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The Herald, 1914-01-09, Page 6
• a+la tlwrwwee**. "he 'rentlaxitytie Take °olii. Tlxeee a agate inflammations of the ureus elenabraaie of the nose and '}Txaa t we call eolds+seen;• to e.;the' inevrzrt1 ' le, fate of some pee- tei(i pee - teem the,:cold r., eielYenoes, .hers viigtanl,s often leo `iksttghat, :lathe,. Qid st?, and unfooi a ately they beettbee .go resigned to their. fate., that they; 10 not make any effort to ' nevoid thoiir, old enemy, \ Ion often hear them say, "I heave colds all ' winter, but they never tome to anything." That' remark shows that people "know that colds re, to be dreaded, not only ,for erbeelyes, but because tliey da ri"ornetiraes lead to something worse i, to ; pnedeaonaa, for instance, to bronehitiai to : chronic catarrh, or even to titbercniosis. It ' betrays, moreover,, a certain relaxation of moral fibre, for it amounts to giv- ing up the fight. That is the worst thing that eau happen to the victim . ' �of the recurrent cold. You should: never :vaarrender to the habit of "tailing cold.'' The haabit often ,y-ieldawith sur- prising suddenness, for it is quite triable'• to get -.thy better of those eneelierre in really good health. Tee frglit al. cold after you have caught it is a good thing; you can hardly do less-; but it is much better to make -yourself so formidable that it wilt etot dare attack you. In carrying on the battle you may have to form a complete set of new habits, and break of many cherish- ed old oxtes. The place to begin is in the bedroom at night. If you sleep withyour window shut, you simply deliver yourself, bound hand and foot, to your enemy. If you open it two or throe inches, you are a little better off, but not much. Insist upon sleeping in the open air as far as possible., If there is such a thing as a specific against colds, it is to be found in the sleeping -porch or the open bed- room.- Next to that comes the cold sponge bath in the morning. If the victim of colds is a young woman who wears a heavy fur coat, and thin pumps and silk stockings, She is hopeless—rho must continue to have colds. Winter clothing that does net protect the extremities is ridiculous --although it must be re - Membered that the vary robust can commit follies that spell death to the delicate. One more good rule is this -•do not feel obliged to kiss every friend you meet between No- vember and May,—Youth's Com- panion. - Winter Ailments. Women who are predisposed to neuralgia should of course take every precaution to protect them- eelvaa from winter cold and damp. That partioularle painful ailment may be due to such local causes as bad teeth, defective vision, or it may result from some constitution- al weakness, but in any event, ex- posure to cold, damp and draughts is the; worst thing for those suscep- tible to neuralgia. The malady is much more prevalent among women -. than among men, and many doc- tors attribute this to the lighter kinds of footgear they are in the habit of wearing. The heavier de- ecription of boots and shoes are be- ing discarded in favor of the lighter, makes, with brocaded uppers, thin sores and narrow welts, which give a, more dainty appearance to the ankles, but they are not at, all fit for the .weather we must expect at this time of year. Sitting about damp feet is oertainly ono. of. the most. prolific causes' :of rheumatism and neuralgia, and should be • avoided • at,'all costs by those sirs- ,eeptible ttthese ailments. • Ciroba8St.'tnti,al Evidence. Here is €a Chinese anecdote, from the "He ioa-Lin-Kuan g -Chi," or "Laughing '`Hook," that would keep its humor, no matter into what Tan- ov -.i : rare translated. It loses atone of its point, certainly, when turned into English. A. man who had been convicted of theft was put into the town stocks. passer-by. observing his clad -state, steppe -4 and spoke tothe roam. 'What .dict you do?" asked the passel by .Oh, ilobltatag. 1 just found an pW piece o rope on the road, and belted it up.". +`Alael xtl it possible that they have i nitiiaed :y,ou in :this way for simply' iclrzrrg p an, old piece of rope 2 es-;-fatly it sewer there was it acv at he' redid df the rope," xt the #1•otar ict slightly warmed in the eetare beforo beiaig added to the otliti Ogrediebts `it makes e take lid tea. bAli! All COVERED WITH ECiE�A Could Not Sleep Day or Night, Itchedand Burned Terribly, Cu- figura Soapy and Ointment Cured la a Month, ,Also Cured ether. of Salt Mourn. fluatmyvilte, N, B,-- "For:q, Month ate?. my baby was born be could not ;sleep day. lode night with eexmniae zee wee all covered .. With " email--w,atery pimples wwhich -would break in a day or two and leave a humoury scab and would itch andburnterribiy, Tia scratched so much that he grade sores. Ills skin burned all tate time and --hen the scab'carte off it left Little mark like chieken-pox. At last I ;taw Cuticura Soap and Ointment advertised. A.fterthe Brat ap- pliaatiou he rested easier. I' applied the Outicura Ointment lightly and alter an howl' would wa¢h hiui with Outicure Soap. After a month's treatment ,ho was cured. "S was greatly troubled with ealt rheum on any hands. 'They broke out In little watery piraislea and would be so itchy I could tear them to atom. Thea they would dry up and crack and bleed end when X put therein water the disease wouldeatinto tuts bone& They Were so painful I had to keep them tled up with cotton raga. 1 oouad not do arty week. One box of Cuticura Oint- ment witrfthe Onticurai Soap cured thein,'! (Signed) Mra. Chatterer; July 31,'1013. Outicara Soap and Pedicure Ointment Ire ;told by druggisis and dealers eveeywbe:e. Vora liberal free sample of each. with 32-p. book, send past eardbo l atezrDrug& Chem. Corp.. ]sept,» Basten. V. 5.9.. Cf VitaI Interest to syrup and Maple Sugar Makers Wide-awake A9bplo Syrup makers will consult their bast intoreete by order- ing their supplies now instead of de- laying until T?'eb. and March—our bus- iest time. 'Write for free booklet tell- ing about our Champion Blvaporator, miede in 22 sines, suitable for large or small groves. ,diol 'elsssa s MPG. oo., x alt ren 58 'Wellington St., Montreal, Que. % Trouble Maker:. "I see they are thinking of put- ting meters on the telephone," "It Will only cause trouble." "How so 3" "My wife will insist every month that she nover maid that Much." SUFFERED 20 YEARR With Kidney Trouble, Cured by Qin Pills. Dir. Daniel F. Fraser of Bridgeville, N.S., ears about GIN PILLS; "For twenty rears I have been troubled -with Kidney and Bladder Disease, and have been treat- ed by utany darters,but found little re- lief, I had given up 'ail hope of getting cured when I tiled GIN PILLS. Now, I can gay with a happy• heart, that I am cured after using only four boxes of GIN PILLS." 60c. a Bos, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug. & Chemi- cal Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. A. More Popular Lay. The nightingale our ears' win, The lark sings in the glen ; But there's more Masi° theee days in The cackle of the hen. Use LiQUID SULPHUR..tn your bath Doctor—Hadi you •huskial?d follow- ed my directions?, Did he take the medieire I left for hire religiously? Patient's wife—I'm afraid rot, doe - tor. He swore every time `I gave him a dose. would Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. May Re a Curse. Wealth may be either a blessing or a. curse, according to the use made of it, Riches only daring hap- piness to people when they are ac- eumulated for the good of others. When the- aro accumulat©dfor the gratification of avarice, or are used for obtaining personal ager, andize- meet, respect, adulation, or fame, they are very badly •applied, and may be a curie to to lean,. Chips With tile' lark On. The bright futrine often dazzles a man to the advantages of the pre- sent, There are many low 'trick% in high frnaneo, A ring on the ranger is eften; fol- lowed by the wringing. of tho A.mal.n often finial lw is "in bad' after a good time. The woman who marries aa title rarely gets anything else., Noise does not make aa. finanoipl concern sound, The guilty do riot escape merely because the jury 'fails to 'convict. Think of the fees paid to high- priced lawyers. The pacemaker is goldor peacemaker. _n Getting the game without the name is often easier than getting the game after ono has the name. ,Convicted bankors are not num- berless; on thecontrary, they are distinctively numbered. . Conservation, of conversation is one reform that needs encourage- ment. The baby born with a silver spoon• in his mouth is most naturally fit- ted out later with gold teeth, The trial of a thieving financier that sends hint to prison is really something of a trial. You eau elope and marry secret- ly, but the divoroe will be more le- gal if oh -Ga. -lied with full publicity. If ell gamblers lost the f '.me could not last long. A soft snap naturally fall: 'he man who waits until ripe. JUST THE MEDICINE FOR THE BABY Baby's Own Tablets"are lust the medicine for little ' ones.; They sweeten the stomach and ones., the bowels, thus breaking sap colds, curing colic, expelling worms and. making teething easy. Concerning thele Mrs. E. J. Ayer, Westmore- land. Point, N.B., writes ; `I have been using Baby's Own Tablets some time and find, them just the medicine batty needs." Thee -Tab- lets are'sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Oo,, Brock- ville, Ont. Getting 1`laack Lawyer—Do you know whet "oon- seientious scruples" means's Witness—Yes, indeed ! Lawyer—Well,, what does the phrase mean? Witness --Well, my parents want- ed me to be a lawyer, but I had scruples. talinard's Liniment Cures target in Oews.. 3'• Lesson Learned. The teacher, who was giving the primary class a nature talk, in- quired : "Johnnie, how does a bee sting?" Johnnie, a graduate from the school of experience, replied with emphasis: "Awful." Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart --Soothes Eye Pain, Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, Sib. Murine Eye Salvo h2 Aseptic Tube. 25c, SOc, Eye Books Free by Mail. As fry Tashi amid Por An alma that Nee4 Caw Murine 8j'e Aa.enedi Co., Chiang* Not With Stereopticon Views, The Polioernan—Where are you going at this time of night? The Wanderer—Pro—We—going to to a lecture. 0w a Sick Women Can Regain Health Read This Very Carefuilyi `"Tror. years X was thila and delicate, 1' lost' color and wail easily tired; a Yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on my face were not only mortifying 'to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would never look nice again I grow dospolident. Then my appetite tailed. I grew -very weak. Various remedies,' pills,' topics • and tablets: I tried without permanent benefit,",A, visit to my ulster put into my hands a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. She placed reliance upon them and now that they have made me a well woman X would not be without them whatever they weight cost. I• -found Dr. Hami1. ton's Pills by their mild yet searching action very suitable to the delicate character of a woman's nature. They never once griped nie, yet they estab- lished regularity. My appetite grew keen—my blood red and pure—heavy rings under limy eyes disappeared and to -day my. Skin is as clear and un- wrinkled as when I was a girl. pr. Hamilton's Pills did it all," The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a well- known ruiner in Rogersville, is proof stzfiicient that Dr. Hamiltpn's Pills; are a woaadorful woman's medicine. Use no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25o. per box. All• sealers or The Catarrh - ozone Co., ISingston, Ontario. Healthfui to Yawn. Yawning is said to have an ::ex ceedingly' healthful function besides having a salutary effect in compiain'ts ofthe pharynx_, and .the eustachian tubes. Accord'ng to investigations, yawning is the most natural form of zespiratory exercise, bringing into action all the respiratory muscles of the neck and chest. It is recommended that every per- son should have a good yawn .with the stretching of the limbs morning and evening for the purpose of .venti- lating the lungs and tonifying, the respiratory muscles. An eminent authority asserts that this form. 'of gymnastics has a remarkable effect in relieving throat and ear troubles, and says that patients suffering from disorders of the throat have derived great benefit from it. Iwo ,says he makes his patients yawn, by sugges- tion or imitation, or by a series- of deep breaths with the lips partly closed. The yawning is repeated six or seven times and should be followed by swallowing. By this process the air and mucus in the eustachian tubes are aspirated, Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper: Proof. "Xeep clear of Machin; he must be in a very bad way. He actually asked me yesterday to pay him back the half dollar I borl`owed off him two years Use .IQUtD SULPHLHt In your bath; Six Feet. A teacher was giving a assail in lllathemdtics and English • combin- ed. "A fathom," she said. "is a :dau- tieal word used in defining dis- tance. It meting six, feet. New I want some little girl to give, me a sen eneo usingthe word fathom," Ineteettly a hand shot up in the rear of the room: "Well, Mary, you may give yeller sentence.''' Mary stood up,proudly..' "The reason fires caanw alk on the ceiling," mild she, "is 'beeitaise they have , 4 fathom." "Breast --•"What made you say my -wife has a prentinent mouth if you etvai° saw her `1" Orirnsonbea -' "Oh,' 1 beard • 'Johnny Hesitated. • "What is an 'anecdote, Johnny 1" asked the teacher. "A short, funny tale," answered the little fellow. "Quite right," said •the teacher. "And now, Johnny, you may write on the blackboard a sentence con- taining the word." Johnny hesitat- ed a moment, and then wrote, "A rabbit lies four legs and one anee- dote." CORNS? HAVE YOU ANY ? If so, you -want to try Putnam's Corn Extractor; it is not a cheap acid calve,' but a genuine 250. euro that does remove corns in twenty-four hours. Be. sure and get "Patnam's Extractor," 25e. at all dealers. Any out Hero. Betty ---I shall not wed until 1 can marry a hero. Alice—Weil, my dear, just show any man who pro., poses to you a schedule of your yearly expenses, and if he doesn't back out he's one. LIQUID SULPHUR cures cold sorer, • Helpful Neighbors. "My neighbors keep me all the. time in hot water." "How generous of them, when coal is so high." tilnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Every mother thinks she has the dearest baby in •the world. So does the father when the bills come in. LIQUID SULPHUR cures cold sores. C1lattillg About Ilial. Angeline and Caroline were chat- ting about a young lean whom they both knew. "I can't make any- thing of young Dalton—he's so stu- pid," said Angeline. "I don't think so," said Caroline. "He has it lot in him. when you know hjm." "Has he V' : replied Angeline. "Well, then, I'm sure in's a vacant lot!'" BY' HAIR RESTORER Restores GRAY .lab., to fts NA T"WRAL. Cator, makes i °grog ►, and cures Dandruff, jl� At A.I.th UGO1$ "Si •b* OSSPIT5i A B0t1r1. l'elated Paragraphs. tionficesa'is the mother ' of unit u,o, Smart:men may be fools kr propolis. Bread is the i taft of life and`fiat-' tery is the butter. And lote.ctf people do"not work as much as they wait, Many a .man pats himself on the back who isn't acontortionist. A good husband is an asset, 'but a worthless one is a liability. It is `never too late to blame the other fellow for your mistakes. A woman will de `a lot of cheeky things to imprQ 'e h'er complexion. Propose to a girl in a Canoe and you'll have two Chances of being thrown over. ^° u Nearly all mea are too lazy even to think for themselves. Thinking is hard work. A woman always has faith in the judgment of any roan who asks her ;to marry him.." Any girl can make .a name for herself—if she can induce some man to face the parson with her. The average man gets a lot of un- necessriry abuse while he is alive and a lot of unnecessary' praise af- ter he is dead. A married man's application for membership in a elub may be an admission that marriage is a fail- ure --so far as he is .concerned. If a homely girl has plenty of money it's an easy matter to meet a' wise man who will try to convince her she is at prize beauty. • ' - sac Best Liniment of All Destroys Every Pain But Never Darns. "How thankful we are to get hold of such a wonderful household rem- edy as Nerviline," writes Mrs. E. P. Lamontagne from her holm near We- taskawin, Alberta. "In this far -away section, far away . from a doctor or druggist, every family needs a good supply of liniment. - Nerviline is the best of all. It destroys every pain, but never burns. We use Nerviline in a score of ways. If it's rheuma- tism, aching back, pain in the side, sciatica or stiff neck,—you can laugh at them if you have lots of Nerviline handy. For earache, toothache or cramps I don't think anything could act more quickly. For a general all- round pain remedy I can think of no- thing more valuable and speedy to cure than Nerviline." The above letter is convincing it tells how reliable ,and trusty this old- time remedy is. Nerviline for forty years has been a household word in Canada. Scarcely a home in Canada you can find without Nerviline. Every community has its living examples of the wonderful curative properties of Nerviline which will cure pains and aches anywhere in the joints or mus - Iles, It's -penetrating, soothing, warming and safe for young and old to use. Get the largo 50c. family size bottle; it's the moat economical. Small trial size 25c. at any dealer's anywhere. Teacher of Hygiene—"Why must we always be careful to keep our home clean and neat 1" Little Girl -"Because company may walk in at any moment." Minard's Liniment Co., Limited, Gentlemen, -t have used MINAILD'S LINIMENT from time to ti"ano for the.,past twenty years. 11 was recommended to me by a prominent physician of Montreal, who called it the "groat Nova Scotch Lini• mans." It dons tire doctor's work; it is particularly geed in ansa of Itheumatlstn and Bpraine. Torre truly, G. G. DUS1.'AN, Chartered A.ccountaut•, I:teli.fale N,S., Sept. 21, 1905: A. Model ' Child. George III. was such a thrifty king that we cannot doubt that he hugged the little chap ` of whom Thackeray tells this delightful story and longed to knight him on the. spot. One day when the Icing and queen were walking together, probably at Kew, they met a little boy, --they were always fond cif childrert, the goad folks—and patted the little tow head. "Whose, little boy are yowl", ask- the king. "I am the kiiiig's beef -eater's lit- tle boy," replied the child. On which the king said, "Thee kneel down' and kiss the queen's; hand,sr 13ut the innocentoffsp ing of the beef -eater declined this `¶reit:. "I"fio," sa1.cl. he, ""I won'ty knee', for if I do, I-shull spell myanew breeches." 4 ' The Gna1;': Explbineil., Miss Jaggcrs (angling tor a colli tatiment): They say. plain girls ere always religious. Now I'nl not •at all religious. MrYor:niit• (gallantly) t yea, 'lout there are. exceptions 'tet .all r.°isles, you 'dings. c KS si COe Yliti k'a d t briN'etuek ;,el ie Par Quality, firevonr,. a, perfcct cooking, combined. • The rntrehnum at nourishment and palate/AU just heat — then get' rutwit naum t ronbtc and cost. tor a so Save a hoist a won't have to b Don't sell or dest horse on acco. Spavin, Splint, Ri Curb,Spraios orLa Spend one dollar bottle. KENDAL SPAVIN CUR has Saved a great many horses — them. back to work, evert after th been. given up. Over 95 years of have proved its value. lir. S. IT. Months -at St. Liu. Qua. 'mites% T have bran uv Lux your Sp,.vla Cure for Many yrur..ahrxynwith excellent results. Get $aadairu Spavin Clime at unyy a un tats. Prlee, 1;1 1"r 'tretiseontlovforDi O. •.. 'treatise on the Itairo" fres at druggists-orfront• 1 Dr. fnosburgFali¢,Yermont ifk.AA•. FARMS feR SALiL H, 6Y. DAWSCN, Ninety Colborne Toronto, Ii' YOU WANT TO BUY on 8 Fruit, Stock, Grain, or Dairy Mitt -11 W. Dawson, Brampton, Colborne St.. Toronto. EI. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., 'For WANTED. T TVII VNINJURErl MINK, M ..i and Pieher. W. D. Betts, Rid Onb. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, 1VIVE HAVE; SEVERAL GOOD paper properties for dila i tarso towns at right prices. Apply C se subaeription renewml time is juet in g. Wilson Publishing. Compare West Adelaide Street, Toronto, MISCELLANEOUS. ANclaB: TD -A -ons. LUMPS. Nee internal and external. cured cat pain by our home treatment. re before too into. Dr. Bollman 1d• rt~. Tee. rre.t l Un,,w,, it, lint eiALL STONES, KIDNEY AND i F der Stones, Kidney trouble. 8 Lumbago and kindred ail/welts poor cared with tho new German r "Same." prier+ 81.60, Another new r for Diabetes:Mellitus. and sure a ' Senoi's Anti-Dtaboten." Price $j2.00 drnareiets or dfreect. VIA Fianol ttsa tering Oorevaul' et Call ads. Li Wsn,,,.inpe. Man. PRODUCERS—By shipping y NEW LAID EGG to GUNN, LANQILt)Is & C LIMITED, MONTREAL, secure the BEST MEWL One trial shipment reeoanmeaic Tho Heart of'aa Plano ill Action. insist on th r<'OTTO 1110 Plano 'Action The wayward young man, b in health, was sent to the west to recuperate. He was i in Arizona for stealing, a hind ter of beef. He wrote ho "Dear Father, --I've picked' some flesh since 1 same here. am still confined to my Please send me $100," Don't waste time on later! or solves because'thoy're Cents cheaper. fewn s p l - heva proved • Ze►fataBui best far I3bbolnai Piles, Skil piseusstsis• *nal injuries. As a reathrtr4 ::Yat lists lb :your' felony ;; ..figs .tit heat, that's Zonettuk I .'4lita ttim,a id./.."&'!: