The Herald, 1914-01-09, Page 4OR SALE (arrnFor Sale? I am receiving numeroug enquiries respecting Huron. County Farm Lands. If you want to sell will assist .you with an advertising campaign that will bring buyers to•our favored County, • Buyer .'No -Charge Call, write or phone for particulars. E. ZELLER Conveyancer, Real Estate, &o ZURICH, ONT. DR. E. B: BALFOUR, graduate Western University, late of the Military lospital and Victoria Hospital, London. Office in the building formerly occupied by the late. Dr.McLaughlin; Dashwood. Henry Bossenberry Licensed 'Auctioneer Huron, Middlesex and Lampto: Satisfaction guaranteed. Dashwood, Ontario. Dates arranged at, the office IIR A. J. MacKINNON late Rouse Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late -of the House Staff, New York Palyclinio Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. • AFF7.LS CLOTRING STOR 'The fundemental policy of this business is to give bet- ter service and better value than is expected, we make a distinct bip for the very best trade. The custom look which markes garments is due to the manner o ftheir production, and the infinite skill and care de- voted to their manufacture. The style and fit show fo themselves at a glance, and we give the most positive assur- ance of satisfaction or -42,0. -sale, --sale,. The simple fact is that we have the finest range of Cloth- ing'possible to produce and al right prices. ORDERED ,CLOTHES A. SPECIALTY • Butter 'and Eggs taken in ex wage. ege aye art- tru-' rages' riot ohool e re- Write ades i,281"ctck IVIAS EAR TEO istri�t BLAKE Mr, Cleland of Listowel was a nnest at the home of Mr. W. J. Stev- ens over Na' Years Day, Mr. Coats alianeYer arrived on Saturday to take chattiN the Blake school.: Mr, W, 0. Talbot returners ` home last week from visiting friends in' Us - borne, Miss Violet_ Stevens returned.':; .to'. Wheatley on Saturday to resume her studies in the Continuation School there. Miss C. Durand has been re-engag- ed as teacher in the Drysdale school. Mrs. English is visiting .at Brant- ford. Mr. G. S. Howard went to Zurich on Monday to begin his new work as Principal of the School there. We are glad to be able to repot: the recovery of Mr. Gilbert Freckle ton from his recent serious illness. ST. JOSEPH FARE AND ONE THIRD Dec 22, 23 24, 25 valid and re turn until Dec. 27, also Dec.29:30, 31, 1913,'anb Jan 1st 1914, valid for til return until Jan. 3,1914. all Stations in Canada. Arthur, also to Deiroit and Mich., Buffalo, Slack Rook, is: and Suspension Bridge N.Y. ow on sale at Grand. Trunk ccs. adies and Gents Watches racelets and Jewelry of Every tion, Lace Curtains,.. Ruds,. Furnisliind,Bifles, Moving Pic. rachine, Skates, Printing Press- uulain Pens, in . fact nearly :hnid you can think of you can loslutely Free for selling our iful Fancy Drawn. and Satin led handkerchiefs' at 10 cents They sell rapidly 6 can gener- e sold in every house. Don't is any money, but write us to fou a lot of Handkerchiefs to hat when sold you will send us oney and the premium selected g 24 handkerchieff entitled you it choice of an elegant Watch, l `Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc. us to -day, we trust you and crack the goods if you cannot sell News HENSALL 'Kenneth Pope left for Merlin on Thursday to take a position in the Molsons Bank. IL J. D. Cooke and Miss Agnes Shirray of Toronto spent part of., this week in town. W.•Maunders of Preston formerly of.this 'place, gave a practicaladdress at the league, on Monday night. Cleve Joynt of Nelson, 13. C. was in town for New Years, calling on his old friends. He left here for Montreal.. A Special song service was held in the Methodist Church on Sunday ev- ening consisting of Anthema, solos and duetts. The following are the newly elect- ed members of the School Board, W. E. Hoggarth, A. Whiteside, Geo. Sutherland. 1VIrs. Thompson Murdock has re- turned from Calgary, where she has. been spending a few months with her daughter, Mrs. Hoggarth. The Hensall Citizens Band gave a very suecersful dance•on New- Years Eve, Ninety couples participated in l the gay and festive tripping of shelf., light franiastic. Mr. Louis and Miss Margaret Bris- seia left for Detroit on Monday, after spending the holidays with relatives and friends. • Mr. GQ0. Denomy left on Tuesday for Chatham. Miss Louise Jeffrey left on Tuesday for Detroit Mr. Stanley Brisson Ieft for • Tor- onto, after spending the holidays with his parents. Mr. Alfon Papineau left on Tues- day for Detroit. • Miss Edith Denomy left for Blyth, on Tuesday. Mr. Harry Valley of Goderich, who has been visiting with Mr. Joe Ducharnze, returned on Tuesday. IVIr. Ed. Brisson loft for Clinton College, on Monday. 1NOLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL LEGAL. CARDS. JDPOOT RAYS & KILLORAN, Tisters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. C. R. G. Hays. J. L. Killoran,. BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AIi)CT►ONEER, Exeter. es conducted' in all parts. Satis- ,kt guaranteed or no pay. Terms nabls. Orders left at this office e 'promptly attended to. 5ES 1T MATTER To Ir M4Trion to you that of all the mun,.iwon1en and children who die each year ?.,ti Canada one in sevenis a violin of. Consumption? laotcs Ir MArTrn that otie in every three of these ie cut off in the full glow of life,' with plans and hopes and loves i:bat must be given up? Doig IT Manna that a few persons have joined hands and within a .few short years' have "saved thousands of., thcso unhappy oned;and can save them all if only there is alit o Ie more help and , little more tuonoy? Perhaps it doesn't matter. It is all very intbesting but it is no immediate. concern • of yours. 13uT WotrD Ir. 'MATTEL if instead of entering somebody else's home and carry- ing off their loved ones, Consumption, game into your home and laid its hand on the ono you. love the best in all the world? WOULD Ir 1VIATTEa then if you saw- your husband, wife, child or friend dying fur lack of a. little bit of the money some other fellow was throwing away ? 'WouLD IT MA'rrna when Christmas came if there were nothing for you to d o hut sit on•the edge of the bed and stroke the white hand on the coverlet and realize that this was the last Christmas ? This is how much it matters in thousands of homes in Canada thisyear and will con- tinue to matter until enough people like you test the burden and feel how crushing ibis. It DOES matter -it is the most inrijortan t thing in the life of some unfortunate sufferer—what you do with the attached form. CREDITON Mrs. Sant of Brussells; visited with her brothers Elie and Albert for a few days. Mr. 1111d Mrs. Chas. Derr of ..Ben - miller, are nisi ing friends and relat- ives in the village. 'Air. and Mrs. James sling of For- est, visited with the formers brothers Eli and Albert King for a few clays. Mr. Thomas Wind. of Detroit, visited at the home of his parents Mr. and 11Irs. John Wind over New Years Mr. Elmer Sheardown of Goderich, visited at the home of his mother over Saturday and Sunday, FIRE IleSUi .A.N- agent representing the London, nomicai, Watrtpino, Monarch, Stand - Wellington sial Guardian. Every- ,, in fire `tnsnrnilco. Dashwood ar er Shop %edneailay Cr' ZVeiloesdaY' afteri il,nd eirening. Saturday every Saturday, all day, • r»vtiling.' tD EXETER Mrs. Holman of Virden, Man., ' visiting her sister Mrs. Rooke. The brass band sereneaded the. newly elected council on Monday evening. Those elected to sit on the council board are: Reeve, J. Taylor, Comncilmen, T. Harton, M. Doyle, J. Hind and B. W. F. Beavers. Mrs. 0. Becker of Hamburg is vise' iting her parents, Dr. J. W. and Mrs. Browning. Mr. Thos. Hawkins returned home from Windsor for a few days. Mr- Start, the newly appointed principal of the public school arrived' here on Tuesday and commenced his duties. Miss Irene Handford, nurse, of New York, is the guest of Miss Edna Follick. The concert given in the Main • S Methodist churaYsaeonlVtonday as Tuesday of this week was a splendid success. The entertainer, Enos Bacon, gave a programme which was' thoroughly enjoyed by all. To help the Mhskolcp Free Iios- pitalfor Consumptives continue its life-saving work, 1 gladly enclose the sum of $ Name. Address L2o.5.00 will provide maintenance for a week. 0.00 Will pay for four weeks. 00 will endow a bed for a year. Since the need is suck u perinancrit one, Ishmael also like to subscribe Register /ay Marne accord- OontributIons may beIcnt to W. .X. Gage, Esq., si Spading tart= A.-^dM10 ons, 940 ring StR. Dauber, s W. TorontoutlJu..lSsul• Anderson Llliott Sanders Love Yearley o ro-nsbip of to .0' BEEV 1., 2 3.. 4, 2g„ 8 22, 17 6 7 61, 20 30 89 54 74 16. 52 48 75 19 80 .41' 24 56 367' DEPUTY, REEVE 83 32 37 52 "24 51 46 5.6 . 61 ' 892 59 46 59 66 58 56 35 144',',48 43 42$, COUNCILLORS 37 88 44 46 22 78 -70 51. 52 482 88. 35 25, ; 44 •86 85 85 27, 58, 388 55 46 52 77 60..29 40 :15. 46 < :420 61 40' 36 41 44 .88 .23 35 . 47 , -415' 21 23 84 901,20 i1L3 84, 47 ,,843,` li inlcbeiner IXelleruiann Mawhinney Neel) Wuerth `Total; 99 - $6 89 43....:889 Among words of advice to Canad- ian financial interests from the hand of Lord Strathcona in a recent ar- ticle, was this, that, as this country as a sorce of profitable investment had been held•in high esteem in Bri- tain in the past, every caution should be taken to maintain it. Latterly a rather wild real estate boom and an 'unwarranted boosting of Canadian industrial seeurties in certain direc- tions have had the effect of rendering them temporarily unpopular, Can- adian industries are as good as ever, but over statement it their favor has had the opposite effect from that in- ' tended. THOUGHTS ON LIFE Miss Mildred. Brown spent a few' days in Zurich with Miss . Merle Preeter. IVIr. and Mrs, W. M. Jones and Master Roland of London, visited ` at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Clarke over New Years. • _ The C. I. C. CIass of the Evangeli- cal Sunday School drove to .Exeter on New years day and had their photos taken. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Foist and,daugb- ter and Mrs. Jacob Haist and 'daugh- ter Beatrice of Pigeon, Mich., are'. visiting friends and relatives in` and around town for a few weeks. anus T8QS. HLUHP,P, Primr. etor. ARE YOU VERY BUSY) Every little while you read in the papers. that so many persons have died from Con- sumption. It is all very far-off and matter of fact and possibly it scarcely arrests your atten- tion. Do you ever realize that each one of those "cases"—mere items in an official record—is a black tragedy to somebody, that behind each one of them lies long, hopeless days of pain, feverish nights of despair, lifetime plans that must be laid Away, grinding poverty, perhaps a wife to fight her own way afterwards or children who know hunger now that the father ie gone. Just suppose it were your tragedy. Suppose it were your father, your mother, your brother, sister, husband, wife, your child, or perhaps your sweetheart, and yon with the hospital doors shut in your face, wringing your hands in utter helplessness while the crowds harry by, engrossed in their own affairs. Bub no! You are in that crowd and x00 don't hear either because you are busy. But wouldn't you give -and gladly—if you knew that what mead so little to you would go .far to bring back the glow to somebody's wan face or the laughter to somebody's lips? ' • Just: sit down and think of the one you love best in the world. Then say " If she lay there--" or "If he lay there—" and see how it sounds. What would be- come of all your plans and your busy days then? For eleven years now the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives has cared for those whom others love best, and hundreds of them have gone home again well and happy. It keeps its doors open because a few busy people like you stop for a moment and remember. Are you going to remember this Christ- mas? Don't pat it ofE Use the attached form in sending your contribution. Last week a well known young man who goes south so visit his young lady, spent the last evening of die old year and a part of the new year, returning home fell a sleep and. his horse, seeing that his driver was all in, and afraid of getting lost stop - peal. in Crediton until he Could be cdirectetl to his home. "THE COMING SESSION" It has been announced that Parlia- ment will open on January 15th. and there can be little doubt but that several of first importance to every eV tizen in Canada will be dealt with. The Naval question is again expected to be in the forefront of controversa,ry Radisttibnl,i0n \rill be dealt with and also the cluesti.rlr of Tariff. No paper in (nada covers the ses• cion of the Dom ini'on, House quite as frilly or as fairly as The Toronto lie« 5,' 'I!Irla EIFIRE.LD hag arranged with The Torontc Daily News to take. subscriptions for beth papers ind tip - nn receipt of $2.50 both Tnr, 11DII,iz,n wild The News will be sent to your address by mail for one year. Rend your snbilrition. in to thin office. 3 New Ontario Farms In the very heart of the famous 20, 000,000 acres of choice clay -belt land. Near the village of Matheson on the T. & N. Q. Railway*. All other surr- ounding lots already settled and' im- provements begun. Excellent hover• nment, roads through the entire local- ity; school house and local P. 0. a-. corner of one of the lots; houses erectt ed and 8 and 5 acres cleared on . each. Two of the lots have close to 1,000, 000 ft of valuable timber on each, (pine, birch, spruce and: wbitewood, in almost easszli amounts) and in add- ition over 1,000 cords or • padovrood on each farms, 160 acres in each fartnr. A rare opportunity for quick -ret- urns and safe investment. Price ex- ceptionally low, only $2.00, $4.00' and $6.00 per acre, respectively. It will pay you to investigate this unus- ual bargain. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich, Why all this toil for triumphs of an hour? —Young. Life's a short summer; man is but a flower. —Pope. By turns we catch the fatal breath and die. Dr. Johnston. The cradle and the tomb, alas how nigh. —Prior. To be is better far than not to be. —Sewell Though all man's life may seem a tragedy. —Spencer. But light cares speak when mighty griefs are dumb. —Daniel. The bottom is shallow from whence they come. Walter Raleigh -Thy fate is the common fate of all. —Longfellow Unmingled joys here no man befa it Southwell Nature to each allots his proper sphere. — Congraye. Fortune makes folly her peculiar care. —Churchill Custom does often reason over -rule. —Rochester And throw a cruel sunshine 0n a fool. —Armstrong. Live well; how long or short permit to heaven. Milton They who forgive most shall be for- given. —Bailey To kelp the 1Vf,ts7•o1•a Free 77os- Ditdlfor Cons, nlrtivrs continrre Sl s lye -saving work, 1 gladly enclose ' t to sum of Name Adelreis., $ 5.00 will provide maintenance for a week $ 2000 will pay for four weeks. $ioO.00 will endow a bed for a year. Sinceikeneed is suet ctpermanent one, Ishoulci also like to ertbsci-ibe. .. , Register my name ascent. ingly. CnntrIbntlona mo 'lila sontto W.1. Cage,i31;, 84Ssadtnn tmSaltito Dunbar, Sant. ttatuToronto, 447TKig Si'ron ., ... ZURICH .. . MEAT MARKET E keep in stock a 'full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. YUNtBLUT 11 3 ClER A. STE1/ ENVSJI The Barrels and Lugs ofr1.. STEVENS t:.;•., Double and Single- Barrel ,S U,OTGl.0 N Sarc drap4 "t'41 me plata: Rade of specially selected seed - ' i S1Rp$CEST where other guns aro ,•f WEAKEST:. Cbmpgre SEVENS wi¢h guns at ,hero nEta prIcesndsotc J8 our QVAanyL1TYtbrobglwuear.l,.i Vs' umlllimmmmmEmnd AIAI'f(0)-_,,,,Alifp " r 0.1 f i•inatal ►JA .r, .if Our Shotgun. Catalog shows the famous tine of Stevens Repeaters—Doubles—Sin. ,gles, If you cannot obtain STEVENS from your idealer—let us know, and we will ship direct en- lpress prepaid, upon receipt of Catalog Price' ,' r!. STEVENS ARMS $0 1301.. COMPANY P. O. Box 5005, ,CHICOPEC FALLS.MASS. 611 1'' •t i Ll 11Es tiro i Priv erne , iiig: 11tad:' ori Ali deo s 11 olty. 1i111 more :fa' weirs me • aa1ttpouro nl yati 'der, `Idr. wen, In e9 'rt: a th. n yo1 r n anter 8: `You' tea,. Oh, n1 P tax yats ht' b cli N ask Ste(% alsii r�jtl'c apl'e ly go ey do tune Parra' aded, en yon iely b his ( id his ould 1 an, Borth d sac ovhi. The onotoi imed e not tarchec either Ing rit2 (it in ntdred f. Wyati .ek d' tered ldag .rte >) arder yatt- "Nastj said', �fde. ' A we o thr nt a€ was s sig Seim Terri ," sa: tn, err::: mage u out 'It's ," '11 t tri liad cicly,' •d ra ly tic En dos JVyat noouids ;aped'; I''tt' O nln 0 ti• wi as t til, o rayon Mo.o: rratit. X'3111• '• l 971' . • Ca lringt rt8 .11. in stlelr yeai ion. 11, hers Yol% aD++ ,Sisal Int 8 g l'.en s -sagbis bt