HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-01-09, Page 1Vol. XIV..
The Official Organ of Zurich and rift
We announce to. i.e publi.c a
tremendous Bargain'''Sale. ; , e
` rave gone over many Tines of our
imm,ense stock and reduced the
prices so greatly : that;; they -win ti
iu owe• out rapidly. • ,; f you -want
to save- .ones now is. your.
Ladies Mantling
Regular $2.00 per yd Bargain Price $1.00 per yd
4t ..2.50 44. 1.25 4. t4
44 3'50. c4 41 2.00 44 ,4
,4 1,25 :4. 44 44 75
Dress Goods
Regular ry$1.50 per -yd Bargain Price" $1.00 per y'd,
41 y:25 ., tl 4. 44 75 44 14
yyyyyy c x.0o0C: - cc 44 44 44 6d�5 4.
,.- 85 44 44 4t 44 60 44
• "
60 44 "lh 44 t4
to i Childreus.''Toques
w. A large assortment of Children& tociues• at 25c each. A
5.0 full line of Ladies' and Children' hose regular` 25e bargain
2,5( prioe 15 and 20c, A' lot of fancy ginghams and Zephr
D.0( cloths,. regular 15o, bargain price 10o, a,' yd..Men's and
r,c, Boys caps job lot vvortln up to 50c ba,rt7ain price at i5o ea.
4 50 44 44 44-, 44 a5 i4
Tweeds & Worstead Suitings,
We have out our prices in tweed suitings to half price
to clear.
Regi.1a,r $2,50pas yd'13aigain Price 1,25 p r yd
4, 1.00 44 tc 50 44 45'
Kimono, cloth regulae 20c bargain price 15o a yard.
Ladies Meek Furs
Regular $10 bargain, prioe 2,50: Regular 9.00 bargain
price 11.00. Regular 7.50 bargain prioe 5,oO ' Regula 4,50
tis' Bargain prioe 250.
Len's Overcoats
Regular $9 bargain prioe 9.00, Regular 10. bargain
. price 6.50. Regular 12 bargain price 8'50. Regnlurt' 1'5 00
bargain prioe 10,40. Regular 18.00 bargain. price 14 00.
Sov''s Overcoats, all sizes at big bargain prices
,' Regular ,;;7.00 for ;$4 00 Ragular i10 00 fo`1 $G- 50 .'.
12. . for 8.50 " 15. for-', 10.
Regular 17• for 12.00
t Boy's suits from, $1.00 up. The biggest baraaius ever >offered'
4Ladles' IViantles
0 • Our ladies' iriant1' s -have bon moving out rapidly the last
fete weeks. We still leave a few left to clefs ont. et ,$5.O0 each.
These aro go.o:l quality and etylos and a big bargain worth tip
to $12,00'
011i1C1Y s float.
Children's Tr.. t
o a s carc7arroy and blanket cloth :dortts from $1.50 up
Sweater Coats at greatly reesltaeed. pticesm'
\Ye have in stock a mice lot choice nen fruits for Xmas
' trade, -now 'raisins, currents, the best we can buy. ).'ori should`
have some of these for' sora Christmas, cake;
Crockery and Chir a
A laro'e•stock af'dinner 'setts 'imported _-direct from factory
at prices that are bargains .also';a lot of faincychina''for hiss.
Christmas -gifts,
We have now on display a large a•ssorinncnt of Tax's, Dolls,
aau', etc., suitable Nor the children,;. Also 'marry osoful gifts •of
-all descriptions. .Shop early. n :
11 'yo, litllt at c' 'aa '
' hongt 've a it
, .
i` 1 oduce allays "fak n,
4-°" ars"'"*" 41°4'411-� , � 111:x,. Taaiiabert l lolals ,left for
T f ri A L NEWS. ,rca home in Stratfo d T d
A r , 00 nos ay.
i Norman. Prang of the West is
vxsitrng with rolatjve and friends in
Miss Marjorie Strong of Seafuith tc,wn.
spent the -holiday visiting 'friends on. 11Ir. Lee Hoffman played another
the Parr Line. gine of hockey with Seaforth against
ML. 0. F. Brown of ICilnzana ;h, C oclerioh on Tuesday evening.
Mich. is visiting, vio.th has brother .:i�Tn w ;k'Miss Nettie Well of Detroit is visit
Jacob Brown Goschen Line. iAg,hsr parents, .Mr. and Mrs. 4 H.
Rev. G. F. Brown was called ' :ta ell
Dashwood on Wednesday, to the bed ,.:..Mrs Alex Sparks of Saskatoon,
side of his brother; who is very ill. rytislc:, is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Miss Nene Sohilbe left for 'Exeter . Ls. `. Sparks.
ori Wednesday, to practice on ripe Mrs. David Gottesohalk of Bad Axe
dress-rritzker's trade, for a f«,w a.Ixph., is visittg her mother, Mrs. A,
months. Heli nano
Me. Louis Jeffrey moved his fel Miss Rattenberry of Br icefield is
ily and household effects to his far na�isiting with Miry. end° Mrs. lir T.
near St. Joseph. - Louis will -be grog i,4 1?unlop. '
ly missed by his' many friends School opened on Monday with a
-fir. and .were, Wm. Beaver . a fair attendance and full staff of tea -
daughter Salina, left -on. Wednesday f `'hers, 11Ir. G. S. -Howard prinoina1,
for a few week'e yaoation, „�tr''-"xi";,�.4Lts`; Woods atld Miss Hodgins.
Berlin and"other paces:' • •cbso nti , ..1;1r. Elgin and Miss Flora Hess left
Miss Pearl mud. Mr. Lours° moa ';ti pond n the he io"t"a e Collegiate
tlh the after
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pie'eter ha.vo
b 3' par-
Aima and Miss' Lavine, Koi 4,,, bo •x1 rents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hess.
.Me. Tohn Bienneruian from near " -'Miss R. Keys has returned to her
wood, Mr. Louis Zeller from , Saa0 duties as teacher in our -school, after
ford and Miss Milcka Thiel"; ' ' having spent a most enjoyable holi-
Sunclay with Mr. and Mrs. E 0ie�day season at her home in. ,Stanley. •
Thiel `' ` Mr. andMrs. Nathan Pareni of
Revival services will be held in the ,Detroit visited at the horns of Me.
Evangelical church next week begitr- and Mrs. J. W. Horner a few days
ing on 'Wednesday evening. For a4.7t week,
number of eveningsthe services \vif ,Jurs. C. Trueru.er entertained iii •a
be held in the German and after th1 `angst hospital manner a number of
in,the'English language. Rev. A. I*Wier friends, on New. Year's, having
Plyley of Chesley will assert the • pad '''.rielaared for them .a much' enjoyable
Rev. J. H. Ehlers of Harrisburg,
tin. State student Sec of the Y. M.
. 1,t,;,, Vow""' .ubLsi 4Y 4 a43` .47`.4' ori
vangeLYe ''C teteReetd y {9v -
ening. Next Sab ath the pastor will
will have charge of the morning and
evening service.
Mrs. Sftrasas the oldest sister of Mr
Mich. haercher passed away last Sat-
urday near New Dundee at the age of
'03 years. Many of the friends of this
community left on Tuesday to attend
the funeral which took place on Wed-
nesday afternoon.
The following officers of the Men's
and Ladies Adult Bible Classss of the
Evangelical church were elected as
follows last Sunday; Mens ClassPres-
ident, Wm. O'Brien; -Vice. President,
Sylvanus Witmer; Secretary, Lee
Hoffman; Treasurer, John Gascho;.
Teacher, D. S. Faust. Ladies Class
President, Anna Mess; ‘Vice.President
Pearl Wurtz; Secretary, Roxy 'ilher;
Treasurer, Carrie Willman; Teachere
Lydia Faust; Assistant Teacher, Vera ..
tor when the services will be held in
English. Euerybady welcome' ti;
these meetings, come thou with
and we will dothee good.
Schools intending to to take up the
study of Agriculture and School gar-
dening should send notice of their
intention to the Department of Edo -
cation not later than January 15tH.
The form to be used is to be found at
the back of the 1914 school register,
About 150 schools in the province
'are expected to take up the study of
Agriculture this year; the increase is
not rapid, but thegrowth has been
healthy; it is expected that a number
of schools in Huron will be interested
in the course which the Education
Department is doing so iiauch to on-
eoarage. „
Tho Sunday services will be 'at
the usual hours Gerrnan 10 30 a.m
Sunday S 2.00,s W;a Engliah.,7.00 ])
zr. The following' r need:ngs are
held, during the week :
S. S. officers and teachers 7.80 p,na.
on Tuesdays. Men's : Missionary.
society at 8.00 1). in. on, Tuesday
Young 'People's'sooiety-at 8..00 1tAin
Friday. The Ladies •Md Society`
vneet i at am0 p. in:: the' first Tues-
day of each month.
A cordial invitation is herewith ex-
tended to all,. not worshiping else-
where, to worship with us and take
an active .part in the tvork of the Var-
ious societies of our church.
^ „ 64 12 elephoue - "'
ate --_-4 --4, 4 °; 0,; }s•
he ..
Established 1853
Opened Branch 'in I-1iiro1,
Co. 1874
Saving Bank ''Accounts
Zurich Branch
R. T. DUNLOP, Manager
The officers and' Directors of ':the.
Zurich Branch, Upper Canada Bible
Society, gratefully acknowledge 4.01.
sincerely thank the contributors .a..d'
collectors, who macre e thorough .ean-
vass of various districia for the. year
ending December 81 1018, colleetions
as follows: - •.
Ciilloction at Public' meeting .$7r` 34
at 'Mennonite Church 2.75
at 14th by Percy Schoch
end Herb Pfile • 4.81
al Zurich by Alma Axt
and Elva Iinyrodk 16.60
" at Znrich by Gertrude
Weber and \'ercl l Fuss .0.00
Goshen "Line by Ada brown 1,60
Babylon Lino by 'S. Witmer 8.50
Blind Line by Fad Haberor 2.20
Bronson Lille by fails Metliek
and Gertie Kacreher 3.05:
Expenses of Money Order `20
Proceeds of Sales Dec"24th. $4,86
Porewarcled to Bible Society 55.91
• H. Well, Treas.
Sri.crciir-On Bronson Line Stanley,
Dir Tkc.. 91st., 1918 to Mr, and Mrs.
1' "r'y Steckle a daughter.
.4r.At,a rrn-On the Bauble Dine fray
on .Dec.: 80th. 1918 to Air, and Mrs,
John Charette a daughter. ..
BrNMI-Ct.-At Zurich, on the 2711,
est, to Mr, and Mrs. William Bah•
der, a 0)1).
Bnowr.-At Zurich, on the. 211.1.
inst. to Mr. n 11 Mrs, lHerbert Bloch.
a Soh.
With Mater root 't
For Wow, antlt erns
Button and Lace shoes
Felt" shoes
Felt Gators.
Felt slippers
elt lined shoes
:Hatton d Lace,l
?''olt ula a
felt Gate s
'Leather' Slippers'
:BUCliL,a,+ Cl'w' 1':1tSSIIOi
:3 buckle overshoes
lien''s.riubbor, bo.vts
'''ton's 2 buckle rubbers
la'ae, rubbers
3a3=s' 2 buckle rubbers,
Tien's-arid f Boys Leggin
Wool sox. Ful 'a sorts e
Men's and t3, * ',
Farm. Produce taken i.0 exchange' forShoei
Zurich -Feed:
Leading Brand of
Flour, Shorts, Bran We take thi
and Feed Corn thanking you mer
4re"u;.a .c.,-pttt s taken in
exch fags ,
`a a are iigen1 , for interna- '
tonal and Royal ' P"nrpie` .
stock food.
Also -a full line of Grocer -
res on hand.
Beans primes per. bus $1.85
Cook's Snowdrift Flour $2.7
Snowdrift fi u cin 5 bag lots
Feed flout 1.50
;Bran per ton 12.00
Shorts per ton .;24.00
Wheat per bus. 83cts.
Barley per bus 55cts.
..oats per bus, ' slots.
your Patronage,
tri you our
F. W. Hess
R, Hess
$2.50 T4URICH
' Yon are tiorciia.11y invitod t. our Fall Opening of Footwear. ‘1.76 a
ready with. oti0 of the best new fallstocks of all the latest untl be.
quality Canadi in and American.Footwear. We aim. to kei p the nam
we havo Made for ourselves: "The Home of Good Shoes"
We have a frtli. stock of the very Best Rubbers on 'the ina.rket,
Cali and sec them..
Men7's and Women's ' . 7
e. �. i s e�,�� � �1)oe�
Just the thing oat! wet wrat1ien Call and see, We have just
ceive'l a Shipinezat of: B vye+'iend Gives S0110o1 shoes.
Butter,:l ggs bud Dutch Setts taken in exchange for .shoes
Horne of Good Shoes
les s ,at Is Right. . 4~. bul
jnst what you want at the right ori
it is easily Lc understand. We buy, right; hal; zs
we can sell right. We have a large . and well ,..,assort
General Stock tochoose from of all seasonable Goods
Produce. taken in exchange Lor goods.'