton Et., ngontrear, Que.
The buyeifiltis a few rights ss We
as the seller.
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
A magnificent ten -story, fire -proof addition to Just being eexepletee, making!
this famous hostelry the newest and most up-to-date of Atlantis City hotels..
A new feature is the unusual size of the bed roomc,'averaging 19 feet square.
Every room commands an ocean view, bath attached with sea and 'fresh
water. Chevhlglp,ss in every chamber. Temperature regulated by Thornaoedadt
the latest development in steam heating. Telephone in every room. Golf
privileges. Capacity 600. Write for illustrated booklet.
3. S. WNiTE, Pretldant