The Herald, 1914-01-09, Page 8Famous Gray Motor Gasoline En- gnes:: 1 and 1;r Horse Power $55. 00' 23 a ,t 75.00. 4 6 " x;105. 00 6 a ri 175. 00 8 14 II 285. 00 12 875. 00 Sold by F. HESS . SON Agents. hank�ur ustortiers liberal orded us st year, all .. A rosperous gar. SC ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE LUTHERAN CHURCH COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna,', & Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal. All Sizes ALF. SCRUTON Hensall. At the services on Sunday the pas- tor, Rev. W. O. Miller B. A. read the annual' reports of the congregation and its various societies and Organi- zations. These reports showed mark- ed and enthusiastic progress and act- ivity along all lines ofchurch work. Above $1700.00 were raised by the congregation in 1918 in its various activities, -about :$200 more than in 1012. A very encouraging, In- spiring tone seemed to prevade -the entire meiizbership and a long stop forward is being planned by the var- ious organizations for the year 1914. The Sunday School has been thor- oughly reorganized and graded, Weekly offerings are being taken and the regular officers' and give iers' meetings faithfully attended. The Ladies Aid Society of , abqut (40) members is taking up the systerra tic study of missions at its sessions and a general awakening in 74�� ary activity is everywhere ` The newly elected officers of t .ice society are: President, Mrs. ,V. C. Miller; Vice. Pres. Mrs. T. Johnston; Cashier, Mrs. F. Hess; Secy. 1g1as. J. Deichert. ion St: s. act - / .MAKING kID WINDOWS your orders, we can make hey will keep you ware LOGS WANTED. -° { ,LEI.. ZUIC Fanning II Sieves I ani agent for the Clinton. fawn mill sieves, and fanners re. ir int; any, can procure them at 7 farm, South of Zurich John Hey :Ir. e, YO,LV. Lew Zurich's Leading tam: Shop the only Place, cera the Newest is alway$ own first and satisfaction arantedd.' Laundry in, f c e *tie Contractors - , We -are ready to figure on your Mason Contracts and Cement Work - .17.11" dCav . - .-we2,1vm,ae:lyA%o. totyou ever .considered.^painting _fromh.n' a saabdpol, _* 1puraucftpolicy T. Tge,prentium represented by the cost 01 patnti1g is is proportion' �'tlte impudence of: the security %riled; no higher than othertuaunaCa 'On fact It Is cdnsiderably smaller, and soots becomes a adults quantity Why Eire lasuranoe-Tornadd Insurnate.-1.1ghttdakiods t rbey duly protect whed'ttaat wbtpli you w(01t to plelq, hsppeets?' `Hari-Senour Pa it JO0/o Pier e /Allords the utmost- proteettdn,Insures 'your ' property,. beglunln4,q' wltb'1ts application. .1,'wp .s`:14Ar`-t''I 4Vtiattle-"... 7t' 1Nat r. It wards off the sun dogs a Old Sol, the pipe of o1d }µct Prost that "1 ravages of Old PPtberrTYme. b q'�Y,g,�# -4;VI Priventt del -Tall -checks- acterloraUoi No linter, surer or sal* a'tiiabltlinauranc cbuld be offered„ For next seasn..11. No contracts to large and too small to receive our careful attention. LOUIS WEBER, Zurich. CHAS. MEYERS, Blake. Silice Rev. Miller's coming to this parish an active Young People;?Soci- iety (Jugendbund) has also bean or- ganized with some thirty-five' mem- bers. This organization meets every Friday evening and studies Missal's, Doctrines and History. Its chief object is educational and therefore no marked financial results could be re- ported at the annual meeting, but is doing a blessed work along ,the lines for which it was organized to interest and educate the young in the glorious history and teachings of the church of the Reformation. However the crowning social'' work of Pastor Miller has been his sticeess- ful organizing of a large and enthus- iastic Laymen's Missionary •Society. Each Tuesday evening this society has the pleasure of listeniing to aa, most instructive lecture on either lloctrtine or history, or missions. To Some to one of these inspiring Laymen's lest- tires means to come to all thereafter for at last Tuesday evening':; lecture on Missons the conformation hall was nearly crowded to -its limit. Earlyin June the various memberst of this so. t eicty Will likely begin an 7 every member canvass" of the com Legation to rai..e this church's share of $100, 000.00 Ontario Lutheran Educational Fund as a memorial of the 400th. anniversary of the Protestant Refor- ination, October 31st: 1917 BEAVER MEADOW OnTuosday'evening of lastweek week,,the home of Mr. and Mrs., Win. Beaver was the scene of an unusual. happy gathering, when a large num- ber of young people assenibled.express I^i for, tie purpose of demonstrating their appreciation in the form . of a presentation to their daughter Salina. Inm1i diatoly after the arrival of the guests at t.iie Beaver home, Miss Beaver was made the recipient of ` a Plated Silver brush and mirror sat presented by Miss Mary Gascho, ac- coinpan ..:1 by V'ie following address whizii was read by Miss Myrtle Hor- lie a v, salinal we a ilii t'l,or of your young ,,friends have loimucii with d.ep regret tlui you trio about ,,o leave, our neighborhood in the near tutw e, ,..(3 so Prompted by that fact wet -7 here tonight as a'fn,re, well z qtr; ., , CYpreel to you the waren feeling, Hob each and all of us cherish to proni yon, unit WO trust that tiie ties of fi iend i* -'.p which exists between us, shall not be :;e - r'ed by your removal, that it shall continue and broaden. However we truattl:itt the y,ilne measure of suebess: -or even still grouter may orowp your future sayer. Aitlxr, t;+qh you are leaving erre midst,, wefeel that many pleasant itssacia- tions and recollections of it, will tend to link the past with the future. Few •we could not let this opportunity -pas with- out availing ourelwos cif ilio prtveaege of showing, in a more tangible wiiy ' than mere 45,01' I. , our feel ing'towwards you. Wo herefore asl; you to accept this gift a,tid t it serve as a token of our good wishes, ft vi a reminder r of the many .1104 clays pc) it to;,oehet Signed in behalf of those assembled £Niton' ruemner and Milan iRooder. Miss Beaver responded in a'. kindly lrinrai er, sithough taken entirely by Aurplire and cl. thataked those present. o1iowing this the eial,ire party par,- Af tet' • ?Yn':7 1 HE MAATINI•SENOUR _dO., uroaca'\ Pl*Nunn Punt PAINT. % ('�'7nxVTnaAL FARM FOR SALE `l Si 26, 50ao. 28 aures ploughed, 11 acres soede;i, rest bush. Frain barn 36 .x 56. Good soil partly*; drained-, and a never failing well;. For particulars, address, John 0 Cochrane, R R No. 2, Hensall; P. O. which a most dainty lunch was par- taken off, after lunch amuch appreci- ated program was rendered by mein -- ben of the party. All returned home feeling that Mr. and Mrs. Beaver and their daughter had proved themselves to be splendid entertainers. Miss Fannie Gascho . of Zurich spent the holidays under the paren- tal roof. REV. A. D. GISCHLER IS REMEMBERED One of the best and most success- ful Christmas entertainments in the Evangelical Church was given on Christmas ,night, tuicler the auspices of the Sunday. School. The program consisted of recitations, choruses and drills by the scholars, interspersed with excellently relidered musical numbers by the choir. The selections by the male quartette and the tab- leaux are worthy of special mention. The high'standard of excellence es-. tablished by its organization in form- er years was more than maintained and brought out a record attendance, many being unable to gain admitt- ance, Following the custom of pre- vions years each member of the Sun-. day School was presented with •'a package containing.sweetmeats and fruit. The •Christrpas tree was loadedwith gifts, which were distributed at the close of the program. Amongst these. these gifts was a, beautiful cano-aln- brelia to Rev. A. • D. Gischler, the pastor of the church; . and a .^gold Abutted parasol to ,lairs. Gisehler; the Sunday :School in, this way show- ing its appreciation of the service* rendered by the recipients in'tbe work of the Church which is at present' -'in It highly prosperous condition. ' The proceeds, which were the largest on record; will be applied towards the purciiase of taa magnificent new organ which is about to be installed. Mnntclpaf ri R• a 44 N lx: Poll 1 43 37 27 0 24 70 , 10 10 2 • no- 25 ..8 eta 15 20 14 01 5 3 02 04 83 121 78 243 70 ;133 32 4 43 77 58 83 01 18 48 ,08 81 '5 24 44 233 40 05 10 26 48 21 G 48 130 13 40 52 30 71 80 85 7 134. 21 37 0 84 33 18 28'.4 f3 25 61 1:3 20 10 28 53 58 1 800 411 320 348 304 2813 240 4772,281 STANLEY laueeve -Win. C4leu, Councillors -- John McKinley, Ti, Driwars, Jas Keys Joseph Hood.' I-17 .Reeve -`1.I rte6,en 70: O. Geiger 66; J. W. Ortwein 59. _Councillorsu-- G. Hudson 121;1).:Nichol 119; W. K. Pfaff 116; A. 'Smith 107; 11.. Tlc,selt 80; Geo, Tctlrl 58. PHONE 13 ZURI FIUROf*1'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE Great Reduction sal for 30 Day:8 I haxe decided to reduce my stock and in order to d I am making big cuts in price, Space will allow me to m tion only a few of the many bargains I am offering. 'Dress goods regular. GOctsyd for 40cts Flannelette (all colors) 36" wide ' reg 123 for 9cts 11/4 Flannelette blanket white grey reg $1.50 for 1.25 12/4 " blankets white grey reg $1.85 for 1.50 All prints regular 123 foa 10 All gingham reg .3123 for 10 Ladies all wool vest and drawers reg $1.00 for 75 ft tt " • ..t and drawers tt reg 85 for 50 union " and drawers reg 60 for 40 tt tt " and drawers reg 25 for 20 Ladies & children wool. hose 50 for 40 •tt .r tt25 for 20 Ladies fur ruffs and muffs $8. for 5 $1.2:for 8. Men's and boys' ready to -wear andoveiboais. • ' Hen's suits reg $15.00 for 1 tr 12.50 for 10.00 for Boys' suits, reg reg $7. tt tt reg 6. i tt n tt tt tt reg 5 for reg 4, for Men's overcoats reg $10. for t` reg $8. foi Men's shirts and drawers regi. 90 f t .t' tt <t it re, CC .t 1t it 4t all paper roll Yx'Ir ..t t. YY [i 1x It "it CC tx Tapestl'y lour rugs reg 20. 10 lac toile etre reg $2.75 fo 10 pc reg 5, fc ft 60 50 reg 25 reg 20 reg 15 reg 123 •it t0. 4i - 04 W it it " • tt t1 ti - rt $14..fer 10 20 lbsgran sugar $1 6 lits cof winter coats this .season's style 04,„ 1 2,1211) box soda biscuit _,.2i, reg $15. for 11,50 pail biscuit for '.25; 416.:'r..= Stai'c rag. 1.2.50 for 9.' 3 1lls,,t4eeeled raisins for 2G0; reg -10, for 7.50 choice a-,0 pan tea reg 800 for 20 Cash or Produco - Da 1ioot Pail to attep:I. this Big .Sale. Highest vices paid t<ar Farm Produce c k 23 Zur 412` Lotus know your wants. We handle everything in Farm Implements, ani e Supplies Tallies;' all sizes and kilad1, Belting, leather- or canvas, all sizes, Shaft boxing and shafting. Pomp and �t-rump piping. Buggies, Waggons, Sleighs, and Critters. If you are in need of ,Machine Re- pairs we can get them for you. 'Wo give specula attoution to our rot>tr department. 0 IS EAN Prbrnpi, Service lodei at? rha"L' ri ll o,ceonlltrs .Inti sob!, 1, b; mote, before 1)ec, 0,2nd- W on to c,,,iior, hands' for eeiloct torus 1.