HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-01-16, Page 4-raxer'Oii19 . ONT.
ANuAkiev, 5TH
Ontario's Dest
a T'reduin
.h °o
g se
me .ts aria and .�,.,....,.
camas,.'W'uiu - ti hep, ...
not of3'ared e`
knew What,t a• yup otd'at school
r Von: unlees you have ve-
ceive6 e ar free catalogrxe. Write
sir iDaI once.IMoLac lafl,
Do lvT mc1f
aile_TEW YE1.
Dec. 24, 25
soodfor return
until Des. 26,
also Dec 31
1913, and Jan.
1, 1914, good,
for return until
Jan 2nd 1914•
Revival services have been comm.
enced in Evangelical Church.
Mr. R. F. Stade spent Sunday at
his home in Dashwood.
Mr. Chas Fritz of Zurich called on
friends in the village on Sunday.
1V.r, Geo. Edighoffer took a business
trip to Exetefon Wednesday morning,
Mr, F. Mallet and Miss Ena Davis
of,Exeter ,visited in the village on
Snnday,•', ' '"�h„ ,,r .
Bricle4for Sade --A -quantity of
second hand good brick. Applp to
A. Hooper, Lake Road, Hay, P.
Mr. Geo. Shore our former principal
left Monday tor Wilton Grove where
be will teach for the coming year.
Quite a number from her attended
the Mawhinney-Fahner wedding in
Crediton on Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. William Brown is on the sick
list at present, we wish him a speedy
Mr. Adolph Steinbach and wife of
Cavalier N. D. is visiting at Ezra Ott-
erbines for several days this week.
Most of our holiday visitors have
retrirned to their own hone and plac-
- `es of employment.
Miss Dora Draft spent Sunday with
her parents in Dashwood,.
lYlr. Milton Oestrioher an 1 Mise
Ruth Grenzebach have returned to
Stratford Normal to resume their
A. little more snow would make
splendid sleighing and a little sleieb-
ing would be very welcome to some
of out farmers, who have grain, wood
logs etc. to draw.
Menr,:SYorneU: tkrltl c'n1Lt tlA arov.' ..
III Calandra one in seven is- a victim or
Doss Pr MATTER that one in every three
of these is cut off in the full glow of life,
With plans and hopes and loves . that must
he given up?
Dogs IT MATTER that a few persons have
Joined hands and within a few short years.
havesaved thousands of those unhappy
ones,and can save thein all if only there 7s
a.little more help and a little more money?
Perhaps it doesn't matter. It is all very
interesting but it is no immediate concern
of yours.
Bur Wow) xT 11Is Tina; if instead of
entering somebody else's' home and carry-
ing' eff their loved ones, Consumption
Dame into your home and laid its hand on
the one you love the best in all the world?
saw e
you then if3
x Y
husband, wife, child or friend dying fur lack
of alittle bit of the money some other fellow
was throwing away
Wonnn IT MATTER when Christmas came
if there were nothing for you to do but sit
on the edge of the bed and stroke the white
band on the coverlet and realize. that this
was the last Christmas ?
This is how muchit matters in thousands
of homes in Canada this year and will con-
tinue to matter until enough people like yon
test the burden and feel bow crushing ibis.
DORS matter—it is the most important
thing in the life of some unfortunate
sufferer -what you do with the attached
THIRD Dec 22, 23
24, 25 valid and re
turn until Dec. 27,
also Dec.29t30, 31,
1913, anb Jan 1st
1914, valid for
return until Jan.
Between all Stations in Canada.
east of Port Arthur, also to Deiroit and
Port, $uron,Macb., Ituffalo, Black Rock,
Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge N.Y.
• Tickets now on sale ab Grand Trunk
Ticket Offices.
The elections are over and every-
body is settled down to business again
although the candidates in our own
neighborhood were not successful,` at
the pools we hope the members of
both Stephen and Hay councils 'rvi11
not forget that Dashwood is still on
the map, and that no one in this sect-
ion would put up a holler if they each
spent $1000.00 on the Townline road
for it certainly needs it, as there is
a lot of heavy teaming done on itand
if it is not kept up we will have no
read at all. (A word to the wise is
Mr. and1ZTrs. Sol Martin end dau.
ghter Lillian visited Mr. and 11r' rs.
Tobias Guenther on Friday.
Miss Lydia Brown, from London
spent Christmas at home of her par-
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koch spent
New Years, with her sister Mrs. W.
Doerr of Auburn.
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the funeral of the late Mrs. Steel
of Exeter North on Saturday.
The great trouble with the man
who is all right is that he is apt to
• think the rest of us are all wrong.
Dr. Balfour has returned ,.after at-
tending the funeral of his father, the
late Dr. Balfour of London.
Because of the stormy weather on
Tuesday, Mr. Geiger the Zubieh bak-
er was obliged to peddle his bread on
The Ladies' Aid of the Evangelical
church held their regular meeting on
Thursday last. Mrs. J. Kellerman,
presided in the absence of Mrs. J
Our school opened in lull with Mr
3. M. Henry as principal, and with
the Misses Webb and Hodder as ass-
The angel of death has again visit-
ed our village and called away one of
pioneers of this section in the person
of Nicholas Naffzinger, the deceased
had been ill for several weeks. The
sympathy of the comrnuniv is extend -
the bereaved.
Haep'atal, .London. Office in—the
building formerly:oocupied by the late
DX MoLaughlin, Dashwood.
Henry Bossenberry
Licensed Auctioneer
Huron, Middlesex and Laiaipton.
Satisfaction guaranteed,
Dashwood, Ontario.
Dame's arranged at the office
Council elect, L. Lalbfieisch Reeve,
Ed. Deters, Sam Dietz, . Hy. Neeb,
and Caspar Wolper councillors met
according to Statutes Jan 12 at 11
o'clock. After the members of coun-
cil signed a dclaration Statuary Dec-
laration of office and qualification the
reeve took the chair.
The following officers were appoint-
ed. -Clerk F. Hess Sr. Salary 175,00
Treas. Those Johnston 125.00, Oren-
ector J Schnell 86.00, Assessor Oscar
Klopp 90.00, Auditor J Haberer 10.00
Auditor Geo Blackwell 10.00, Sheep
Valuators Robt McArthur, J Ikberei,
and C. L. Wolper, Caretaker Mrs..
Howald 25.00.
Member of the Board of Health.
Albert Heideman.
Sanitary Inspectors A Munn, east
div. C. Eilber west div.
Pound Keepers Jas Ross, Simon Grob
J. P. Rau, John Weido, George Beck-
er, John Thirsk, John Horner, Thos.
Turnbull, S. Spencer. John
Fence treivers. Elmore Klopp,
Pfaff, Wm. F. Caldwell, Ry. Stein-
bach, A; Hendricks.
The following accounts wer r•ier-
ed to be paid Can. Ind. tel eo. supplies
22.78, F. McIsaac operating. DOA -
wood Central 148.45; E. Zeller oper-
ating Zurich Central 204.50, Grand
TRaiiway co freight 1.80,Can express•.
co 85c. Election expenses 91:00.'
D, Blackwell rep cal con 6-7.
P. Badour 4 cern tiles 2,00, Dr, Mc-
Kinnon attend indignant, W. Fain -
comb gravel 2 00, Chas Alexander
gravel 90, Municipal World supplies
11,00, Hospital of Sick Children grant
10.00,E. Wurm horse hire 10.50,
WmHess work, 81.00 Wm Oonglo,
ugh gravel 1.50.
Conned will meet again on Satur-
day the 7th. day of February. r Hy. Sr.
Free Ladies and Gents Watches
Buds, . Bracelets and Jewelry of Every
Description, Lace Curtains, Ruffs,
House Furnishind,Rifles, bMovind Pic-
ture .Machine, Skates, Printing Press-
es, Fountain Pens, in fact nearly
-everythnig you can think of you can
det Aboslutely Free for selling our
Beautiful Fancy Drawn and Satin
Stripped handkerchiefs at 10 cents
each. They sell rapidly 6 can gener-
ally be sold in every house. Don't
send us any money, but aerite us to
sena you a lot of Handkerchiefs to
sell, that when sold you will send us
the money and the premium selected
Selling 24 handkerchief! entitled you
to your choice of an elegant Watch,
8 gold Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc.
Write us to -day, we trust you and
take back the goods if you cannot sell
Barristers Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Rea*. j. Ehlers left Wednesday
morning for Mansfield Pa., Mr. Ehlers
who has been i=taending the holidays
at the home of his parents here is, at
present the Secretary of the Students
Y. M. C. A. for the state of, Pennsy-
lvannia with head quarters at Harris-
burg, anile at home here he gave sev-
eral excellent sermons he also preach.
ed in Zurich last Sunday evening.
To help. the Mus7eolat Free Hos-
p• ta2forConsumptivescontinueate
Life-saving work, I gladly enclose
Me sura o1 *
5.00 will provide maintenance for a week.
20.00 will pay' for tour weeks.
.00 'rill endow a bed for a year.
,Since the need is such a permanent
ors, Ishould also like to subscribe
,�,, 7 ,Register my name accord-
' a� to. may
D Dunbar. Sec.-Treas. Gage, nntonal•Sdint•
aa, Taro=
y,,mp ya,od►tlan. SR Xing St. w., Tomato.
High Constable Whiteside was in
Goderich last week.
An orchestra is being formed in
connection with the Band
Mrs. Wen. Stone is being visited by
her brother front London.
Robert Luker and wife of Manitaba
3 New Ontario Farms
In the very heart of the famous 20,
000,000 acres of choice clay -belt land.
Near the village of Matheson on the
T. & N. 0. Railway. All other sura-
ounding lots already settled and im-
provements begun. Excellent gover-
nment roads through the entire local-
ity; school house and local P. 0. s-
corner of one of the lots; houses ereett
ed and8 and 5 acres cleared on each.
Two of the lots have close to 1,000,
000 ft of valuable timber on each,
(pine, birch, spruce and wbitewood,
in almost equal amounts) and in add-
ition over 1,000 cords of pulpwood
on each farm, 160 acres in each farm.
A rare opportunity for quick -ret-
urns and safe investment. Price ex-
ceptionally low, only. $2.00, $4.00
and $6.00 per acre, respectively. It
will pay you to investigate this unus-
ual bargain. Apply to E. Zeller,
are visiting in this section.
Harry Ingram was here recently.
He is prospering in Forest city.
Mrs. Leitch of Aiisa Craig is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. Abe Case.
The Rebekah Lodge is preparing
for a visit from the Seaforth Lodge,
this week.
etc. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot.
I. C. R. 0. Hays. 3. L. Killoran,
4V. Proudfoot 3r,
Saltie conducted in all parts. 'Satis-
taction guaranteed ori no pay. „ �s
,Adopt th=
Want Ads.
money•, ma
They are a
quickly loc
he can find
Will he ,fi
tw ,...w .ore it b
The annual sohOol meeting was
held on the 81st. inst., when Mr.
Ezra Tiernan was elected school trus-
tee and Mr. Allis Brenner ia the jan-
itor for another year we hope the
trustees will make a few necessary
improvements in and about the school
as sortie parts have a very dilapitated
ae agent, representing the London,
ard, Wellington and Guardiat.
thine in fire insurance,
Barber Shop
eeety 'Wednesday
and evening.
Open every Satardare all day,
' 1110S. 11,11SIPP, Proprietor,
The dearh of Mrs Walter St eel,
aged forty-three, which occurred Ex-
eter, Thursday after an illness of only
fewelleys, Mrs 5 teel, with her bus -
band and family, moved. into town two
weeks'ago. On Monday she caught
old* while hanging out a washing,
anddeath followed from inflammation
Mr Steel had just pueehttseathe gen-
eral store from Mr Cobbledick, and be
Awl eleven children, the youngest of
'Whim is only'Seven weeks of age.
Mrs. T. Murdock who was expected
home this week, was taken ill in Cal-
Mrs. James Hagan has returned
from London Hospital, greatly im-
proved in health..
R. Cuamore who has been ill since
lie come home from Toronto is recov-
Mr. ana Mrs. W. Flolmes have re-
turned to their home in Tilbury, after
a very pleasant visit with friends
It has been announced that Parlia-
ment will open on January 15th. and
there can be little doubt but that
several of first importance to every ci-
tizen in Canada will be dealt with.
The Naval questiot is again expected
to be in the forefront of controversary
Redistribution will be dealt with and
also the questian of Tariff.
No paper in Canada covers the ses.
sion of the Dominion House quite as
fully or as fairly as The Toronto
News. Tnn l'InateLD has 'arranged
-with The Toronto Daily News to take.
subscriptione for both papers and up-
on receipt of $2.50 both THE HERALD
and The News will be aent to your
address by mail for one year.
Send your subscrition in ,to this
The Large nunaber of teachers and
students who were spending their
vacation here have gone back to their
schools and colleges'.
The misses Jennie and Maggie
Stewart, who were visiting with
friends at Crorastary and Kippen re-
turned yesterday.
Friende of Miss Lily johneton
gave her a granite shower recently in
honour of approaching marriage to
Mr. James McBride.
Miss 'Violet McClymont, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCiiinont is
not get two mails a day from
tXO'itt. WO formerly bad two Mails
one from Exeter and one from Park-
hill, brit since the rural routes have
etarted, Parkhill ronterwas cut off and
we are reduced to one mail a day.
Surely we are intitied to two mails a
day as well as our neighboring villages
Orediton and Zurich. Thera is a lot
of mail coming here, quite a number
of offices are supplied from here ana
it taket a long time to distribute the
mail in the offiee here, and besides
this we cannot get an evenhag paper
until the f ollowing day.
Miss Florence Clymont has gone
on a rrionth'si visit to Tilbury. and
Missea Jennie and MaggitekSteweet,
of Varna, visited tlais week with
Misses Kate MoDonald ap.a Jogs
Young spent New :Years with friends
Double—and Singli Barrel
30Tellir ,,,bne piece. *laded
tygseunIztaresteeli (—MOM where
STEM withguns at any where near, the
floN err
0 .141aWlit /
/ 'fi>-671Pwif l'-.1 A
Catalog shows the
famous tine of Stevens Itepeatos—Doubles—Stn.
gles. If you cannot obtain STEVENS from your
dertler–det us know. and we wit ship cited.**
,press prepaid, tapon„...............xeceipt of Catalog Pricer--
I am receiving n
enquiries respecting
County Farm Lands.
If you
want to sell
will assist you with an advertisi
campaign that will bring buyers
to our favored County.
No Buyer - No Charge
Call, -write or phome
for particulars.
Con-veyaucer, Real Estate
ZUR1011,, ONT.
nil A. 3. MaoKINNON late 11
Surgeon, Erie' County Hosp
Buffalo N. Y.- Late assistant
dent Physician, Manhattan Mater
Hospital N. Y. city. Late of
House Staff, New York, Palyo
Medical School and Hospital.
store in connection. Office, Zu
Miee Hawking of Exeter"„ ttta Mr.
and Mrs. Allen, of Walkerlille, visit-
ed their friends last week.
IVIeesrs Edgar Butt mad Bert Moie
row have gonato Tilbury to work for
odieStitfigthiltatie "clestintaf fret
wE keep in stock a
" full line of fresh
meats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts ate noted
for their tenderness
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
Give us a call.
rrhe fundernental policy of this business is to give
ter service and better value than is expected,
make a distinct bip for the very best trade.
The custom look w
markes garments is due to
manner o ftheir production,
the infinite skill and care
voted to their manufacture.
The style and fit show
give th an.)
anee of satisfaetion or no
The simple fact is that
have the finest range of Cl
-ing possible to produce an
right prices,
Butter and Eggs taken ill e
at ge.