HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-12-19, Page 6to All • • • We are in lino with a fine showing of Holiday Goods for your inspection You will want some suit- able gift for father or motheri , sistq, broth- er, or friend., if so we would be pleased. to have you in and see our various 1i1105. For Ladies and Children - Furs, Sweater coats, Aviation oaps, Scarfs, Gloves lace collars, handkerchiefs, pure etc. For Men and Boys Suits, sweater coats, hats, caps, gloves, mitts, a fine lot of ties, in 'fancy boxos, braces, scarfs, armlets, etc. eto. China Ware It is worth your while to Wale and see . our large stook of China Ware. ot all the different dinner setts, 4 piece table setts, sugar and creams, fancy cape plates, bread plates vases, jardineres etc. Toys! Toys! A Complete line of Toys for the Children. Groceries Cand Nuts New raisens, currents peals, figs, dates. prunes, oranberries,•oranges, all the different cand- ies, chocolates, °reams, bon bons, etc, New Walnuts, Almonds, Filberts, Pea -nuts, Brazils. Fresh Groceries always kept on liand All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange PHONE 17 RUBY de GASCHO WE ARE NOW MAKING STORM DOORS AND WINDOWS If you require any, send in your orders, we can make them At Once. Get our combination Doors, they will keep you warm in Winter and coo R in Summer. ALL KINDS OF SAW LOGS WANTED. C 77 it r'BFLEISC 1!../.. PHONE 19 Still Doin Busine. TheC' We ihave been el the et Massey Flarri We handle evoi Seeding Impleme ers, all kinds of Disc Harrows, Harvesters, etc. Harvestin Binders, 11,1Cyt,,, Lon ' Mats$ Cream All kinds of engines. See • fore you buy. • gies, Carriages. Square rt1,- = = ZURICH It Mand I Agents kr lements a that are spread,- cied ors, Bean rnents ces, Hay \ is ors . Gasoline Iters be - 1•3. Bug - Motto Fanning Mill Sieves 1 am agent for the Clinton faun. ing mill sieves, and farmers re. quiriug any, can procure them at my farm, South of Zurich John Hey jr, Come and get your new Suit At Zurich's Leading Tailor Shop the only Place, where the Newest is always shown first and satisfaction guar =teed. Caundry in. Connection H. HO:TITAN zumn amous Gray111..otor G 1* and 1* Horse Power 14 41 4 6 8 11 11 ; • 12 ie Sold by F. HESS & SON •• En - . 00 00 00 . 00 85. 00 5. 00 °outs, Zurich's. Popular Cerifed* ionery fresh oysters weeKly, salted ..pbanuts, oranges, cranberries, grape fruit, spalaish onions, groceries, tobacco, cigars, postcards and auto POIllarilts, fresh bread constantly kept on hand. Give us a call. W. 0. Wagner. MEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY The Men's Missionary S000y the Lutheran Church continues grow. At itsmeeting on Tuesday ening, Dec. 9th., three more men s ned the constitution and became r ular members. The executive, col mittee composed of Messrs" A. He T. Wurm, R. Stade, J. Fuss.andOsa IClopp are putting forth every effo to have the membership roll tea the one hundred mark early in 191 What a great power for good o hundred active men, engaged.insu Christian efforts as the society ,has s for its iaeals, will be for the inor and spiritual uplift of this parish- an community! Why not unite your i fluence with their's and help worthy cause along? Al the above named meeting; in h lecture on Doctrines, the Rev. M Miller set forth in a most instructs manner the leading beliefs anion men. He called attention to the in teresting fact that mankind, as a re suit of the dictates of conscience an by the study of nature itself, ma know that there is an .Almighty Orem tor, God, but that this natural relig ion isnot sufficient to know God in saving way. To know him in, a sav ing way a, more definite revelation o Him was necessary and this saying r velations the Almighty made know in what we now call the Bible, book written by the inspiration of Go through holy men, the prophet, evan gelists and apostles.. It was particularly attractive. noticeiiith what apparent ease au clearness the three leading proofs fo the infallibility, divine inspiratibriTo the Holy Scritures were set forth. To show that God himself had inspired the sacred books we need only notice that the prophesies therin were being fulfrlIed, that miracles had . been wrought by the prophets, evangelist and apostles, and that finally (as Christ -had said, John 7, 17) If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether ib be of God.". All men are cordially invited to at- tend these addresses and may at the close of the lecture ask the pastor any question on History, Doctrine or Mis- sions that he may desire. This Privi- lege affords everyone an opportunity In receive information on what he may deem of particular interest and will in addition prove benenficial to the entire society. of to ev- ig- eg- Ss, ar rt ch 4. ne cla et al a D- a r. d y a f n s cl 0 d HABERER-RADER A very pretty wedding ceremony took place at the Lutheran church, the Rev. W. 0 IVIillev pastor, at Ves- pers on Tueseay, Dec. 16tb., when Mr. Ernest W. Rader of Dashwood was united in holy wedlock to his winsome bride, Miss 1\4argovetha 8. Haberer of this village. At the appointed hour the bridal party arrived at the church while 1,I4e sweet voiced bells of St. Peter's were pealing out the happy announce le, iti of their marriage •,, nterested villagers and mnty folk. The briae 'resee(1 and carrying a ,t pink and ravencler ieted by the grooms- Haberer, and the ,t,a,nied by his sister Miss eatly d ressed in, pale " earrying nbeantitel ce .11•.nvers, entered, the elsoleg of the merry ve .7.1118)11Z•nV a \tfl Ipeddti ,the en, jI with etat ' Yet del- 8' th a • • , • ngrai• •I)•a • ceeeino surroit hands, lovely carnal] Inc 4) gro iii Alin ' blue • r bone ohm, pe.; str i • bri gn le, )1 liENSALL OATMEAL MILL, Feed Oatmeal feed price$ 12.00 14.00 anc115.00 per ton, offered for sale for a week. D. URQUHART COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, 8z Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal A11 Sizes ALF. SCRUTON Hensall. 10•11211015.111•1=11•11=010... sumptuous wedding slipper at the re- sidence of the brides father Mr. Jacob Haberer. After an extended trip to Cincinn- ati, Ohio, and other cities of the South Mr. and Mrs. Rader will be at • home for their many friends at the new home near Dashwood, Ont. LUTHERAN CHURCH Last weeks issue contained a number of serious mistakes in dates of meeting, which we hope will not occur again, the following is correct The Sunday services will be at the usual hours, German 10.80 a. m. Sunday school 2.00 p. in., English 7.00 p. m. The 8,8. officers and teachers meet on Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock. • The Men's Missionary Society meetdweekly at!Erp. inZon;Tuesdays. The Young's Peoples, Society meets at 8 p. ni., Fridays. • The Ladies'Aicl Societyinmeets at 31p, m., the first Tuesday of each namith. • A cordial invitation is herewith ex- tended to all,gnot7worsbiping°, else- where, to worship with us and take an:active part in theIvork of the var- ious societies. The immigration of Japanese into Canada is increasing and the feature of the increase is the number of Jap- anese women who &resettling in Can- ada. During the first six months of the present fiscal year 571 Japanese entered Canada, including 235 males 289 females and. 47 children. We look for some practical out come from the report presented tothe- Co. Council by the Engineer who covered the proposed route of a radial Electric roadin Huron Co. Tho County is in good shape financially and it is time a forward stride was made if we expect to keep old Huron in the van of progress along with other of the enterprising Countiesof Ontario. The fact tnat we are a bor- der County is one reason for a more than usual "getup" in public nieve- ments for the general welfare. There may be a few Couties just as good as this, but there are none better either for people or lands and• the proof is not far to seek. -Brussels Post. This Toronto has the distill - tion of having the highest cattle mar, ket on the north American continent - The effect is now being fell of the en ormous shipments of Ontario cattle to Buffalo immediately following the re. moyal of the duty. Good cattle sell this week at from 25cts. To $1 rpr hundredweight higher than a few weekkago, and are from 10 to 40 0.8. higher than the same Class nf •etWe in Buffalo, Rongh bul well- • yoly class of cattle this We tharo cheaper here than acror hp I i -,1 few cars of these are s one to Buffalo this .w, re looking for.still 114411 • le New Year, and s ,r e•ching a, 'beef fain int, - • ,ble for th,e simple Yr 10 has been drained letric Reston . restores ' " • to its in 4404 ita1it34. Prdiiirrt, ; aiti.eSp •averted at 1•3, ,'•tet Not. 41W 141544, tfr,1171: arr sew' c••• • t, . ircssi i I ['l 41 •••.,=i I I ...we ",e, - ••&e, • MOM N .01 411, 1-111I II !I r 1.01,41.1 1W Pli '11 ../r2lPfrivsauiver d RI* yott ever considered ,`'PaintIng7_from _the standpoint,* 1 fence policy Tile,pretnium represented by the cost of painting Is In propotiloli. e importance of'the security afforded,'no higher than other Miura fact ft is considerably smaller, and soon becomis a miribs quantity. Wb y Fire Insurance-Tornadr$ Inattraace-Lightidajubda Theronly protect when that'whMar1In-Senour Pain ielti you wieh 10 *tett sppeeso %ON& . AA i 46142'.4*( uvh-nwe • /Atoms the utmost' protectichirieures-yont'll,pellilt beglanIn -eilthlts application. It wards tfis sun Owl of Old Sol, tbs.' ilp11 of Oldija'Ac-Prost:411 Mirages of Old Father nine. Prismits dr,1444,-checks &Atlantan. No sale. SUM' or -Mar az• rellahloinsuranci danId be offer IH MARTIN.8ENpUR-d0;-"Lifteled PitNiruks PLIPIC PAINT, HAFS1 PAINT - PUR ast e. 1-11-1RTLE1139 ZPM HURON'S_LARCEST COMBINATION TOR The Quoit STORE Great Reduction Sa for 30 Days I haxe decided to. reduce my stock and in order to I am making big cuts inprice, Space will allow me to tion only a few of the many bargains 1 am offering. Dress goods regular 60cts yd for 40cts Flannelette (all colors) 86" wide reg 12i for gets 11/4 Flannelette -blanket white gray reg $1.50 foi'1.25 '12/4 blankets white grey reg $1.85 for 1.50 All prints regular 124,- fon 10 All gingbams reg 12.1 for 10 Ladies all wool vest and drawers reg $1.00 for 75 2C CC CC 14 41 'anion (l Ladies & children 22 and drawers reg 85 for 50 " and drawers reg 60 for 40 21 and drawers reg 25 for 20 wool hose 50 for 40 25 for 20 CC cc Ladies fur ruffs and ruffs $8. for 5 t, t, tt $12. for 8. $14. for 10 winter coats this season's style C reg $15 for 11 60 rag 12.50 for 9.18 lbs seeded reel • -• for 25e; e _e Men's and boys' ready to wear and overcoats. Men's suits reg $15.00 for ee 12.50 for 10.00 for reg $7. reg 6. reg' 5 foi reg 4 foi Men's overcoats reg $10. fo ,.‘ 4. 4.4 tc Boys' suits reg tt. CC CC CC rr 11 reg $8. for Men's shirts and drawers reg 1. f CC. CC 11 90 f 22 60 50. f allpaper roll reg 251 reg 20 f reg 15. f reg. 121.3.'f Tapestry flour rugs reg 20. fo 10 pc toilet setts reg $2.75 for 10 pc " reg 5. for 20 lbsgran sugar $i. 6 lbs coffe Vt lb box s,21., hiscn it .22. 2 Cc 16 rr 21 Ct 11 C. it 2, • 11)041 brscnit fur A: bxs starch reg 10: for 7.50' choice Jay?, r POc• for 20cts Cash or Produ' Do not Fail to at t end. tit • Highest- iPrices paid for FP.:3' • 11...111.4 .144 .11•••••••=4....10,110 arm raplemon'o Let us know your handle everything Implements. Engine. Supplies Pullies, all sizes 0, Belting, leather or e sizes. Shaft b shafting. Pump 0 piping. •3uggies, Waggons, and Cutters. „ f you are hi need -of Mae neirs we can get them for , ive special attention to enartpent. LOUIS .; • ..7:7,,e•••:' • 1C 10 rges YIAN tario' .2